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Everything posted by Albanyguy

  1. She wouldn't drag the baby along with her to the hearing to show off what a happy family they are and how impossible the charges against Josh are? Would she?
  2. The only person who was ever able to insert a random "Y" into her name and pull it off with style was Edith Gormezano, better known as the late, great Eydie Gorme.
  3. I could see him doing this to troll not only Anna, but all the "haters" out there and perhaps even his parents and siblings. I've always felt that Josh had a LOT of repressed anger towards his family as well as a strong sadistic streak. Right now, he must be filled with impotent fury at the position he finds himself in and eager to lash out at any available target.
  4. I'd wait a few weeks until Josh was out if the house (one way or the other) before having the wedding, but that fool Mr. Reber will probaby feel that it's an honor to have Josh there.
  5. The purpose behind "No Shave November" is to raise money for cancer research and treatment. I wonder if these jokers have actually raised any money or if they just saw other guys growing beards and decided that it would make them look cool and give them a reason to pose for more pictures.
  6. Assuming the baby arrived while Jill was hanging out in Florida, Mrs. Keller may have decided not to say anything to anyone until Jill was safely on the road back to Ohio. I would hazard a guess that Mrs. Keller doesn't have any more liking or respect for Jill than the Duggars do. More likely a punishment from God because the Duggars haven't been sufficently friendly and welcoming to her.
  7. I’ll bet they charged the dishwasher and painting supplies to Nathan’s Home Depot card.
  8. Nothing accentuates a pot belly like a tightly buttoned vest.
  9. Well, if she nagged him fifty times a day with “Where’s the video you promised me?”, I guess that could count as “much requested”.
  10. While I'm sure that Jim Bob will be willing to support Anna and the kids living on the family compound (it really wouldn't cost him that much and it would keep her firmly under his control), I doubt if he'd shell out for a separate residence for her in Colorado. Anyway, he can always have JD fly her and the kids back and forth for visits.
  11. Concieving and bearing as many babies as possible is all that matters. How you take care of them after they're born is a minor consideration.
  12. And many of them, especially the Quiverfull followers, are quite poor, with subsistence-level "self-employed" incomes and huge numbers of mouths to feed. Even a very modest wedding gift must be more than most of them can afford. I wouldn't be suprised, though, if some of them feel the need to spend lavishly on wedding gifts in order to show their "respect" for Fundie royalty like the Duggar and Bates families, even if it means taking food out of their own children's mouths.
  13. And just being a living example of righteousness and a role model for young Christian wives and mothers everywhere must be an exhausting full-time job.
  14. It’s run by two fools named Lily and Ellie who bill themselves as personal friends of the Duggars. They’re the humpiest leghumpers who ever humped and they’ve always had a massive crush on Josh. The “situation” must be killing them.
  15. Nurie had been so brainwashed into believing that Mama is always right that I doubt if it would even occur to her to wonder if Plexus might be harmful to herself or the baby. And if Nathan or Ma Keller expressed any doubts, she would defend Mama’s wisdom to the death.
  16. Or just sat down at the foot of the stairs, settled herself comfortably and then began clutching her knee and wailing as Shrek and the kids came running to see what happened. Most of them probably realized right away that she was faking, but were too frightened of her wrath to say anything.
  17. I wonder if Jim Bob and Michelle knew this and if it wasn't a factor in their decision to keep everything quiet and deal with Josh's crimes privately within the Fundie community. Of course, they would have done that anyway, but the possibility of losing their precious "right" to keep their children isolated and prevent them from learing about the outside world would have been a powerful motivation.
  18. They’re probably hoping that she can hang on until the trial, so that she can go into labor in the court room and give birth in the jury box.
  19. The "eating disorder" story emerged right around the time that the TLC spotlight was turning away from her and onto her pretty, marriageable daughters. I'd file that one away with the "missing back muscle" as one of her self-serving lies.
  20. And Anna, who is as deep into the Gothard Kool-Aid as anyone can get, would never accept help from a family member who has turned his back on their faith and is headed for burning in Hell. To her, allowing her children to live under her unbeliever brother's roof would put their souls in far greater danger than anything that could happen to them at the Duggar compound.
  21. Actually, there are more than a few high schools (and middle schools) that do this. Some schools will turn anything into a way to raise funds. And I saw the resemblance to Jill right away, too.
  22. It's possible that Nurie was a naturally quiet, docile child and Jill simply assumed that all babies were like that. Then, when Tim came along and was a different kind of child, Jill couldn't understand or handle it and tagged him with the "most stubborn" label. As Dana Carvey said "The first kid is always easy. That's how God cons you into having a second one."
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