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Posts posted by Raja

  1. The show is set in 1995, BTW -- if that makes a difference in the number of Vietnamese.

    The explosions of Vietnamese happened after 1976 when the north overran the south. Once they left their initial sponsors and started to congregate together in communities

  2. One thing I find interesting is how Pete & Jim were the face of the modern police and the ideal in everything from professional demeanor with the public to being trusted partners.


    On many sites discussing alleged abuse of authority, I often come across this image:


    I knew a cop from that era and he would tell stories of ambushes (his department lost  six officers in the early 70s) and the war on police that came out of the late Vietnam and civil rights protest era that seems to be happening again. Malloy and Reed had the unseen sniper take shots at them for no reason that was very special episode when Reed killed the sniper. Part of it was like a late Dragnet episode showing Internal Affairs doing their thing after the shooting.

  3. Wasn't Firefly on FOX and that show suffered from out of orderites as well.

    In the case with Almost Human it was to get the "bangbot" episode upfront. I had a science problem with the human shaped androids being essentially gunships with a CSI lab analyzer on board. An old Tom Selleck and Gene Simmons movie Runaway was closer to what I think how  robotics will be brought into use. Sex aides seem the only real reason for human shapes.

  4. . Law & Order: SVU uses Hudson University frequently, doesn't it?

    After the first years of the L&O franchise they did use Columbia and NYU then turned to Hudson and Los Angeles University with a mix of UCLA and USC colors in the Los Angeles series.Hudson turned up on a recent Elementary also

  5.  But Persnickty - don't forget that Daya CAN'T divorce him.  That's why he wanted a wife from the Phillopines.


    A lot of guys go in with the bride agency ad poppycock. By the time they reach Brett's status they know the truth. Filipinos are just as likely to be separated as Americans, the single parent birthrate is within a margin of error difference of ours. What is different, at least until after the Pope visits and President Aquino resumes his assault on the old laws is that Daya won't be able to marry again in the Philippines until he dies. By the time a divorce decision normally comes the Filipino immigrant is normally a permanent resident or citizen of the US, and other foreign nations so they can remarry anywhere except the Republic and perhaps Malta. And if Brett initiated the divorce then Daya would be able to remarry in the Philippines. There are a few exceptions like marrying a Muslim under Sharia law, a few other Filipino minority indigenious allows a Filipino to remarry.


    Brett and Daya: If you knew how nice they are... really, I think your whole perspective of them would change. They are very honest with each other. And she came from a good family. Daya was very rich in the Philippines. She had maids and never needed to even cook a meal. Then she came in here, for love. This is not for a green card or money. Here she has to cook and clean the house, and she likes it because she knows that in the end of the day Brett will get home and they can spend the night together. We talk to them on the phone for hours and hours. They make us laugh.


    Maids and nannies don't make you part of the rich in the Philippines, there are a lot of people. And though it is changing to 18 now, you finished public education at 16. Many girls who could not go to college end up as domestic help for say a cousin who works for a call center. Most of the emerging middle class never have to cook. A woman would come around to do the laundry, another to give pedicures. A teen aged girl might move in to be a senior aid for a grandparent, etc. Only the poorest won't take in some from the extended family to work as domestic help. Mostly the extended family provides money and shelter for the maid, nanny, etc service but the state doesn't set you up with housing, food and monetary assistance

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  6. I don't like that it was SWAT that went in. After the San Yisidro McDonalds in the early 1980s, but especially Columbine in 1999 when most of the deaths were people bleeding out as the paramedics waited for SWAT to clear an area police have changed their tactics and the first officers on the scene move to contact and attack an  active shooter to use the Flashpoint terminology. Paramedics go in on the heels of the back up officers as they arrive and police now treat these situations like combat soldiers do and they pull out the wounded under fire. SWAT would deploy when they get there but it isn't Hill Street Blues anymore when everyone sits on a perimeter and waits.

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  7. Both Daya and Brett appear to be committed Christians. I've never seen any suggestion from her that she's Muslim.

    understood many become temporary Muslims while working in Arabia and Islam is much more part of Filipino mainstream then America where most Arabs are also Christian. However that influence has given her an Arabic name to use on Facebook and YouTube
  8. Daya has a FB page (where her name is spelled Dhiah) which has some really touching and heartwarming photos of family life with Brett and Cassidy. There's also a video of Daya singing 'All of Me' - she has an absolutely beautiful voice.

    It looks like they just anglicized her Arabic name. By percentage of population The Philippines has twice as many Muslims as America has Muslims and Jews combined. And many of that up to 10% of adult Filipinos who take foreign contracts to work end up in the Arab and Gulf states.

  9. Some conservative Christians favor the "boys will be boys" argument complete with double standards.  Other Christians think sex is healthy part of marriage and can be discussed once the marriage is taken place or is about to taken place, depending on the couples and families etc. I think Danny and Amy are more the latter themselves, but his family seems more the former to me. 

    Among other questions I would have asked I would have liked to know why Amy is so religious, is this common in South Africa,etc. I don't much about the culture so it would have been interesting. I wish they had asked better questions or actually taken a few from the internet. 

