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Everything posted by seasick

  1. It is a consolation so thanks for sharing that. I tend to get the basics when it comes to buying technology. Don't know if a $1,200 phone would help but no can do! I'll slog along on my laptop when necessary.
  2. seasick

    S14.E04: Overwhelmed

    I enjoyed watching Jennifer teach the girls but what the hell with her critique? " the camera is going to love Amanda, so impressed with Kat for her distinct sexy look, there's just something about Lily she's so likeable, and I want to give all the hugs to Gina Marie. I want to get into Meredith's head because she's so talented!" Maybe a critique about their DANCING was edited out but it seems this season is going to be all sweetness and Light and I'm not liking it! Even Kelli seems to be softer and sweeter. I'm hating it. I know you can see right away who might have Style who might pick up choreo quickly but it's the end of week 1. What happened to" somebody who's at the bottom could shoot right up to the top" or " take home girls" when they are ready to push a top 36 in 4 days. It's got to be crazy for the other girls to watch someone who can't pick up choreo stay for 8 weeks. And then the pathetic Blind Side for Lily who was never called into the office for a critique and she was actually cut before Melina. If they're going to be continually bogus about the importance of dancing at least make the show a little more dramatic. I know it's mean to be mean but at least the show had some teeth before this.
  3. Thank you Ecm1231 for responding. Gave that a try as you suggested but it's a no-go. I think the phone is the problem. I guess I'll have to go back to using my laptop if I want a quote. This is the first time using my phone for the site. So convenient! Hate using the laptop now. But I have tried to highlight using the phone and it just won't do it. Will only highlight one word at a time the words behind it switch off. Thanks again.
  4. Hey guys I still can't figure out how to pull a quote. Someone was kind enough to give me the instructions but it's not working or I'm doing something wrong. Is it possible that I cannot do it on my phone? I touch the the beginning of the sentience I want to quote. A little box comes up that says quote selection. I've tried hitting the end of the sentence assuming that will give me the entire sentence. all I get is the one word I highlighted in quote selection. So frustrating because there's so much I want to respond but not the entire post. Let me know if there's instructions or just help me out here! Thanks!
  5. seasick

