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Everything posted by Sharonana

  1. Once again.............too many singers!!! Geebuz! This is not The Voice or American Idol! Grrrr!!! Zurcaroh would be a great Vegas act! Hope they take the win!!!
  2. Why does Steve not allow Vicki to be herself? I feel like she is stifling part of her personality for the sake of a man/relationship/ring. Vicki is known as the whoop it up girl. Let her have fun and be her authentic self, even if she was a complete shit about Brooks and covering up the cancer. Just my two cents about their relationship. And if Shannon is getting 30K a month, why can't she find someone to fix her hair?!? Not liking the two new housewives. I can understand Tamra's feelings about Shannon not asking about Eddie. Shannon is all wrapped up in herself. I get it, but you still gotta be a friend to others.
  3. Ditto to all this! As someone mentioned before, I wish they had a different moderator for these reunions who could be fair and impartial. It's just one big shit show!
  4. I originally started using it for joint pain. The fact that it's good for skin, nails and hair is definitely a plus! :)
  5. I'm just now watching this and can't believe that Evan got sent home. Cole should have gone first. Ugh with this show! I'm so over all the contemporary stuff.
  6. @ryebread I wish someone would spill the tea. I want the truth. I don't care about all the things that people think happened. ;)
  7. To me it looks like he's looking at Dorinda. He doesn't look pissed to me, but whatevers. YMMV
  8. Lawd sweet Jesus I know that. I was just being silly. Sheesh!
  9. Yes! Sunscreen is a must! I live in AL where it's sunny about 9 months out of the year. I wear a ball cap and sunglasses too. And yes to serums like retinol and vitamin C.
  10. I'm close to Ramona's age. I don't have that many wrinkles except for my neck. Ugh! Biggest teller of age. I use Great Lakes Collagen powder in my tea every single day. I've used it for over 5 years. I think most skin care lines are the same except the price. I don't find the more expensive ones to work any better than the cheaper lines. I wouldn't mind getting a neck lift, but no botox or filler for me.
  11. Will Colton have his first orgasm in paradise just like Raven did? I can't believe she said that. *eye roll* The only positive thing I have to say about Leo is he has some purdy hair.
  12. I think Ramona looks great! IDK how old some of you are, but I'm 60 and wish my body looked half as good as hers. Sonja is in good shape too. Ramona's and Tinsley's hair are the only ones I liked. Tinsley should have worn Beth's dress and vice versa. Dorinda looked good in her dress. She's got great arms and shoulders. Just trying to add something positive to this shit show of a reunion. :P I need to go back and watch it again because I don't see Carole talking as much as others say she did. I did think the previews for next week were funny when she told Andy he was full of shit. LOL!
  13. THIS ^^^ a million billion trillion gozillion times!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Beth is a classic narcissist. I have a family member that fits this description to a T! They twist and turn your words and drive you so mad that you end up thinking you're the crazy one! It's so toxic that you just have to run away from the relationship.
  14. No one knows for sure if Carole quit or was fired. Unless we hear it directly from Carole's lips, it's all speculation.
  15. I'd rather the Human Fountains win than another singer! They need to audition on all the other 9,999 singing shows on TV. I would never pay to go see them.
  16. I wonder if Bethenny and Carole even know why they are fighting anymore. It seems to have gotten all muddy. And you are right! It takes two to tango.
  17. For me, these housewives shows are nothing but mindless entertainment. I don't take them that seriously. No one lives with these women or follows them around all day, so we can't really know some of the things that are being posted. All the conjecture, suppositions and speculations are really really weird. I am dismayed by the pile ons and mean comments. It's feeling really divisive in here. It's a shame that Carole and Bethenny can't find a way to repair the friendship they once had. Their feud has been allowed to drag on too long. It's no longer fun to watch. I like Carole but I'm glad she is moving on so that the negativity from their failing relationship can be put to rest. I hope all the women can move on from this.
  18. My my my! I declare...he is hawt!!!
  19. Just catching up on the reunion shows. Who styled Kathryn? Everything is way too much! Hair, jewelry, dress, boobage...way too much!!!
  20. Ditto to all this!!! I'm not seeing what others are seeing either. Some people are more reserved with their emotions. I don't equate it to being cold. I guess if one is not a blubbering idiot screaming at the top of their lungs, then they have no soul. What would it accomplish if Carole acted like Bethenny while trying to have a so called adult conversation? Bethenny just screams back at Carole when she doesn't like what is being said. She twists and turns words. I know someone just like that, and I refuse to try to have a conversation with said person. It's so fucking exasperating!!!
  21. I feel like I am watching a completely different show than some. WTH am I missing that many describe Carole as being smug, mean girl jealous? Why would she be jealous of Bethenny? Because she's not a screaming, hysterical shrew? Ok. What does Bethenny mean when she describes Carole as too cool? Aloof? Distant? I would be too. Bethenny is exhausting. Her behavior is dreadful. She sucks the life out of a room and anyone around her. Carole tried to have an adult conversation with Bethenny, but she steamrolls right over her. She starts screaming about court and lawyers. So exasperating!!! I, for one, am sad that Carole is leaving. I don't think it has anything to do with Adam and everything to do with Bethenny. And why isn't it plausible to think that she wants to return to being a writer/producer? We saw one little snippet about her missing a deadline. Does that define her entire work ethic? I don't think so but as always, YMMV.
  22. But aren't those shaped like a horseshoe and put around their neck? I've done a gozillion of those type of heart arrangements for funerals. They are actually a pain in the ass to make. ;) They are also big, bulky and heavy to deliver. Really not a big deal. Scott's "heart" was in the right place. :)
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