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Everything posted by mynextmistake

  1. What is it? Is the point to throw the beanbags into the hole? We have a game like that people play here but it’s called a beanbag toss. I’ve never heard it called a cornhole.
  2. Like you said in your original post, though, they were probably safe enough in their walled, guarded compound. I also imagine that most homicides in El Salvador, like in most places, aren’t random slayings of strangers. ITA with you that it’s not like Derrick and Jill were walking around with targets on their backs.
  3. Really? This Wikipedia ranking uses fairly recent (2014 - 2015) U.N. data and it says that El Salvador does have the highest rate of homicide in the world, at 108 homicides per 100,000 people. Honduras is second, and Venezuela third. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_intentional_homicide_rate My church hands out Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets to needy families. No preaching, no sermons, no questions asked. Just show up on the day before Thanksgiving or Christmas and you can pick up a basket with fixings for a full meal. IMO that is the Christian way to do things, help others without strings attached.
  4. She looks adorbs, and totally not pregnant! Whoever commented on her skin earlier was right on target. It looks much clearer than it did before she married. I think whether 70° is hot is extremely contextual, LOL. Where I live now, it is considered a balmy summer day worthy of tank tops and shorts. When I lived in California, I would wear a coat when I went out at 70°. Maybe she is just getting used to the warmer Texas weather.
  5. If they have re-filed, I can’t find anything in the news about it. The most recent stories are about the judge dismissing the suit against in touch, and the two remaining defendants seeking to limit their liability as they were working as employees of the state.
  6. I see. So putting a public photo up on social media gives the entire world carte blanche to remark on your looks. What about Facebook profile pictures, which are always public? Is it okay for me to troll Facebook looking for profile pictures of ugly people so that I can tell them that they’re ugly? Where do we draw the line? Yes, we have. But if I had but world enough and time to go through this entire site, I am willing to bet I would find that nasty comments about the female Duggars’ looks would far exceed nasty comments about the male Duggars’ looks.
  7. Huh. Why? Do you do the same thing to pictures of friends and acquaintances? I would assume not, so why is it open season on Jill’s appearance? Isn’t there enough to criticize her about without having to resort to the unfair and shallow practice of taking cheap shots at her based solely on her looks? We rightly criticize the Duggars for disempowering their wives and daughters, but Isn’t judging them because we think they *look* dirty or sloppy or slutty or whatever disempowering them too? Isn’t it also suggesting that a woman’s worth is bound up in her face, her hair, or her body rather than her mind and her heart? I’m here for the snark, too, but I get so tired of the way we rip into women just because they don’t look the way we think they should. We don’t do that to men, at least not to the same degree; we usually afford them the privilege of being snarked on for their behavior or opinions rather than their looks. We criticize Derrick for being a bigoted grifter and Jill for having dirty hair. We criticize Ben for his extreme religious beliefs and Jessa for wearing makeup and tight shirts in her pregnancy selfies. We criticize Jeremy for being egotistical and Jinger for straightening her hair, for God’s sake. I’m not innocent; i’m sure i’ve done it too. But it’s unfair, it’s insidious, and it’s not good for women — Duggar or otherwise.
  8. I shower daily because a) I have limp oily dark blonde hair (thanks Dad) which looks awful if it is not washed every day and b) I am a nurse and there’s no way i’m going to bed with hospital germs all over me. That said, people have a range of comfort levels surrounding personal cleanliness and I don’t think showering every other day or even every third day makes someone a bad or lazy person. Frankly, outside certain limited situations (such as having a very dirty job) not taking a daily shower is not even a significant hygiene issue. Jill may not shower daily because that’s not what she grew up with or because it makes her skin too dry or because it just isn’t a priority for her. So what? She doesn’t owe any of us clean hair.
  9. That seems like it was written based on reading Twitter, US magazine, and these boards. Jana, Jill and Jessa are worth a million each? Says who? They’re going to win money from their lawsuit? From Bob and Bill, the records clerks who are the only remaining defendants? This story doesn’t even know that the case against In Touch has been dismissed. ???
  10. Having sex does nothing for your skin. I think Jinger is probably eating a healthier diet and taking better care of her skin now that she’s allowed to buy real skin-care products instead of having to use the communal tub of whatever off-brand “cleanser” they had at the TTH.
