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Everything posted by LittleIggy

  1. A “beautiful young mother”? Thank goodness she wasn’t ugly! ::eye roll::
  2. Justin has his head so far up Bill’s ass that he could check for polyps while he’s in there!
  3. Hopper had a daughter who died, right? That makes his relationship with El so natural.
  4. I kept yelling at the screen “Do a DNA test!”
  5. Why bring it up now? GHW Bush is in his 90s.
  6. JMW must already be on the PSFJr. list. And that should be Hollywood Former A-Listers.
  7. I think Dr. Jeff B. noted that Hook was getting overfed. Wild possums have a lean and hungry look because they scramble for their victuals! Poor little Aemon had another seizure Tuesday night. ?
  8. Why isn’t Jason from FNS a judge on one of these baking shows? Jon Henson has such a cute smile!
  9. Lorca through his girlfriend under the bus! Least he got laid first. ;-)
  10. Same here. I quit watching Y&R because of “Victor never loses.” I don’t like Bill getting away with this crime.
  11. I petted a possum named Ophelia at a nature center in Memphis a few years ago. She was so soft and sweet. Hook reminded me of my big flame Siamese Baelish who always has a worried look on his face. I cried along with Hook’s mom. She loved him but did what was best for him.
  12. The vet doesn’t know what caused Aemon’s seizure. His blood work was normal. Just need to monitor him.
  13. Couldn’t they have just bound and gagged Father and left him in the shed until he starved. That grossed me out more than him eating Memory Mother. I was like “Not the ?!”
  14. Is Liam so stupid he would have only one hard copy of the recording AND store it in the office. Dios mio, man!
  15. What is the deal with whom the cannibals eat? The father ate Margot’s “mother” (conjured from her memories).
  16. Oh, shut up, Katie, and keep your door locked. You aren’t the most stable person in the world. I’m not excusing what Quinn did, but seriously?
  17. Ioan did a great job playing a truly evil person.
  18. Why would Katie cheat on an awesome husband like that?
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