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Everything posted by Rachel81

  1. Beer nerd checking in. Depending on the style of beer, leather notes are good (like in an English barleywine). Though I've never used belt leather as a comparison (sounds barely a step up from shoe leather) -- that sounds awful! I have, however, compared beer to a well-worn, butter-soft, overstuffed leather club chair you'd want in your library.
  2. It's such a pointless story! She comes across as desperate and starved for attention.
  3. I couldn't really explain what it is about this commercial that drives me up a wall, but it does. The actress is annoying, and her telling this story to everyone around her is annoying. The only reason you should be telling your eye doctor that you crashed into a pole is so you can get some freaking glasses; I doubt he gives two figs about your claim procedure -- just the fact you didn't see a damn pole. If I'm watching live TV, I'll pause it for 30 seconds so I don't have to watch this commercial (a tactic usually reserved for "help the abused animals" commercials).
  4. Really? I'm finding it too over the top. I liked when they actually talked about what they were doing, and were nosing around in each other's recipes. Now, it just feels like a vehicle for them to invite their friends to get drunk together on the air and make a bunch of jokes with each other that don't include the audience. I really didn't need to see Martha throwing her legs (and SHOES!) up on the counter where she was about to prepare food.
  5. Tyme was annoying to listen to, but was among the more level-headed contestants. And she could put together a cohesive look. Unlike Catherine -- that look was horrible! Love how she questioned the hairstyle when it was being applied, but was happy to take full credit for it at judging. The only reason I'm not sad to see Corey not gone yet is that it's fun to watch his ego being chipped away every week. He needs to get the hell over himself.
  6. I forced myself to finish season one, and it left me with a "That's it? That's what all the hype was about?" feeling. Everyone's now raving about season 2, and I'd rather watch Mom reruns than Stranger Things.
  7. I saw one season of Shear Genius, so tuned into this one, thinking it would be fun. I'm with the rest of you hate-watchers. It's painful to watch, but I can't look away! Mitchell was probably the best (or at least the nicest) part of the show, and I'll miss him. Though I won't miss trying to figure out why he's always in bike shorts like the ones we used to wear under our skirts in middle school... But he didn't bring any drama, so of course they had to cut him, but keep Corey, even though they both put together the same look.
  8. Of all the things in life... Burger King commercials making me feel feelings. Not because of the stupid "bullied burger" idea. Dude, anyone is going to complain if their food looks like it's already been digested. But when that woman just picked up her food and walked over to the table of kids like, "Hey what's up. I wanna see you pull that crap while I'm right here." I hope BK gave her free Whoppers for life.
  9. Every episode just gets better than the last! They keep setting a high bar -- and then catapulting themselves over it every week. And I didn't notice anyone mention this, surprisingly, but I was so excited at the return of Michael's evil laugh! There are some varying degrees to it, depending on how evil he's being, or how much he's enjoying the evil he's inflicted, which is also brilliant. But the full-on evil laugh when he asked Eleanor for a high five for the trolley torture. Slayed me!
  10. "Do not take [drug] if you are allergic to [drug] or any of its ingredients." That one always upsets me! I'm sure they have to say such stupid things for liability reasons because people are appallingly stupid. But as someone who was sick as a dog for a week before spending 3 nights in the hospital for a drug allergy, I really question why this needs to be said! Not only do I avoid that drug, I avoid the whole family, and anything related to it because why on earth would anyone willingly/knowingly put themselves through that!
  11. Except she specifically says, "I live above you."
  12. Nope! Still jumpy. Oh well. Can anyone explain the layout of the apartment building? They're in a 2-story unit, where Bonnie sleeps with Adam in the downstairs bedroom, and Christie sleeps in the upstairs bedroom, which looks like it's right above that bedroom. Yet the Asian woman complains that she "lives upstairs" and hears what happens between Bonnie and Adam (and Christie implies she can hear the woman's bathroom behaviors). I might be nitpicking, but this has always driven me nuts. Anyone have any insight?
  13. Me three! I just commented to a friend the other day how it seems everyone is putting adorable dogs in their commercials just so I won't fast forward -- and it's working! And I'm totally OK with it. Bring on the cute pups!
  14. "Tastes like better" reminds me of that allergy med (or whatever) commercial: "Six is greater than one!!" Thanks for the math lesson.
  15. Hands down my favorite commercial in rotation right now. I love when the dad gives the dog that, "Aha! I got this" look.
  16. I would love to see Light Balance or Diavolo take this, but I agree with you on who will. The good news is, those other acts are ready for anyone to swoop them up and turn them into a regular production if they want. Hope they have much future success! (Unlike some other boring, mediocre, incomprehensible, and/or repetitive singers who shall remain unnamed.)
  17. I keep waiting for that weird eyelid fluttering thing she does before she announces the contestant who is still in the running.
  18. I'm so happy this is on Netflix so I can binge rewatch before the new season -- and be reminded of my favorite lines. Like Michael, explaining why "heaven" has frozen yogurt instead of ice cream: "There’s something so human about taking something great, and ruining it a little, so you can have more of it.” And Michael describing his favorite color makes me happy-clap at the TV. "It's called "pleurigloss." ... It's the color of when a soldier comes home from war and sees his dog for the first time." The surest way to make my heart swell until I cry is watching soldier-and-dog reunion videos, and this makes me kind of sad I can't see 9th dimension colors.
  19. No, she did. I picked up on it during the test fitting; her body/ribcage is very awkward. The shape of the opening in that garment only accentuated her jutting ribcage.
  20. The weird one-pieces combined with that color... His outfit choices make him look like he belongs to a cult. But I loved seeing his fun side when he was encouraging Batani to dance! Completely unexpected.
  21. I died a little inside. I absolutely adore that song, and they butchered it to within an inch of its life. (This is as far as I've gotten in the show so far.) Simon's X hopefully cost them the chance to go through. I prefered Mandroids to Jerk. I'll go hide now.
  22. There was also a clip I saw on Twitter last week of an automatic/optic soap dispenser that wouldn't recognize a black man's hand. I was relieved to see how many replies referenced that genius episode of Better Off Ted.
  23. I didn't love the sword guy, and the taped-on props were just so... I mean, was that really the only/best way they could attach things -- with packing tape? But I would happily take them over that shrieking wife. I'd take Mirror Image over that wife. Wait, would I?? Tough call... Maybe the magician can bury the wife next time instead. Mirror Image, too.
  24. So grateful for this forum -- so I don't have to admit to people I watch this show and try to have a discussion with them about it, lol. I just needed to know I'm not the only one totally creeped out by that dancing kid duo. How is that little boy not terrified that that creepy living doll is going to swallow his soul while they're dancing?! I'd be afraid to sleep under the same roof with her... Could you imagine waking up with her face two inches from yours?? Otherwise, always happy to read my opinions coming out of the keyboards of others, re: the singers, the choirs, and the magicians. I feel bad for all the great danger acts that get so unfairly cut. We have to suffer through a half dozen (or more) little kid singers, but won't get to see what crazy stunt Bello would've performed next. Boo.
  25. I was thinking about the Harvard thing after I posted (while I was doing the dishes, so the mind wanders, lol). The ambush interview at Yale seemed to tip her in favor of Yale despite her years of insistence that she was going to Harvard. She was very susceptible to suggestion and outward influence, so you're probably onto something there with the theory about Lorelai, despite how many times she protested that it was what Rory wanted.
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