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Alonzo Mosely FBI

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Everything posted by Alonzo Mosely FBI

  1. Verbatim from daily mail.com what a douche HE LIED, HE LIED, THEN HE LIED SOME MORE.... WHAT TAEKMAN TOLD DAILY MAIL ONLINE DM: Josh, your name has come up on the Ashley Madison website and I wondered if that's something you would care to comment on? Josh: I don't understand. Hello? Can you hear me? DM: I can hear you fine. Josh: Hold on a second. I got to get in reception here. Hello? Can you hear me? DM: I can hear you perfectly. Josh: I'm sorry I couldn't hear anything I'm in a bad reception area. DM: Your name has come up on the Ashley Madison website database and I just wondered if that's something you would comment on at all? Josh: I don't understand what that is DM: The Ashley Madison website. It's the infidelity dating site. Josh: Oh the thing that's in the papers right now? DM: Yes exactly. Your name has come up as being a subscriber to it. Josh: Oh not a shot in hell. Absolutely not. DM: So are you saying that somebody used your name spuriously? Josh: They must have because I have no knowledge of that. This is the first I've ever heard of it. DM: Well what's your reaction to that? Basically it's looks like you've subscribed from 2011 through to 2014 with multiple payments on a credit card linked to your address. Josh: (Long silence) I have no idea about that. DM: So you're denying it. Josh: Yes totally. This is crazy. So what do I do about that? How do I find out? That's crazy. I've been in LA and I saw it on TV the other day on something like the Today show and we were laughing about it. I'm like that's f***ing bananas. DM: So you're saying you're not a subscriber to Ashley Madison. Josh: No. Hopefully I'm not going to be put in any article. DM: Well your name is definitely down there and obviously we'll reflect your denial but you're in there. Josh: Well I need you to remove it because that's not me. DM: I can't remove any data. Josh: Well I don't understand it. I just don't understand what this really means. It is what it is but it's definitely someone fraudulently using my name and number. He then hung up AND HERE'S HIS 'ADMISSION' WHICH DOESN'T MENTION ALL THE TIMES HE USED IT (OR WHY HE LIED) 'I signed up for the site foolishly and ignorantly with a group of friends and I deeply apologize for any embarrassment or pain I have brought to my wife and family. 'We both look forward to moving past this and getting on with our lives.' Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3210428/Real-Housewives-New-York-star-Kristen-Taekman-s-husband-Josh-denied-betraying-years-Ashley-Madison-despite-62-paid-transactions-admitted-signed-up.html#ixzz3jrHqBBJJ Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
  2. Also, wonder if they got a stipend for the filming of their wedding. Didn't they marry? I don't think the word Saddleback has come up yet in this thread. Vicki was throwing that term around like candy, since when is she Saddleback.
  3. I'm still SMH at Ryan renting a $3500 house. Even if he COULD afford that payment why wouldn't you BUY a modest home for your family instead if pissing it away in rent? Uggggh Did they say the house was in the OC ? Wonder if this is the address the popo were called to for Ryan's domestic violence allegation or if they've moved on already..... I suspect it was a short term rental during OC filming, so they could live locally in the hopes Tamballs can secure them a spinoff......
  4. The listing for Shannon's house, link is up thread lists 8 full baths, 5 half. 11 in main house 1.5 in the detached guest house. That's 13 toilets! Vicki almost fell down in the boat, which I really liked. who eats in a boat if you get seasick Vicks? Vicks dress was too short at the construction party, we almost saw her subterranean level coming up the steps. Meghan is foul. Her man voice and crisp feminine enunciation of her s and t sounds I cannot out my finger on it but she is damn COLD and her voice grates. Heather the Queen of Versailles can have that big house fine with me because of the retort she gave to Megahn at NASCAR. M was whining about how everyone thinks she insinuated that Brooks doesnt have cancer and Heather goes "well that's what you did." Thank YOU Heather! Shannon needed to look around that table in that sticky bar and be GRATEFUL she has a healthy family and she made it to her 51 birthday. I think D let an assistant pick the restaurant or the kids or production I don't think he is passive I think he's just a knucklehead man who thought the place was perfectly nice. Shannon wants Le Cirque. RYAN CANNOT AFFORD NOR SHOULD HE RENT A $3500 house!!!
