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Everything posted by AnnaMayWong

  1. All that I can say is Bethenny♎would still be shilling swill(unoriginal swill, at that) IF not for HER BUSINESS 'PARTNER' and BRAVO's cooperation. She's damn rich, but not any more business savvy or creative. Hoorah for her. Bethenny♎did her job on RHBH--she put in her "Oh, shit, it's Bitchenny" appearance. She characteristically annoyed. She waved about Andy's dick. Now, she may leave. Please. Also, my Day1 Dislike of LisaV continues. And, thank you, thank you, production nixed Yolanda's yodeling presence-- REALLY(!), thank goodness.
  2. That four year 'hiatus' REALLY made Kate realize that she better at least struggle to ACT as if she she no longer believes herself to be a Supersta' if she wants mo' money, mo' money.
  3. Poor Colin. I believe the jumpsuit and those sweatered, patterned pants from the boutique, Style Camp, totaled about $500.00--just those TWO items. I am sure that Kate appreciated production's purchases FOR HER(with a wee bit tossed to the twins). Yes, poor, poor Kate. Having to drag her worn tired self around to SHOP FOR MADDY AND CARA.Yeah, riiight. Okay. Haha! Oh, Kate, what a trouper you are sacrificing all for the li'l chil'ren.
  4. It is REALLY amazing how 'looks' can grant so much entrèe even though one is a moron(re: Brandi/Yolanda) while those who contribute so much to the elevation of society(medically, culturally, educationally,...) are often dismissed. Absolutely amaaazing.
  5. I think that I need to take a several day(s) break from posting. I will just read and enjoy the comments from all of you good folk :-).
  6. Oh, no, LIMOM! I wasn't attacking you at all, either! I am so sorry for sounding as if I was doing that. I enjoy your posts! PLEASE accept my apologies for coming across to you in that manner. It was not intentional. My tone was reflective of my thoughts and feelings NOT of you.
  7. Care? I am not sure to what degree that any of us TRULY 'care'. I mean, I don't utilize my time fretting about Fame'ho'ing women(and some men). However, for me, personally, as a viewer of the show, and, as a poster on an eponymous forum in which I simply comment, snark, complain...about said show, I must 'care' enough. After all, I (and, apparently, others, also) write on a forum solely dedicated to that show. ... *ETA to add the word 'what' in first sentence*
  8. Kathy doesn't have jack$h¡+ to spill about Kyle et al. I wish that she might try. She may just get a nice surprise when Kyle and Mauricio decide to set a b!+¢_ straight.
  9. Next, Yolanda will be lamenting suffering from a severe case of Assfluenza.
  10. Oh, we can 'give her up'. I don't think that the intense recent discussion of Kim is excessive or inappropriate. Perhaps, once KIM ceases all show appearances, ceases all show related activities, and ceases chiding and castigating her castmates, she will be put to the wayside. She plays her role in this saga, too, now. ...
  11. Oh. My. Gosh. I think that I fainted from lack of oxygen AND hyperventilation(Yolanda skills) due to mad laughter! ...
  12. Haha! Your comment about David/Mohamed is hilarious! LMAO! That photo of Bella is absolutely stunning!! ...
  13. THIS⬆ is so f_ _ kin' good! *I don't know what was going on January 2nd, but you guys were freakin' comedy gold! It was 'vunderful'! ...
  14. ⬆Yes, she is a mess. But, being 'a mess' does not give Kim license to subject others to her gross, mean behaviors, yet expect those others to overlook the disgusting actions because of her addictions. I mean, based on that logic, Kim could continuously and merrily wreak endless havoc and suffering while not having to face and deal with the ill effects of HER MISbehaviours. Kim's deliberately hurtful remarks and gleefulness at being hurtful illustrates that she IS aware of that abominable behavior and that she enjoys it--a lot.
  15. One may feel sympathy for Kim, yet realize that her poor character and nasty personality exist, also. BOTH of these may be acknowledged.
  16. Per Yolanda, ASPERSIONS most certainly HAVE been cast upon her character--just not by The Cast. Kim is a hard Bitch who wants everyone to dote on her yet, behave in any type of viperish way without repercussions. She's not doped up 24-7. She's cunning and proud of her low crass behavior. She was certainly aware and LAUGHING as her good friend insulted her sister and brother-in-law DESPITE them helping to take of her for years and years. *Kim and Yolanda manipulate, insult, and deliberately drain others with their 'problems', but woe to the person who addresses it. ...
  17. If Kim, Yolanda, or, frankly, any of the Ho'wives do NOT want people in their business then they need to get the hell off REALity tv. ...
  18. Huh. The children look no more alike than any average sibling in any family to me. What surprises me is that the children do not look MORE alike considering that they are twins and 'tupts'. They are so different in appearance to me except for Alexis and Leah. Those two are very similar in looks. I have never had a problem in differentiating them. It's so interesting to read varying perceptions of a look, situation...
  19. Okay. Since I have a Ph.D. in PTwoP Lurking and Occasional Posting, I conclude the following: Both Jon and Kate have "problems". Yes, Kate, indeed, does have the recognizable personality disorder of 'Bitch, please-Type III'. And, Jon has been diagnosed ( by me: I, also, have a Ph.D. in TV Character Analysis and Snark ) 'Lazy-Ass Sydrome'. In addition, what I do know is that those kids have to be fed, housed, clothed, and educated. So, someone has to do it, NOW. It can't be waitlisted under 'things to do'. ...
  20. Really! Wow! That's too bad, IMO. I mean that truly sucks. It's surely about 'who you know' and connections, isn't it?
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