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Posts posted by annzeepark914

  1. The first time I ever saw Kimball, my immediate reaction was, "This drip looks like a few miserable blind dates I was fixed up with".

    • LOL 1
  2. Just saw an ad for Etsy that made me laugh. It takes place in the late 1800's. An official looks out a window, sees the Statue of Liberty and says something like, "Great! Now we have to get *them* something" 😁

    • LOL 9
  3. 2 hours ago, Quof said:

    It's always a good idea to learn the generic rather than proprietary name of everyday products, especially when traveling. I had to find treatment for a sunburn in France, and frankly wouldn't have known what to look for at home because I'd never had a sunburn before.  It was a real test of my French vocabulary, and ultimately my charade skills, to get the most awesome ointment which I brought home and used on kitchen and other burns for many months. 

    I'm always astonished when travellers expect the rest of the world to be just like it is at home (then why travel???) I can't count the number of times I've heard American tourists (Not talking about anyone on this forum, just citing my lived experience) ask "What does this cost in real dollars?" and question why "TSA" in another country doesn't follow the same airport security rules as the United States Transportation Security Administration. 

    Back in 2001, I had just arrived in Stockholm & wasn't feeling well. The hotel staff sent me to a special drug store for info' or advice. I went there & they told me to go to a clinic at 5 PM. I went, had tests done & saw a (very cute!) doctor. He wanted to prescribe an antibiotic so I got out my list of the ones I can handle. But they were brand names & he needed the pharmaceutical name. He gave me a Rx for one (costs me $12.00) but I felt woozy the next day. Did some research on the hotel's computer (pre-laptop, smartphone) & got the generic names of the drugs I took at home. Went back the next day & got a familiar Rx ($12.00 again, thank you Sweden! 🇸🇪) and had a good vacation. After that I've always traveled with a list of Rx's with the proper names.

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  4. 44 minutes ago, Mondrianyone said:

    Could you be thinking of BiakBiak? She seemed to have an encyclopedic knowledge of foods from many countries, posted about exotic dishes she made all the time, and then . . . poof! Very odd disappearance.

    Yes!!!! I think she lived in San Francisco. I've missed her posts. Who knows, maybe she was hired as a chef...her meals sounded *that good*  🙂

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  5. @kristen111 🤞🙏🍀 that they find out asap what's causing his misery. If the doctors can't figure it out, maybe try one of those homeopathic specialists. A former hairdresser kept getting sick & no one could figure out why. I believe she went everywhere, had tests done...nada! So I had to move on to another hairdresser as she was ill, no longer accepting appts. We were no longer in touch. A couple years later, I called a wig shop to schedule an appt (wanted a wig just for the heck of it). I was stunned when the person who answered said she was my former hairdresser. She said she finally went to some type of homeopathic specialist for help and was told the chemicals in hair dyes were causing her to be sick. She quit the profession and became a vegan or vegetarian...and got well.  She looked great & was so happy and relieved to be healthy at long last.

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  6. I started roasting fresh beets after reading that Joanne Weir says that roasting gets rid of that earthy flavor. Yup...I finally got smart and started wearing gloves while working with beets. My cutting board is wood so I scrub it with Ajax and/or a Brillo pad, and that gets rid of the beet stains. Her beet soup is very good: Oven Roasted Beet Soup with Watercress.

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  7. I loved The Rockford Files. The writing, the character actors, James Garner, the opening credits music, the stories. "Angel" was my favorite of Jimmy's pals. That show + LA Law, Hill Street Blues, Designing Women, MTM Show, The Lou Grant Show...why aren't there shows like these on TV today? Or. are they on premium channels only?


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  8. 1 hour ago, kristen111 said:

    I could use some new recipes.  I’m making the same things week after week.  

    I am too and it's boring. Did anyone here ever frequent Gail's Recipe Swap? That got to be a real community after a while. Then it disappeared (but it could've resurrected itself with a new name). I got a few good recipes from some of those folks.

    • Useful 3
  9. On 4/19/2024 at 8:34 PM, Mona Lisa said:

    For me Frank was the character that made the show.  Once Larry Linville left I stopped watching.  Frank was awful but so believable in his awfulness.  And Larry Linville was such a wonderful actor that you could feel sorry for old Ferret Face at the same time that you were glad he was getting his comeuppance.

    Ferret Face. He did a very good job acting to engender so much hatred! But I got a kick out of the arrogant Winchester. Once Alan Alda got a chance to start writing episodes, that's when Hawkeye got so holier than thou. This was early on and was the reason that Wayne Rogers (Trapper John) quit. He was my favorite.


