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Everything posted by Knuckles

  1. Lady Edith is happy...she looked lovely as she came down the staircase, but it must have had terrible echoes for her of her past jilting. I wanted nothing more from Downton than some happiness for Edith...and Bertie is himself quite a catch...as land agent, unemployed or Marquess. He's a peach. Good on Robert for giving his mother a last minute nudge...any more disasters for Edith and I would scream. So, the hookups continue...Mrs. Patmore and Mr. Mason, Daisy and Andy, Mrs. Crawley and Lord Merton, and of course Moseley. Happy endings for all. Barrow has his dream job, Carson is now on side, Elsie has her own house to run, the Bates have a son who will soon be charged with random murder and Daisy has a haircut. Have i forgotten anyone. Oh yes, Tom and Ms Edwards...a future hook up. Still, it was great fun, and the ending was magical.
  2. I agree that Fimmel kills it in this show...just watching his silent expressions conveys so much. In season one, I was distracted by how gorgeous he was...now it is hard to remember, as he is Ragnar to me, and bald and tattooed, he expresses so much shrewd intelligence, not mere good looks. In a moment of whimsy, I sometimes wonder how a player like Ragnar would fare up against Lord Tywin in GOT...both cunning, both utterly ruthless, both patient strategists. I'll never know, but it amuses me to consider who might win...the idea of them joining forces is too terrible to contemplate.
  3. I started watching Downton and at the beginning thought Edith a nasty prig, and her letter about Pamuk seemed unforgivable. But, over time, you can see that frustrated Edith had so little opportunity to fight back against the domineering, overbearing Mary, that I began to soften towards her. Even her own family regarded her as a sad lot. She was also in the shade caused by her glowing younger sister, Sybil. No one has had a harder time than Edith, and with less support from her family. I was so glad she found Michael Gregson, and glad that he left her an apartment and a publishing company, as well as a daughter. For the latter she had to run a bruising obstacle course simply to keep her near. Nothing has been easy for her, and at every mistep Mary has been there to gloat or to make it more painful. I was so happy she finally laid the bitch out verbally. And disappointed that she spoke so movingly to Mary later and even attended her wedding. Edith is an adult...Mary is an aging adolescent. And a serious bitch. Good luck Henry.
  4. I was hooked on this show from the get-go. The vulnerability of Danny in trying to meet Alex a second time, and try his luck was so very real. I warmed to Alex, though he was more than a bit robotic, and loved Danny's relationship with Scottie. That said, this show delivered some gory chillers. Alex's death scene had me muting the sound, I could not bear his tortured breathing. And Rampling as the apparent mother colluding with this monsters, made me want her dead. I was not moved that she thought she could save him, and revive her career...that torture was enough to want her, and that whole house of spy masters nuked. And kudos to the design team...that blackboard room with endless math symbols was pure, claustrophobic horror. Good place for Danny to lock his cold-blooded parents if he ever thinks of it. Rampling herself is terrifying as a cold and ruthless warrior...would she really join forces with Danny? I doubt it...I suspect an overdose instead in her immediate future.
  5. How I missed the ABQ. Jimmy gave a master class in how to con a con man...and as noted above, this is the same joker who had his ride torched by Walt. I love that they used the same actor. Props to Gilligan and Gould for that, and for all the detailed touches that make every episode worth rewatching. I am loving Price...why do I want this doofus to get his, while the real bad guy is the one I am sort of rooting for...again, welcome to Gilligan world. Especially enjoyed his sneakers which matched his tricked-out hummer. They went so well with his high-water pants. Love this stuff. And I also sort of loved that Jimmy took the job after turning it down...just to see how things feel, how they might shake out. It felt very real, though I have never had the option to find out for myself how it might play. Another reason I love touring Gilligan;s world.
  6. "Cavalcade of Stupid" Thank you for this.Just remember, these folks are all over 18 and will soon be choosing the leader of the free world.
