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Everything posted by rallymantis

  1. The whole professor SL was predictable and disappointing. Now, *everyone* loves Jane? Pbbbbt. I'm Team Rafael, so this reunion with Michael has me turned off the show, at least for now. *sigh*
  2. Yes -- I was glad to see her, and see her play a really smart woman (not just some pretentious expert, like Mr Feminist Break-a-dick) who -- even though she clearly turned the situation to her benefit -- wasn't about to get roped in by a blackmailer. Augh, Kelsey! that wasn't your lecture to give! So obviously a screaming fit meant for Thad; Josh (and Liza) didn't deserve it. Part of me, though, felt manipulated: Let's get Sutton to see other men! And just when I was beginning to enjoy Josh. I hate that her bitch Jersey friend was proved right this soon.
  3. Here I am on board with the majority. I was really struggling to pay attention in this ep -- probably because I've been watching back-to-back-to-back-to-back reruns on USA, and there hasn't been an off-show. This season...eh. But then Lily returned to form (remember when she kicked Dylan out of the house?), and this last between Phil and Jay...I almost bawled. I especially liked it when Phil turned to go, and give Jay his privacy, until Jay called him back. Damn.
  4. If you mean the bombshell I referenced, I meant, Abby's reveal about Carl the Gigolo. Everything was fine, then she said, There's one more thing, then the next scene of the two of them was her chasing him down the stairs, explaining herself. I think the blurb for the ep said something about Jake & a secret. The only thing I could figure out is his confession that he had been in the same place emotionally as Abby, re: their 2nd beak-up.
  5. Maybe this is a "With age/Comes wisdom" thing, but nothing fries my ass faster than women who trot out the "It's not what you said, it's how you said it" whine, or some variation thereof*. Take the apology and drop it, fer crissakes. You will never get the tone you're looking for, and you shouldn't have been looking for it in the first place. I direct this at Eileen and Mrs Crunchhausen, but only because I just started watching this season. *a variation my bff practices re: her husband's choice in gifts: "He should know what to buy me without my having to tell him!"
  6. Welllll... Happy that Phoebe got a HAE, or at least, a placeholder HAE before Season 3 breaks & pisses all over it. Because she was the only person who made consistently good, and good character-driven, choices this season. I will side with Abby on the "If I was a man.." front, as re: Carl the backstabbing gigolo. It was only one guy (not a Sheen-esque whore-around). And she wasn't cheating on her husband. Scott is on my good side, although he continues to exhibit questionable taste in women. Jake, it was awfully generous of you to take Taye's baby, even though a blind man saw where this was heading. Barbara! I like you better and am glad you scored some DJ ass. I thought the AbbyJake bathroom floor convo was lovely, right up until the bombshell. And now, the flip side: Seriously: is this show written by dartboard? As in: Let's throw up all our ideas, and whatever the darts land on, THAT'S what we'll stick into the script. Because the lack of follow-through and character consistency has been wretched. Here's a couple of threads I'm mad about: I defended the whole Carl episode, but then, oops, he turns out to be using her in a much worse way than originally thought. And when did Jo get exemption from her addiction, and what that did to her daughter? suddenly Frumpkis is the sole villain? and why even have her abused by her one-night stand, if all that's going to come from it is: Here's a Nice moment with Jake? Even though I like the actress who plays Barbara (and see above, etc.), I still feel whiplashed as re: how suddenly she's a group member. Delia: Never thought the girls on Shahs of Sunset could be made to look rational by contrast. Get back into the courtroom where you belong. And I'm begging you to stop screwing father figures. How did the Buffy Stand-in have the energy to clean that place after Jake left? It was spotless. *huffs off to fume some more*
  7. Late to the party, but I'll give Yolanda a million dollars* if she'll promise never to say "Munchausen" again. *okay, okay...five.
  8. I knew from the previews, they meant to foist this idiot on Diana. She doesn't deserve that. I'm not one to look for slights, but it seems to me, Diana's the one, gets continually shit on. Why not give her someone attractive, even if it won't work out? Why does it have to be some psycho-neurotic nebbish with a Mommy fixation? Oh Charles!! I love you for your Percil ads. And soon much more.* should read: "And so much more", but "soon" would be nice too.
  9. Wow, this was hard to watch. At least JD cleaned up nice and was sweet at the wedding. Other than that... Jo, other than yelling at Delia & Abby to start talking, you were simply...dreadful. It's amazing your BakerMan can stand to be around you, with your loud, obnoxious "Go away! Come back! Don't touch me! Why aren't you touching me? You can't hurt me! Why did you hurt me?" rants. STFU. Soooo...Barbara is now a member of the gang? Did I miss that transition ep? Remember when there was going to be legal trouble over the bakery? and a lawsuit w/ Phoebe's mentor, and Phoebe v. young girls in college who don't know dick? anddddd...all the other plot threads that were stitched into this quilt, and just as quickly, dropped? On a happier note: loved Phoebe's decorations for the bachelorette night (ha, I typed "bachwhorette" by mistake) -- this show scratches my interior design itch bigtime -- and, as a JakeFan,
  10. What a great story! I will report back. I'm hoping at least that we'll get to see, close-up, all/most/some of the regular roster. Nephew de gutette1 is already making a poster. I am trying to lose 10 pounds. Because I'm a girl.
  11. Eeek! I've got tickets to a Royals' spring training game! Ridiculously expensive, to pair with my ridiculously expensive ST hat (see above). I'm taking my nephew, who will be wearing his ridiculously expensive Moustakas jersey. And we're so freakin' excited!!!
