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Everything posted by Churchhoney

  1. Yeah, it doesn't seem to be getting much traction, thank goodness. Hopefully enough people have awoken from their trances to realize that stuff that doesn't seem to make any sense...uh...doesn't actually make any sense. He sure has been the master of the bullshit infomarketing ponzi scheme up to now, though, I must say. And the meaningless market speak remains epic. The subtitle of the crazy new website (not necessarily BG, although he's said to have told them to change from some other name to the current name): "The Freedom and Power in Christ to Obey and Overcome" WTF? And then his new -- hopefully and apparently failing-to-launch-much -- new ponzi scheme: "Life Purpose Power Teams" who are supposed to "Find and record a Rhema" every day and whose project is to have "each man and his family engaging in the 'war room' of prayer, praying for large numbers of neighbors and acquaintances with the goal that every person in the world will one day have someone praying for them." Is there something about impenetrable, nutso linguistic error, tangled-upness and opacity that makes people want to send money and get under some dark-haired corpse's protection umbrella? I can't figure out, at all, what's wrong with those who haven't awakened.
  2. And having the crust to call it "Discovering Grace." Un-fucking-believable for sure. Interesting questions being asked and points raised by site visitors. And here is old Bill on Facebook. Just like You-Know-Who, he's assembling his scattered pieces and trying to rise again. And, yeah, the Death Eaters and some of "The Ministry" are going along with it. Yeesh. https://www.facebook.com/official.BillGothard/ Bill Gothard October 27 at 10:17pm · Edited · On Sunday morning, August 23, 2015, I was given the opportunity to present to a church in Wisconsin the powerful truths which God graciously taught me during the past 18 months of day and night meditation. After the first hour of speaking there was a 5 minute break for those that wanted to leave. The pastor was amazed that no one left. The overflow crowd listened attentively for a second hour and then 60 leadership people stayed on for a third hour of questions and answers. Pastor Olsen has stated that in his 17 years of ministry at his church he has never seen such excitement about actually carrying out God's way of life. On Thursday evening, October 8, 2015, God brought together over 40 leaders representing 4 nations and 4 significant professions for a 3 day conference. The same material that was given at Pastor Olsen's church was presented to them. The first woman senator of a nation of 90 million people was at this conference with her husband. She reported that the prime minister of her nation had just sent her an urgent appeal to return and help them during a time of crisis. She stated, "The truths that I have just heard are exactly what my nation needs and must hear, and I am dedicated to make sure that this happens." The recently retired vice president of world sales in 147 nations for IBM stood and said, "I have never heard the truths that have been presented today. They have transformed my life. Every person in the world must hear these truths." A doctor with thousands of patients that come for treatment from America and many other nations declared, "All my patients must hear this information. It will resolve their stresses and produce lasting healing!" The senior pastor of a 6000 member church with a television ministry stated, "Every member of my church and ministry should hear this message and I intend to give it to them." The life-changing truths created a one-accord power and fellowship in the entire group. Every man was trained and equipped to share this seminar from his own experiences in accordance with 2 Timothy 2:2, "The things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also." There was such a joyful fellowship among every person in the group that an unexpected and spontaneous initiative spread among them to provide funds to make sure that this message reaches the world. One man wrote a check for $20,000! The next step is to bring in thousands of leaders and equip them to effectively communicate this "new seminar" to the world. Please pray for the Lord's guidance in this endeavor.
  3. Oh, boy! There's a new web site defending Bill Gothard! http://www.patheos.com/blogs/lovejoyfeminism/2015/11/bill-gothard-defenders-center-obedience.html I can't even.
  4. Yep, the Duggs have already blanket trained Derick. I think this generation will do that mainly with the in-laws. They're the ones they really want to get in line, in any case.
  5. Well, maybe. .... As far as I know, though, Flight Aware doesn't tell you the name of the pilot, as they strongly imply that it does here..... And if it doesn't, then there's never any real way to know whether a Duggar is flying one of their planes for Duggar activity or whether they're renting the plane out to somebody else. And I still think they probably do that, since why would they pass up the cash from possible rentals? There have got to be a bunch of airports closer to Rockford than Milwaukee (speaking of which -- Milwaukie!!!!) please. )
  6. Yeah, I agree. This is a whole family who has the notion that, if somebody's asleep, sexually fiddling with them is not really a big deal. And, of course, a family who has the notion that women have virtually no agency of any kind, ever, that "Daddy has their heart" and then frigging gives it to some jerk who's passed his multiple choice test. Those ideas among many others that we've heard the whole damn Duggar clan spout show that he's enmeshed in a milieu that doesn't have a single clue about sex, love, abuse, crime, sexual ethics or any of it. He's a clueless idiot among clueless idiots, which doesn't give me a lot of hope for his level of real understanding.
