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Posts posted by Raja

  1. Indeed it's action-y, but action-y about what? Suddenly there's a flying house and Shailene Woodley turns into freaking Spider-Man. None of that has anything to do with what the story is about or what kind of movie it is. If one knew absolutely nothing about the series (Is it a sci fi? Action? Supernatural ghost story? What is this Divergent thing?), it's almost misleading.

    Assuming the story is what will bring in the audience where that was hit or miss the first time out is problematic. So yes you want to try to get people in to see Spiderwoman before the critics and word of mouth spreads the truth.

  2. Why would anyone think the pilot had encryption codes? And why does a rebel group large enough to pull off this type of scheme not have enough people to post a guard on their secret underground bunker and their prisoner?

  3. All of this talk about getting a work permit reminds me of Kirylam, and how she's stuck in the apt. all day because hers hasn't come through yet. After quite a while of waiting. I am wondering if her jealous husband has hidden it.

    More likely they haven't applied to adjust her status, there is technically no time pressure as there is to get married within 90 days. She just can't work, travel back home, is subject to deportation for petty things. Although nobody ever heard about a deportation should a Border patrol checkpoint snag you just the immigration court ordering you to adjust status now. The big problem may be the additional $1100 needed for fees. Or more evil as anti divorce insurance as she has no status should the marriage end in the newlywed period.

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  4. And speaks perfect English. I wonder if her age has anything to do with it? She's almost 30 isn't she? I wonder if it gets more difficult after 30 to hook an American, or at least one who is relatively young, assuming many of the guys are looking for something they can't get here, chiefly a woman who is younger, better looking, more "trainable", and much more willing to do all of the cooking/cleaning/caretaking.

    Actually it gets harder to hook up Filipino. There being no divorce means there are no local Brett's available to try marriage again. Just the older never married who remained single and widowers.
  5. In this episode Amy said "In order to get married in Danny's church" couples are encouraged to go through counseling as if she weren't quite used to it. Based on her statement, I wondered if Danny and Amy were actually of the same faith or if, due to the different countries, churches of the same faith handled things differently or if this was an extra, invasive service offered by prissy Danny's church.

    Danny comes off as Evangelical to me and those churches tend to be local congregational and not headquarters denominational when setting up rules. We know they meet at Hillsong the Australian mega church linked to the largest U.S. Pentecostal denomination the Assemblies Of God.
  6. I hate crossovers. If I wanted to watch those other shows, I'd watch 'em. These crime shows are full of confusing plot holes as it is...adding a whole other layer of cast characters is hard on my brain. Phooey.

    Its worse than plot holes to me. The univeres are just incompatible. At their worst nothing Detectives Stabler or Fontana has done comes close to the Jack Bauer like actions of Chicago PD's Intelligence squad. At least with Homicide Life On The Street crossovers about the only difference was when to stop an interrogation because a lawyer request was made. I was amazed how Sergeant Benson was able to bring the New York Supreme Court L&O view to CPD in the final act.
  7. I thought there should have been more fuss over the death penalty for a woman. Even today, juries are reluctant to give the death penalty to women. Life imprisonment would have been more appropriate.

    That reminds me of 12 Angry Men. The jury was deciding upon death or not guilty. You would think the Governor can commute a sentence as well as pardon the guilty. Maybe that power came later
  8. Exactly...we know from the end of Divergent that Abnegation wasn't destroyed, so eh?

    In any event, I do really love the short blonde hair on Tris. It's edgy and it makes sense for the character.

    a trailer shouldn't be for those who know what's actually happening to gush over at their fan conventions. it is for those who skipped the first movie and books. They will try to build a must see event of the month experience
  9. The ironic thing is that it came out in the Rodney King beating that as a result of the Newhall massacre the CHP drew their weapons in situations where the LAPD would still be depending upon the batons. LAPD took over the scene because the CHP officer had drawn on King.

  10. He was the only one to draw his gun. :)

    Twice, once the shotgun when they were arresting the participants in an illegal gambling RV. And the more famous time when Danny Partridge became the martial arts thug and beat Bear down with a staff. That was the only scene where a weapon was aimed
  11. They did a great job capturing the look of District 13 but not the personality. I think they needed to convey stronger some of the darker elements of 13. Coin seems more reasonable than troublesome in Part I as well

    Effie's out of character line about democracy had to be a Plutarch line originally.

    I know nothing about the books but as a viewer watching gray clad civilians acting in unison towards the great leader while giving lip service to democracy I was thinking that given what had been shown about the district/capital relationships that the only way a rebellion with fighter jets and bases survived 75 years was that there must be some sort of cold war with District13 being supported by something like North Korea
  12. I recently attended the Military funeral of my ex-husband. Doing the playing of Taps,something was said about saluting, didn't really  "hear" what, just that "or" place your right hand over your heart. I did get the impression that if you were not Military, you were to place your right hand over your heart.

    A long time ago in a place very very near that was in civics classes given to elementary school students. Some sports stadiums still ask you to remove your hat during the playing of national anthems. Specific to local police departments may be the difference when hat less in the US Army (yes) and the Naval services (no) should a detective in civilian clothes be there in the salute or hand over heart tradition.

  13. It looks like he sells primarily to the Philippines since he quotes prices for "import charges" to the Philippines.  


    He is selling used Victoria's Secret push up bras on his website.  3 "gently" used VS bras for $35.  The whole thing seems strange, do people really sell their used bra's at garage sales?  One look at that house and its the last place I would want to buy a bra from, new or used.


    I also notice he is selling a lot of "autographed" cards/sports memorabilia.  I wonder if he doesn't sign half of that stuff himself, I mean its going all the way out to the Phillipines, would anyone even sue him if they found out the autograph was a fake?

    Its not just a bra its an actual Victoria's bra and not a counterfeit. Some folks are more brand name conscious than others and the emerging Filipino middle class seems that way to me.

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  14. What the hell was the purpose of sidelining Crane for the entire episode? Hawley drugs him and goes in his place? Hawley's standing in for Crane now, too? Shall we start calling this show "Sleepy Hawley"?


    It seemed to be the lets focus on the Black folks to satisfy the critics episode.

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