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Everything posted by SnoGirl

  1. I wish these people would be curious about what's going on outside of their community.
  2. Is it awful that I want chaos and a massive Walker hoard?!? I miss seeing random Walkers in the background. Come on Walkers! Where you at??
  3. Loved Merida! Please tell me we get to see more of her family al speaking the Scottish brogue. The triplets have to be older because Merida is right??
  4. I'm addicted to crocheting and knitting. The amount of yarn I have is ridiculous. I'm great at following a pattern, but I want to get good enough to create my own. I wish there was a bigger knit/crochet fandom for TV shows and movie knits and crochet creations. When I see something, I wish I knew enough to recreate. Maybe someday. I make for my friends and their babies. Mainly blankets and hats but I also have created a beer koozie pattern which my friends can't get enough of.
  5. The stamps is just so ironic since Charlie Brown NEVER gets cards for his birthday/Valentine's day/Christmas etc. I love it!
  6. That's how I feel too! I'm desperately waiting for a medical show that is more like ER and less Grey's. I have high hopes and I'm telling everyone to watch the show too because I don't want it to be canceled due to low numbers.
  7. Ahhhh, finally things are going to Hell. So, this is about the time Shane tries to rescue Rick right?
  8. With all these villains, I sort of wish they would deviate from normal Batman lore and put Gordon in the suit as the orginal Batman. I know Gordon believes in the law and think he can get the job done, but part of me wishes this season would get hopeless enough that it's something Gordon could have considered. It would be a fun twist. I know there have been interviews that McKenzie said the show would end with Bruce in the suit but a girl could dream right? With the show rolling through so many villains with Bruce being so young, who's going to be left for him to fight?
  9. SnoGirl

    The Star Wars Saga

    I agree, and that's what I had expected the movies to be when they were first announced. I also don't think McGregor and What's-his-face had any chemistry, and it's a real shame because even though we all knew about the fall, it would have been amazing watching the relationship of Obi-Wan and Anakin just waiting for that shoe to drop.
  10. I wonder if he's going to give Carter cases. I hope he does. Does this mean we're going to have Carter off adventuring with Thompson? I hope not. We all need more Carter and Jarvis in our lives.
  11. Count in me as a person who loves Tobias. I want him to meet Carl and they can go off after Walkers together. I like Travis and Nick, and feel like Alicia could be a force to be reckoned with once she knows what's going on. She's smart, but she doesn't have all the facts yet.
  12. I liked it, but I feel like there have been so many missed opportunities for Walkers for the sake of keeping our main characters in the dark about the Walkers. Yes I am talking about Bouncy Castle Walker. Could you imagine Hardwick on the Talking Dead?!? You KNOW he would have incorporated it somehow. I feel like we're missing from point A to point B. How did they know to look for a bite? Isn't Madison worried about school consequences if the Walker take-over hadn't been successful? How is a counselor and teacher abandoning children left and right? I know it's the beginning but I expected the Walkers to be fast and quick. They're ambling right now and it frustrates me because I feel like the Walker takeover could have been prevented at this pace. I still cannot believe they weren't crazy packing. I remember the Y2K scares and my Mom had stocked up on canned food and water. Hell, even I keep extra water in the basement just in case.
  13. I think that shower curtain is from World Market. Distracting. Omg, the flashlight is like shining the light in the T-Rex's face.
  14. Still not packing the car. Or changing their clothes. And Madison just calmly watching her Son getting ready to take drugs. Start packing!
  15. Seriously. I want Tobias to live and show up on the Waking Dead. He's a teen and he definitely knows what's up. Him and Carl? Boss together. Why is the actress playing Madison playing her so enotionaless? I would be messed up taking down my boss.
  16. They didn't take ANY of the food. They're going to regret that. I can see Carl now shaking his head.
  17. We're seeing Bites but since Gloria last episode, we're not seeing Walkers. You'd think we'd see a couple. Like another in the school that got the Principal. You know that dead homeless person is going to turn and the kid is going to be damn near trampled getting out.
  18. Why aren't they packing up the car? Man, I've never been much of a Girl Scout when it comes to being prepared, but I would be freaking OUT if I were them.
  19. Tobias! Creeping like a Walker. That would not be Carol approved. If we don't see all these normals (the cop, the lady bitching at him, Gladys) as Walkers, I'm going to be disappointed.
  20. My friend just had a baby and named her Gladys, it's making a comeback. I can't believe they just left Matt. I love the difference between those in the know and those who aren't. I can totally see that happening. I wonder if we're going to see a Walker in the Bouncy Castle. What? A girl can dream right?
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