  7. And not only do they have no friends to talk to, they're urged, lifelong, not to read, watch movies or tv -- i.e., not do any of the things other than conversing that can provide you with people's stories, ideas about human behavior, and so on. So they really have no ability at all to fill their heads with perceptions and ideas to help them think anything through, analyze their options, envision possibilities. .... They're pretty much stripped of all the tools that help you cope. I was a kid who also had no friends, but I damned well made the most of all the reading, watching and listening I could to find out what the world was about. The Duggs have very little chance, if any, to do this. And then, Josh goes and proves the point that, when you're brainwashed not to consume any media, you'll go with that brainwashing in general -- thus forgoing so much you might learn and enjoy -- yet break from it when you're compelled by that strongest of motivations, the sex drive. Honestly, to me, their media prohibitions pretty much guarantee that at least the male Duggars will be very avid consumers of porn. ... I expect most of the girls won't, since I have a feeling they're too fearful of their anti-senses brainwashing and also too unimaginative to understand the possibilities. If any overcome that, though, I'm sure they'll like porn, too. One can only hope that somebody gets far enough away from the Duggar household and mindprison to expand from porn to other books and movies. As we've heard many times, religious conservatives generally, even beyond the Duggar nutball fringe, seem to be the nation's hungriest porn consumers. http://www.patheos.com/blogs/progressivesecularhumanist/2014/10/religious-conservatives-lead-the-nation-in-search-for-porn/
  8. To be fair on the James front, since Baby Moist Towelette is an infant, he probably is acting more like Jim Bob than anyone. If they really did like "Gabriel," it kind of surprises me, actually. I'd think they would think the nicknames sound too much like that awful thing "gay."
  9. Makes you wonder whether her family has waded only shallowly into these weeds, doesn't it? There are a lot of things about them that make them seem different and not very bought in to the whole package, their treatment of Marjorie being a huge example.
  10. I think someday there will be a horror movie series, Duggarized! It'll have a lot in common with The Living Dead.
  11. Also, if they name him after Jim Bob, there goes the theory that Jessa's been secretly acting rebellious all this time, seems to me.
  12. Just as long as she doesn't try to strongarm her brother into changing his name or the name he's routinely called. I've seen that done. "But it's the name we really wanted for our baby!" "But it was already my name!" Oyoyoy.
  13. Me, too. Although I suppose it has something to do with being a somewhat fearful person who also is very susceptible to being guilted into things. Plenty of people are like that, and if you're a manipulative sort I'm sure you can and will push them. And then in the developing world you're probably going to get some unfortunate folks who've bought into the idea that Westerners are more knowledgeable than they, so when a Westerner says something fervently and supposedly for their benefit, they may be too inclined to believe it. Unfortunately, I think you can probably be fairly intelligent and still have your intelligence overwhelmed by all these other emotional tendencies. Indeed.
  14. Wonder if the Dulls have got any type of contractor arrangement with S.O.S. (aka Faux-Missionaries Central) that serves as some sort of cover for the claim to be missionaries. Something like that did seem to be hinted at previously.
  15. I'm beginning to wonder whether it isn't just so much easier for People and the other mags to get copy and "scoops" related to reality-show celebs rather than I-do-something-to-earn-my-fame celebs that they're willing to run tons of the reality-show crap for whatever page views they bring, and the heck with any other considerations. Well, at least it's another serious activity aimed at helping people. Oh, wait ....
  16. I can never think about the cat incident without hearing in my head Joy?, I think?, screaming "Git eeem!! Git eeem!!" and then shrieking with hysterical laughter as if she thought that seeing that cat bashed would be the funniest thing she'd ever see in her life. Kind of spelled out to me that pretty much the entire family probably follow Jim Bob and Michelle down the road of having absolutely no empathy for anyone or anything. I'm sure that someone in that massive brood does have some empathy, by nature, and I wonder what that kid thinks about the incredible coldness I now think pretty much characterizes the whole damn family. Exactly. Kids do stuff like that, and you can talk about it. But what was this adult or near adult thinking? ... But then Duggars don't ever think, do they.
