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Posts posted by Raja

  1. There is one thing that I noticed about Daya does not have much of an accent. I know that they teach English in the schools,but she should still have some kind of accent I would think. Wonder if she has lived in the States at some point?

    I haven't caught the episode but if she worked in customer service or the call center industry there is rarely a noticeable accent. If she is from Manila then it is likely that English is her second, not her third language.
  2. Or maybe they DID work out and don't want production screwing with their lives anymore? I got the feeling that they really regretted going on TV with their marriage.


     After showing the money and dress drama I was wondering why he flew over to escort her to the states when it was said that the producers paid for it. They paid a big price for what was said merely airfare from the Philippines.

  3. I forgot to add in my post that I think it was a mistake to have Barry and Iris raised together like siblings. That makes a possible future romantic relationship a little icky, and even if I get past the sibling thing, there's still the little problem of Iris not really being into Barry at all. He seems to be firmly stationed in the "friend-zone," and all interaction on Iris's end was pretty platonic. I don't know why the writers created this obstacle when it wasn't really necessary. Barry and Iris could have been life-long friends, but Barry could have been raised by an aunt or grandma to avoid the "you're like my brother" issue.

    That's what I thought when I saw his looks towards her after the reveal that he was an adopted brother. It would be like seeing Greg going after Marcia and needs to be dropped as we move forward.
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  4. I saw more of a gender and ageism than racial issue when Charlize Theron bumped in when Viola Davis was saying as a 46 year old Black woman not even Hallie Berry still gets "the roles". Nearing 40 herself Theron seemed to be in denial that her movie roles are also drying up while Clooney is still in the running for magazine's sexist man alive awards. however TV seems to have different ethic then the big screen as many leading ladies are the 40, 50 something year old still fabulous types

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  5. Didn't Eva's victim also attack Louise, as was brought out later in the episode? I think you're right that the circumstances were different, but I think the dispensing of justice was pretty equal. This was likely Eva's only shot and she took it. I imagine Louise's article about justice will be read in voiceover as we witness the fallout for both Ruth and Eva in a future episode.

    Another thing is there are no modern burn centers. Even if someone else caught Eva it may have been written off as the hard thing someone had to do to prevent additional suffering. Just what Cullen did out of love for Elam days before
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  6. Have You Seen Her


    This one had just about every Unsung trope. The lead singer leaves to go solo. A member leaves for the church. Another member is drug addicted and dies as a homeless man. The IRS goes after the group. A new member who joined when the act hits the oldies circuit is one of the main interview subjects.


    The only thing i missed was the fellows joking about how it was hard not to hook up with groupies when they went on tour.

  7. They might have been army buddies, but I don't think that there's any question that Cullen wants to kill Sidney Snow now.

    I don't think they were buddies. Cullen was a Colonel commanding some type of raid. Snow was just a soldier, maybe from another regiment who was on that raid which he considered the highlight of his life. Much like Al Bundy talking about his high school football records. he will always remember that mission.

  8. My wife still watches the show Blue Bloods (I dropped it a few seasons ago). But she mentioned that she watched it today and it reminded me of a big one. Even if you are the best whatever when it comes to your job, you will never get promoted. If you are the best cop in NYC no promotion, best soldier no promotion, best doctor sorry no promotion, best space ship captain nope no promotion for you.

    However the best Starfleet crew members will be promoted many times but remain in the same job.

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  9. Carried over from the Shadows thread because I think I started the chatter about how good Ming-Na looks. 


    She was always attractive IMO, but she's never been what I considered drop-dead stunning or overtly sexy.  Show has changed all that.  One of the aspects that I like best is that it seems effortless and incidental.


    In these days of HD filming and tv, her looking so good each week is mind numbing.

    There was one movie with Wesley Snipes which involved a partner swap. But besides that one I agree. However I am a heretic on this issue. Yes she looks very good, but then so do most of the other  50 something actresses on their respective shows.

  10. Was the plot totally beyond belief?  Yes.  Did I enjoy the episode thoroughly?  Yes!  Friday night is made for pure escapism.  The bad guys all went down, the scenery was stunning, and, best of all, the entire cast was featured.  

    It was the end of the SWAT movie with Samuel L Jackson. Having once carried a M60 machine gun  I just spent the entire episode wonder how such a small drone could possibly carry that much ammo.


    I don't know about setting up a serial with Jerry, Lieutenant Kelly and Detective Williams, they always got in trouble with the continuing Garrett stuff. Stand alone episodic TV is classic for a reason. Especially when plots start collapsing under their absurdness.

  11. But-but- the pilot had the uncorrupted software and probably several hundred available laptops on the plane. He could have landed the plane at LAX, and handed off the software, downloaded onto his own or someone else's laptop, to whoever could do whatever needed to be done with it to get the system up again. Or, if that could only be done by the geniuses who weren't at LAX, it could be emailed at that point to them, no? [No, I'm not overthinking this! I'm just plain thinking!!]

    That was what I was thinking. If the USAF could intercept that specific flight then they could have herded the 56 planes away from LAX unless the virus infected the entire world's Air Traffic control then problem solved,


    For the show itself well I wasn't looking forward to hit until hearing the show runner and Walter on a podcast and coming down sick and bed ridden today gave me the opportunity to catch up. It was liked watching Die Hard 2 without the killings. Lin made a  good short action movie but can you keep it up for a show when characters are normally more important. Future episodes will tell. And Sleepy Hollow can out strong again.

  12. The thing is, realistically speaking, I feel certain there are health requirements for law enforcement officers. I could swear it used to be a thing that you couldn't be a cop if you had flat feet, but that might be something TV made up. Something like asthma or diabetes, which can be pretty debilitating if the condition is serious enough, would probably disqualify someone from actively chasing down suspects and such. Maybe for someone with a desk job, it would be less of an issue, but from what little I understand about police work, pursuit of suspects and the apprehension thereof requires being in good physical shape.

    In Foyle's War Detective Sergeant Milner returned from Dunkirk or Norway having lost a leg in combat. The rest of the police were older men who were not serving in the armed forces.

    edit it had have been Norway were he was wounded there was a Dunkirk episode

  13. Then Ironsides was a fiction? I just don't buy it. Flag feet could get you out of the army but I think you can be a fireman or policeman with low arches.

    But forget police. What about medical examiners? Why are they always sporting the high heels?


    The original Ironside was medically retired but made a commissioner with police staff. In the Blair Underwood version he remained an active detective. The Law and Order series often had disabled cops on desk duties in the background
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  14. Come to thnk about it has there been even one disabled detective since Ironsides? A woman, ever? Even someone with diabetes? Or rheumatoid arthritis?

    Before Ironside there was Marshal Micah Torrance of The Rifleman. He was wounded in his strong arm so switched to his off hand and used a shotgun as his primary weapon. Daredevil will be on Netflix soon. a superhero sure but he does some detecting because he never had a team in the comic books

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