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  1. Spock is not a child, he’s engaged to someone else (even if they’re on hold for the time being, the betrothal is still intact), and she’s not responsible for him being butthurt for not telling him her news after they broke up. She earned a very rare educational opportunity and has every reason to be happy and nothing to be forgiven for. So tired of the feelings of men being prioritized over the achievements of women.
  2. So you take a small child to a fragile crime scene full of fungus and without respirators. Stupid writers. “How old are you?” ”Pineapples.” With Careless Catherine for a grandma, I’m not surprised the poor kid is dumber than a bag of hammers.
  3. Anyone know what the song is at the end of the episode? Shazam and lyric searches turn up nothing.
  4. Well, that was stupid and a waste of time.
  5. Terrible writing, much worse than last season. Don’t they have anyone on the writing staff that has a clue about police procedure and investigation? I couldn’t care less about any of the new people and I don’t care about Catherine’s history with the casino or her creepy obsession with her student. Shut up, Serena, you’re unprofessional and a moron. Please kill her off.
  6. At least the cinematography is good.
  7. If Lysella becomes a regular or semi-regular for season 4, that would be fine, she’s been introduced properly and has potential. It looks like she and Alara were hitting it off. John should have been the best man, it was nice to see some depth added to Gordon this season but season 3 turned into The Gordon Show (when it wasn’t The Charli Show. Didn’t miss her, btw). ”Thank you, sober man, you have been useful.” My favorite line. I liked that they explained and showed why they have their version of the Prime Directive, they did it better than Trek ever did, actually.
  8. Thank Avis Mary Sue is finally gone. Seth needs to find a girlfriend who can act. Agree that the Very Special Season of the Orville has become tedious, I miss the lighthearted satire and creative absurdity with bits of seriousness sprinkled in to give it weight when needed. Lower Decks is (brilliantly) doing what the Orville should still be doing. The space battle was cool. RIP Admiral Perry, I’m going to miss Ted Danson.
  9. K1 had already expressed wants, curiosity, a desire to explore, could conceptualize fairness and inequality, and evolved a sense of self, among other things that went well beyond being just a Tonka toy, enough so that mistreating him for laughs was wrong. The kids were nasty little sadists and the parents were awful.
  10. It was creepy and I will criticize it all day. If he was staging a fall it was a dangerous way to do it. He could have been hurt much worse than a twisted knee, and his back was already screwed up.
  11. Same. Adam’s costume and giving the editors a project splicing his skit together was clever, I’m glad he’s having fun out there. Kari Lee is in a position to win and I’d love to see a woman win, but the costume of bones and the puppet as presented came off as creepy and disrespectful to the animal. In the earlier episodes, as soon as Jesse said she was prioritizing building Winterfell over finding food, I knew she was doomed. After all of that effort, I also would have liked a tour. I get that when a contestant says they’ll never tap out as a way to build resilience, but at some point it becomes poor judgment. Not doing the morning check-in means she was pretty far gone mentally. Poor Tom, starvation was clouding his judgment too, a person with a full belly would have been more careful with that log, at least he finally had enough clarity to tap out.
  12. Agree, but even so, TNG fell far short too. Geordie did his creepy and disgusting, “I was just trying to make a connection” speech that he yelled in her face when she rightfully told him she felt violated, and at the end she told him she was married, as if “no” couldn’t be a good enough answer for her to turn him down. I hate that episode, it grosses me out.
  13. They don’t have to worry about it. Once they go back to 2015, the 2025 timeline with Gordon gets wiped out. I think the dysonium reappears as it was never mined in 2025 in the correct timeline.
  14. When Juan Pablo was talking about his cast iron stomach, I thought for sure he’d be the one to get sick since we heard puking in the previews and being hardy to Mexican bugs is no guarantee a Labrador bug won’t get him. Alas, it was Benji (who had good odds up until then) and Drive-Thru Adam with their tag-team puke-a-thon. At least the latter had some tea and a lighter case and he got better. Poor Benji, he probably got it while mucking about near the beaver dam. I love that the contestants name their forts: Rock House, Hodgepodge Lodge… The best structure that balances protection from the elements and reserving energy to build seems to be a teepee with a fireplace and an above-ground bed. Small enough to heat but large enough to move around and work on indoor projects if the weather is bad. Igor way overdid it and HPL has too many weird rooms. Nice dock, I hope he doesn’t get dizzy from the lack of calories and fall in.
  15. The writing was horrible and Angel is an annoying clown. I don’t want to see that clown again, but Spock’s increasingly stupid family keeps hogging screentime.
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