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Everything posted by GreyBunny

  1. He got roasted up and down social media for his cowardly tweet and how he had been propping up Eteri for years (and generally acting a fool) so maybe he’s decided to be a little more serious for a change.
  2. I hope she butt-zambonis herself all the way off the podium so another medal ceremony won’t get hung up and she won’t have to give back another medal she doesn’t deserve. But the judges will prop her up anyway and the other two were likely also doping and will get away with it. 🙄 I feel sorry for the clean non-Russian skaters.
  3. “These two will destroy the whole city!” *destroy the city themselves* 🤷🏼‍♀️ Poor fellas didn’t even have names. I called them Rosencrantz & Guildenstern in my mind and sadly they also came to an inglorious end. 😞
  4. Agree. She’s not quite an adult but she’s not a child either, she’s old enough to know the rules and what’s right and wrong. She’s surrounded by sucky coaches and handlers, but at 15 it’s not the same as if she were 7. If someone is too young to be held accountable then they don’t belong in the Olympics at all. Send the children home and leave competing to the adults.
  5. Congrats, Nathan! He earned it a thousand times over. Jason had my favorite program, no quad but absolutely lovely and I’m pleased he got 6th. Messing reminded me of Elvis Stojko, another compact jumping bean with an extroverted style. First time seeing Semenenko; hearing Wotan’s Ball included in his Master & Margarita medley was a pleasant surprise. Unless you’re Torvill & Dean, leave Bolero alone. Will probably pass on most of the ladies’ event, I’m not interested in watching Putin’s Little Dopers.
  6. That’s it? No cauldron? Just a tiny little torch flame? Same energy as the 18-inch Stonehenge from Spinal Tap. We need the archer from Barcelona.
  7. Haven’t gotten around to seeing Black Widow and, after Yelena’s appearance here, I don’t want to. She’s annoying, charmless, and somewhat dumb. The mac & cheese scene went on too long and she wasn’t nearly cool enough to pull it off. Ugh.
  8. Just watching this now. Martha’s grade school girl dress was just disturbing. I hate it when grown women are infantilized. Can’t little girls have something that’s just theirs without creepy adults invading their space? Please get rid of her soon. That Roitfeld judge looks like she hasn’t had bathed in weeks and her eyebrows are out of control. I wouldn’t want my professional fashion work to be judged by someone with questionable hygiene.
  9. Be an adult and use the model you get. If you have a message and you don’t think your model is the right one to deliver it, save the message for another challenge. You get what you get and it’s your job to make it work. Or they know he’s full of shit and only there to stir up more shit. I wouldn’t listen to him much either.
  10. Two women pressured into switching models - one by Christian after she already said no, another after significant work had been done - so two men could get what they wanted. That was some deep-fried bullshit. Tim wouldn’t have done that. Tim’s an actual instructor who knows how to teach and advise, Christian just interferes and causes/escalates problems. He’s a shit excuse for a mentor. I didn’t like anything that came down the runway, it was all 80’s and 90’s clown school rejects. I tried Making the Cut and there’s lightness, happiness, and enthusiasm for fashion and the industry and a genuine desire (or at least a much more competent projection of desire) to guide the designers. PR is now just mean and angry and bitchy and depressing. Swatch was the only good thing about this episode (RIP, little pup.) I won’t be watching anymore.
  11. Her health and safety is most important. Good for her for having the bravery to say no and walk away instead of risk serious injury or death just to please others. She’s doing the most GOAT thing of all.
  12. They’re feeding us that Lokis are supposed to fail and HWR found the right Lokis to do that in a big way. There was no way Sylvie was going to divert from her mission and a few days with some guy wasn’t going to change that, even if he’s a version of herself. Our Loki would consider other options but he had gotten soft over Sylvie, nothing short of severely incapacitating or killing her would have stopped her and he couldn’t do that, he was too much in love with her/himself. The damaged rash side of Loki clashing with the “perhaps we can come to an arrangement” side of Loki in such a way both were doomed to fail. No wonder Kang was sitting there with a cheesy grin on his face, he was watching two Lokis hit peak Loki right in front of him and it was probably the best entertainment he’s had in eons. I know, I want him to be something other than a prop. He’s the only Marvel character I go out of my way for. I don’t read the comics and I couldn’t care less about the films/TV shows without Loki - specifically Tom Hiddleston’s Loki. After his death scene in Infinity War I quit watching the movie, I didn’t care about the story anymore, those dumb stones might as well have been paperweights as far as I was concerned. I watched only the time heist scene in Endgame. I didn’t like that they did speed-chess of Loki’s character development, six years in three minutes even if TH acted the hell out of it, and they landed on the narrative that his father did love him and Loki just misunderstood/overreacted instead of that he was the victim of horrible parenting and his feelings of being marginalized, scapegoated, and emotionally neglected were justified. Odin was a terrible narcissistic father and Frigga enabled Odin too much (Hela the original scapegoat and Thor the golden boy were also damaged). That’s a lot to unpack and a few rounds of police interrogation (it wasn’t therapy) isn’t going to heal that. Agree, they’re much more interesting. I’m hoping they’ll be back together by the series finale, whenever that is. I still want that end credits scene with Loki having a drink on a beach while Mobius is having the time of his life on a jet ski.
