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Everything posted by annzeepark914

  1. TJ's Spicy Chai Tea Latte Mix (I may have mentioned this earlier in the thread). I love this stuff. It's almost as good as getting a chai tea latte at Starbucks or elsewhere (you just need to add some whipped cream if you feel decadent). Never tried it iced (maybe because it's such a comfy cozy drink when warm).
  2. I've made her Pear, Apple & Cranberry Crisp and it was wonderful. It serves 8. I haven't seen her recipe for apple crisp but wow! 17 servings? She must've been cooking for a big crowd.
  3. I tried to grow cherry tomatoes once & they ended up like marbles, very hard and had to be tossed. It's been so long since I've had a delicious tomato from a garden (the ones at the farmer's market have no taste IMO). I think they've finally bred that really wonderful sweet taste out of the plant. So I buy Campari tomatoes in the supermarket--for some reason they still have that sweet taste.
  4. Marinated & grilled pork chops, salad, Bob Evans sour cream mashed potatoes (too lazy to peel potatoes for homemade), and cooked spinach. Easy supper on a mega hot day. Hurry cool temps!
  5. I'm so sick of hearing about the eclipse I could scream. And of course, as I predicted, we had cloud cover just during the particular time we'd get to see 80% coverage (complete w/ one roll of thunder). I'm sorry. I'm just grouchy cause I hate when stuff is overhyped/over talked about (and then, I couldn't even witness it). We always have cloud cover whenever something celestial occurs ;>( Time to go read a book!
  6. That could be called two things: chicken schnitzel, or chicken Milanese. Serve with lemon wedges. Or, do like Ina does and plop some vinaigrette dressed greens on top of the crispy chicken breast. Love both! Tonight will be Summer Spaghetti where you cut up tomatoes, onion, garlic, some green olives, parsley, basil, toss w/ red wine vinegar and olive oil and keep in fridge, then pour over hot spaghetti. I make it early in the day and love the idea that supper is already made :>)
  7. Pork medallions, pilaf, and TJ's fresh green beans in a bag that are just microwaved (they were not good--the supermarket ones are better).
  8. I'm making Dan Dan Mien...ground chicken w/ Napa cabbage, scallions, ginger, garlic and sauce with Chinese egg noodles. Found the recipe on Steamy Kitchen blog last year and we really like it.
  9. Heh heh. I might've been tempted to order steak-medium rare. You're a better person than I, MINDTHINKR :>) Heck, if they weren't treating, they shouldn't have invited another person out (or, made it clear from the start that they were going out and if anyone else wanted to go along, that would be fun). Actually, I'm kinda sensitive about lamb, baby cows, antelope, deer & elk. Won't eat 'em. Egads, they were discussing animal slaughter? Ya shudda brought up gill net fishing. Enjoy the leftovers!
  10. I bought the fruit tart, let it sit on the counter to thaw and served with (mildly sweetened) whipped cream. It's very good!
  11. Wow! That meal sounds divine. Now, what does Parmesan ice cream taste like? Cheese? I just can't imagine which way the flavor would go (like creme fraiche or sweet w/ a hint of cheese). Everything sounds so good.
  12. I can't stand cauliflower. There is something in its flavor that is nasty to me (I can even detect it in creamy cauliflower soups that are seasoned well). The only other horror is Spam. In my early childhood my mom would stick cloves all over it and add pineapple slices. Ugh. It's so OTT salty I can still "taste" it many decades later. Once I reached an age where I felt bold enough to say I would never eat it again, she stopped serving it (altho' my dad loved it). One cooked veggie I learned to like is carrots and that's because I began to slice them the Asian way--on the diagonal. If they're cut across and cooked? Blech. But on the diagonal--stir fried or very briefly boiled...they're quite good.
  13. I'm thawing a casserole that I made several months ago and didn't really like. Mr P914 will probably eat it, though. Maybe I'll have a tiny portion and a big salad (gained 5 lbs on a cruise last week cause I didn't do as much brisk walking up and down the ship liked I usually do...caught the upper resp infection going round the ship & was in bed for 2 days).
  14. I saw Tess all grown up on a recent episode when Ina had a surprise outdoor dinner in honor of Antonia, Tess's mom. If I hadn't seen her walk in with her mom, I'd never have recognized her. She no longer looks like Kevin's girlfriend, Winnie, in that sitcom (long dark brown hair + bangs). She's now a pretty young woman with long dark curly hair.
  15. Well, being w/o a pet peeve didn't last long. I'm sure we've discussed this irritation a year ago but I decided to vent one more time. I called VISA yesterday to let them know I'm going overseas tomorrow & which countries I'll visit. Daggone it, I got one of those young chirpers and I could not understand most of what she said. When I said I'd also be in Estonia, she started spelling Astoria! Never heard of Estonia, she said, and where is this place called Estonia? When the heck are they going to start teaching geography again in our schools?
  16. Ain't it grand to be able to vent here? I can't think of anything right now to vent about (that doesn't mean there are no pet peeves in my life - hah!) but wanted to express appreciation for this forum :>)
  17. I never had a chili dog until I lived in Raleigh. They like to serve chili dogs with "slaw" on top and once I worked up the nerve to try it, I loved it!
  18. Did anyone see Ina on PBS News last night? They did a feature about her (of course I knew everything they discussed: job in the White House as an analyst, buying the Barefoot Contessa, never took a cooking class, etc).,except that she has a new cookbook coming out in 2018 (that I didn't know). Ina looked so pretty, eyes sparkling, relaxed. She cooked with William, the interviewer, at different points in the feature. I think you can see this interview at the PBS website. I know Ina isn't a trained chef but it's still amazing what she has accomplished w/o a cooking class. He asked if she knew who her viewers were and she said one day, early in the TV show years, she was in the city, passed a woman covered in furs who told her she loved her show. She figured that's who her audience was. Then, a few blocks down the street, a truck driver yelled out his window, "Hey baby, love the show"!
  19. Remember the tiny Pepperidge Farm rolls? I don't think they make them any more. My mom would spread softened butter on top of them, then sprinkle Parmesan cheese on top and bake. They were soooo good! And because they were so small, you didn't get overstuffed having a roll with dinner. I miss those little rolls. Hey - I like this: Great Wal of China ;>) Almost forgot: dinner tonight will be grilled portobello mushrooms with onions and peppers on Wegman's rolls.
  20. Ohhh, ebk57...but you did it for the cause, the sayonara to that restaurant (it had to be done by someone). Some day you'll eat again.
  21. Color me emerald green with envy! I haven't had lobstah in so long. Eastern NC pulled pork (vinegar based not tomato) on a bun with cole slaw . IMO that's the best kind of NC bbq. When I lived in Raleigh I went to Wilson and had bbq at Bill's Barbecue along with great "slaw" as they say in NC. I love that vinegar based sauce. In the western part of the state where tomato is featured in the sauce, the bbq is good but not as delicious to me as eastern style. Those North Carolinians can get into some serious "discussions" on which sauce is the best ;>)
  22. That's funny! You loved this episode about vegetables and I totally disliked this show. I too skipped the chocolate show because I'm not all that into chocolate (weird but true--I do like Hershey's almond chocolate bars). I have a question, though: does anyone think Ina has gotten shorter? When she was standing behind her Dutch oven that was on the stove, she looked very short. I've seen her cook using that pot before and she never looked so short to me. Well, we all shrink a bit as we age.
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