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Everything posted by LittleIggy

  1. I liked the fountain because it was bizarre! ? The husband could stand going up and down stairs. Shame on you, doctor, for being so out of shape! I did like him better than her though.
  2. I loved when Jason said that splashed mint julep sauce looked like someone had been sick. I had the same exact thought! ?
  3. I stayed at the Hampton Inn in Owego to and from grad school in VT and wished I had had time to explore the town. It would be great to stay at their B&B someday!
  4. I would love to see an update on that Owego Victorian. It has such potential as a B&B (or a money pit).
  5. Her hideous hair color (and frumpy hairstyle) matched her personality. Every time she opened her mouth, I muttered “bitch.”
  6. Thanks. I figured it was an unpaid position, but at least it keeps her in the game, so to speak.
  7. At the end of that episode, the wife mentioned getting some kind of position at the hospital. I thought she said “observer,” but that doesn’t sound right.
  8. Wow, that was intense. I can usually take all kinds of gore, but Goodsir cutting his wrist was too much for me. I guess the poison got to Tuunbaq, too. I didn’t know that he had a person’s face until he died. What was with the guy hooking the watch chains into his face? There were reported sightings of Crozier by natives as late as 1858 so I was hoping he would survive. The actress playing Silence/Silna was beautiful.
  9. I’m pretty sure there will be no wedding. What, of many things, that is so aggravating to me is that the Hope/Liam relationship began as a true romance whereas the Steffy/Liam relationship began with Steffy imprinting on Liam like a baby duck after he revived her. Then she began stalking him and using Bill to help her break Hope and Liam up. That forever taints their relationship for me.
  10. I have zero empathy for Delores this season. Her storyline is so one note and boring. Poor Teddy. ”I’m from Hong Kong, you asshole!” ? Since I like Samurai movies, I liked this episode. Maeve’s new powers are cool. I thought Sakura’s back had been carved not tattooed, but there would have been a lot of blood in that case, so I guess it wasn’t.
  11. I couldn’t believe those little houses were going for almost a half million bucks!
  12. That was so sad. Two generations of a family wiped out over custody issues. BTW, I don’t believe in ghosts, but I wouldn’t buy a house three people were murdered in. ? Give me Keith Morrison or Josh Mankiewicz anytime!
  13. I watched an episode On Demand in which a family moved from Pittsburgh to Thailand. The father worked in Afghanistan and saw his family only every 3 or 4 months so they wanted to be closer to him to have more time together. The wife annoyed me because she wouldn’t compromise with her husband. If she didn’t want TV, AC, and internet, unplug while he is back in fun ‘Stan earning a living. I get that she and the two young kids would be living there more than him, but give the poor guy a break. She said he didn’t have those things where he was working.
  14. Tulum: I can’t stand hot weather, but if I could, I would have picked the beach front property. I loved the shutters opening into the living room from the bedroom. Paint and reupholstering would take care of the rest. I’m sorry her husband died, but I found Carmen annoying. How did she suddenly get a job as a yoga instructor? She said “ I signed up to be a yoga instructor.”
  15. The second house (the one she...I mean they picked) had a staircase without a bannister. JJ was ducking in both the latter two houses.
  16. Re: Brooklyn to Granada, if I had downed a shot ever time Alajandra said “Spanish Charm,” I would have passed out! ? Good thing she found a job to pay for that Spanish charm. Granted, the place was cool, but there was no tub for the little girl and it had those dangerous stairs. That view from No. 3’s kitchen was to die for. Does anyone know how long a Fulbright grant like JJ’s lasts?
  17. I’m glad Hal Linden’s character wasn’t the rapist. Max visiting Maddie with her favorite flowers was sweet.
  18. And I’m so sure they’ll be building that guest house! ?
  19. I’m not surprised the couple from London chose the money pit. Mattais (sp?) probably lets her walk all over him. Wonder where they are staying while the place is gutted and renovated? I adored the Craftsman house. It was gorgeous and even had an adorable guest house to rent out.
  20. I too wish this show had been renewed. It had flaws but potential. I downright cried during the graveyard scene. I hope all those young actors go on to have really bright futures. ?
  21. It has to be done in a very controlled way from what I’ve read. Here is what I found about cooked meat: “Cooked steak that has been sitting out for longer than 2 hours (or 1 hour above 90° F) should be discarded. The reason is that bacteria grow rapidly when cooked meat is kept at temperatures between 40° F and 140° F. To prevent foodborne illness, try to refrigerate the cooked steak as soon as you can.” So that guy is full of ?.
  22. I kept wondering why the three women didn’t try spearing the catfish after they couldn’t catch them with their hands. Glad they finally caught some. I’m worried about the woman with the severe sunburn. She must feel horrible.
  23. Yes! OMG, can Natalie go with Gabby to Puerto Rico?
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