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Alonzo Mosely FBI

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Everything posted by Alonzo Mosely FBI

  1. haha you guys are killing me.... lol 1) OK so let's say Sonja needed to be alone. The ladies couldn't have at LEAST left their luggage in the vestibule/foyer/heated dungeon? 2) How much do you suppose Sonja slips her Bravo cameraman on the side to NOT film the dark aging angles on the house? Maybe he has a black card.
  2. OMG Sonja's blog! It's just too good! She says.... To be clear, the intern did not let Heather and the girls in the HEATED foyer. Key word, Heated. I laughed out loud. Yeah right Sonja. Remember when there was no hot water in the house???? The reason it was cold was because everyone was running in and out. I could feel the draft upstairs! -Drafty upstairs!!! Quelle Horreure !!! How do you think it felt standing outside in the rain, Sonja? Let them eat cake! . They all had black town cars to get to the white stretch limo in front of my house. You can clearly see the black car in front of my house. I don't even understand this? The black town cars were there, but the limo was late right? Were the ladies to pay their drivers to wait? How does NYC feel about double parked town cars for an hour in the rain in a construction zone? Later in the blog Sonja says SHE sent for the girls in town cars. OK SHE did? Not BRAVO? hahahahahaha Smoky Eye! Updo! Gstaad! Did she send the town cars to Gstaad to pick up the girls after their updo and smoky eye? This gem: hahahaa Interns are here to learn, they are not employees or domestics. I have to be with the interns when they observe or participate in any entertaining at home. I wonder if Sonja has to be present when they are picking up dogshit off the threadbare carpets? When they came into the foyer, a cup of tea was spilled all over the marble mosaic floor and on the antique table all while calling me a bitch. I had to lift the glass and wipe it clean so it didn’t get trapped and destroy the piece! I had to put the glass to the side to be sure the mahogany table dried completely before putting the glass back on (which is dangerous while out on the floor). So something from Ikea got a spill. Who was carrying tea in the ep? I still vacation to Gstaad yearly in my updo and smoky eye. LOL! Even the Learning Annex asked me to come in and demonstrate. Whaddya wanna bet Sonja's passport has ZERO stamps to/from Gstaad in the past 3 years.... Quick someone google the Learning Annex schedule to see when that demo took place... re: partying..... What happens in Atlantic City stays in Atlantic City, they say. I should have known better than to let my walls down around them. Ummm it stays in AC except when it is being filmed for Bravo you loon!!!! Then not only does it not stay in AC---- it's nationwide. Yuh, don't let your walls down around the girls, OR THE TONS OF VIEWERS! Why she dates younger men.... I feel that I can contribute as an equal partner emotionally and can stand on my own two feet financially. I just didn’t feel that I could do that a year ago. Hence, the younger men. Not a shocker, there is no mention of Dorinda having to put her to bed. It's just too good, there's so so much more. Dellluuuuuusional!
  3. hee Sonja's blog is up, it's off the rails. All aboard the crazy train.
  4. Ryebread, Hell HATH frozen over and mean a hard freeze because 25% of the time I was on Bethenny's side this ep. To clarify, not the part where she whored out her product, Rapunzeled herself in her own room, said (I believe) I had to drop off my KID - it so sounds like a noun a belonging when you say that- say her name or say "my daughter" Puh-leeze, her gambling posture of half Jimmy the Hat and half disdain and above it all tossing $ 600 chips around, pissing on the side of the road when there are 1000 rest areas on the way between NYC and AC, oh and the part where trying to make her point screeching in a loud club versus a sloshed crazy woman was completely pointless (she just ramped the crazy as she did w. Kelly on SI) would have been better to go with it and say I love you lets talk in the AM it's loud in here? Anyway quite a run on. She does get points for keeping it real w. Sonja and also for the preview of meeting with her stepfather. Girl has GOT to get to the bottom of her feelings on that issue before she will be happy. I will be back with a thesis on THAT interaction next week. Her Stepfather is a VERY successful businessman who worked from the bottom up who will give it to her straight, and a man who was not without struggle and hard work himself in his career every single day. She couldn't get her dad (obvs) and I still think her swan song will be the Mother one day, and that confrontation happening on camera to showcase Bethenny's best angle to sell more books and crap though I hope it's for closure and health- the right reasons. Wait, Rye, did I saw hell froze over that I had good feelings toward her? Well, I did have some! lol And it's a start.
