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Posts posted by annzeepark914


    I've tried to copy & paste the link from YouTube but it's not happening. Look up Worlds 2024 on YT and it's there 

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  2. 46 minutes ago, Maelstrom said:

    I haven't gotten to watch the men yet - did they not show Adam's LP on broadcast?

    Nope. Last night they had two hours (bless their hearts) to cover Men's LP. The first half hour, they showed some SP's of men's & a couple of the women's LP's. And C/B's FD. To me, this shows their lack of interest in this sport. They could've made it an exciting 4 minutes, a sort of "wait'll ya see this!" moment of unforgettable athletic determination. 

    Just found Adam's LP - link is below.  It looked much better on my phone than on my laptop.

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  3. You'd think NBC would've shown Adam's skate-from-hell, 19th to the podium--an athletic achievement just made for TV, right? But no. I guess this was their way of thumbing their noses at those of us who won't pay for Peacock. Unbelievable 🤬. I sure do miss the days when ABC covered skating. Better camera work and better coverage. ABC would've have loved playing Adam's LP over & over...a Wide World of Sports miracle type of coverage. What was that show's motto?

    • Like 9
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  4. Has any skater ever made such a huge leap in standings as Adam did tonight? 19th to the podium & a Bronze medal. Two amazing guys on ice!

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  5. Wow! I'm still on a skating fan viewer's high after Gilles/Poirier's FD. That music is so haunting but beautiful, and their skating was the best I've ever seen from this team. They should do more programs like this. Loved Fear/Gibson's "Rocky" FD. Now, on to Men's.

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  6. I'm waiting for World's to start at 3:00 on USA. It's ice dancing, my favorite. It's not as dangerous as pairs (my former favorite discipline in figure skating, but pairs has grown too scary for me in the past few years). Our rain stopped by noon. Hope it was enough to put out all the wildfires out in West VA. 

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  7. I haven't watched MTP since Chuck left (& I wasn't even a fan of his). I was just thinking who could be a great moderator: Robert Costa. He had moderated Washington Week on PBS & was very good. Unfortunately, he left PBS to work at CBS. Meet The Press has been a shadow of its earlier days--actually, ever since Tim Russert died. 

    • Like 4
  8. Side by side spins? I've noticed in the past few years how few pairs teams are perfectly synchronized.  They're probably spending more practice time on the lifts & side by side jumps these days.

  9. Isabeau's LP was so light & elegant that one could forget how athletic an effort it was. The look of joy on her face at the end was perfect! 

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  10. Watching Amber sobbing in the K & C was heartbreaking. Now that we know the reason for her lapse in program focusing, the ups & downs of her skating career so far, I wonder if she's going to give herself a break and not put herself through these painful experiences over & over.  That was a beautiful triple axel 💙

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  11. 28 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

    OK, it's time for my usual Jason Brown rant. Feel free to skip.

    If they are going to reward him so highly for his "artistry" then they should be consistent. After all "artistry" is subjective, and for my money Deniss Vasiljevs' short was just as good as Jason's if not better. His final spin was incredible, and his choreography doesn't come to a dead standstill for a long setup into his triple axel the way Jason's does. Yet he only scored 89.42 to Jason's 93.87. That's bullshit.

    Also? During Ika Egadze's short, Johnny commented that "you could put on any kind of music and he'd skate the exact same way." Excuse me, but you could say the exact same thing about Jason Brown. He hasn't done anything "diverse" in years. You could watch his programs with the sound turned off and they would all look exactly the same. /rant

    Artistry truly is subjective.  IMO, Jason's skating stands out from the crowd (men & women) because he skates *with* his music, and his whole body can interpret a song--without all the wild gestures. Dick Button would be sputtering & agonizing in the commentator's booth today. Back in his day, he described the excessive arm motions as "hanging laundry" (& it wasn't as overwrought back then as it is now). Michelle Kwan, during her Lori Nichols' choreography days, was similar. Her skating interpreted her music with her arms rarely rising above her shoulders. But, who knows. World's being in Boston next year may bring out the inner elf in Jason 🍀

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  12. I used to love pairs, back in the day. For some reason, the overhead lifts now are making me too nervous to enjoy. 

    Am I imagining it or is there less chatting on the NBC/USA broadcast? I was late to the Women's SP and figured Terry wasn't there. Plus Tara & Johnny weren't yakking away during performances. Maybe viewers complained after Nationals.

    • Like 2
  13. 26 minutes ago, ChicksDigScars said:

    Even harder to watch was Boyang Jin.  He didn't qualify for the free skate, ending up in second to last place, and was crying as Brian Orser patted his back in the Kiss and Cry. A hard fall for a former World medalist.

    Anyone else think that Ilia seemed exhausted at the end? He landed everything. No mistakes, but he seemed tired. If he feels slighted by his scores, perhaps that will energize him to prove the judges wrong. 


    I agree re: Ilia looking spent. Don't recall ever seeing him this way before. Watching other skaters, leaving the ice with long faces, always makes me think: are they wondering right now if all those long hours at the rink, day after day, is really worth it.

  14. Just watched Jason skating to "Adios".  In this era of skaters' arms flying up, down, and frantically all around, all of his body movements are measured & precise. They match the music. I looked up this music on YouTube. Several of the comments mentioned a similarity to Nina Simone's "Sinnerman" (which is why I looked it up). IMO, this type of music is a perfect match for Jason's style. I could watch it over & over.

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  15. 12 hours ago, chessiegal said:

    @Bastet I have a bag of the Bertolli chicken florentine in my freezer now. In the past I've added more chicken and veggies. I call it an emergency meal and don't eat it often. 

    That's what I've done with the Bertolli products. I believe it's called shrinkage. So I added shrimp to the shrimp & asparagus. But the last time I bought it, there was so little pasta in it that I decided it's not enough for two people (heck...barely enough for one).

    • Sad 2
  16. There's a long article about Amber in today's Washington Post. I've used up my 10 free gifts. Does anyone here subscribe to the Post? She talks about skating so well at her rink, but then at competitions she has a hard time focusing on getting through her programs. She thinks it's her ADHD. I'm so glad she won Nationals.

  17. 1 hour ago, TattleTeeny said:

    New peeve: "Awe" and "aww" are not the same. And I still hate "woah."

    Also, I hate when people complain about the people in TV shows resolving some kind of crime or conflict in an hour. It's not usually only an hour in the lives of the people in the show!

    I watch Maine Cabin Masters and usually whenever kids arrive with their parents for the reveal, it's all "Whoahhhhhhh". And, of course, the neverending ads for the show *always* include some kids saying it over & over. But then the grownups at various TV shows can't just applaud the arrival of a celeb or a talent act, etc. The applause is always accompanied by screams of "Whooooooooo". OK...I feel better now 😁

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  18. 5 minutes ago, DXD526 said:

    IIRC, PK Ryan got FJ wrong, and whined about the clue being confusing. The show relented, and had him back. I don't remember the clue, but I do recall getting it right, and disagreeing that it was written in a confusing manner. 

    Well, that's two whiney pants who returned to the awful, horrible, terrible Jeopardy. If I were the CEO of Jeopardy, I sure wouldn't let either one of these jerks back on the set. So, were TPTB afraid of some type of legal action from these people?

    • Applause 1
  19. 1 hour ago, PRgal said:

    If those rumours are true, we may need an alternative forum just for chitchat and peeves. Lol…I’ve made a lot of “friends” here!

    Yup. We need a backup...just in case. I'm not familiar enough with all the forums out there to make a suggestion.

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