  12. Eh. I don't need to know it's true-to-life to be affected by it. Kardashian & Simpson were very, VERY close. Even if he didn't scream at the heavens with the windows rolled up, I believed that as a response to the situation, and I bought into Schwimmer's portrayal.
  13. I thought it was gripping. It's all bringing it back. The moment that really got to me was David Schwimmer's breakdown in the car. I felt the agonized frustration and fear and sorrow. And Malcolm did a solid AC, even in that short window of time. I bought it all. I know that there's division on Cuba's casting & portrayal, but it occurred to me that, a reason the actor is a good choice to play OJ, is because most people relate him to Rod Tidwell -- his Jerry Maguire character -- and Cuba's joyous, OTT acceptance speech at the Oscars. A lot of people love him for that. Not the same way people loved OJ, but there's a link. If that makes sense.
  14. When Phoebe is the adult character on the show, the show's got problems. She is the one that's supposed to be the "Barbie" of the gang, after all. But so far this season, she's stood up to: her abuser, her ex, her professor, and her current lover. And she's been right. She's even owned her controlling behavior with JD. Abby seemed like she was on something, the morning after the bachelorette party. Manic madness. And I was sad to see her daughter slipping into caretaker mode -- just like Zoe. The "elegant stripper palace" seemed off to me. If it's all about classy, why the "drugstore cologne", why the grinding in the face? And Barbara seems to be loosening up significantly, though I feel a disconnect between her intro-ep hardluck rant at Abby, and the woman who knew about the "Footsie Room". I'll have to mull it over. Was Delia about to get assaulted? Her boss just went from sane to stalker. Ugh.
  15. I dunno. Every time I see/hear Manziel on any sportstalk anything (esp ESPN), I want to yell at that combined braintrust: "This is what you made him!" Now, the drunken abusive let-down-his-teammates jackassery, he should own himself -- I don't mean that! but when I first heard that dumb fucking "Johnny Football!!" appellation, I thought, Aw, hell -- he's doomed.
  16. Again: I have not stopped laughing. Shout-out to our own Eric Berry, the NFL Comeback Player of the Year. Cancer to All-Pro in less than a year. The man's a miracle.
  17. I'm still laughing at this. I thought Marshall Faulk had the best reax to the Cam issue. He said, I was on the losing team once, and I reacted like that, but when I saw the video after, I knew I had to be better than that; and I think Cam will do the same [paraphrase to the max but you get the point]. Ugh. As a Chiefs fan, I say to the NFC: What happened to the year-long, AFC Sucks/NFC Dominant! meme? What a crappy time to drop the ball on *that*.
  18. I just ponied up a ridiculous amount for 2 of the 2016 spring training caps. It's got a crown on it, though!! How could I resist? (asks the giant sucker)
  19. This scene brought back, and hard, a similar moment a few years ago. There was a guy, some 20 years younger than me (but a former Army Ranger, so older than most his age), who was...interested. I waffled, and confided my anxieties to my best friend. Who mocked me for ever thinking Kevin would find me attractive in *that way*. So I never followed through -- my own fault -- and have always regretted it. And it's been a festering sore between me and my friend, ever since. So all I have to say to the Jersey Girl: eh, go fuck yourself. I also noticed how her husband couldn't take his eyes off Liza (a la whatshername's dad). It was all...ugh. And Jade? man, I hate it when people live up to their own stereotypes. At least Josh isn't a cookie-cutter moron.
  20. Phew! don't know that anyone responded to this, but after I wrote it, I turned on the TV and there was an ep of The Middle...and the lightbulb lit...Beau Wirick, who plays Axl's buddy Sean, is Allan Park (the limo driver). Thank GOD. It was bugging the crap out of me.
  21. I'm all in for this whole thing. I was riveted. It brought me back to those months, like a yank on a bungee cord. But this is making me nuts...someone help... I know I've seen the limo driver in something else, but I couldn't find him in the IMDb cast list. Anybody got a clue?
  22. This is a repeat of an incident from Nip/Tuck...she said the baby was Julian McMahon's, but -- oops. Plus, Jo was dead-on (finally) about the "Becca has a CW salary!" advice. And she made a point about the leftover baby anxiety (I didn't know she knew Abby had a pregnancy scare -- or am I remembering that wrong?) I hadn't considered. I agreed with Abby's "This is my life!" statement to Dr Harris, though. He does appear to need an adoring audience. I also thought he was right, and that her life is Overkill. Ohhhhh, Jo! this can't be good. Two addicts climbing into bed together. It might have had more resonance if they hadn't been going at it on Abby's sofa.
  23. There's not a "character" forum, so here it is: Am I the only one who didn't know that Jo was one of Elle Woods' BFFs? She was the the brunette sorority girl who traveled to Boston to cheer on Elle in the courtroom climax. Yesssss...I was bored, Legally Blonde was on, suddenly the actress struck a pose onscreen and it hit me, smack! "Same girl!"
  24. Agreed.* She had exactly the same reax to Season One BF (whose name escapes me) when he asked her to read his novel. I thought Delia showed a similar bitchface when she heard Albert start reeling off his conquests. Like: How dare you not think of me as the Special Snowflake that I am!! Very telling. I also agree that Jo is just too far gone for me to have much sympathy. Though they are working that angle HARD. *though I first thought she was worried about what people would think about her, having a gigolo for a contact. Hey, Abby: you write a divorce column. Use him for fodder, fer crissakes.
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