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Everything posted by annzeepark914

  1. I turned off the TV just before Sunny's segment started. Frozen pizza does not belong on a cooking show.
  2. I didn't know Deanna Stellato was skating for Canada now. She & her partner, Maxime Deschamp, placed third at the Skate Canada Challenge, a qualifying event for nationals.
  3. I wish I could "like" this a gazillion times!
  4. Those Blue Apron meals really do sound delicious. I enjoy cooking but not every night. We do delivery once a week (last night was Chinese--I have them tone down the heat in their Chicken Curry!) But maybe if places like Blue Apron or Hello Fresh have a once a week plan, that might work well for me.
  5. annzeepark914


    I woke up at the crack of dawn the other day & decided to see what's on TV at such a miserable time of day. Wow! Kasie looks fabulous...very sleek. No pageant hair, no sundress (not that she ever sported such a look). Sounds like they're still having fun being on so early--she asked viewers, near the end of the show, why they're watching so early in the morning. Hopefully, when her baby is a bit older, Kasie will be able to return to her KC DC show.
  6. Yeah...we saw him on tonight's broadcast. I was really hoping it would be Ruth Marcus.
  7. Summer Spaghetti... prepared the "sauce" this morning before going out.
  8. So maybe she shouldn't be cooking outside in weather that's cold enough to see one's breath.
  9. Y'know, I saw that pretty ring and wondered if it were "the" ring. Good!
  10. If Alex is a know it all, so is GZ (who comes across as arrogant--he's been tossing around cheffy lingo lately). But they're excellent chefs & I enjoy watching them cook.
  11. I wonder why FN brought them back into the studio. Even though they were not close to each other, it still was risky (and sets a crappy example). And, it was totally unnecessary. The segments taped in their homes the past year were very entertaining and IMO, much better at showing how to prepare recipes.
  12. Gosh, I haven't been here in a while. Today I tried watching her show as it comes on right before The Kitchen (which is a show that should maintain the separation of the cooks/chefs). But that nonstop smiling makes me grind my teeth. I read somewhere that her fans are complaining about that never-ending smile and her excuse is that she's trying to hide jowls. Uh-hunh. She can well afford a plastic surgeon to fix those jowls. I think she's trying to be another grinning Giada. The frittata she made today, with the dollop of sour cream on top, looked good, though.
  13. Well, three of them are back in the studio kitchen. Sunny and Katie are working at home (smart, IMO). So, I turned the volume waayyyyy down for Jeff's and Sunny's presentations and it was bearable. Re: the food? I'm going to make Katie's eggplant "boats". That melted cheese looked so good. I liked GZ's pork tenderloin slices with the diced turnip. Alex's salad of greens and how she layered the flavors (I loved the walnuts) and how she put honey at the bottom of the dish makes me want to try it. Good show, but not as appealing as when they're all working at home.
  14. I made lentil soup because I'd read somewhere that it brings good luck in the new year. It was good but I've got enough for an army!
  15. My theory is that the more strenuous the recipe, the less chance it has of being a winner. Wow...draining thawed bananas. That's intimidating!!
  16. A number of very conservative congressmen have been doing this for at least 15 years. They say they can't afford an apt as well as their house back in their district. There are no sleeping quarters in congressional offices. They put a cot in their private offices instead of moving their families here.
  17. Two pizzas: one veggie and one with diced tomatoes. Excellent with a glass (or 2) of Josh Cabernet Sauvignon. Happy New Year & it must be better, please!
  18. I worked on the hill for an upstate NY congressman and lived in N Arlington. None of our staff lived in the district. Gee...this was back in the day when there was hardly any crime in DC. And all the Representatives & Senators lived in the area (no sleeping in offices).
  19. And then there were the dramas. LA Law. Hill Street Blues. Lou Grant. I know there were more, but these were my favorites. What happened to those writers? Good actors can act, but they need decent scripts. You'd think Hollywood would've had workshops for new writers. And I just saw a program about The Cosby Show, mostly a comedy but in a real life kinda way. The early years were "teachable free" and reminded us of our own goofy families, no matter what our ethnicity was.
  20. This show was so authentic to me based on my years of working with/being friends with southern women. I remember that I wasn't going to watch it at first, suspecting that it would be a typical sitcom with that ba-dum-ba delivery (each single line of dialogue would get canned laughter, that kind of "humor"...Annie Potts said it was so great to not have to deliver dialogue that way). When I finally started watch Designing Women, I was stunned. A lot of the characters reminded me of my friends in Raleigh. Suzanne was my favorite. Suzanne traveling or up to some scheme with Anthony was even better. And the strange group trips were wonderful--especially the one with Daddy & sons, and the Florida trip meeting big booby Ursula. Where the heck are all the great writers today (I keep asking)?
  21. This sounds so good! The hoison mayo caught my eye. What is togarashi popcorn chicken?
  22. Ina's Eggplant Gratin, with extra sauce & some angel hair pasta.
  23. So how hard is it to get permission to show skaters whose performances were shown years ago on ABC? I'm sorry, but NBC really did a crappy job promoting this as a "history" of figure skating when they never showed "the greats", the ones who made figure skating a sport to follow, year after year. Button, Fleming, Hamill, Hamilton, Wylie, Tai & Randy, Kristi Yamaguchi, Michelle Kwan for pete's sake, and I missed some from the 1960 Olympics who brought home the gold. I'm surprised they didn't showcase our 1998 Olympic champ. This program was really just a promo for US Nationals next month.
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