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Everything posted by EarlGreyTea

  1. Jinger and Jeremy are one attractive couple. She's really blossomed. I love Jinger's clothing during that laundry scene. But damn, that was bleak. Jeremy is plugging away on something he loves doing (although 40 hours, my ass) and she's...doing laundry. I wish they'd shown her taking on a pastor's wife duties.
  2. Thankfully for her, she's losing eggs by the day, guaranteeing her fewer kids, unlike Joy, who has a hell of a chance to beat Michelle at the baby sweepstakes because of her youth. I'd be kissing my Creator's feet if I were Jana, although I'm sure she might not see it that way.
  3. I like that it was indoors and people could sit on that stage-looking thing. That's a step up for sure. I try not to be a hater, so I'll say those cupcakes looks really good. The whole aesthetic screamed "autumn" wedding, though. The proposal WAS pretty cute. Points for taking Kendra completely off guard, although the public setting didn't allow for a nice speech on Joe's part a la Ben and Jessa. Whoever walked with Anna down the aisle was hot. Too bad Anna has to go home to Smuggar after that.
  4. Cindy is a total babe. What's she doing with these rubes??? She's way out of Michelle's league. What I would give to cut off all that excess hair or at least pull it back from all of the wedding party's faces. The scraggly hair is NAGL.
  5. Agreed. She looks really cute. I think 90 percent of it is having her hair out of her face. I just want to take most of the Duggar girls and their friends' hair and put them into buns or ponytails. They would look so much better. I hope she does an updo for the wedding. Jinger so far has been the only one, and we how much it added to her overall look.
  6. I'm watching it now. This is one time where Chris constantly interrupting his guests came in handy. He absolutely nailed Page to the wall. Page was tripping over his words. Chris pulled no punches and asked the hard questions. I cackled loudly throughout. I enjoy Chris interrupting and steamrolling when it's against people I don't like. Page is supposedly this big adviser and character in all the Trump intrigue, but he comes off as a total wimp onscreen. Or maybe it's just Chris's usual big personality dwarfing his guests.
  7. I was surprised to see Mika on today's show. She looked totally dazed. Perhaps keeping her work routine helped her, as well as hearing all the tributes to her father. This was the first time I've actually watched the show. Usually I'm strictly a podcast person. WOW, SNL did not exaggerate with the overt closeness and long, lingering gazes Mika and Joe give one another. They also sit about an inch apart. It almost made me uncomfortable. As for Mika and Joe wearing, shall we say, more casual clothing than one might expect for people on a television show, all I can say is, nice work if you can get it.
  8. I love this dress so much - the color, the sleeves, the lace, it's all a home run for me. It does scream 1970s. And to me it's one of those rare cases where the "you can wear it again" bridesmaids dress philosophy actually works. I could see this being worn to a nice formal occasion, maybe a future wedding. I'm not nuts about the hair but it looks much more pulled together and out of Jill's face than she usually wears. The shoes don't really go with the dress. I'm thinking they should have gone whole hog and actually worn the go-go boots. It would look adorable. Overall the whole effect beats all of the Duggar bridesmaids' dresses by a country mile. I wonder if Deena had more time to plan. It would explain how the nice the dresses look. I saw in another photo that Derick wore that ugly, shiny suit he wore to his own wedding and completely threw off the whole nice vibe of Jill's look.
  9. Hannie and Jenni are so stunning! When did Hannie get so tall? I used to think Jenni was gunning for Jessa's "Prettiest Daughter" title, but I think Hannie is giving her a run for her money. They also have twin looks of boredom at the entire thing. My new favorite Duggar kids right there.
  10. I used to think this was why Marjorie dumped Josiah, and that decision is looking better and better in hindsight. My pipe dream is that Kendra decides to attend college first with Marjorie and decides she's having too much fun as a singleton to get married. Screw having a show on cable. You can never get your early twenties back. Seriously, Marjorie is the smartest of that bunch. I bet she's on her knees every day thanking God she got out. Her insta is full of fun photos of her and her friends living it up at college. Clown College, but still.
  11. I actually think Joe is the handsomest Duggar boy, but that photo sure doesn't show it. He looks so much like JB in that particular photo it's a bit repulsive. Good on Kendra for bagging him, I guess.
  12. Not that anyone gives a damn about Duggar sons' courtships, but it's shady as hell to steal the spotlight by proposing at your sister's wedding! Then again this is the same family constantly one upping one another with dueling wedding/baby announcements so maybe we shouldn't be surprised. These people never celebrate individual events like job promotions, or personal accomplishments, or graduations (from actual schools), so engagements, weddings and pregnancies are all they have. So it's pretty lame of Joe to pull this stunt at one of the few times Joy is being celebrated individually, along with what's his name.