    There are pockets all over the world but for sometime there has been talk of Africa re-evangelizing Europe. People were thinking the possibility of a Black African Pope was growing with the last two elections.Of course Africans going to the first world to build hospitals and dig wells doesn't make sense. So it is more straight evangelism and not traditional missionary type work. Thus Amy and Danny found themselves in a Hillsong Bible and music ministry courses in Australia.


    In any case something like 80% of South Africans claim some form of Christianity and no specific denomination is over 10%,. Compared to around 80% American Christians being  roughly 25% Catholic and a large mix of Protestants as a reference. However they stopped asking religious preference in the census.

    • Love 2
  10. I don't know how it is in the US but here in Canada a nursing degree is highly advantageous to those planning to immigrate, to the point that some Dr's will re-train as nurses when coming here from some countries, Phillipines being one. You still have to requalify to demonstrate that you are competent to meet professional standards and it's not a cake-walk, but the gap between arrival and finding employment in your field is significantly shorter than in many other regulated professions. If Daya just wanted the advantages of North American life, she likely could have made the move on her own merits. I think her age of 29 might be more relevant. She wanted to marry, start a family and not unlike Brett's idea that she was culturally predisposed to take commitment to marriage seriously, her perceptions of American men dovetailed with what she was looking for in her spouse. 

    The nursing gap in the US has closed long ago. There is now about an 8 year wait for someone trying to immigrate as a nurse and potential employers are only getting experience nurses not the new grads that are still being pumped out of Filipino nursing schools for other nations which still have that great demand. I agree  about her age, locally she was reaching the age where she would get an old maid label. Yes it happens young over there

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  11. Thanks for all the info on the U.S. procedure. It's a bit different up in the Great White North since you don't have to be married to be a sponsor (common-law relationships work too as do same sex relationships). But the procedures to weed out sham arrangements is similar. 



    Now that same sex marriage is legal in many states same sex couples are eligible for spousal visas in the US. The Manila embassy issued their first ones about a year ago to the wife of a USN sailor and a  preoperative transsexual to a male US Army soldier t.

  12. I can't agree with this at all.They wanted to be on tv and they volunteered for this. And if they were too lazy or too stupid to do their homework before signing up for it then they have no one to blame but themselves. I have no patience or sympathy for whining about how they're being judged, or claims that the editing was bad or they were provoked/manipulated into saying or doing things they didn't mean.

    I give the first season's couples a pass. When TLC came advertising on the immigration message boards all of the veterans pointed to the first season where people talked about the"documentary"and warned board members away
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  13. When Daya was crying I half expected Brett to hand her a roll of toilet paper.




    Charmin extra soft. It's the least he could do.

    The Bouncy Boys

    To be fair the Philippines is a washing society. They use a tabo to clean, not a spraying bidet but rather a small bucket to pour cleaning water. As many do not have the plumbing able to flush toilet paper. There would be a larger bucket with a bucket sitting next to the bowl to flush. Many use toilet paper in its convenient roll in situations were Americans typically use purpose made facial tissue. They are shocked at us dirty Americans who depend upon the extra soft Charmin

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    1. Why isn't this called a "scripted series" by TLC? There are so many different names . . . you see Cassia on here, but on FB she's called another name   . you see Daya & I can't even remember his name as "Steve" over on FB . . .



    I am reasonably sure that Steve is the false Facebook name. They tried like Google + did to force real names on people's pages in order to sell more advertising but had to back off out of fear that people will drop the social network entirely. Also entertainers with fan pages like impersonators didn't want their given names but their professional names used. From other social media like Youtube Twitter it seems as if Daya, "cheat" or "trick" in Tagalog/Filipino and the main languages of the Western Visayas where they say she is from just anglicized Daya from the Arabic Dhiah 

  15. It seems like a lot of risk associated with a meeting someone from a 3rd world country. Most cannot get a visitor’s visa so you get 90 days to determine if this person is your true love. Seems like a lot of risk.


    The intent of the law isn't to take 90 days to determine capability. The legal prejudice is that the couple has done that otherwise why risk the grand in filing fees alone.. They are giving 90 days to arrange for a wedding ceremony. And then that is too short because the pre cana courses of the largest single religious denomination generally takes longer then the law allows for

  16. Wait; didn't they just make Moneypenny black in the last Bond film? (Who has also always been white) I didn't notice any outrage about that. Yeah, a black Bond is more than doable.


    Another idea: I think an Indian Bond would be pretty interesting.

    The question is not just about being black but being a black male. In big movies Wesley Snipes has had white leading ladies a few times and Denzel only has white leading ladies when his character is grey  and not the morally perfect guy.On TV you have the new black woman with other than black men on Scandal and How To get Away with Murder but there is still the question if a black James Bond is with a Chinese agent will that turn off the Chinese audience as much as if he is with a white women would that lose some Euro-supremacist audience. Eventually someone else will blaze the path in racial neutral romantic pairing casting. Bond may work because as far as I can tell the racial divide in the UK is not as pronounced as it is in America with its slavery and Jim Crow past.

  17. Like his minor role in "The Winter Soldier"?




    So we agree in most of the movies  outside of The Winter Soldier and the Avengers Nick Fury had minor cameos., In three Ironman movies, two Thor movies and The First Avenger that Nick Fury appearances in were limited compared to his appearance in the resolution of the cliffhanger with Fritzsimmons and the end of the original Deathlok, Agent Garrett.

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