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  1. The Bond number should have been killed. Conan did a great job. Adrien Brody can disappear for another 10 years—read the room, dude, read the world. And take the gum out of your mouth when the category comes up— throwing that gum at his wife (who missed the catch) was almost as gross as his histrionics. Thank your people and save the rest for your therapist. I’ve seen Meg Ryan’s new face before, it’s sad. Not as sad as Dennis Quaid these days, though. I think she knew that ovation was for Billy.
  2. Over on Hulu, Antoni from Queer Eyes has a series called No Taste Like Home, rather like Finding Our Roots, but through recipes, food and travel to the home country. Anyway, there’s a James Marsden episode. Yeah, if you weren’t crushing before … LOL! ETA: Nat Geo channel running this ep on cable tonight at midnight, Central time.
  3. It’s a cultural thing. The husband already expressed guilt over moving to London, and away from his parents, who were depending on him. Not sure how long it’ll take the carpet hater to get her degree, but if the parents are still alive, he’s going back. IMO.
  4. James Marsden should submit this one forteEmmys.
  5. I loved Richard Kind’s reactions to Martin Short and then the show winning. Thought he’d burst.🤗
  6. Bravo, Jane Fonda. Hope this helps Martin Short in his Covid recovery. I loved Shogun, think it deserves all the awards. OMITB— the year Steve and Marty can’t make it. Still, yay.
  7. HH Remote Retreats--LOL, repackaged crazy town. Shades of Homestead Rescue 😂 Couple with two kids and shit for brains and a $900k budget move from one area of CO to another, more remote spot with 150" of snow in the winter. They're outdoors folks, but he travels a lot. She has concerns about keeping the kids safe out there--he, who wants acres--asked his kids if they wanted to share a bedroom (they're preteen girl and boy). WTF? House 1 has death trap driveway, septic and well. The second place has a stuffed mountain goat mounted on a two-story stone fireplace and I'm actively disliking these weirdos. Let's talk more about big fires in the area, says realtor. Moving on to house 3, closer to town (and schools, neighbors, food, etc.). Keep thinking Mr. Isolation isn't home a lot. Realtor is an idiot. Says wood-burning fireplace is primary heat source--it's a huge house with baseboard heating, dude. What are you talking about? Holy crap, they bought #1 for $815k and his dead mother would be glad. Hope they don't find the bones of the wife and kids buried in the snow. Wife liked price, says check back after a winter out there. Nope.
  8. Roquefort in Italy, not Gorgonzola? Yeah, he’s French. Living in Italy. By the by, Pienza, in Tuscany, is home of fresh perorino, which is seasonal and absolutely delicious with honey. Yes, we shlepped a shrink-wrapped kilo home in the old days, it’s that good. You can find it here in US sometimes under the name Toscano Fresca. But that didn’t fit their narrative. Like the end result wouldn’t fit most budgets. I watched because Italian villa, but I wouldn’t do it again—they bug in too many ways. More suited for Arkansas, imo, fixing up places for Walmart corporate employees. And family and friends from church.
  9. Three kids in a jungle without flushable toilets? I don’t think so.
  10. Most dogs I know prefer to cuddle with my humans (when not zooming), so should be fine. I heard that the house was in town—a rare case of cabin in the city.
  11. Billie Eilish not like Beyonce’s album?Yikes, maybe heartburn kicked in at the end there. Congrats to Queen B, Cynthia Erivo,Jonae, Bruno and Gaga’s Cher tribute. For a minute, I thought she was going for Stevie Nicks, but no blond hair.
  12. I think I’ll just delete the ep before watching and stay ahead in the game.
  13. The kitchen they got had exposed brick, interesting floor, I thought it had character. But I did see open-plan first floors that must have had an American buyer in mind.
  14. That was a fun episode—David in Paris! Over in champagne country, I liked all the places but was glad they chose #1—great kitchen!—in the city, perfect for part timers. They were a charming couple, no bs whining about incidentals, but then, being career military and a cancer survivor (we hope) showed. They didn’t make clear where the money came from, but it sounded like she was “taken care of “ by the military and I’d bet there’s an NDA. Heres hoping David filmed more than one episode in France!
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