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Everything posted by ribboninthesky1

  1. I tuned into this for Robin Givens. The dialogue isn't Tyler Perry-horrible, but some of it was clunky. Then again, much of it what I thought was cringeworthy was delivered by Brian White and Brely Evans. They seem to be the weakest links among an otherwise good cast. I didn't expect to see Gino Anthony Pesi in this, so he was a nice bit of eye candy despite being a villain. The man playing Purifoy looked so familiar to me, but I couldn't place him. Another surprise upon research that it was Brian Bosworth, who I don't recall seeing since the early 90s, maybe? Talk about a random casting. He looks older than his mid-50s to me - closer to mid-60s. Essence Atkins was killing it in her evening gown at that party! I feel like I'm gonna dislike her husband, despite his legitimate trust issues. I'm sure the show will have his infidelity "justified" if he goes there, whether with Robin or Purifoy's thristy wife.
  2. I remember that as well. But while she was teasing Travis about the hot guy who happened to be deaf, there was a whole thing about Vic getting into bed because she shared it with Lucas. So, I assumed they were at her place. Hey, he looks quite different from the Dallas days!
  3. As mxc90 wrote upthread, he was all, "We can take care of ourselves!" And as soon as things got dicey, he was demanding assistance. Like...? I have to take back my criticism of the wife because I forgot she wanted to evacuate, but let him talk her out of it. Never mind that she has asthma, and would be adversely impacted by the poor air quality even if their house wasn't burned down. Senior Bobby Ewing was an asshole.
  4. I figured Sullivan re-injured his leg when he tried to kick the door of that house in. All he had to do was tell Andy about his leg. But whatever, don't care about their coupling. Been waiting all season to express this: Papa Herrera is as annoying as Andy. She definitely inherited it. I don't watch Grey's Anatomy, so don't have that background on Warren. But I felt bad for him that he essentially lost out because Bobby Ewing and his wife were really, truly dumb. Not just for not evacuating, but trying to cut something off of...whatever that machine was. I was more than a little bit "If he dies, he dies" about the character. I know Vic was in a dark place, but I was with her about the cat. It's nice that he turned up, but yeah...there were more pressing matters at hand. And I mean, she's entitled to mourn and be in a dark place for awhile. It's not like it'd been months or years since Lucas died. Has it even been a week in the show's timeline? ETA: Normally, I don't think deeply about the plot, but wasn't Travis at Vic's place? How did the police know where to find and arrest him?
  5. My lesson from this week's episode: Luke Roberts does not skip leg day at the gym. #thighmaster #nochickenlegs #nomnom
  6. Indeed! Vic has a great bedside manner. I contrast that to the earlier episode with Andy during the wind storm. Technically, Andy was bad ass, but something about Ortiz makes Andy seem whiny and annoying no matter what she does.
  7. I was unfamiliar with Barrett Doss before this show, but these last two episodes convinced me the show made a huge mistake making Jaina Lee Ortiz the lead. For a relationship that wasn't well-written and relied entirely on the chemistry of the actors, Doss really brought it with her scenes. She can be funny, vulnerable, warm, tough, grief-stricken, kick-ass, distant, reckless...all without managing to be whiny. Ortiz isn't a bad actress (the writing does her no favors), but she can't carry a show. Maya can do sooo much better than Jack. And Andy, for that matter. I hope they bring Nikki back in a supporting role next season.
  8. I just started watching this season, so I'm probably missing some context. But thus far, Eric is a bland mess (when he's not shirtless) and Oliver often seems pissy (particularly with Cynthia) for no reason. The show would be more interesting to me with Zara and Cynthia as leads, since the actresses seem to do more with their scenes than their male colleagues. I heartily chuckled when Oliver said something about Eric was the happiest he's ever been, while Eric is standing there wearing the same facial expression he always has.
  9. I know what you mean. I previously knew of Brett Tucker from Mistresses, where I thought he was hot. He's only in his mid-40s. Maybe he's going through something in his personal life. Maybe he's a smoker. He's the one actor I have my doubts about carrying the firefighter equipment that the cast has to haul around. He and Boris Kodjoe are the same age, yet Tucker looks a good 10 years older than Kodjoe. That said, the Vic/Ripley pairing is the only one to date I've seen where the actors have romantic chemistry. I think the actor playing Jack is pretty one-note, and doesn't have chemistry with anyone. The Maya actress is giving all she's got to sell it, and Grey Damon is just there with the same facial expression in 90% of his scenes. The other 10% is when he's annoyed/angry. I think Bishop can do a LOT better. When the inevitable Sullivan/Andy pairing happens, not sure I'll buy that either. I think it's reasonable for Andy to be shaken by the Maya/Jack relationship as she was blindsided, but of course, she takes it to the extreme. The Maya/Andy friendship has never made sense to me, other than the writers' room deciding it. Maya gets nothing out of it.
