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Everything posted by TattleTeeny

  1. Good for you; I wholeheartedly advise you not to start now!
  2. Oh my goodness, me too! I bet she was dilly-dallying on purpose, haha! Maybe even the zombies find him generally irritating.
  3. I didn't mean to imply we should sympathize; I don't think I said anything like that. But people evolve (or devolve) and change. Just because he was a bad dude doesn't mean he's not sorry now for being a bad dude regardless of whether he gets sympathy. I think he's for real is what I was saying. What a viewer does with that is up to that person. Personally, I can sympathize with almost anyone on this show with enough back story, but that doesn't mean I also don't think they probably deserve whatever retribution comes their way.
  4. Well, you know, mileage and all. I was interested in Carl -- always am. While I get finding this character or that boring, I feel confused by the chagrin that seems to pop up over "wasted" scenes. If there's a character on a show, that character is going to be shown sometimes. At the same time, isn't it easy enough to imagine that Heath is dead as an explanation for his absence? I personally would find a discussion of Heath to be not a waste exactly, but I don't find it compelling or need it spelled out (just like I didn't care about the Russian in the woods on The Sopranos. Sometimes people are just gone?). Who knows, maybe he'll pop back up later in one way or another.
  5. I just figure it was pretty cut and dried and not something I couldn't easily put together myself; she ran in willy-nilly and was apprehended in seconds. Not really anything to tell there.
  6. I also think Dwight is for real. He's been unsubtly disillusioned since the season started.
  7. I fear for the tiger. I don't care that it's just TV -- and not even an actual creature! -- but I'm gonna lose my shit something happens to it (yeah, I said "if." I am a damn fool). One more thing to add to the list of things on this show that have made me cry (the number-one spot is occupied by Herschel's demise). As far as locations go on this show, I think I'd want to live at Oceanside. I like a beach, though I'm not thrilled about that woodsiness because snakes--though maybe there aren't any anymore? Also, I'm vegan now but I always did like seafood and I suppose a post-apocalyptic existence would warrant a change in diet and ethics (though not to the degree of Terminus!). Sometimes I think about shows too much.
  8. Call me crazy but I liked it, and am fine with the season as a whole (I just want the story they want to tell me). But I also don't mind Negan, and I love the tiger and Carl (I'm also someone who just attempted to neatly eat an avocado at my desk so, maybe never trust anything I say or do). But even with such a tolerance, I absolutely hate the junkyard people and am dreading their return.
  9. Haha, no--I'm fine with her, but as to looking 30? Nah.
  10. Ugh, oh my god, all I have to say at this point is seriously, every damn thread with only one thing to say in every single post? Obsession is a funny thing. And creepy. Yet boring. Time for some good old-fashioned ignorin'.
  11. Hey! The prominent-eyed among us prefer to be compared to anime! (Not really; I've just heard it--usually from men I barely know--over and over and over. Better than the remarks I heard as a child though). I cannot claim the same. Though there's nothing off limits with my friends--but at least we actually know each other well enough to mock...with love! Then again, we've also been known to let ourselves into each others homes to "shop" for beer or wine, and sometimes even borrow pajamas and start lounging around.
  12. It would have amusing if this underwear business had taken place on the junk boat.
  13. We yell, "Milaniaaaaaaaaa!" all the time. No one here is named Milania--it generally means, "Hey, cat, get down from there!"
  14. And after a little while, Norman (and Norma too) could depend on Emma and Dylan to keep an eye on Norman too. Maybe she was able to loosen her grip and relax a little.
  15. Hahahhahahaaaa! Good point--one's playing a dangerous game and the other is being a bit too cautious.
  16. SERIOUSLY! You guys, I have had a whole slew of the same friends since I was a child, and a bunch my "new" friends are from 20 years ago, haha! Yes, I have lost a few here and there, and for good reason: they were bad friends, or at least a bad match to be my friend. Meanwhile, my sister has a new bestie every couple of years. WHY?
  17. I did notice that the bartender definitely greeted Norman as if he already knew him when Norman went in as himself to get the car.
  18. As a big fan of vintage maxis, I can't tell you how many times I've almost done it (and a few of those were going UP the stairs)! And I don't wear a whole lot of pointy heels that can "grab" hems either. I hope you did not get hurt too badly--yikes.
  19. Oh, I just meant that people misuse/mispronounce shit all over the place, even the English. They generally sound nicer doing though, haha!
  20. I'm sure there are plenty of people among the English who are just as confused about their native tongue as there are anywhere else. Seriously, Google docs--presumably created by people who know American English--just asked if I meant "alot."
  21. Every time they replay the flashing footage, I laugh at Lisa V's "OOOOOH!" when Erika says she has no spare for Kyle. Haha, Lisa sounded legitimately surprised and amused.
  22. While I agree that the apology ship has sailed, I think she wants one for the extensive belaboring of her faux pas, the barely veiled accusations that she did it deliberately, the mockery, and the gossip--all from someone who seems -- well, seemed as of last night -- to really want to be her friend.
  23. Just turned 46, and I do the same as needed--though I'll admit I typically wear tights with most of my super-short stuff (I'm really pale, and also a very lazy leg-shaver). I'll add that short and not tight is probably a worse risk for showing some business accidentally though. But is it really? While my BF is no old millionaire (or any kind of millionaire), and we're not actually married, I feel like it's no big deal if I say, "We have a PlayStation 4" (just ignore the fact that it is actually his [I know because I gave it to him] and that I want zero to do with it anyway).
  24. Probably tons. You'd never know if they neither confess this nor let anything show.
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