  13. Fake spoilers? It would be a very Loki thing to do. If they actually do that, [Loki voice] I’m impressed.
  14. Oh yeah! Classic Loki is a badass! The kid is great too, and the Lokigator is funny. Loki and Mobius, the hug we all needed! Mobius shows up in the Weasleys’ car and the Lokis battle the smoke monster from Lost. Loki learns to enchant and he gets a snazzy new blade. Renslayer is still a scumbag.
  15. Shameful this incompetent negligent gasbag still has a show or a license. He and his merry band of idiots should have been kicked out of the veterinary profession years ago.
  16. Same here! Also Dr. Who, the film Brazil, and the episode Workforce (ST: Voyager) thrown in for good measure. Loved the color scheme for Lamentis - neon nighttime, purples, large dark planet looming overhead… Blade Runner meets Night Vale. I don’t think Loki lied about the device being destroyed, he took it out and it was smoking. It looked like it fell apart as it dropped to the ground, I don’t think he repocketed it. It would be frustrating if it turned out it was an illusion, it would be a too-easy plot device and lazy writing rather than a skilled demonstration of Loki being a trickster. More singing from Tom.
  17. One more helpful tip from the NPS.
  18. How to handle a bear encounter. “If it’s brown, lie down. If it’s black, fight back”
  19. I think he’ll be all right. It may expend more calories, but past contestants have freaked out and tapped when they lost or destroyed their ferro rods, he’s not at risk for that, plus he can keep his bow drill and a supply of tinder in his shelter to keep it dry. As for the boat, my first thought was that it needs an outrigger and fortunately he figured that out right away. Once he has that he’ll be good to go. A spare paddle couldn’t hurt either. I was concerned that it looked like he beached it tarp-side down. I’d flip it and prop it up someplace to protect the tarp.
  20. I loved this, a much more capable group! I like the pit house but I was worried at first how far she was from the beach or where the water table was, thinking back to Rupert’s disaster from Survivor. She seems to actually know what she’s doing and got a great start. Props for her tenacity, I quickly get annoyed just digging holes for my garden plants. I thought that was amusing and he’s actually good with the bow drill.
  21. She puked on berries. Shouldn’t someone who regularly roughs it be used to eating berries? Oh, wait, she’s a trophy “hunter” who goes on canned hunts and teaches “outdoor skills” at the local foofoo glamping store. Princess Privileged can go home any time. Poor Tim, he got a great shelter built and engineered a lure out of his toothbrush but had to go home for a medical reason that should have disqualified him in the first place. I love that they’ve returned to southern BC. Different location than VI, but similar enough kind of place - rain, cold, more rain, uncomfortable amounts of rain... whenever the producers want contestants to go home fast they know to go someplace cold and wet.
  22. Hannah’s last episode was my last as well. As long as Shipwreck Sandy and Malaria are cast, I won’t watch the show. To hell with them.
  23. As a northwesterner, the food from Kokoson looked more familiar than the courses from Penny. We do love our seafood, but we have ingredients and flavor profiles that are distinct for our region. It looked like Penny just threw together a bunch of seafood dishes from wherever and called it Pacific Northwest because the main part of the dish came from under the water.
  24. Josh is looking at five years in federal prison, minimum. The feds don’t play games, they wouldn’t have arrested him unless the investigation was thoroughly done and they’re virtually certain they can win in court. Pervo the Clown better get used to wearing an orange jumpsuit.
  25. This. He grew up in an environment where women and girls’ bodies are nothing but pleasure objects for men and baby-producing machines. Females have no say and aren’t allowed to have their own boundaries. Of course boys and men think they are entitled to unfettered access to the bodies of women, girls, and children. Josh is a product of his environment, a very sick, twisted, and disgusting environment set up by JB and M. Burning in hell is too good for all three of them. Anna too, she’s just as sleazy and depraved. She knew what he was and kept squeezing out more potential victims to put in his line of fire.
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