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Everything posted by LittleIggy

  1. Hey, Katie, maybe if you lock your front door people won’t be able to barge into your house!
  2. Thank you. They do the same thing on “Inside Edition.” It drives me nuts.
  3. I wish there was a Dr. Jeff where I live. Aemon, my blind kitten, had a grand mal seizure today. It was so scary. I’ll take him to the vet next week, but I can’t afford a slew of diagnostics to figure out what is wrong. :-( John Doe sure was a sweetie. Knew he would get a home quickly.
  4. Partially Open Door’s sibling, Unlocked Front Door, did good work today.
  5. They’ll need to get the Father back where he belongs.
  6. No joke! I’m sick of the Noah peril shit.
  7. Thank you! I was going to post the exact same thing. Everything stops when those effing so-called Klingons come on the screen. They could bore the universe into submission. I still don’t like Michael. She comes off as humorless and self-righteous. Lorca, on the other hand, rocks. Jason Isaacs is the man! I felt sorry for the alien rhino thing. They better not kill it. How tall is Doug Jones anyway?
  8. I didn’t get the rings. Is it such a chore to take off your rings if you work around machinery, etc.?
  9. Even I, not a dancer by any stretch of the imagination, noticed when Kayla fell out of her signature move in that final routine. Maybe the Ladybirds’ reputation gave them the added umph in the judges’ minds that pushed them over the top. Next basketball season will need a distraction like the Ladybirds after the Pitino scandal!
  10. Thanks! He’s a sweetie and gets around just great. I thought spay/neuter was an adoption requirement for all animal rescue groups. The place I got my kitties doesn’t adopt the cats out until they are fixed.
  11. OMG, I cried when that poor Westie got on that soft, clean bed. So glad she was adopted. I hate puppy mill owners with the heat of a 1000 suns. They should be put in wire cages to sit in their own filth. They don’t deserve mercy, not in this world. The poor dog with the breast tumor. Eleven isn’t on the brink of death for a small dog. I had an Italian Greyhound that lived to 17. And, like last week, not spayed.
  12. I knew there was something off with Seth when he couldn't call up any memories of his foster homes. This show is awesome. Very creepy (especially the Russian wing of the HS!).
  13. Puffy just can't stand it that now when she says "Jump!" Liam doesn't ask "How high?" I love it! BTW, I was watching a Chinese historical drama (addicted to them) last night. The Partially Opened Door's Chinese cousin, the Partially Opened Screen, made an appearance. Soap tropes are universal!
  14. Someone needs to tell Mateo that pretty is fleeting but dumb is forever. Why would someone with half a working brain cell risk a good, reputable job to accept a sketchy offer from a creepy stranger who lives in a cheap motel? If Stuffy is the "most beautiful woman" in LA, then I get stopped multiple times a day by people who tell me I'm a dead ringer for Charlize Theron.
  15. I recently adopted a blind kitten (4 cats now!). His rescuer found him by the side of the road. I named him Maester Aemon Targaryen after the character in GOT who was blind.
  16. Please get Sheila off my screen with the Sleazy Sex Sax couple next.
  17. And the moral of the story is ANSWER YOUR MOM'S CALL! IT WON'T KILL YOU. ;-)
  18. It was sad seeing Branson's island since it was flattened. I like him. Much better than the cowboy shirt guy. Don't throw water on me, but I missed Mr. Wonderful. ::ducks::
  19. That puppy was adorable but I wanted to shake that woman for having unaltered animals with ready access to each other.
  20. Maybe she used the life insurance money to buy the android. In any case, she won't need to buy a vibrator. ;-) Keeping him in the attic probably hinders her ability to move on to another permanent relationship.
  21. Wonder if people who opted out of the implant, like the woman, had negative consequences from the government since the implants were shown to be used at security checks.
  22. I thought the exact same thing. Jules gave Margot a look that said "Don't you know you are not supposed to eat the food when you are in another realm of existence!"
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