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Everything posted by Chickabiddy

  1. And yet, royalty would never partake in high tea. What a pretentious fucking moron. High tea is what the working classes ate at a high table, ie, kitchen table in the evening after work. Dinner refers to the main meal - usually had at lunch. School children in the UK call the lunch lady the dinner lady. Today lots of Brits refer to the evening meal as tea. Low tea is just a normal tea time and was what the upper classes had/have in the afternoon served on a low table, ie, coffee table in the drawing room. Thus douche wants a cream tea — the souped up afternoon tea with watercress and cucumber sandwich, scones and jam and cakes, etc, etc, etc. If you are going to be a pretentious, demanding, hoity toity dick, at least get your facts right. I hate these assholes already. 🙄
  2. Ok, the whole BleachGate - Elizabeth made mustard gas in the laundry really bugged me. So, I talked to my German husband who has a PhD in Nuclear Chemistry. Here is the low down according to Dr. Chickabiddy 😉 Bleach is sodium hypochlorite. The chlorine in it is bonded with oxygen. We don’t know what kind of soap Elizabeth mixed the bleach with. Some soaps may be acidic or strong base that when mixed with a base will release the chlorine from its oxygen bonds and create chlorine gas. Just how noxious the fumes were does depend on quantity and ventilation. A favorite sayings our house is that it’s the dose and not the substance that makes a poison. 😉 After all, he does bleach his lab coast in our machine with soap every week, and we are all still here. He did add that sometimes people overact and panic the minute they smell a hint of chlorine. That may have happened here and may have even been a convenient plot device, knowing Bravo as we all do. I happen to feel Mr. Engineer was a little shady because chlorine gas, while poisonous, is not mustard gas. There is no way Elizabeth could have cooked up mustard gas in the laundry room. And I double checked with Dr. Chickabiddy to be sure. And in another fun side note. The Germans did not use mustard gas in WWII. That was WWI. Everyone - Americans, Germans, and especially the British had huge stockpiles of it in WWII, but everyone was afraid to use it after their experiences in the First World War. My verdict is that Elizabeth created a few fumes that probably were unpleasant but not dangerous and then drama junkies at Bravo could not resist jumping all over that shit. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk. 😉😘
  3. New Orleans? Hell I’d marry Jogi just to get back to NOLA. And Cajuns are a whole lotta fun. 😉
  4. Brandon and Julia are just Rus and Pao 2.0 ... with a side of Borscht. 🙄
  5. Not to pick on the US - I’m American after all, but we forget how small portions really are. My mother is French and my husband is German, so I get a wake up call every time I am in Europe about how small an actual portion really is. A basic turkey sandwich with h whole wheat bread, a tablespoon of low-fat mayonnaise, a slice of cheese, and ounce of turkey, a slice of lettuce and the tomato slice is well over 400 calories. I totally get luxury yacht, my vacation, my wallet, I want my gullet stuffed at every turn, but Tom, for all his faults, is a British chef with perhaps a more European concept of portion size. I always lose weight within a week of traveling in Europe. It could be the hormone free animal products, it could be the less- processed,antibiotic-freebie organic products, but really it’s just a smaller portion size. Tom’s portions seem normal on a European scale. And it’s not like these bitches are hurting for calories with all the champagne they are guzzling. One bottle is like 600 calories. It’s not like they’ve are burning that much energy going down slides and floating in jelly infested waters.😉😘
  6. I can’t watch this. Poor Michael is selling his soul to the devil. Charlie Daniels had it wrong. The devil already was in Georgia and he calls himself Angela. 😓
  7. Holy Shit! Tania drives me to drink and I’m watching this heifer through my TV in living room. If they stay married, Syngin’s Liver is going to be a shriveled hockey puck from alcohol in 24 months. Jesus Christ. These people. These fucking people. But I do love Syngin’s buddies. They’re fun!! 😄
  8. Jenn is just one first rate low rent potato faced harridan. That is all....for now. 😉
  9. Hey, good to see you, @CHICKABIDDY! Haven't seenyou for awhile, missed your snark! Hope all is well! Hey @Pepper Mostly - missed the whole gang and you especially. 😘😉 Had a lot of life happen to drain some snark, but I live for y’all. I’m back in fits and starts. Y’all keep up the good work. 😘😜
  10. Is it wrong that I just sitting here with baited breath for Tania to to have enough meltdown? Yeah, well, if it is I do t want to be right. 😉😘
  11. Chef Tom is a big fuckin cry baby over a basic chocolate cake in a springform. That takes no fucking skill. It’s a step above a Betty Crocker box cake. And then cry me a river cuz oysters are hard to shuck. Someone needs a passi and a bottle before bed. I hope Malia has fun being his nanny for the next two weeks.
