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Everything posted by MsJamieDornan

  1. As soon as Len tells me that Joe only practicing 4 hours a week like Master P was, then I will agree he should leave. But, maybe he just sucks at dancing and is scared shitless to be there. I'm not voting for him but someone is, sadly.
  2. No one is as bad as Master P. It wasn't just his dancing, it was his attitude. The judges were very honest and told us he didnt practice and they were pissed. He also refused to wear dance shoes. We havent heard that about Joe, so far ! So, I'm not ready to put him with Master P !
  3. She had no fan base, no one knew who she was. She's gone.
  4. 27 seasons and nothing is going to change.
  5. I miss her. But you have to give her credit for one time actually wearing a long piece of toilet paper as a dress..!
  6. Has anyone figured why Jeremy doesn't have be at his own church very often ?
  7. I don't think it's Jeremy or Ben because they havent been "kicked out or asked to leave" everything. Yet!
  8. Yes, that was my first thought. Let's hope not.
  9. Just a reminder, Crest White Strips are your friend !
  10. Jason Taylor is 6'6" and DeMarcus Ware is 6'4" For some reason I thought everyone needed to know ! lol
  11. And, if he wasn't a pro and just a contestant, they would rip him a new one about his feet. They always point out if a contestant has turned in feet and want them to correct it. Sometimes you just cant.
  12. Lawrence Taylor In the previous 26 seasons only 4 football players won.
  13. Sadly, I think we are stuck with them. As long as they can keep marrying off the kids and having grandchildren, TLC seems to think they need to be on the show, I disagree.
  14. I mentioned that earlier, I cant believe it's taking so long! You don't make money on it just sitting around. And, it might not be the easiest house to sell once its finished. Maybe they will all move in !!!!
  15. I'm fascinated with JBoob's purchase of that house. I wish we had all the details. Maybe he wont flip it and just move his family in it. It's much bigger that his own house.
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