    S14.E04: Overwhelmed

    It appears to me that each round is judged separately. So Victoria falling out of her turn in prelims is probably water under the bridge as long as she makes it to the next round. I do agree that she looks great this year. I thought she looked stunning in that pink outfit . I never heard her called out for memory mistakes last year but I would guess she's learned most of these dances already from last year. So the girls who were in TC last year do have an advantage. I'm not surprised Victoria was at the top of the scoring. Who in their right mind is going raise their hand for a no or a maybe? But I certainly believe she belongs in training camp. I was a little surprised to hear that they continue with the Yes No Maybe format for judging in the later rounds. That's so simplistic. Often it seems the maybes have to do with minor non dance issues. And with 50 girls to judge for finals it seems that they would have a lot of duplicate scores if you can even call it a "score". I did however enjoy seeing the rankings however flawed their system is. I think it gives K&J a lot of latitude and perhaps that's the point. That said I don't believe Kat belongs in training camp at all! I believe she's a " producers pick" ... someone that CMT thought would be good to have on the show. Her solo was pathetic but the cameras are all over her. I remember the years where the rankings were sort of used is weapons. The one year they brought all the vets in to show them where they stood on the board and had several of them in tears telling them that that's could definitely be cut this year if they don't step it up. Then there was the ranking by how they were seated in the pre-camp orientation. I thought that was pretty mean but I have to admit that I liked knowing how some of them ranked. I do think Kelly and Judy are taking a softer approach this year overall which I'm not sure I like. It could be part of a new regime for the show and also speaks to the lack of Kitty.. Kitty brought the drama but she lost me when she asked one of the tcc's if she was just a blond or a dumb blond. I think that was a few seasons ago but that was really over the top and misogynistic.
  6. I'm just curious about how often the girls dance during the game? Obviously they come out in the beginning and I'm guessing they do a routine at halftime. Then I've heard them say that they cheer on the touchdown decks I'm assuming when they get a touchdown. Do they do other routines while the game is going? Thanks to those who can clue me in on this.
  7. I respectfully disagree about Kat. I think she takes herself very seriously! This girl knows how to get herself in front of a camera and even said when she sort of messed up on the dance that she knows how to be an "Entertainer." CMT is eating it up. Sob story Cameo and all. I think it's very serious business to her.
  8. That's great. I just don't understand putting in all these spoilers when there are 3 EPISODES DEVOTED TO AUDITIONS. I know there's a whole group in the spoiler thread who doesn't care about the show and know every detail from the day it happens in real time. I just don't see the point of calling it making the team and dragging out audition episodes if they don't give a rat's ass who knows ahead of time.
  9. Yes a thousand times on this. They could stare blankly and drool, but if Kelly wants them for beauty or dance they're in.
  10. Was this in episode 1? I don't remember this. Are these the girls from Dance Group for this season?
  11. I haven't figured out how just to pull just a quote out but I'm responding to your statement that you don't think Matt is using Amber for sex because she likes it. I don't think the fact that Amber likes it should matter. Matt is not into Amber and he knows it. I'm sure he'll try to play pretend until the end of the show so as to not make any waves, but suggesting sex after he just dissed her in the worst way is just taking blatant advantage of what a fool she is for him , and putting it on display. What Deonna wore to bed is not surprising considering what she wore out to dinner!! Again with that Lumberjack look with that frumpy skirt. Girl turn on some sexy sometime! And I'm not really sure what Deonna's issue is but there are those kinds of men who will push and charm because they can't stand the fact that a woman's not in love with them so they push until they get it. Once it's locked down they move on. Not suggesting that Greg is doing that but it could definitely be a fear of hers. I myself have had those instincts with certain men and sure enough I was right. So if she's had that happen before she may be very gun-shy to give it up too easily.
  12. Totally agree but never really noticed it to that extent until you pointed it out. He is pretty close to brain-dead . But yet I realize that despite his numbnut he was clever enough to just agree with Amber and appease her by simply saying yeah he should communicate better. DUH. And Pepper buys It too. Pathetic.
  13. I saw Jamie's reaction as sort of a " final straw" recognition that Liz lives only in her own self-gratifying world, and everyone including her husband is just there to be a mirror so that Liz can see her reflection. True that Jamie could have expressed his needs by saying that he wanted to know about Liz's feelings during the wedding but I think he hit the wall of frustration with her constant self-absorption. Amber? He completely ignored you and ignored your texts and calls. That part was bad. On unfiltered Matt said he needed a break because Amber's personality can be very overwhelming. But yet when she said can we end this in a hug he actually suggested that he get laid. That was the worst. He has no mercy on how pathetic she is. Guess he figures I might as well use her while I'm here.
  14. I think VK is right on the edge she does look good but can't afford even 5 lb. She'll get that little belly flab back. Meredith is so glassy-eyed that it really makes me wonder. I'd really be surprised if she has the energy to show a lot of power in any sustained way. I considered the same thing! When I saw the girl that was behind her who was heavy and wearing granny panties I purposely rewound to see the rest of the group. They all looked like Melissa Rycroft's "favorites". I seriously wouldn't doubt that it was rigged that way.
  15. Who is Big Chard? Welcome to the forums Tvtubebaby
  16. Me too. Comes off as condescending to me. It's usually something that a parent says to a child, a coach or teacher might say to a student or maybe even one spouse to another because they feel as though they have an investment in their growth or accomplishments. I never get it when it said amongst equals. Maybe an unpopular opinion here but I think Lily has a nasty evil streak in her. I wouldn't let let her get behind me in the locker room. I saw her response last year when she got cut saying something to Kelli about how " it must be hard to break people's hearts". And she had a nasty ass look on her face during the returnees interview. I think she could be a real cut throat, not that that's not fun to watch. Wondering that since there's only six or so spots available if they're still going to bring the usual 20 + girls into training camp. I think it would be rather cruel. I do wonder if Kelly has some veterans in mind to cut because in her initial statement she said there was 30 returning vets and only 6 to maybe 10 spots available. Hmmm.
