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Everything posted by Dee

  1. Thor's scenes with Frigga were a great exhibit of how much Hemsworth has grown as an actor. He emotionally modulated so beautifully when she warmly urged him to open to her, without venturing into camp or going OTT. You could actually see all the accumulated years of Thor's grief and pain just dissipate during their time together. Just great work from both Russo & Hemsworth.
  2. Yes! Carol looked amazing throughout the film! The short hair is such a great look for her & Brie looked positively refreshed during the final battle. And they even added a bit a blink and you miss it bit of Rhodey/Carol flirtation! The all female scene was awesome! I particularly liked Hope materializing out of nowhere to make sure she didn't miss a chance to kick some more ass. lol Original Recipe Hulk bitching about taking the stairs had me on the floor!
  3. Karma is kicking Andre's ass.
  4. I've really come to enjoy this stupid little show. It could've gone wrong in SO many ways, but thanks to a cast of really talented performers and occasionally subversive writing, it's proven to be quite entertaining IMO.
  5. I loved Hakeem being quietly mature about Devon & Tiana's relationship. He's also exhibited considerable restraint by not jumping Maya's bones yet.
  6. It's hilarious to see wishes for Empire to be canceled when any number of other long running hit shows (some which even aired previously on FOX) have weathered FAR worse scandals BTS while continuing to remain on the air.
  7. I will forever love this show for NEVER making Gabby's size an issue, and for having Becky consistently be (other than early season 1) one of the best dressed characters on the entire show.
  8. Chuck also wasn't a sexual predator. He & most of the Riverdale football team (of all colors) were punished for their behavior which amounted to childish innuendos & maintaining a burn book,
  9. Dee

    Season 5 Chat

    Even with a "truce" in effect, Rainbow couldn't help but act classless.
  10. Dee

    Season 5 Chat

    Andre using Jack as a human shield in the restaurant had me in tears.
  11. ‘Avengers: Endgame’: Why a $300 Million Opening Could Be Impossible
  12. They weren't replying to me. They were clearly replying to you, @AsiagoSauce. Hence their direct response to your previous post in their subsequent post.
  13. Doctor Who's Martha Jones Deserves a Better Legacy Than the One She Got
  14. ‘Avengers: Endgame’ First Reactions: ‘Most Emotional, Most Epic MCU Film’
  15. Whoever decided to pair Brandon & Emmett should be given a raise.
  16. ‘Avengers: Endgame’ Presales Estimated At $120M+; $300M Domestic Opening In Play
  17. The wedding was definitely planned. Jussie & several of the writers have been hinting at it since the beginning of the season. Jamal's early exit, OTOTH, was a last minute addition.
  18. What does days of our lives have to do with anything?
  19. See exclusive Empire first-look photos from Jamal's wedding
  20. Unpopular Opinion: Empire is as good as any prestige show in the last 20 years.
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