  10. I'd watched bits here and there of previous Star Trek episodes before I got into Star Trek: Discovery. I read through the forum once, and knew I would not EVER engage in discussion. Because I'm not a Trekkie, I enjoy the show (and the lead) for what it is. As a side note, I'm grateful that this season has shifted Tilly to the background, as I found her supremely annoying and would skip past her scenes whenever possible. I don't watch GoT, but agree with the bolded.
  11. I watched the rest of this series on SundanceNow awhile back. The writing was still lacking...a lot. It's too bad, there was potential for intrigue within world-building. The production values are fantastic. If I was interested enough, I'd watch (presumably) S2 just for the scenery. In an unexpected twist, towards the end I found myself tolerating Diana more than Matthew. I found Goode's performance kind of weak and unintentionally funny through the entire series. I didn't find him charismatic, but perhaps he wasn't meant to be. Mostly, Goode didn't have much to do beyond intense staring and a clenched jaw. Maybe the book Matthew has more depth that doesn't translate well to a TV adaptation. As it was, the character fell flat to me. And that was largely the case for me with Diana as well. Maybe book Diana doesn't translate well to TV, either. Teresa didn't bring much to the character, but as written, maybe there was only so much she could do. I'm not as familiar with her work as Goode's, so maybe she's been great in other projects. Palmer and Goode didn't have much romantic chemistry with each other, so I didn't care about the Diana/Matthew relationship. The most interesting characters to me were the aunt and her spouse.
  12. Technically, she was in the mostly closed trunk, so she heard it. Still, she just saw Richards shoot the woman turned "viral" at very close range at that cabin. I'm pretty sure she witnessed Brad shoot down some men at Lacey's house. She may have even witnessed him shooting Winston. And again, it's not like Brad shot an unarmed man. Maybe it was just the way the actress played it, but Lila didn't seem shaken up in general - she seemed explicitly upset with Brad in the immediate aftermath. That's not at all how I read her reaction. To each their own, though.
  13. I was more confused that Lila got upset with Brad after he shot one of their assassins. I don't know what she expected him to do. They're presumably as well-trained as he is, so it was either kill or be killed. And yet, she was cool as a cucumber about his "I lied to the police, then stalked and shot down our daughter's murderer" confession. I mean, if anything might give one pause....
  14. Touché! Hell, she might be able to teleport or fly by the end of all this, so anything is possible. On a really shallow note, kudos to the casting of the military redshirts. I've noted some very attractive men before they were killed. I was a wee bit disappointed that we didn't see more of Lila's kidnapper before he died. He was a literal and figurative snack, heh.
  15. Listen! I watched this on Hulu, and the scene opening with Amy breaking down into tears after Brad killed Winston? I was crying with her. Amy is only 10, and she had been through a lot even before she was kidnapped (speculation on my part since her mom was a drug addict). And then all this craziness with the vampires and doctors playing God. Then Brad's voice kind of breaking when he told her, "I don't want to lose you" and I cried some more. I confess that I did chuckle a little bit at Brad's hurt face when, earlier in the episode, Amy was all, "You're not my dad, you're just some guy who kidnapped me!" because she was upset over the book and not being listened to. Whew, kids can cut to the quick when they're in their feelings! Kudos to Saniyya Sidney because usually kids being kids annoy me on TV shows. Although everyone was rightfully called out on their shit in this episode, I still feel sympathetic to Sykes because she seemed to be the doctor who wasn't doing this for personal gain or ego boost. I assume all of the death row inmates were of age, so they had the right to consent to being part of the experiment. They were persuaded, not coerced. Was it deceptive, absolutely. But, while I disagree with them being guinea pigs, it's hard for me to feel that sorry for them. At least Carter is innocent of murder, but he still consented to be experimented on. Amy didn't have that choice, and even if she did, she's not old enough to consent anyway. To me, the person who made a really stupid move in the episode was Lila when she saw her kidnapper murdered. I assumed the keys were still in the ignition when the guy got out because the headlights were on. All she had to do was hop in the driver's side and drive off. I sure as hell wouldn't have gotten out of the car, at least not right away. As for the vampire science on this show, it seems to go however the episode plot decides, so I don't think too deeply about it. I'm interested in this show for as long as Amy and Brad are the center (with Lacey supporting). If that ever changes, I'm happy to move on.
  16. I look forward to Lacey's reunion with Amy and Brad, though I still don't have much confidence in her survival. Amy and Lacey's interaction (however brief) are just as good as Brad and Amy's. Brad and Lacey were pretty entertaining together as well. Also interested in Carter's angle. I'm sure Lila will be rescued (likely by Lacey), but I'd be okay if she's not seen again. I just don't care about the character, but if she's in the mix with the aforementioned three, it's fine. I'm not sure why I'm so annoyed on behalf of the guy she was supposed to marry, someone we've never even seen on screen nor heard about after the pilot. But I am. I assumed that Fanning's memories of Elizabeth were of the unreliable narrator type, so I was surprised with Lear's confirmation. Elizabeth certainly recovered quickly, but whatever. I didn't think she was anywhere near that campus, and it didn't register even when Fanning approached her telepathically. I thought it was an example of how powerful he'd become (he can reach out to someone miles away!), and it was, only not in a way I expected. I like Sykes, so hope she comes out of this alive. But I don't know how much we'll see of her moving forward. She doesn't organically fit into the main relationship dynamics, but the actress really sold the "I really thought I was doing this for a greater good" perspective so I'm still rooting for her. The Richards actor has that perpetual "smell a fart" performance style, so he can expire at any time.
