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Everything posted by JoJoPowerRanger

  1. I can corroborate your soup memories! You're correct, Whitney brought up Babs's love of soup in either Season 1 or 2 in that episode where they were grocery shopping and Whitney ripped her pants. I also just found a (low resolution) clip of it on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Kz4gW6Rnsw
  2. I think I spotted Naomie on tv at the democratic debate tonight in Charleston (to the left in white)?
  3. Right?! They made it sound as if June is addicted to Geno, and that Geno is the sole crackhead in the relationship, when everyone on Earth knows that was a joint undertaking. June "needs to find herself" and "is so afraid of Geno" and that's why she needs "treatment." As if we didn't just watch her walk into the intervention higher than her "fat cake" bill.
  4. I know this show is scripted but the producers/editors don't even care about continuity anymore. In the car ride with Doe Doe to her intervention June has all her front teeth, and then when she walks into the house for that intervention she's missing the tooth again. It's disorienting. And this is from the people who used to care so much about continuity that they made Mama June wear a fat suit in Season 1.
  5. Steven infuriates me and I'm flabbergasted that Olga forgave him so easily for his lie about her visa. I love her but she is too easily forgiving, and thus Steven will never grow from his mistakes. I'm still confused about the lie and don't buy anything he says anymore. In episode 4, which I happen to be watching right now because I'm an addict, recall that Steven was complaining about having to ask the chief of the hospital for permission to be in the room for the birth. He said in his talking head, "If Olga's K1 visa was approved, we'd be in America giving birth in a normal hospital and I would not have to deal with any of this." So had he been lying to producers at that point as well? I imagine you have to at least apply for the visa as a prerequisite to be on the show.
  6. So here's the thing -- I watched the scene about 10 times and watched each person's reaction. At the same moment that Michelle and Gilda are explaining that it's not a joke, Julia is waving her champagne, saying "Sorryyyyy" with a flirty grin on her face. You know, just like that entitled person who cuts a long line at Starbucks (but isn't really sorry and definitely doesn't take her rightful place in the back of the queue). So NO it didn't just slip out, and the only reason she blubbered for the rest of the trip was because she realized this exchange was so controversial that it would never be edited out, and that she's just obliterated her reputation on national television. Someone doesn't say the n word that naturally without some feeling that they're above you because of your skin color. It's not (just) because she's ignorant or always puts her foot in her mouth. She's the person that believes she's more attractive than her minority friend merely because she's white (why do men keep flirting with my black friend and ignoring me??!!). She's the person that is secretly shocked when a she meets a successful and wealthy minority (how did that happen?!!). She's the person that deserves the master bedroom! Julia said it because she's prejudiced (whether aware of it or not) and she needs to check herself. Anyway, she's dead to me.
  7. I can't believe I care enough to ask, but did the scientist trapped in the volcano with Anne Heche die? I remember him being super chipper and cheery when he pulled Anne out of that crevice and then his leg was broken(??) and then he was all pessimistic and melodramatic while Anne was looking at those drawings on the mountain wall. And then Anne got saved by her daughters and I was thinking, wait, you guys aren't going to help the scientist guy? Did he die and did I just not notice? Why can't I stop watching this laughably terrible show, and when is Wayne Brady coming back?
  8. It looks like not many of us are watching this (or at least not discussing it) but I need to note that the first 5 min of this most recent episode (ep 5??) was the most violent reality TV I've ever seen in my life. And I'm a reality JUNKIE. Worse than the worst fights on "60 days in," worse than the bloody brawls on "Cops." I had intense anxiety the whole time, I don't think my stomach can handle the rest of the season if it continues like this.
  9. Now that you mention it, when I was watching I saw something like "This is a RocketLawyer document" across the bottom pages.