  5. Guessing B did not take a long term hotel room or apt on the advice of her lawyers for some reasoning relating to hyperbole about abandoning her marital home . Her sob story relating to being homeless is such a nice bonus!
  6. Kirsten's "look" is too much! Did she not read the Preppy Handbook manifesto on accessories ...put on all of your jewelry when getting ready for a party and then take OFF one piece? Perfection. We are only getting one side of the Brynn phone calls thing. And I can guarantee that side is lies and exaggerated like everything Bethenny says. It's all painted with her brush. Homeless. Lost at sea. Doesn't have parents. She's the girl who cries (raised by) wolf (wolves). Jason says nothing in the press. Bethenny does even though she's not supposed to, and in addition puts Carole up to it. Smart Carole..... Bethenny will be very very loyal to Carole for C doing this for her, guaranteeing Carole's role on the show. What evidence do we have that Jason is a non-compliant co parent?
  7. It was Manzo'd with Children ugh RIPPED OFF! I got all excited and it was the goddamn Manzo fambly.
  8. Too funny! Luann still can't keep her lies straight! She's above the truth, that is for the peasants. Let them eat eggs francaise! I wish ya'll could see the strip in Berlin, CT her hometown. I know I know if I reminded Luann of her humble roots I'd just get an "how dare you"!
  9. OoooohGromit you sure have it right! The love she wants and will never get from her parents haunts and will haunt every relationship she ever has.... Fame = love.... She'll crawl over anything to get attention and she doesn't even see it at all. She will damage that kid without batting an eye to get attention. As far as Jason claiming a piece of the pie .... remember it was Beth's mother who was unreasonable when Bethenny totaled her car partying and it was Beth's father who was unreasonable when she totaled his car heavily partying in LA (he was unreasonable because he would only GIVE her a cheap domestic sedan after cry me a river Bethenny) and now...... Jason is unreasonable. It is always the other guy. Always. And Jill Z , Kelly and everyone else she has run over like Sherman's civil war scorched earth path to the sea! When she's done with you she's done with you.
  10. Luann's knees sticking out of that awful dress. I just can't. Bethenny defending herself that she qualified homeless with the words "richest homeless person in NY" she did say that once but got caught several more times in the early ep crying that she was plain ol' homeless. She is such a LIAR.
  11. I feel like betrayal and the mere suggestion Shannon was a party to betrayal gives Shannon tremendous anxiety because of what she's feeling after David's affair. Hell, she s a nervous wreck to begin with. The more Brooks drank and gave off no cancer stank her betrayal anxiety was whipped up like crazy and she just had to blab to Vicki. Bad decision but I see how she got there. Shannon go find a pelvic floor physical therapist they can fix you! Meghan's manner of speaking drives me nuts. Over enunciating RBF in motion. Ice cold.
  12. Shannon. Shannon. Shannon. Can't win. Damned if you do tell her (Vicki makes a scene) Damned if you don't tell her (if Vicki found out later that Shannon knew and didn't fill her in, Vicki would go ballistic that Shannon DIDNT tell her asap)....
  13. What crazy timing. I'm scratching my head that I (we?) are Debating if his cancer is being faked because a PSYCHIC said so..... Is a psychic the source of this allegation ? Boy, bet this psychic gets asked back if he's created this much buzz! $$$$$ ps It wouldn't surprise me if Brooks is TOTALLY faking it. I'm just surprised that the rumor got legs because a psychic says so.
  14. Also noted, Sonja was BITCHING about Kristen at her fashion show and I noted that S said she gave K a seat Front and Center of the runway with "you girls" like it was a big fat favor. How exclusionary, Kristen versus "you girls". K really is the outsider in the ensemble.
  15. He was the man talking to Ramona as Bethenny entered the party. He was standing with Ramona as Ramona greeted B. I think Ramona started to apologize and B said something like "in front of this total stranger?" And Ramona said "by the way this is my brother" and B was barely concealed an eye roll as he greeted her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. IMHO he was good looking. Just sayin.