  17. I'm pretty sure this is one of the early Schrader Africa stories. It was about one conversion of a guy who, along with relatives, had already been converted by some other western missionaries to the "wrong" Christianity. Some of the relatives had since died, including the guy's mom, I think. As I recall, JS informed this poor man that he needed to convert to JS's brand or burn in hell and, apparently, added that his now dead relatives were frying in hell because they'd opted for the wrong church. There was some horrifying discussion of the poor man weeping for his eternally tortured loved ones. Can't see how it doesn't constitute pure evil to do that to a person. .... And yet I think that's not dissimilar from the way a lot of these churches get their converts, even in the U.S..
  18. Considering how apparently impossible it is for a Duggar kid to personally pick out for him or her self even a person of the approved gender, though,, that's not likely to be possible for many years. (And assuming that he wants to. My "gaydar" only works in person, when I can pick up the vibes people send out to others of various genders and gauge where their erotic attraction goes, so "seems a little effeminate" or whatever doesn't prove anything to me.). If we're lucky, the big central Duggar burial marker will have this engraved on it in very large letters by one of the younger children after some of the kids finally wake up.
  19. And maybe the worst thing about it is that a grown man probably does see these as his only two options.
  20. They're at the top of the pyramid scheme. That's what worries me about them when it comes to their milieu. Basically they're profiting from a ponzi scheme, and I fear for the poor would-be-holy schmucks also in these groups who look at them and perhaps believe that they can be provided for in the same way. Obviously, only a very few are going to rake in the goodies because there just aren't enough goodies to go around. But with the Duggars portraying themselves as an example of how God is good if you believe the right stuff, they're bound to lead some others astray. Mostly, I fear for the children of those others (like the Jill and David Rodriguez kids) because most of the suffering and struggling will be on them. ... Now that could also be what helps some of those kids make a break from this crazy patriarchal belief system (which no Duggarlings have done so far, in part, I believe, because they do have cash). But the fact is, the kids should never be faced with such an awful life and such hard decisions in the first place. TLC blandly acting as if the Duggar way can be kind of normal without tv cash and offerings from all the poor slobs lower in ponzi land really sickens me.
  21. This whole subculture is one where, if you read about it in a novel, you'd be sure that there was huge fictional exaggeration involved. And yet the facts are crazier than most novels could get away with because they're so absurd. And I'm sure most people don't even realize the subculture even exists, let alone how extensive it is.
  22. Meanwhile, Miss Marjorie J. is starting a new book. Looks like maybe an updated-for-teens version of C.S. Lewis's The Four Loves, kind of? https://marjoriejackson.wordpress.com/ That girl is so not Duggar material. And even though I do think that she was in it largely for the famewhoring, I'm still really happy that she got out (maybe sad for Josiah, depending on how into it he was, but happy for her). Maybe she was just childishly clueless about her famewhore feelings or something. At any rate, she does things -- and actual intellectual and artistic things at that -- and anybody who does things had better run far from the Duggars, since they don't permit it. All they permit in young people is grifting and paralysis. Truly a nightmare.
  23. Yeah, I completely agree. I hope that at least a couple of the younger kids will have a bit of gumption and brain in there that their parents failed to stamp out as tv fame and sheer numbers weakened some of their active indoctrination. Those might wake up at some point and realize they'd better shake off the nightmare. But I don't think anybody's observed evidence of that, and even if it's true it won't be true of most of them. The younger kids break my heart. I think of those photos of the Howlers at the air show a while ago and how completely innocent those boys looked, so much younger than their actual ages and most likely absolutely clueless that the Gothard-JimBob-thoughts they've been taught to spout have actually robbed them of any opportunity to live in a shiny, interesting world like that. Heartbreaking.
  24. It's Anna's sister. I think they've got 10 kids now, 2 born during their relatively short sojourn thus far in Zambia. World-class grifter as a father. .... Maybe Bin would like to try this. JS is definitely a role model for the grift that keeps on grifting set. . https://www.facebook.com/john.shrader.125 The Keller situation is interesting. Some married into these absolutely quintessentially patriarchal-system horror-story situations. While the rest seem to be living rather average lives on the outside of that world. Wonder how that happene.d
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