  10. Actually inheritance rules vary from state to state! In Georgia, an inheritance constitutes separate property, even if it's acquired during the marriage. So, Chantel does NOT need a prenup to keep her inheritance to herself. Lucky her, because I'm pretty sure that prenup would be void. One scenario where Chantel could screw herself over is if she commingles that inheritance with joint assets, e.g., puts it in a bank account she shares with Pedro (and I can totally envision this space cadet doing this). In that case, the inheritance would be converted into a marital asset. Here's some boring legal mumbo jumbo from Georgia case law:
  11. Megan listed her celebrity crushes as Chris Tucker, Mike Epps, Jamie Foxx, and Tyler Perry. It sounds like she spiraled into depression when one of them had a baby with his baby mama. (I'm assuming it's Tyler Perry since he had a baby with his girlfriend in 2014.) The language she used implied that she thinks the celeb cheated on her, and she behaved as if she was undergoing a recent breakup, eating ice cream, watching romantic movies etc. Btw, it totally thrills me that Megan has a thing for funny handsome black men, I haven't giggled out loud at TV like that in a long time! And I too thought the Kris's Anderson Cooper punch line was hilarious
  12. I was definitely assuming Brooklyn too when I first saw the place based on the gates and the building style, but then there was an episode where Sabrina and Kate went to a restaurant I like called Adoro Lei (also in the West Village) and it appeared as if they walked there. So then using my creepy internet spy skills (as well as remembering a few other things near them such as a Manhattan Mini Storage and a Park Fast), I figured out the West Village building. I won't post the address in case Kate miraculously does live there, but here is the building on Google Maps street view: And I totally agree that they wouldn't be able to afford a BK apartment either lol
  13. So this is going to sound super stalkerish but I'll blame my curiosity on NYCers always keeping their eyes open for good apartment deals -- I agree that these guys are really staying in a hotel and I also doubt that Kate even lives there. I recognized the surrounding (in the West Village) and figured out the building. No matter where I look on the internet, the building is often listed as a multi-family home and I can't find one iota of evidence that the individual apartments have ever been publicly rented out. I doubt that Kate, this relative newbie to NYC, knows how to finagle her way into a (supposedly privately listed) 1BR apartment in this beautiful building (which btw was officially designated a landmark) in one of the most expensive neighborhoods in Manhattan. The rent for this apartment has to be $3000/month AT THE VERY LEAST and I think Kate is very capable but I don't think she'd be able to swing that price tag despite her modeling and fashion line. And she doesn't strike me as someone who would blow her reality TV money on expensive rent. I'm betting that these guys are either in a hotel or that the producers have secretly rented out the whole building for them but they're pretending to smush themselves into just one of the apartments during filming. And that's my conspiracy theory for the day lol
  14. Never forget. I almost never agree with Ramona but heck yea I think Luann is insecure. I sense this because I was an *ahem* unpolished teenager and even though I like to think I've blossomed there are some self doubts that will always remain. Ugly duckling recognizes ugly ducking, Luann. However, I don't overcompensate by getting engaged to some dude I don't even know (and who's floofed half of my friends) and saying "IM GETTING MARRIED" every 27 seconds
  15. oh nooooo during this ep I saw the preview for the "Tell All" and it looks like Buddy has gained even more weight since this season was filmed :( And interestingly enough it looked like Lennie has lost weight since this supposed breakup with Whitney. What is going on in that house?!!! Also shaking my head at Roy. Like others here, I had high hopes for him and I'm praying that he's merely ho-ing himself out for TLC's money. Which absurdly enough sounds to me like a better scenario than becoming yet another enabler of Whitney and another victim of weight gain in her house of horrors.
  16. The uptalk in Sonia's speech drives me CRAZY. I think she's sweet, but all of her sentences sound like a questions? If she keeps doing that, I'm going to have to fast forward through her scenes?
  17. I agree re the comments that it was odd Whitney brought Buddy instead of Lennie to the comedy show, and that made me think of Lennie's weak role in Whitney's life. Buddy's interjections during Whitney and the comedienne's little showdown were weak and pretty childish (if you're going to step into someone else's argument, bring some substance to the debate, you know?); HOWEVER, he STOOD UP FOR WHITNEY. Can you imagine swapping out Buddy for Lennie in that scene? Lennie would be quiet as a church mouse! In the first season, Buddy flipped out at the person who made the Shamu comment (i.e., walked up to the car yelling at the offending passenger). I know there's some suspicion here as to whether the incidence was even real, but damn it he stood up for Whitney where Lennie wouldn't. That is a major problem in my eyes. If you are someone who is subject to shaming or public harassment, I think you need a partner who will be there for you and support you in your cause. And Lennie is not that dude. He's not even a quiet soldier. He's just... standing there looking like a vapid D-bag. And even Whitney deserves more than that.