  7. "every Lannister needs to be offed along with Boltons and Freys." True, but not too quickly. Would like them to taste fear and betrayal before their demise...I do hope Ramsay is the one who drops the hammer on Walda and Reese. I would enjoy that. As for the Freys, they are so many of them that you could bake enough pies to feed the whole of Westeros...as long as you don't give up on the gravy. As for Ramsay himself, I do hope the Thenns are at the Snowball...turn them loose on old Ramsay. As for the Lannisters...pick them off one by one...just enough time for them to mourn their losses. A little justice for Dorne, for Sansa, for the Targaryens, for Westeros.
  8. So, these folks are a youtube thing. So what. I like the show, love the locations, and minus Justin, look forward to another season. The racers will sort themselves out in the next few eps, and I can decide who I most want to see fail. Already though, they are providing amusement...looking for drums outside the cave? dropping pieces of your puzzle and then taking a leisurely stroll to retrieve them? digging for clues in a pile of dirt when you are told to enter a cave? No Einsteins in this crew. And that is why this show is fun. Outside of your comfort zone, people are prone to all kinds of crazy. Add in a time factor...(though nobody told the doctor this is a race, apparently), it amps it up. Phil is forever...he smiles at these excitable, nitwit racers, clearly hoping they will not grab him. His discomfort is always a plus.
  9. Auntie, I think it is the latter. The show made a point of showing us a partial face of the taxi driver, so clearly Danny's enemies are herding him and Scottie. Without Scottie's point of view, based on his decades of experience in Whitehall...Danny would have been left with his conspiracy theories, and been dismissed as just another look. Scottie's help actually made Danny more dangerous...he offered validation and perspective, as well as practical help. Everyone should have as dear and wonderful a friend as Scottie. Agreed...acting is amazing. Even the woman police officer, dismissing Danny from any charges, could barely keep her game face together. Ben Whishaw is just so believable as Danny and though he was very good, I did want to smash that waiter in the mouth, He embodied loathsomeness.
  10. Even Lifetime can find talent, if they want to...PR Juniors proved that. Even the eliminated juniors had more design ability going on than these adults. We will not mention again that they were genuinely decent, enthusiastic kids, who wasted no time dissing or arguing with one another. In fact, they tried to be helpful. I know, what a concept...which of these adults has even considered such a thing. Alyssa is such an odd choice for hostess , maybe she is married to someone in the Weinstein organization, but she is seriously downmarket...and a long way from fashionable. The styling, the hair...all of it is just sad. Of course, the contestants ain't much, so maybe it is all of a piece. Anyways...either do PR Juniors, 2.0 or find some fresh faces...design schools have a graduating class every year...start looking Lifetime.
  11. In comparison to the juniors, these folks look worn and their designs...meh. And of course, the bitchiness and fighting are already on tap. Gone are the happy vibes and good will in the workroom. Alyssa makes me miss Hannah. I tuned in when the designer with the ballerina skirt in white with the oddly angled top was being critiqued...and after subzero winds in NYC, I just did not have the patience for it. May try again when my nerves are up to the challenge.
  12. I have reread War and Peace several times since I first read it in college, and it does repay rereading...that said, I think the director and producers did a wonderful job with the time limits imposed. The actors were a superb ensemble, and I was happy to be proved wrong...Lily James did a great, soulful job as Natasha...her work stands comparison with the earlier Audrey Hepburn Natasha. Few actresses manage that. Was interested that the director left off the great line from the novel, that Tolstoy used as his summation..."to love life is to love god"...which may now be too politically charged to be included, but it was his final word on all that had gone on before.
  13. The house tour was amusing...the Crawleys literally know almost nothing of the Abbey...though Cora at least knew it was originally an Abbey, seized by Henry 8th from the Church, and that the later updates had been done by the same architect who did Parliament. But the paintings, the carvings, heraldry...clueless. The annoyed looks of the some of the ticket holders were priceless. Daisy interfering with Mrs. Patmore and Mr Mason's budding romance, including throwing his note in the trash...bitch can die now. And take the overbearing Carson with her...poor Mrs. Hughes, she is no longer a respected colleague, but a mere bullied wife. Loving Bertie, love his taking the tour in hand, delegating work and competently organizing things. Love he and Edith together. Mary has a future ahead of her as an old bore...endlessly fighting against the future. 1929 awaits her, and the terrible 30s. And no Mary, you are not impervious to the changes in the world.