  17. I admit I fast forward a lot through Greg and Deanna's segments but I'm starting to like her sort of shrugging attitude toward the whole married thing for now and I actually think Greg's digging it. At least for now. I'm not sure what the whole every other month conversation really amounted to. Doubt if it was serious. I also have a problem with anybody being asked on national TV no matter what the circumstance what's their favorite sexual position. Mine is keeping the details of my sexual intimacy private. It's really doesn't Foster any true intimacy when you're blabbing it to the entire world. if Iris was was grossed out it was likely by the question and I'm with her and believe me I'm no virgin By comparison the other two couples jumped right in sexually. All that intimacy right off the bat can be kind of off-putting after a while. You could see that Matt was freaked out by Amber's throwing herself at him. And frankly I think Jamie has a little perv in him despite claims of boring Caucasian LOL sex yeah whatever that is. And it was a low blow to say it in front of the cameras. And Elizabeth knows that. She's a mess and I'm really surprised they picked her for this show.
  18. Could someone please let me know if Dayton is auditioning this year and if not what she's up to? I avoid the social media on this and spoilers but since I didn't see her on episode one and no mention of her so far I'm curious what she's doing if not auditioning. Thanks all!!
  19. So annoyed at the spoilers in the opening segment. Why bother with the best part of the damn show- the auditions and the anticipation of who will make it. Idiot editors. I don't follow social media on this but wondering why Dayton is not there. I hope they mention it somewhere down the line. I adore Marshall I think he's very sweet and funny and kind, but for god sakes can he make himself look any grungier and uglier?? Victoria definitely looks slimmer for auditions than she did last year but I do believe she gained over 10 lbs in 3 weeks last time. Her style of flailing around hasn't changed and you would think it would with classical training. I recall last year one of the judges pointing out that she was wild and all over the place.Charlotte said noooo I COMPLETELY disagree yet that was most of her notes other than weight. When you are able to gain that much weight that quickly despite all that cardio I'll be curious to see if she can maintain this year. the whole wedding segment?: so what was the point of wasting time on that? Oh okay . Not only will you become a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader but you'll get married and be able to "find" Bridesmaids. So yeah if you haven't made any close friends up to this point in your life it's a good place to search. We have a calendar for that purpose and the girls' names under their picture by their locker. I recall someone saying that about Cassie for her wedding that the calendar shoot is where she "found" her bridesmaids. It doesn't speak too well for any sense of Sisterhood there.
  20. Matt and Amber: with dr. Pepper counseling them it's no wonder that girls like Kate and Amber remain delusional. She's more gullible than they are. Or worse, she avoids confronting the truth in order to save the show for the eight weeks. Anyone who has completed toilet training knows that staying out without calling and checking in is rude inconsiderate and hurtful. No pity story is going to convince me you don't know better. There's no doubt in my mind. Matt hooked up with an old flame back at his bedroom at the Bro house he was formerly living in. He was looking pretty showered and fresh. Crawling home with a hangover at 9 a.m. would be bad enough but bopping in at 2 p.m.?? Yeah. No. And then she basically dismisses what should be Amber's hurt and outrage by implying that her abandonment issues is what makes Matt's actions so egregious and not the fact that he's an inconsiderate, self-centred douche and a complete wuss by anybody's standards or issues. Just as somebody else said he's doing the passive aggressive break up by treating her like crap until she breaks up with him. I'm sure he came home thinking " well that ought to do it". Nope not with clingy Amber and and the enabling dr. Pepper. His only out now is to quick get a job overseas. If dr. Pepper had any ethics she would have sat Amber down and asked her how are you possibly okay with this? Even if she doesn't want to tell her that Matt is a lost cause she could have at least had her take a hard look at her boundaries. She definitely needs it. What somebody else said up thread about him not introducing any family member at all-- when you think about not even a phone call to a parent-- it's pretty weird. I haven't looked at any spoiler threads or social media on this but I wouldn't be surprised if there was an old girlfriend hanging in that had no idea that he had gone on the show and got married. His backstory with his parents and the way he acts about it is just a little too strange. Yes speaking of the new therapist. Good question where is she? I've seen her only a few times in her dress with one sleeve reading awkwardly off of a script.
  21. I too was shocked that TT did not know about #metoo but... and correct me if I'm wrong--- wasn't there a veteran named Heather that couldn't answer one question during panel interviews this year (including what does FBI stand for) and yet she made it back?? I've seen the most ignorant and vapid candidates make it into TC. Yet they beat the hell out of the "50 yards" girl. They're pretty inconsistent and hypocritical. Sane thing with kicks. The young NJ "beee- YOU--ti-ful " girl didn't kick above her waist in try-out;s but-- no matter- And I can't help thinking about the vet who came to panel interviews wearing a dress with some cut-out's at the waist and was ripped apart and dumped--yet the calendar and the little "fashion show" in Mexico that year was approaching soft porn. Don't get me wrong I like the calendars but they need to make up their mind about being demure young women one min and sex-pots the next when it works for them. Wasn't the calendar shot at Bimini at the beach? Most of the featured/ covers had no back drop or looked like the ones with the fake drops they did at the studio. The girls looked good but the shots looked like catalog shots. Disappointed overall.
  22. This has bugged me for a long time. What is up with Judy always having to sit on that "this isn't your office-you're not my equal " stool? Now that they are in the new place I'm surprised they even have those cheesy stools there at all, but apparently they're a necessity for the statement Kelly needs to make. And Kelly's "office" looks like a total afterthought. No respect for her either- to be fair.
  23. That's quite a definitive statement. I am curious how you know that for sure. I don't think birth control pills are quite the same as a med used in treatment. It's only a guess but I could see birth control pills allowed on a show of a finite time limit like survivor or N&A..but not for an undefined time limit like this. My guess is also that meds for cholesterol or Blood pressure may not be permitted either, but I dont know for sure. At this point they may make certain concessions for the sake of the show. Esp. with returning contestants where their pool of participants is limited. I can only assume that all participants must be cleared by their own doctor as well as a production doc. And I'm sure they sign away alot of rights to hold production liable to just about anything, considering the tremendous risks of bear attacks, snake bites, etc.etc etc. People who face physical challenges often go above and beyond--even to extremes-- to defy what others may see as a limitation. I don't blame them! Apparently flare-ups are part of MS but are not predictable, and not life threatening per se. There is the tap-out option. This challenge is not for everyone..MS or not, so I don't see the correlation here. We all have different ideas about what it means to "live"
  24. That was Jerri Manthey in Australia! I remember so much about the early seasons..not so much lately. I thnk it was more interesting then!! But a crunchy flour tortilla would be a nice change of pace out here.
  25. I wouldn't put much past the production when I consider how they edit, telegraph tap-out's, and twist reality etc. But my guess is it's a matter of pride as in (Brad) "I haven't had anything to eat in a week" (except for the 2 pounds of trail mix I've been wolfing down and now I'm out of it... so...)"
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