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  10. Here's a question: what happens to the money someone paid to Visa and gave to me as a Visa Prepaid Card? It was good thru 7/20 and I'm an idiot for misplacing it (but I figured, hey... it's paid for so the money should still be there waiting for me to use it). Does the money go back to the gift-giver? Or does Visa keep the money?

  11. 6 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

    I'm having the best time. on Catchy TV they're having a Warner Brothers cartoon marathon. All the classics, Bugs making the hillbillys fight during a square dance, Marc Anthony the big bulldog and his tine kitten, Kill the Wabbit and Tweety screwing over poor Sylvester every chance he gets. Oh, this is too much fun!

    Are these cartoons the originals? I guess I'm a cartoon snob as I love the old cartoons, voiced by Mel Blanc?? and others. Those non-Disney cartoons were really created for adults. I can vaguely remember two of these gems that I saw several years ago. One featured a cat chasing a bird up into an apt bldg. He followed the bird out a window & crashed to the sidewalk. His *spirit* rose up and continued the chase. I was astonished! The other featured Bugs being kind of smart-assy to a pathetic hospitalized Elmer, I think.  Definitely not for children🙀

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  12. I was never a real deal fan until the Nats came to town. Those early seasons were rough for fans and it didn't help having the Philth fans sitting behind the batter's box. They always had a few fans (somewhere in the stadium) who would yell taunts in whiney sing-song voices.  It was bad enough already (as a fan at home) screaming at our stupid 3rd base coach, waving our players home when even we could see they wouldn't make it in time.🤬😩😡😖.

    I'm well behaved at the games 😁.

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  13. 13 hours ago, Mona Lisa said:

    On another subject on my Facebook feed I keep getting this, I guess, anecdotes from various sources.  Some of them are interesting but most of them aren't all that accurate.  I guess my peeve is I am spending more time checking the truthfulness of these stories than they deserve!  And when I find it isn't true, well, what do I do with this information?  I'm not going to waste my time commenting on these random site.  I guess I have the satisfaction of knowing "the real story" but still.  Time waster 101!

    Click on the 3 dots on the upper right of the unwanted anecdotes. It should show a screen with options: see more like this, see less like this, block so & so, etc. That's what I do with unwanted posts from whatever. I don't know if this is similar to what you're dealing with but it might show you how to avoid getting these things.

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  14. I made the Soup Nazi's Mulligatawny Soup for supper. Then I made Strawberry Shortcake for dessert. MrP914 had two helpings of each (but he can get away with stuff like this because he walks 3 miles 😵‍💫 every other day and has no weight problems at all). This dessert was a splurge for us and geez, it was so good!

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  15. On 4/3/2024 at 11:42 AM, Mindthinkr said:

    Sadly BB has gone downhill and the hospice vet will be here later this afternoon to help him OTRB 😿🌈💔🙏🏻

    @Mindthinkr I somehow missed this post. I am so sorry that your beautiful BB has moved over the Rainbow Bridge.  People who don't have these wonderful 4 legged family members don't understand what a crushing heartache their loss is to us, their "parents".  Wow...20.5 years old. You were fortunate to have him for so long.  When our Maine CoonCat had to be helped OTRB, we were comforted by people (including the vet & staff) saying that we had a hand in our fur baby reaching 20.5.  I hope someone told you the same. As we know, grief is the price we pay for having love in our lives. I wish you lots of comforting, good memories.  💙😽


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  16. 7 minutes ago, Quof said:

    I don't answer numbers I don't recognize, but I do answer "unknown callers" because I am dealing with a number of healthcare providers who call from their cellphones when they get a free minute in their day.  If I have to call them back, we usually end up playing phone tag.  My secret - I don't say anything when I answer.  If they are legitimate callers, they will say "Hello? Quof?" Spam callers might have my last name from a list, but never my first, so it's a good screener.  Robots just disconnect.  

    If I don't recognize the number on our caller ID, I let it go to voicemail and immediately pick up when they announce who they are & I recognize the name and/or the practice. 

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  17. I love landlines. Almost everyone who calls me on cellphones sounds like they're in a cave, or in an echo chamber, or holding a hand over the mouth. They all have different brands. We have caller ID and use the NoMoRobo call service. So the spam calls usually ring once. Occasionally we get a spam call that rings the 4 times before voice mail picks up. They hang up by the 4th ring. Jerks. What kind of lowlifes make these calls?

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