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Everything posted by rallymantis

  1. A Merry Christmas to my fellow Hallmarkers!! I got mine tonight: my beloved Crown for Christmas in prime time! And I didn't get them anything...
  2. I'm not very religious but there is almost nothing funnier than secular leftists attempting to interpret Christian text. He wasn't talking about Trump. Seriously, guys. Give it a rest. It's Christmas.
  3. I've been seeing the "Bake the cake/Cake bitch!" meme all over the interwebs today. Because you shouldn't get to refuse service based on your religious/political beliefs. Right, Rockettes? Or is it "Different!" because it's what *you* believe?
  4. Eh. About time. As someone still intractably Team Charles, I whooped at that kiss @ the club. Too bad freakin' Josh had to ruin it by proposing. Things with Diana's therapist seem promising, but the parrot gag was lame and stupid and a blind man could've seen that one coming on a foggy night in Londontown, fer crissakes!!
  5. It's from Otherwise Engaged by Suzanne Finnamore.
  6. Sorry, but that's a dreadful comparison. While she might indeed be a talented hard worker, every job Chelsea has had, has been handed to her because she's the daughter of an ex-president (I'd say the same of any of their offspring). The only time Rory used the Gilmore name, IIRC, was to meet with the Yale admissions director (not even her idea!), and as a foray into the DAR.
  7. Yeah, I'm cautiously optimistic. Plus: therapists have ish too. A line from a book I love (when the main character's Dr admits to arguing with his wife): "I think when you overhear your therapist shrieking over who ate the last banana, it's over." And agreed on the Eeeeyeeeeuuuwwww! factor with Maggie and the hair tie-that-wasn't. That's too far for that joke.
  8. I was just coming in here to post that! Liza's reax has set it up for that to be a logical plot twist (if not, why even bother with her negative critique?). I know Diana agreed to the therapist move-in with the words of her other therapist ringing in her ears. But the further away from that ep I get, the more creeped-out I am by it. I hope they don't take the predictable path, and that this guy actually falls for her and moves out to save the relationship. And, I'd like a pony for Christmas!!
  9. I know, right? Especially the look on her face as he was doing it. And also because I can't remember if it's ever come up before (anyone know?) -- if so, okay I guess... if not, um, eeyyeeuuww.
  10. Yikes! I'll have to think on Liza's tat. Felt a little like...branding. But I'm sure someone can explain to me how that's an overreax. And ohhhhh, even with the danger signs, let the therapist turn out to be more better than worse. @dubbel zout! Imagine all of us TeamCharles-s, screaming like banshees!!!
  11. Respecting the new Twitter embeds rule, I'm just going to quote one of the best responses today: "Any politician who tells the truth by saying, '[Castro] was a piece of shit & I'm glad he's dead,' would have my vote forever." Amen.
  12. Loved everything Sutton wore in this ep. AND the light pink nail polish, which I am totally finding tomorrow. "Accomplished" might mean you're better at hiding certain things in public, but a great job and an expensive wardrobe do not a secure woman make. And I say that not to denigrate Radha. Could be she's been down this road before, and is now at the point where she cuts bait when things don't feel right. And Charles, whatever his (perfectly legit) excuses are, is attracted to Liza (as she is to Charles, but no one close to Liza watches the two of them together, so no one cops to it -- maybe Maggie will be the first to guess?). A woman who might have any man, probably doesn't need one that crushes on a co-worker.
  13. Yay! 'Tis the season for Crown for Christmas, which, let's face it, I should buy already. Pretty soon my lips will start moving when Rupert Penry-Jones says: "You can never have too many of those [sewing kits]". I looked at the Hallmark site for a calendar list of the movies, but only found a week-in-advance thing. Suggestions?
  14. Eeeee!!! I just got the notification, and was running in here to lose my mind!!
  15. Wow. Guess I'll have to get busy with the white-out. Congrats to my Salvy on GG4!!! I think the injury time out hurt Gordon's chances. I won't comment on the trashing Hoz got in certain circles, but I suspect that had something to do with not-this-year. Don't worry EH; Moose will be back in the spring and the Dynamic Duo will be putting on a clinic.
  16. I wasn't clear. I didn't think Charles was squirming because of the language of the book, but because a woman he has a thing for was reading it aloud. If *he'd* been reading it, I'd've squirmed, too. And who could blame him for the reax to Gwyneth's vaginal incident. Though I assume that's been got from real life. Ugh.
  17. Erica Jong gave Liza's intro @ the event! Feels exactly right -- she practically invented the modern-day ChickSmutLit, thanks to Fear of Flying But -- ugh -- there's better SmutLit in the Buffy/Giles fanfic emporium, then what Liza read/Charles blushed at. Wish the writers had had more fun with it. One of the best parts of the show right now -- for me, at least -- is the Liza/Kelsey friendship. This is upping the ante for the truth-telling fallout.
  18. I know, right?? The whole set-up had me confused. Especially because Maggie's Nice Jewish Girl didn't explain it. Neither did Maggie's ohsohelpful ex (surprise!). There was a brief shot of the Mikveh being drained after. The women's reax to Maggie cracked me up. It was like a boy had just wandered into a middle school lockerroom.
  19. I actually liked this ep! (not the least because they stole the title from Dunham, who used to amuse me but now just comes off as "if Bryce was a woman") Yay Liza figuring it all out, and Liza & Kelsey closing the deal. Kelsey is a fine example of loyalty, smarts, and charm -- all in a normally-despised millennial wrapping. (See: I *said* I had a pro- rant in me!) Ughhhh on the Geo Martin knockoff. Reminds me of every professor who ever put their arm around me in grad school.
  20. Did it on the field, IIRC, for some team at the K in 2014. Royals had to make do in the visitor's clubhouse last year.
  21. In the mid-90s the closest I got to "real time" in tense games was watching the reflection of the TV in the mirror on the opposite wall. This proved incredibly lucky for the K-State Wildcats football squad.
  22. Yeah, I control the universe with my mind. So I was forced to "watch" all the 2015 playoff games, PLUS the World Series, courtesy the old MLB ap. Because every time I tried to go live, Carlos Correa homered. True story.
  23. In 2014, it was all "Showalter this/Showalter that/Showalter: Genius!" "Yost: Dunce". Oops! 4-game ALCS sweep, on the heels of a 3-game ALDS sweep. Then in 2015, pretty much rinse/repeat re: Terry Collins. Those amazing' Royals! first team to win a WS without a manager. And on the "R-E-S-P-E-C-T" front: @MLB tweeted out a foto of Miller & Co., saying, "When's the last time you saw a bullpen this #LightsOut?" @Royals posted a "pondering" emoji. Kelvin Herrera tweeted, "Hmmmm...11 months ago?" And the Royals faithful rose up in high dudgeon, as only fans of a small-market, World Championship team, can. Here's my favorite response:
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