  5. Thanks Lab. it is still awful for me, it wasn't long ago. From my very biased shoes from a 3 second clip I am willing to go out there confidently that V wasn't faking. Been there. And I am pretty sure it had to be on film because they had no choice but to tell her immediately if she wanted hear it from a family member instead of a text or on social media. Given of course production could have drawn the line, but they might not have known what the call was going to be
  6. I have to tell you guys that when I first saw Vicki on the floor, I didn't know it was the news of her mother. I found out reading the forums a few hours later. But what I will tell you is that I knew immediately was it was bad and it flashed me back to when I lost a parent, gone too young, horrifically, never got to say goodbye to them, and found out about it on the phone- my other parent called me before I found out via a text or social media- it was via an accident so the news was flying around swiftly, fire, ambulance, scanner etc. If it happened during filming they had to tell her right away. Bad news travels instantly in today's world. It's just crazy that I saw the trailer and didn't know what the news was but I did know what it was. And you know what I did taking the phone call???? The same thing as Vicki. Knees, the floor, and the horror movie screams then wailing & wailing that still haunts me. I slept on it last night and feel awful for Vicki she is one of my favorites for all of her fake trophies, Mexican hideaways and Midwestern corn fed thighs. I feel SO badly for her and each time I see her go through this on TV and I will relive my bad news every time I see it and I will probably have to limit myself from watching it more than once. There's now way that was a retake. I swear to god, I did the. exact. same. thing. I am sorry about your Mom Vicki.
  7. Carole's body did not look banging in those acid wash mom jeans she wore to Montana last year. She is so annoying.
  8. And Bethenny meets up with John Parisella her stepfather next week, now THIS is what I've waited for since season 1......
  9. Who did Kristin room with? Maybe I missed it.. Luann Carole Heather Sonja Ramona Dorinda Bethenny alone (Ina room full of her assistants and skinnygirl swag no doubt) Kristin?
  10. Could housekeeping expenses mean stuff like trash pickup, etc also?
  11. Here ya go! https://www.linkedin.com/in/lauracantor CBA Group USA might be these guys in the room in the scene. Interesting website. No testimonials, and not much info really. http://www.cbagroupusa.com/
  12. What! Confused. It was a joke? I didn't think it was funny. If that's Carole's attempt at humor then she needs a ghostwriter. My theory on Adam is he wants to be a STAR, what a timely hookup to get a story line and showcase whatever this Nicaraugua farm thing is. I think that's why Luann is mad that Adam & Carole, who meanwhile are screwing, are a mutual use. Carole for her madcap Carrie Beadshaw role and he wants fame. B calls John "icky" in her blog. John is her b f in 20 years lol!
  13. So I tuned in to her Instagram yesterday to see if she was at the Kentucky Derby, you know, her non-roots, and she is in FL with Brynn at Disney prior to a book signing there. But on Friday she asked fans if they liked her KY Derby hat and showed a picture of it. https://instagram.com/p/2JyGpotPCu/ She wasn't there. ???? I doubt she flew the hat to wear to the Magic Kingdom yesterday. Why? To plug the hat designer? Do they pay her for a Twitter /IG placement ? Her fans are all like welcome to Lousiville and you'll look great at the derby. She wasn't even there... Nor planning on going. Why ask fans if they like her Derby hat is she clearly isn't going to any Derby stuff? The only reason I can figure is that she uses the hashtag Kentucky Derby so she'll be in the trending feed that day and get views. Lying. To get in a trending feed. And another thing, didn't she say at Luanns Hampton'sparty that she didn't know how to IG or Twitter?