  13. It's probably the way she's sitting, but Joy's sleeves look ill-fitting and bunched up (or it's just me being a hater). Also looks like she has almost exactly Jill's wedding hair, which is a kind of a nice touch if on purpose, since she and Jill are so close. It looks scraggly, though (sorry). Austin's "We're Mr. and Mrs. Austin Forsythe" kind of says it all. Ugh. Although at least Joy can ditch her awful maiden name and get a new one that is pretty cool sounding. Reminds me of 1980s nighttime soaps.
  14. I thought it was his garbled way of saying they'll feel like they're in the honeymoon stage for their entire marriage. Which, heh.
  15. I was surprised the wedding was held on a work day, but remembered none of these people have jobs, so no skin off their nose if it's on Friday or even a Wednesday. I bet everything is a little bit cheaper on a weekday too, fulfilling JB's wet dreams. See-through sleeves! Is that allowed? More scraggly hair. Meh. I love the tulips. They give off an autumn vibe.
  16. Exactly. All this does is dredge up all the drama once again. JB is so bad at PR, my God. The general public seems to have forgotten about the scandal, and they have their show (well, a version of it) back. They're back to getting positive publicity from all the weddings/births/courtships. Josh has been lying low for months now. They should have filed soon after the first show ended. Not that I know jack shit about the legal system (although I do watch a lot of People's Court lol), but can't it be argued that the leaking of the files didn't affect their livelihood as much as they claim, since they once again have steady income from the new show? Thanks to you all who pointed out the statute of limitations is up soon. I didn't know that.
  17. I wonder at the timing of this. They've waited this long. Couldn't they have waited until after Joy's wedding? This dredges up all the drama yet again, and now her wedding (already pretty overshadowed by the fact that it's, what, the fifth in the family?) is going to be up alongside articles about this lawsuit. And people will now be going on Josh watch yet again at her wedding, like they did for Jinger's, only even worse, because the lawsuit is so fresh. When God was choosing people to bestow brains on, the Duggars were not on the short list.
  18. I really like the production values on this show. It's very lush and fun to look at. I like the group dynamic because they aren't batshit insane yet. Give it time, of course. Tania is apparently a vet of quite a few reality shows. I remember her from My Antonio, a reality show where women competed for Antonio Sabato Jr. Pure trashy fun. He was a douche back then too. She's pretty nasty on here.Don't we all wish our biggest issue was whether we got a wedding invitation or not? Love how Tania is acting like this is a Kardashian wedding or something. No one cares. Two of the couples have already broken up:
  19. I appreciate this too. I enjoyed today's show immensely. I stopped listening to the podcast back in November post-election because of how Joe would constantly go on and on about how right he was about Trump winning. He just can't help himself - he needs to feel like he's part of the action, especially as someone who is no longer in the thick of things as a rep. Since I would exclusively listen to the podcast, Joe's vocal tics really boiled my bunny after a while too. I hated when it would take. him. a. year. to. get. out. a. sentence. I very much enjoyed Joe's shining moment about a year or so ago when he straight up hung up on Donald Trump during an interview. That moment belongs in the MJ Hall of Fame.
  20. Really enjoyed the episode. Pure summer trash.
  21. I think part of my preference for the Joe impression is that I almost exclusively listen to the podcast (well, I did. Haven't listened since November because of Joe's insufferable smugness that he was right). Joe's tics are more apparent when listening, while more of Mika's are evident visually. Although the part where Kate/Mika kept piping in with a word here and there was hilariously spot on. As for whether they'll acknowledge this Monday, It's a bit much for Joe and Mika be to be self-righteous about not acknowledging their relationship on the show, or getting huffy when someone does for the simple fact that they did a spread and interview about the whole thing. Had they not done that and gotten married secretly, they'd have more of a leg to stand on.
  22. I had the opposite thought. Joe and Mika probably puffed themselves up in pure pride that SNL gave them the cold open. That's a pretty impressive thing, to have your relationship acknowledged by late night in the age of Trump. Granted the sketch roasted the hell out of them, but I can see Joe in particular being flattered. But I see your point. To be a fly on the wall when Z gets a load of it! Also I'll have the unpopular opinion that the guy playing Joe in the skit did a better impression than Kate did of Mika, although they were both good. I think it's just that Joe has more annoying exaggerated tics. The glasses waving was especially spot on.
  23. In the Lost and Found episode Sandra talks about having her birthday at Dave and Buster's and in a later episode someone comments on how forgettable Sandra is and then someone, I think Garrett, says something like "Yeah, remember we left her at Dave and Buster's on her birthday?"
  24. It was ludicrous that all of them didn't all gather in the photo lab and/or the stock room, but it's necessary to handwave things for the sake of TV. All of them bunched together wouldn't have given us the Jonah/Amy kiss (which may not have happened had they not been so vulnerable in the open store) or the Dina/Garrett stuff or the awesomely terrifying shelves flying everywhere with people hanging onto them. For the sake of drama I'm glad they didn't go for what was the most realistic. Also none of them seemed all that panicked until Dina stoked the fire.
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