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Everything posted by LittleIggy

  1. Kids moving away from home is a normal thing not "LOSING MY SON!" Sheesh. I am so sick of little Ricky's whining. He's supposed to be a grown-ass man.
  2. RJ hardly ever visits anymore? WTF? He's a kid in a boarding school. Why don't you and Ridge go visit him?
  3. I remember the network miniseries about George Washington starring Barry Bostwick. The late Patty Duke played Martha. Bostwick towered over her as George did over Martha. She was short and plump like the historical Martha.
  4. Yes, Sasha can do so much better than Zzzende who, because he has a penis, gets a pass on willingly sexing up the "love of his life's" best friend/half-sister. Cause men can't help themselves, don't you know!
  5. Have Douglas on the show everyday so at least I won't have wasted an entire half hour. I thought I couldn't hate Katie more but I do. That secret was not hers to share. St. Maya and Nicole the Virgin deigned to "forgive" Sasha. Oh, how noble of them...not. If Christ himself said to them "She who is without sin, cast the first stone," those chicks would have started throwing rocks at Sasha like major league pitchers.
  6. They must have been picking those veggies like mother f*ckers because they got that harvest in fast. Seriously, who picked that Aryan prick Jason to be the leader? I'm still trying to figure out why they don't defrost some more doctors. Does Rebecca do architecturally themed hairstyles?
  7. Aw, no Ragosa! :-( Good to see Topher again. Glad the show is back.
  8. No kidding! I don't think the guy playing Zzzende, except for his abs, is particularly good looking either. The Little Richard hair doesn't help.
  9. That place was where tchotchkes go to die.
  10. Guess having a traffic cone guy (season 1 abductee) was more important than having another doctor.
  11. Seriously! Hypocrite. Neither Rick nor Ridge was working at that moment, but at least Ridge was parenting. Maya and Rick had their heads up Nicole's butt the entire time she was pregnant, but now that the wonder baby is born they seem uninterested in her. Who hands a week old baby off to a nanny? Narcissistic twits it would seem. Douglas for the win again. He really likes KKL! I could watch a whole episode of him.
  12. Beating the crap out of sweet Townsend, Sr. and killing his horses was way over bounds.
  13. That picture of DB in the red shirt makes him look like a cousin of Boyd Crowder's who cooks meth in a Harlan County Motel 6 bathroom.
  14. We're they bribing the health inspector to keep the restaurant open? The food storage was horrific. I'm surprised Gordon didn't find the wife's crack pipe in one of those drawers!
  15. Rick needs to sit Zzzende down and tell him he can't be a part of the family business since he isn't a "real Forrester." Just sit down and STFU, Little Ricky. I'm so sick of the Ay-vants telling Sasha to go back to Illinois. Nicole the Virgin must have forgotten that Maya told her to do the same, and she didn't like it. The half-naked Creeper standing there giving orders to his father with a big sneer on his face made my skin crawl. I wish Ridge could just fire the rapist. What Ridge and Caroline should do is get their own house, but that is too logical for a soap.
  16. I like Jamie Bell but not in this role. He looks stupid in that knit cap and has no charisma here. Of course, Abe is written as such an incompetent that I don't know if anyone could do anything with the role.
  17. Yowza! That's almost as big a make-over as Gilly got on Game of Thrones! :-)
  18. I still don't get why Peggy's sister got smashed and was blubbering to Peggy. Anybody? I like the guy playing Washington (hottie), but he's not tall enough. Washington was very tall for the times, and would have towered over almost everyone else. I do like them showing GW dancing because he did love to dance.
  19. Brian Cox is always freaking awesome. Good choice! Yeah, I was thinking "why can't that stupid witch conjure up a spring of water? Bloody useless!"
  20. I love Sam! His father is such a dick although his mother and sister are lovely. Gilly cleaned up really nicely! From clean to filthy, yeah, the High Bird Turd looked particularly dirty. I so want him to get his. And, yes, surely Margaery is playing a long con. She has always been too savvy to fall for a religious fanatic.
  21. The only positive from Monday's episode was, once again, Douglas.
  22. Yeah, you would think St. Maya would want to spend every waking minute with her "miracle baby." Nah, her sister's love life is more important. Finally, the truth was spoken about Zzzende's behavior. Unfortunately, it was Sasha who said it so the St. Avant sisters will let it roll off their backs. Crap. I was hoping Thomas would be gone for awhile. He knows he can't be fired for insubordination because he has such juicy blackmail material.
  23. I'm fed up with episodes in which people do nothing but bide their time until extraction day. That's all Clarence did after his partner tapped out. Even before then, neither of them seemed to be doing anything but laying around.
  24. I'm not outdoorsey one tiny bit, but I wondered why Jose didn't try to make a dugout canoe too.
  25. From Wikipedia: "During the American Revolutionary War the Continental Congress appointed one or more thanksgiving days each year, each time recommending to the executives of the various states the observance of these days in their states. The First National Proclamation of Thanksgiving was given by the Continental Congress in 1777 from its temporary location in York, Pennsylvania, while the British occupied the national capital at Philadelphia." The November Thanksgiving we celebrate became a federal holiday in 1863.
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