  12. If I hear maritime law one more time, I’m gonna barf. It just really Bugs. 🙄😉
  13. Oh, I think it is just jealousy pure and simple. It’s not just that Tins is happy and looking forward to a new life. It’s that Tins is the whole package. Tins is young and pretty and comes from old society money. Aside from Ramona, she is the only one of these bitches who didn’t have to strike it rich by sleeping with the right man. Tins was to the manor born and has the breeding, education and manners that “Sits and Eats Like a Trucker” Dorinda will never have. Anyone remember seeing Dorinda’s sister at Bluestone Manor? She was blue collar rough. On top of all that Dorinda feels she got cheated out of the life she felt entitled to when Richard died. And I know she will forever be seething in a narcissistic rage that John was the best she could do after Richard.
  14. Dimitri should be called DMatt. Sure, the D stands for Dimitri now, but it will soon morph into Door. 😉😘
  15. Kevin is at most a low rent version of Tom Cruise...a low rent version that was rode hard and put up wet. Yuck! And speaking of low rent, Tanner's squeaky, cutesy mommy is just gag inducing. I just know she saw Collin and his charming parents on a past season and though, "Oh, that could be me and my Tann." Her "Don't get any hookers pregnant,Tann." was just her tacky, crass way of trying to do Colin's mom's We miss you. Collie." and "Oh, look, space doors." And I really hope there is some fucking accountability at the reunion for all the gas lighting, toxic masculinity and "bru' bullshit we had to endure watching this season. That whole fucking deck crew and Kevin are just an assault waiting to happen. These fuckers want to be free to act however they want without any accountability whatsoever. And if some mouthy bitch dares to express displeasure or has a reaction that is anything less than fawning adoration for their silly boy antics, than she is just some high maintenance drama queen throwing her toys out of the cot - Ashton's favorite line to diminish anyone who may take issue with his his behavior. If the reunion is just some Andy Cohen guided white-wash of of what happened this season, then Bravo can stick a fork in me because I am going to be so done. Ugh.
  16. Hahaha!! Angela’s own embassy won’t even let her in. No state wants to claim her trash ass! This makes my drunk ass so happy after Tania’s major downer scene! 😂😂😂😂
  17. I fucking hate Tania. That is all. Oh, and I need a break, too, syringe. I was all happy hammered on the bubbly. Thanks, Tania 🙄
  18. And your mother seems to be basically ok with her man brat treating you that way has to make it just that much worse. They even told her they feel like she just wants to move to Turkey and leaving them. Yeah, that's your kids screaming out for some kind of affirmation or reassurance that you love them and will be there for them. She just makes my blood boil...
  19. Right whatever but Hannah’s decor looks like some cheap-ass after hours Bourbon street shit. Her decor was more fitting for a Hurricane from Pat O’s rather than a hand beaded silk dresses and an ice cold Gibson straight up. 🙄
  20. Holy Hell!! Hannah’s Gatsby decor looks like a Saints themed Mardi Gras party. I know because I have thrown them and gone to them. While fun, it’s hardly a five star Gatsby themed party. 🙄 Who Dat, baby!! 😉
  21. They should probably also go to the gym, improve their diets, accept that they will probably never ever rate a boo who is higher than a 5 on the looks spectrum, and get some therapy for it. But, see, all of that takes effort and hard work. It’s so much easier to go spouse shopping for “hot” financially vulnerable people. It’s the quick and and lazy fix, and so often those never work out as hoped.
  22. And I tell my son that once the girl is pregnant, he has no real choice or much control in what happens moving forward. It’s her body, so he better be sure to suit up no matter what she says about her own precautionary methods.
  23. Tom’s lady friends look like drag queens, and sad sack stuffed in a sausage casing Darcy is in way over her head. That is all.
  24. She should be asking them if they have reliable access to foodstuffs, potable water and reliable shelter during a raid or attack.
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