  16. Poor Kristen she cannot win. Sonja looked Matronly in her getup and was all kinds of whacked out. Speaking of Adderall. Bethenny didn't wanna go to this party so she doubled up on her Adderall, accessoried with an extra big chip on her shoulder and walked into the saloon with her guns loaded to turn the thing into a shit show to pay everyone back for being forced to attend. Jason Hoppy could write us a primer on her skills at this I bet. She is so cocky about her place on top of Andys totem pole that she just mocks everyone and is makes sure she throws her weight around so everyone knows she is tops. She is not part of an ensemble she is there to promote herself only. She was very rude to Ramona's brother. And a crass bitch to the guy she mocked (and mocked and mocked) at the bar. Bethenny just lift your leg and piss on the tires of everyone's Town cars and get it over with don't ruin the party. The stock shots of Bethennys apartment pictures were planted & stylized and not shot the day Carole was there. The kitchen art is not up over Carole's shoulder. The lamp by the balcony is not in the stills either. How many times (and octaves) did Dorinda say no no no no NO No NO in the beginning of the Kristin v Sonja fight I laughed and backed that shit up ten times! Sloppy fucking drunk! Adams slack jawed uuummmm and yaaaaah and vocal fry gets him the hook immediately for me. Buh bye. Luann is vile. Her poor (latchkey) kids.
  17. IIRC Lu said you don't sleep with the ......( pause ) people who work for you. What a bitch she was 110mph on her way to saying "the help"but paused and obviously changed it. Someone has coached her as to how elitist and condescending it is to refer to employees as the help. What a snotty bitch. Do as I say not as I screw. LUANN!
  18. Where does Lizzie fucking shop for clothes? Jesus. Her swimsuit was not impressive. You have a swimsuit line and you highlight it by wearing a black plain one piece that could pass for a wetsuit? I wanna see her in no makeup a ball cap and a swimsuit that isn't from a pagaent ... Is it possible, and I'm just saying, that David DID NOT know his mistress befriended Shannon and when he did he skated like Michael Douglas in Fatal attraction? Is it possible they broke up and he for the sake of kids and their rabbit so it didn't get scalded that they don't out her and she goes the fuck away??? In the interest of full disclosure I think David and Michael D are HOT as F. Megan is vile and I loathe her. Co sign to you all. Did I detect a twinge that Vicki misses Donn and wishes they'd stayed together? I just love Heather she's a good sport and has a good sense of humor and confidence. Owns her neurotic type A moments. She was funny getting Vomvicki and Stirs 9 Miles Of Dogshit outa bed.
  19. Ramona said she just came from Ash Wed church. Sonja goes "they let you in there?" and Ramona rolled her eyes at her and Sonja responds "they let me go!" (meaning into church) it was funny. I knew which night the fashion show was so I looked it up to see if Bravo was faking it was the morning after the show. So I looked up Ash Wed and is was the day after the show. I wouldn't have put it past Bravo to make it look like it was the day after. I am a Catholic and ditto on the ashes, I wondered if they don't stick to Botox :-)
  20. Racked I believe that is her condo, before she bought it. Those small windows are in her Master.
  21. Ash Wed in 2015 was the day after Sonjas show I looked...maybe Botox is repellant to ashes. (No life) I laughed when Sonja said they let her in too (church) lol..... The morning after with those two kids in the big bed was too cute. Regina George and Gretchen Weiners. Ramon is rude but I'm on her side about Bethenny. Does anyone actually believe Bethenny drinks her nasty skinny girl products? When they call cut I feel like she hauls out the Grey Goose and laughs.
  22. Wow. She is ill, this is so sad. That said, she looks like Kevin the bird from the movie Up in her mugshot . RHOBH is currently filming? Wonder if this will make it into the footage relating to Kyle finding out. This is a stretch could Kim be doing it to get coverage since she's not filming? Could this be grief, relating to Monty's condition getting worse? Probably a perfect storm of that and many other variables. She is sick and needs to get healthy, it's sad.
  23. Can someone, anyone tell me why she's been dubbed Doris? Bueller? Anyone, Bueller?
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