  14. Bethenny is a fake and has been since day one. Her tag line stuns me this year "I'm not a housewife, but I am real" ??????? To borrow a phrase from the 90's like she likes to do, the only real thing about her is her big mouth "keeping it real" in her rat a tat tat no filter calling out ball busting of others. Never inward. Never showing us her real self. no b f, no family, no roots, no house, no Brynn, just spinning her brand from her shrink wrapped Hamptons TV set staged for Skinnygirl, to her un birthday party so far. I despise her and she needs a good Kim Richards dose of child psychology. Fo REAL.
  15. Woooooow! This is very telling. Fake fake fake FAKE FAKE. This invite list for the filming party were the work people vying for air time and promotion (Skinny Girl ppl, HW, the realtors ) who were ALSO good enough to also make the cut to stay for the personal party. Minus the boyfriend who was downstairs waiting the whole time. What a clusterfuck of epic proportions. She dressed in a hotel since she cannot film in the boyfriends apartment (you know, because he doesn't exist Beth, you FAKE) and she cannot film at home, and she can't film her friends only the camera Ho's and she cannot film solely work girls alone or Dorinda and Heather and Kristen would have made the cut for downstairs after. No wonder she's not happy and doesn't know where she lives and which way is up. Only BETH make something so complicated. To her this is more ideal than her husband throwing her a surprise party. I can see where Kristen was hurt. This was a work party only for those who didn't make Bethenny's cut on the personal side. To K this looked like a work thing IMHO. It would've to me. On second thought maybe she couldn't film everyone because she only had six chicken skewers for the whole invite list. The mechanics of this filming scenario makes me dislike Bravo and Real HW may be jumping the shark. Bethennys tag line is that she's not a housewife but she's real. This party was over maneuvered and was fake as hell. None of it was birthday. It was filming, followed by her wrap party after filming not a bday party!
  16. So Luann knocks Carole for dating the help, buuuuuut it was ok for her niece to date the help? Lol
  17. if Carole could not give this chef a platform to launch himself he wouldn't take a second look at her. Cooking shows are a dime a dozen, he's got a reality TV gal with rocking homes in NYC & CA. And they both get a story line. Clever. That fight with Dorinda and Johnny was so awkward I didn't like it. I don't go to my HW to feel like that. I actually felt badly for him she looked capable of anything, and by anything I mean nothing good. He had his hands full. Buzzkill. Yeah, the wolf den.
  18. I thought B and Kristens douche of a husband had some sort of business connection? No? Maybe I'm confusing another HW
  19. I thought the Malibu ad showed at the end of the ep said it was a sober living house for AFTER rehab, like a halfway house? I don't think he'd thank the place he sent Kim because of privacy laws.
  20. Likes to everything. Kim's daughter with the black hair is beautiful. I am still haunted by seeing Guiliana Ransics emaciated frame in the entertainment show clip at the beginning talking about Kim's arrest. Hmmm if Monty is dying, why doesn't he want the daughters only remaining parent healthy? To me, not enabling Kim should be his priority alongside his treatment. He has some ownership. Those poor kids are the casualty.
  21. Brooke? Gave/allowed her mother to consume alcohol in the first place? What? Loved Dr. Phil interjecting "in a bar"....... Over and over
  22. Dad. Was that an intended pun? Her Dad was obsessed with his work and wildly successful and brilliant at it. YMMV I think she's trying to bypass his success to prove a point, and secondary to have enough money to never rely on anyone thanks to her feelings abut her alleged rough upbringing. Just like Kim Richards not getting sober til she clears out the Big Kathy cobwebs in her psyche, I don't think Bethenny will quit until she similarly clears out the cobwebs of her childhood feelings of abandonment, neglect, etc.
  23. I don't think so, the house is in Bridgehampton, and she loves it? Who knows.
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