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Posts posted by annzeepark914

  1. 8 minutes ago, Trini said:

    Spent most of the day in ER today - I'm okay! - not looking for sympathy; but just want to remind people to get your rest, drink your water (WATER!), get your check-ups, screenings, and cleanings; and just don't take your health for granted. Literally just the basics, y'all.

    Hope you are now A-ok!!

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  2. My husband had cats before we met. He had dogs as a kid, but finds cats fascinating. We have had two cats (he's still missing our first cat together, that lived to be 20+). Re: our current piece of work, he's always wondering where she is in the house. She has so many hiding places. 

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  3. 1 hour ago, Mindthinkr said:

    Sorry to change the subject, but my Pet Peeve right now is loaning a book and not getting it returned. I have a recipe in a cookbook that I loaned. Since it wasn’t returned either I look up a similar recipe online, or buy another copy of the book. It also has happened with other books. 

    What do you do to help remind people to return your books? 

    "Hey, (name of borrower) I desperately need my cookbook! I'm making such & such and just gotta have that recipe...plus a couple others. Can I come over tomorrow to pick it up?"

    • Like 13
  4. On 4/26/2024 at 3:56 PM, Ancaster said:


    I'm expecting a delivery and since I live on the fifth floor, I need to get notifications on my phone, which has unreliable coverage and sometimes goes to voice mail instead of ringing as a call.

    My phone just pinged, so I leapt up in case it was the delivery guys leaving a message, not wanting to risk them leaving before I got downstairs.

    Of course, my laptop shot off my lap, straight down onto my toe, which now hurts like hell, elevated or otherwise, won't bend and is bright red.

    I'm used to my elbows and shins being bruised long after I've forgotten what I bumped, but now I have to worry about toes?

    I'm not a medical professional but if I were you, I'd get this toe checked out (unless you can bend it, walk on it, and it's no longer bright red by tomorrow). You might want to soak it in Epsom salt & warm water tonight. I've recently recovered from a low grade foot fracture and painful toes (the chiropractor "fixed" the toes). Just a suggestion from another foot injury sufferer.

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  5. 3 hours ago, EtheltoTillie said:

    Unpopular opinion:  I never liked that movie!  I also dislike Some Like It Hot.  Upon seeing mentions here and on the TCM thread, however, I decided to rewatch Tootsie this morning, after a 42-year hiatus.  I still don't like it.  He's so horrible to Teri Garr.  There are a few funny scenes, though.  But he seems so fake as Dorothy, I just couldn't buy the whole premise. 

    True... whenever I watch it, I wonder why people thought he was a woman, mainly due to the voice. But there are certain scenes that I love. "Dorothy" hails a taxi, is ignored, yells in his own voice, the taxi pulls over (of course) & some schlub (Woody Allen) hops into it ahead of "her".  I always laugh when D pulls the jerk out of the cab & hops in

    • Like 5
  6. Well...it's a quiet Friday night and I was searching for something to watch on TV (we don't have any premium channels) and, voila! I found Tootsie. The second half (where I came in) is the best part IMO. Great actors, whether stars or characters. 

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  7. I loved S1 and like someone else here posted, wish subsequent seasons had picked up on the remaining (& still alive!) characters. Need to rewatch it as all I can now recall are some bizarre scenes (e.g., shoot-out in a bldg while FBi agents are sitting in a car outside arguing; l think that was Key & Peele 😄). To this day, I feel uncomfortable whenever I see a wood chipper. 

    • Like 2
  8. Are we talking about TWOP with all new moderators, or Primetimer? I thought someone was saying that TWOP had to bring in new mods as the previous ones were so awful (not long before TWOP shut down for good). That's what I was reacting to. I thought Primetimer was shut down for a week for just for technical problems. 

    • Like 2
  9. 45 minutes ago, bluegirl147 said:

    For me it was like high school with the mods.  There was a clique that ruled the school and if you were part of the clique or was friendly with someone in the clique it was all good but if you weren't you were at their mercy.  If you acted up didn't fall in line you were cast out or brought to heel.  Certain threads were just too toxic to even read towards the end. It baffled me then and still confounds me that a site about TV and celebs could have gotten so out of control to the point an entire new moderating team had to be brought in.

    When did the new moderating team arrive? I was being so cautious toward the end...maybe I didn't notice.

    2 hours ago, kristen111 said:

    Damn .. I wish TW.oP or something like it would come back.  It sounds so interesting.   I feel like something is brewing.

    TWOP was not fun--not after you were suspended and/or received a warning. Primetimer has been wonderful, IMO.

    • Like 6
  10. The discussion re: beets got me remembering this beet recipe that is very good.  I found it in a Middle Eastern cookbook several years ago:

    Beets with Yogurt & Mint

    3 beets (1/4-1/2 lb) roasted, cooled*

    ½ garlic clove, crushed

    ½ cup Greek yogurt

    ½ Tbsp fresh lemon juice

    1-1/2 Tbsps light olive oil


    Chopped mint

    Peel** beets and cut into ½” or less slices, or half moon slices.

    Beat garlic into yogurt and spread on a plate.  Arrange beet slices on top.

    Beat lemon juice with oil and a little salt, stir in chopped mint, and spoon over beet slices.


    *Preheat oven to 375 degrees.  Scrub beets; place on foil.  Drizzle beets with oil and sprinkle with salt.  Fold foil over and make it into a packet.  Crimp sides. Roast for 1 hour.

    **Wear gloves while working with beets.

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  11. 12 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

    Unlike me, you must not have been one of those kids who had to write on the board 300 times: "I will not talk in class. I will not talk in class. I will not talk in class.…" LOL
    — ellipsis at the end in part for @Jaded:

    Nowadays, we even have an ellipsis emoji for just such a case: 💬


    My middle name is ellipsis!  I'm surprised I wasn't banned for life at twop...🙄

    @peacheslatour Great minds run in the same circle. I use a neutral name on Reddit (but I'm only hanging out at the Seinfeld section...those posters make me laugh!) At the Washington Post, I use initials & an area code. Back before AOL started moderating comments, it was too dangerous to let anyone know you were female. The men were vicious. Again, I used initials and frequently was addressed as "Sir" followed by indignant responses to my posts...😁


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  12. 51 minutes ago, Quof said:

    Damn, I've got to get a new hobby.

    Actually, I have completely abandoned figure skating fandom.  I hate the "new" rules, and trends.  Get off my lawn. 

    Aww... that's too bad, cause we need some activity at the figure skating site. It picks up during the Olympics, but then slows way down afterward.

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  13. I was just scrolling through the 2014 ice dance comments and saw familiar names: quof, chicksdigscars, GoodQueenJane, avaleigh. Can't believe I didn't see my name. I loved how chicksdigscars eviscerated Scott Moir for his attitude.  So, when did TWOP close down? 

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