  18. Spot on! I was checking out #belowdeck on twitter earlier today and Tiffany had tweeted that Bravo edited out the best part -- Danny taking selfies on the donkey* LOL
  19. Eh, I think its Ana's prerogative to call herself Cuban regardless of whether or not she was born in Cuba. I won't speak for all minorities but I'll speak for myself and people of my situation in my social circle -- in my experience, if you're the first generation of your family born in America and you're a minority, often people that think they might share your ancestry will ask you where you're from. And if you say "America," they'll respond, "Yea, but where are you from?" Whether or not that question is offensive, who knows, but it's our reality. And I identify with my parents' country (as well as American), because in our household I grew up in that culture, honoring those traditions, eating that food, speaking that language. Heck, I didn't understand I was American until I went to school! So if Ana does not in fact own a Cuban passport, I understand why she still says she's Cuban. Anyway sorry for boring everyone! Let me get back on topic to say I've been team Tregaye from the beginning, because early on I found her talking heads to be very astute (e.g., that Martita was giving the same presentation in every challenge). However, a couple episodes ago I started understanding what most of you were saying about this schticky stereotypical character she's created. Something deep inside of me cringes at the judges' over-the-top laughter at Tregaye's antics because it makes me think of minstrel shows circa the 1800's, if you get my drift. I think if Tregaye retired "fleek, yaaas, poppin'" etc, she'd be wonderful to watch, but for the past few episodes I've been a bit uncomfortable. Also came here to ask why Bobby and Giada haven't been as harsh on contestants' points of view as they have in past seasons? People used to go home over not having a strong brand and now there are 3 people left that have weak or undefined points of view. Maybe after Eddie last season they're implicitly admitting that the contestant's own point of view hardly matters to the network :/
  20. Whitney... Whitney. The only time a bf ever ignored that many of my communications/I ignored that many of a guy's communications was when HE WAS OVER IT (and vice versa). Lennie is done with you, gurl. If dude wasn't lying, then in Whitney's line of questioning, he would've mentioned his messed up friend down the street earlier than that rather than as a counter to her "where was your car?!" question. AND, if Lennie's friend texted him to come over as he claims, then Lennie should have seen all of Whitney's missed calls and texts and his phone probably wasn't on silent after all. This was sad, it was like watching my 16 year old desperate self LOL EXACTLY. AND I bet Will didn't get a snapshot of that meal hahah
  21. I think you're right, I definitely recognized a lion or something! I assumed it was Lennie's way of covering his ears so that he could sleep through the noise of Whitney's sleep apnea machine. I also feel like he thinks ear plugs will make Whitney feel self conscious (yeah right), so he's donning this ridiculous hat and pretending he likes to sleep like that lol
  22. Winners of this episode: The presentation audience member that talked about his late obese diabetic father and called Whitney out on her BS The personal trainer who called Whitney out on her BS The piggy
  23. I actually think she had Buddy bring her a Domino's philly cheese steak pizza which, FYI, is THE BOMB (in a good way). I spied with my junk-food eating eye that it came in the Domino's handmade pan pizza box, plus she had a box of sides (perhaps breadsticks or parmesan bread bites, maybe wings?). Another FYI, I've ordered it enough to know that Domino's philly cheese pan pizza pie is around 2300 cals and homegirl did NOT look like she planned to share. And now the secret's out that I love gross garbage food hahahah ETA: and AGREED! If I was in her position you would never catch me ordering one of those nutritional disasters for the world to see, especially not after being in the ER! 10% of me respects her for starting to come out of the closet and be honest with viewers that she could not give 2 craps about what goes into her body despite medical confirmation of her poor health.
  24. Late to this show and this party but I've been loving and chuckling at all these comments! Came here to ask, did anyone else notice the new tattoo Mike had on one of his hands in the last ep (episode 6)? I'm watching episode 2 right now because it's finally on demand for me, and the tattoo was NOT there in that earlier episode. Anyway, it looks like a bunch of flowers and stuff with swords crossed to form the shape of a V. Mike was originally my favorite person on the show, but if that tattoo stands for "Valene," he's lost my favoritism and gained my pity. The tattoo looked really fresh when he was getting harassed via text message at the playground, but I agree with whomever above said the timeline/sequencing seems really off on this show, so *shrugs*.
  25. THIS. Over and over Hannah kept saying, "I thought Ben said X Y Z," just wasting time complaining/placing blame instead of looking for a solution. I was disappointed and my mind immediately went to Kate who seemed pretty great at problem solving. (Remember on season 3 when the charter guests didn't see any sharks on their shark dive, so Kate tried to make a shark head out of cardboard to make up for it? LOL) And also, even though Hannah works the interior, I feel like it's dangerous to work on a boat and be a poor troubleshooter.
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