  11. Eh. Most diaper rash creams contain zinc oxide and a bunch of inert ingredients. They are minimally toxic if ingested and a child could swallow a small amount without suffering any ill effects. If they ate the whole tube there would probably be some puking and diarrhea, but nothing necessitating a stomach pumping. It’s not good for them, and it should definitely be out of reach, but it’s not like she let him drink Clorox. Plus, don’t get me wrong, I don’t think Jill is a model of motherhood and i’m as down with a good snark session as anyone, but these things do happen when you have toddlers. My husband left the box of baby wipes at the wrong end of the changing table one night and we woke up to discover our daughter had gleefully TPed her entire crib. We’ve secured everything that could actually hurt her, but there’s no way to remove every possible thing they could get into from your home.
  12. So who does everyone think will be next to court? They’ve got five of courting age, right? Jana, JD, Josiah, and the twins? People don’t seem as interested in the boys’ courtships so if they want to keep up ratings they’re going to have to find Jana a suitor. The next girl behind her is Johannah, and she’s only 13, right?
  13. My daughter practically lives in Carter’s jeggings. They are a very good value because they wear extremely well — we haven’t yet had a pair rip or wear out, even though she is at the age that she takes a lot of tumbles.
  14. Which rules did Jinger break? Full-frontal hugs? Texting past 10 pm on a school night?
  15. If they get really short on cash, Derick could always become an *exotic* interpretive dancer.
  16. Oh, I totally agree. He’d be a terrible candidate and never make it through training. And can you imagine Jill showing up at Quantico every day at noon? “Honey, we’re in the middle of running an active shooter scenario.” “But Derick, I brought you an omelet!” My point was that back in college it wasn’t a laughable thing for him to aspire to. He’s right that they recruit a lot of accountants, his family has a law enforcement background which would have at least been an interesting talking point in interviews, and he didn’t come across as being particularly crazy. Then.
  17. To be fair, I think the part about Pistol Pete was a joke. And the idea, in and of itself, is not laughable. Accounting is one of the most common college majors for FBI agent. That’s because most FBI agents spend all of their time behind a desk working to prove complex white-collar crime cases involving hidden money and large corporations. Derick being an FBI agent, though? Bad idea.
  18. I can tell his diaper is wet even through the onesie. Why not change the kid for a photo you’re going to post for the whole universe to see?
  19. An accounting fraternity? My God, can you imagine the parties?
  20. I think Jill’s pants are like one of Donald Trump’s wackadoodle tweets — a way to make people focus on something small to divert attention from something big (TLC firing Derrick). I could just see Jim Bob being like “shit, Derrick’s getting fired is gonna tarnish our brand. What can we do to keep people from paying attention? Quick, Michelle, call our daughter... you know, what’s her name, the one in Texas who married the annoying soccer guy... and have her fed ex some of those unchristian garments of sin she keeps flaunting to Jill. I’ll plan a trip to silver dollar city. Bring the camera.”
  21. Sure, but Josie might easily be below standards enough to qualify for services. My daughter is 2 and has gross-motor and speech delays. She functions at a level well above that which Josie functioned at when she was two, IIRC, but she easily qualified for services through our state-run early intervention program. The services aren’t great, but they’re something. I don’t think it so much that people think Jim Bob and Michelle could just walk into the school district and get services for Josie. I think it’s more that people are frustrated that they don’t even seem to be pursuing those services. Maybe they’re doing it off screen; if so, that’s great.
  22. We also know that a huge percentage of micropremies have developmental delays or chronic medical problems that persist into adolescence or adulthood. Josie has a seizure disorder and frankly, she doesn’t present either cognitively or physically as a normally-developing 7-year-old. We have seen the negative effects that Jim Bob and Michelle‘s parenting has had even on their normally-developing children. Letting Josie run wild like some kind of feral creature rather than provide the nurturing and support services she needs in order to function as a normal adult is unconscionable, because the effects will be far worse for her.
  23. Maybe next time he’ll put a fake plate around his neck and pretend to be John the Baptist.
  24. Wow. I have friends who were college athletes and the senior CLASS award is kind of a big deal. It’s not all about athletics, either; they look at academics, character, and community involvement too. To be a finalist for it Jeremy must have done pretty well in those areas. Also, Syracuse’s MBA program is pretty competitive IIRC. To be able to keep up with the work he must have been at least somewhat intelligent and hard-working. So my question is where did all this stuff GO? I don’t think he comes across as unintelligent, but he definitely doesn’t seem like a particularly hard worker or someone who is really involved with the community (beyond his church and his mom’s foundation). I know he talks about his wilder days before he was born again or whatever, but why would finding Jesus make him lose the good attributes he had back when he had only been born once?
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