  14. Loved seeing Lester, but the menace as he delivered it was a long way from the Lester we knew and loved. He scared me and I wonder if I would have picked up the candy he left behind. The pacing seems real to me, not a problem at all. The show is willing to let the actors have some space, and is not intent on feeding the audience continuously. And Charlotte Rampling...always great. The faux parents were clearly out of a Stephen King novel...could a more robotic pair in human skin be imagined? And the aging Lothario...retired drug king or old rock star...was spot on. Perfectly degenerate. And of course a rootless kid like Danny when he was 19 would have run into him. Took so little time for all the details of his life in London to be in the hands of the PTB...any backstory on where he came from or who he was before he washed up in London. Maybe in a future ep. And I like that Alex, with so little dialogue, left clues for Danny, just in case. It is good plotting and believable.
  15. I am loving this show. I caught up in a binge watch today and though I can't remember ever seeing Ben Whishaw before, I am riveted by his work. All of the actors as well. The police interrogation in ep. 2 was frightening, as well...especially the dark-haired woman constructing his confession as she ostensibly asked him questions. Unlike Law and Order, the counsel provided Danny was off in a corner, seemingly asleep. And though the laws may be different in England, is it legal to take blood and DNA samples without the permission of the arrested person without the advice of his lawyer? Love that question Danny asked about the absence of women at the club..."is that even legal"? Did explain that at that level mere laws are not applied. Thee are the folks who make the rules, not follow them. Hard to imagine the Saudis, the Israelis and the Chinese all happily on the same team as M16 and the CIA...but we shall see.
  16. Had a silly thought...you know how they sent some adult contestants into the workroom to help the juniors with their designs at one point.? They should send these four into the adult workroom to show them how to get it done, on time, with grace and good will. And their design advice could only help the adults.
  17. I had my fingers crossed for Maya and Peytie...loved them both, would have been happy if either won. Mays's win is a wonderful choice, but I loved Peytie's looks. I could not wear them, but to me they are strong and innovative, yet feminine. Love the girl. They gave Zachary something of a hard time, and yet I loved the lavender dress...and his pants with he flowing top were great. I think he has a strong future as well. Plus, all three are just wonderful people...the parents should be very proud. I will try not to comment on Samantha...as I do not like her clothes nor her attitude. Osbourne finally nailed it with her comment that this may be all Samantha can do...(I'm paraphrasing here) and that her range as a designer is limited. She was quickly overruled by all the other judges and the Samantha love, but i agree with her. No indication that she can move off a fairly narrow base. That said, this season has been what adult PR has been missing...real talent, and a focus on design and the work involved, instead of the awful, bickering that passes for drama. I do hope the show keeps us updated on these kids. How talented and how composed they were in front of the crowds on the runway. Bravo.
  18. Been waiting for this. Please Stan, connect the dots. And Paige and the Pastor...who is he, really? Cannot wait. And yes, Margo is back. Thank you television gods.
  19. I do have one nagging question about Tom? What is he living on? I mean, did he inherit anything from Sybil? Who pays for his clothes...does he have an allowance? Or is he paid as an estate agent? I have always been mystified that he does not have an accent the gives his origins away, as that as always been a tell for the caste conscious British...I suppose that having he be Irish is meant to bridge that. But still... And Spratt is so stupid. Dencker has no proof to offer re his nephew, and she is in bad straits with her employer anyways...why would Violet suddenly believe her. He could have simply told her to handle things herself and to be sure she had proof in hand. Dencker would have folded, and if not, her gambling in London could have been mentioned. Just irritatingly stupid. Hooray for Edith, but JF does not like her....every near happiness she has found has been tarnished in some way....I expect that Mary will do her best to hurt Edith if she can. I do loathe Mary, and wish that her insufferable narcissism would find its reward.