  17. I saw the trailer for this and assumed the twist would be Vanilla Sky-ish. Grateful I didn't waste my free Regal Cinemas ticket on it. On the plus side, it appears that McConaughey has finally started to look healthy again. It took him a long time to recover from Dallas Buyers Club gaunt.
  18. Glad it wasn't just me! I'm glad Lacey is alive, I didn't have any faith at all that she would be. What I am confused about is the ex-wife's approach to getting the story out there. When Lacey said she would get the story out there, I assumed it would be through more...seemingly anonymous channels? Seems kinda reckless otherwise. The season previews have shown
  19. Episode 3 is available to watch on Twitter (and you don't need an account.) I may need to watch the first 2 eps again, because it sure seemed like Saniyya Sidney went through a growth spurt between the 2nd and 3rd episode, and it makes me wonder when the eps were shot.
  20. Whoever cast Saniyya Sidney opposite MPG did a great job. That relationship is the lynchpin, and the actors are great together. As someone else said, Saniyya Sidney is great interacting with other actors as well. I really liked Lacey and would like to see her again, but I have no hope of her survival. Her only purpose was to give shelter and provide a place for Brad to reunite with the ex-wife. Who I don't care about, and isn't she getting married to someone else? David doesn't deserve this! If she actually saves Lacey, I'm willing to change my mind about being annoyed. Plus, I don't think the actors have much romantic chemistry with each other. MPG has about as much chemistry with the goats as he does with Chriqui. I see Dr. Jonas as more of a "villain" than Dr. Nicole. He kick-started ALL of this, while apparently ignoring his wife's pleas. You know, the person who was directly impacted by Alzheimer's and just wanted to be with her spouse. I know I'm supposed to think it was out of some devotion to her, but he apparently had as much of a God complex as Fanning did. Jonas having some regrets about involving a child doesn't make him anymore sympathetic to me. Please shut up all the time, Jonas, unless you're actually gonna start to pay attention to what's really going on with the vampires. I have seen Cusick in only a couple of other roles before this (Scandal and Lost), but I'm realizing that he bugs me each time. So I probably would have the appropriate reaction to Jonas if it was a different actor. Agreed.
  21. With regard to adrenaline, so did Peach, who was quite slim herself. As for Candace, of all the murders, we never actually saw that one, implied (as in showing a body bag) or otherwise. I didn't think Joe set up her new profile, as that would have taken considerably more work to fool others. But we were supposed to handwave all manner of things in this season (for example, Joe's blood should have been all over the Salenger house - in the bathroom at minimum), so I guess that might have been another one.
  22. No, I hadn't heard of Aqualad before the Young Justice series, and the character just reaffirmed my assumption about Black Manta. Thinking on it further, beyond my ignorance of his comic origins, I assumed it because I rarely saw Manta without his helmet on, and thought he couldn't breathe on land without it.
  23. Ah, thanks, @SeanC. I guess I always assumed Black Manta was from Atlantis, and now I'm not sure why!
  24. I agree that the little girl was really good. It was really a shame that Tom survived for 5 years, but couldn't make it the two days to get down the river. And hells yeah, Trevante Rhodes is eye candy and deserves to be in all the things.
  25. I liked it. Thankfully, I'm no Marvel fan, so no DC/Marvel comparisons came to mind while watching. It was overly silly in some parts, but mostly likely it was in response to the previous criticism that DC films were too grim and dark. I don't think they can win no matter which way they go with it because DC just isn't well-regarded with their live action films. Jason Momoa is certainly well-built. No doubt he trained for this, but it doesn't look like he had to get steroided up for the bulk. In my single Marvel comparison, I appreciate that he, like Chris Hemsworth, is actually built like he could be a superhero. I didn't expect Patrick Wilson to be so...alluring in this. Dare I say sexy? I've previously found him milquetoast, but he worked for me here. And I'm usually all about the good guys. I thought it was a nice twist that Arthur didn't kill him. Amber Heard was fine, but I thought Nicole Kidman came across more fierce despite less screentime. She had the funniest scene to me, with the puppy staredown and goldfish snacking. It was cute without being juvenile. Dolph Lundgren got the beauty work treatment in addition to Nicole Kidman, though he's still got that strong jawline. I enjoyed this more than Wonder Woman, mostly because I've always disliked the judgmental naivete of Diana, which kind of ruined the latter third of the film for me. I only know of Aquaman from the animated series and films, but I thought Black Manta was Atlantiian? He was human in this, so maybe he's either/or depending on who writes the comics. Ha! I half-expected his character to be evil and go Green Goblin on me. I was mildly disappointed he had no villainous scenery to chew.
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