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Everything posted by sharifa70

  1. I thought "Princess Kate" sounded weird, too! But then I thought of Princess-by-Marriage Diana and assumed it must be ok.
  2. My dvr didn’t record this episode for some reason. Judging by the lack of comments, it must not have been very exciting. I could hunt down the performances on YouTube but it feels like more effort than it’s worth. Maybe we’re all a bit burned out by the show that won’t stay away long enough for us to miss it? I’m also still feeling pretty burned out after last season’s formatting fiasco on top of the previous season’s Adamgate.
  3. Those were the Senator’s kids.
  4. I find Katie to be too bombastic. She needs to learn to dial it waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back. Like, way back. After her vocal assault, Max was a balm (though I thought his song was kind of a mess). It may be the relief talking, but I’m glad Kelly stole him.
  5. Ha! I reacted to the nosebleed in a similar way, except I was yelling at Ben to glove up. I’ve had the first aid mantra drilled into me at work: “If it’s wet and not yours, don’t touch it!” I would also watch Ben debunking ghosthunters. I got a bit of a Supernatural vibe from those bits.
  6. I felt like the show was all about De Niro. Graham is usually better at giving a little more time to the other guests, but whenever the other two said anything his follow-up questions seemed to go...to De Niro. Hahaha I can see Graham’s beard clearly but now I can’t un-see the dark patch on his facial hair!
  7. Not gonna lie, this episode’s creepy kids scared the crap out of me. I had to close all the curtains and snuggle with the dog. I am really enjoying this show.
  8. I think they’ve done that before. I don’t mind it - it’s better than the audition recap episodes we’ve had in the past. I like that we didn’t get a single montaged audition. Sure, we had a few slightly shortened songs, but for the most part it seemed like everyone got a good bit of screen time while they were singing (rather than Carson’s voice-over). I’ll happily tolerate backstory sections since I fast-forward through them anyway, and a shared final auditions/first battles as long as it means we don’t get those awful montaged auditions.
  9. I knew I recognized her from somewhere! I gave up on GG in season 2, so not exactly a fan, but thank you! I keep forgetting to look her up in imdb.
  10. I like the premise but I’m having a hard time suspending disbelief enough to go with it. In the pilot it was that Malcolm would never pass a background check for the FBI. In this episode it was the chloroform. I might accept that Dr. Whitly could get it, but where would Malcolm get it? Can people just buy chloroform whenever they want? If Malcolm needs restraints to sleep and it’s that dangerous for him, why is he in a top-floor apartment? Why aren’t the windows reinforced? So many questions!
  11. Renee's reaction to the porn audition story (especially regarding the, um, trees) cracked me up.
  12. I’m enjoying this season, actually, and this episode was fun. I liked Rosie’s interactions with Noel, Henry’s “shut up” will never be lived down, and David’s “I repel first” made me laugh. We’ve reached the point where I’m rooting for all of them and it really is hard to see any of them get cut (though I do agree it was time for the one who left). My one gripe is actually with Steph. Don’t get me wrong: I love her, but for the love of Sweet Baby Jeebus, Steph: stop licking your fingers. Oh my lord I cringe every time they show her shoving her fingers in her mouth.
  13. I love that even Carson got to join in. This was a pretty rendition.
  14. So far I aporeciate that there doesn’t seem to be a Comeback Stage. The “Don’t Speak” button could have been really annoying but I actually chuckled. I do get tired of Blake telling Kelly to shut up, though. I really liked the girl who sang “Free Falling.”
  15. I assumed that, too: didn't she tell Piper the room she was in was her own childhood room?
  16. This show had me at Clancy Brown: my first thought was “he’d better live through the pilot this time” and <gasp> he did! More to come! Thank you, Clancy Brown’s Agent!
  17. I enjoyed this (count me as another Michael Sheen/Aziraphale fan) and will watch more, but the one thing that I always have trouble ignoring in shows like this (and it’s driving me crazy with this pilot) is that given what we saw of Malcolm here, there is no way in hell he passed a background, let alone a psych evaluation, for any major law enforcement agency, especially the FBI. Even without the mental health issues we’ve seen, his frequent visits with his father (up until his decision to join the FBI) would have booted him from background. At least, it would in the real-life West Coast agency where I work. Have a close family member with felony convictions but you haven’t seen them in more than a decade/you might see them at the holidays? We might consider you. Your close family member is an infamous serial killer who raised you and you continued to visit him and maintain that close relationship into your adulthood, right up until you decided to apply for our agency? Um, no.
  18. As soon as he said “unctuosity” I thought “oh, god, he has to be from Portland.” I laughed a little too hard when he confirmed it. Both Portland chefs were SO Portland. I’m always hopeful when Portland chefs compete because I can actually go and taste the food, but I don’t see much in either menu to tempt me. I am sad. I used to believe there is no such thing as too much cheese until I saw these entrees. I also never want to hear “ooey gooey” again. Geoffrey used his chopsticks on ice cream.
  19. Merriam-Webster (and the OED, by the way) says their use of “literally” is fine: https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/misuse-of-literally
  20. British vs American pronunciation. His pronunciation is correct, just as American PAHsta and BAYzil are correct. It’s also not wrong to say “macarOON” for the French confection. Again, both pronunciations are correct (and yes, it does also refer to the coconut cookie).
  21. Oh, no. Ollie will rappel! With the help of, um....the bee colony?
  22. So much this. I like carnations too, though tulips are my absolute favorite. Besides being expensive, to me roses say “I’m not going to bother to find out what you like because I’m going to flash my money regardless and all chicks dig roses, amirite?” Like, there’s no effort at all. Same with diamonds. It’s my birthstone and my whole life I’ve lamented that I wasn’t a May, July, or September baby instead. Re this week’s episode and the show in general: count me in with everyone who appreciates that the detectives are good cops who aren’t 100% dependent on Cassie’s visions because they’re, you know, competent.
  23. I kept re-watching V. Unbeatable because 1: they’re freaking amazing; and 2: Gabrielle’s reactions are everything.
  24. Fair point. My West Coast agency doesn’t have a residency requirement and many of our personnel live in neighboring cities & counties and have big yards.
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