  20. Seriously, I thought Peytie's dad was her brother as well. Gorgeous family, lovely happy people. You realize how rarely happy, supportive families are on TV. Loved Maya all season, but I am with Christian on this one...the yellow brocade looked a little stodgy to me. And I am pulling for a Maya win...though I would be happy with Peytie as well. Love the looks both have sent down the runway. And Samantha....looks like she just took the Carhardt catalogue of working men's gear and decided to redo it in worse fabrics. Zach's remark about being a seamstress could refer to Samantha...have not seen one original idea or design from her...just 20 year old cargo pants, and the same jacket, over and over. Now she is redoing the fabric that bought her a win for the finale. She is just so far behind Maya and Peytie...but the judges have been handing her undeserved wins all season. Like Ashley before her...the mediocre and unoriginal seem destined for the win.
  21. Dano is a good Pierre, a tough role to make interesting, since he seems such a muddled weakling for much of the story. But Pierre does find his strength eventually, and Dano should have a lot more range with the character. Lily James is fine as Natasha, but no one can match the charm or magic of Audrey Hepburn as Natasha in a older version. Netflix is your friend here. Hepburn is enchanting. Am I alone in finding Andrei badly cast? The actor seems to have so little emotion visible, and there are notably few sparks with James, who seems to be doing all the heavy lifting. Yes Andrei is a brooding, repressed character who comes alive when he falls for Natasha, but...felt flat to me. Scenery is gorgeous as are the sets, and I love the story, so I am on for the duration.
  22. Mary is Mary...and of course she has Anna's back...after all, who helped carry the dead Mr. Pemuk down the back hall when he unexpectedly croaked in Mary's bed. For all the distinctions in class and in position, Anna is the closest relationship she has, and the closest to a real friendship. She has no girlfriends, nor a love interest, sans brother Tom, and she is isolated out there in Yorkshire. Certainly she has little feeling for Edith, except disdain. As for Talbot, they are setting this up, but it seems unlikely. There are no sparks there. Edith has a better prospect in London. Happy for Gwen who handled the awkward situation gracefully. Nice moment. Mrs. Patmore is getting all the great lines...and yeah, go Madame Defarge on that ingrate Daisy...a good smack might get her to wise up or shut up. Either would do. Sorry for Thomas...he seems determined to get himself fired. People don't like you...yeah, because you do unlikeable things...funny how that works. Andy deserves better than Daisy...isn't there some lovely girl in the village for him? I am enjoying this season.
  23. I still want to buy the clothes Peytie wears herself. She looks great. Or Maya's. Target sometimes does a special effort with a high-end designer doing what is a pop-up collection...they should hire these two. I would stand in line for their stuff.
  24. I would be hard pressed to choose between Maya and Peytie...both lovely, both highly skilled and incredibly talented. What a winning pair. And Zachary is a charmer as well..Time was against him..he just is not a speed demon like Peytie and Maya...both of whom had very complicated elements to their designs, but still managed to finish under the wire. Without that time crunch, I am sure he will present his best work. Looking forward to all three. And, would like to add that the ad for the adult all-stars was a jarring note. All the hissy fits and drama i find so tiresome in the adult PR. Jeez, I hope they take a note from these juniors...who have skills, talent and maturity to burn.
  25. Yes, Peytie and Maya for the win. The work that Maya produced was so sophisticated, both in design and execution. The back was great, and the boning showed a phenomenal skill level...even Christian was impressed. Having to use those press-ons...adding black to black for depth was a great idea. And Peytie...again, the best with prints, and how perfectly fitted were those romper shorts. Loved the belt, the back, the whole look. Where is Nina Garcia? We got your editorial right here. Old Nina might finally have been pleased by what came down the runway. Glad Zach was saved...he is so talented. Loved his color combo and agreed completely with Christian...that pleated material should have been more visible. And of course, Samantha. Again with a jacket, and men's wear. The dress was ok, but the construction doesn't match the skill level of Peytie and Maya. Did she not notice the uneven hem? Isn't the first time she has sent unfinished or poorly constructed stuff down the runway...e.g. the white dress unsewn and the major hole in the hem of the skirt last week. Enough to get anyone else aufed.
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