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Posts posted by Raja

  1. So would I, but there is so much more room for her on NCIS: NO.  I always thought the cast could do with one or two more regulars. 





    Yay, Borin is back!!! I think it would be awesome if she did join NCIS; I feel like with her experience puts her on par with Gibbs and Pride and even though she would have to learn the ropes, I don't think she'd be a probationary agent. I think it would be awesome if she joined the New Orleans team, though I'd miss her popping up in DC. I liked her and Brody interrogating the suspect-- that was great.


    No need to have her actually transfer into NCIS you would think that the Coast Guard had more interactions with regular citizens of New Orleans then the Navy does. Just your local federal task force and they share office space along with having that extra agent around so everybody has a partner to cover them.

    Dead Man Walking....season 4 NCIS  S4, Ep16

    20 Feb. 2007

    Dead Man Walking

    A Navy lieutenant, a member of an international nuclear-inspection agency, asks Gibbs to solve the officer's own murder because he knows that someone has exposed him to radiation poisoning.

    I thought of 30 from Law & Order Criminal Intent.

  2. The problem becomes that except for Captain America and the Red Skull nobody believes that there are super powered people around until first the Hulk and Tony Stark building his armor to escape in Afghanistan and then the Battle Of New York put the existence of aliens to the forefront.


     Agents of SHIELD has shown that because of InHumans many of the period supers can exist. But by the time of The Winter Soldier most of SHIELD itself thought the superpowered didn't exist. Having the SSR investigate something and then cover it up as part of the conspiracy sort of seems the opposite

  3. So this Roman is the big bad and no one ever happens to notice that this vicious gangster is a woman?


    5-0 has the hospital's entire floor cleared and then posts two guards? And they don't even communicate when one is leaving the floor to have crappy coffee and sentimental time on her Windows Phone?


    Xzibit would have had a much easier time getting around if they had taken his wheelchair out of the elevator. Seriously, those things fold up for easy transport. It had to go about three feet. Did they think Roman was going to come through the ceiling of the elevator like the T-1000 in Terminator 2?


    Also, did Kono run out of bullets in that gunfight? She didn't even consider using her gun after they got in the elevator. Hide in a laundry basket, wait until she comes around, shoot. At the very least they could have included a line about it.


    It was more than just one floor cleared. We were in awe of how they could have two patients yet no medical staff around when the bullets started flying.


    I was amazed at Kono's quick thinking in the elevator. Within 5 seconds of an elevator stopping she was pulling the hand rails off to pry open the door.


    Considering the basic load of modern pistol armed officers and watching Kono trying to rack the slide I think they went with her weapon jammed scenario rather then the out of ammo one


    What was Decker in prison for in the first place. A second time informant "snitch" already sprung from prison and taking a bullet in an undercover can't be put back in can he. Unlike Sang Min the audience doesn't have to deal with a human trafficker running free and being charismatic.

  4. Since the mother ship was about the procedural more than the cast I would see a limited edition as sort of a make up opportunity, not one more crack at characters that have been long retired. So for your detectives Jeffries from SVU as the Lieutenant and a now experienced Cassidy as the senior with a new character as the junior detective. Maybe Robinette as the new DA after the McCoy office failed some racially sensitive case. Perhaps Gaffney from Trial By Jury as the Exec ADA. I don't like Blue Bloods anyway. And a new character as the ADA,



    Despite the showrunners saying that the Agent Carter One-Shot could be seen as a series finale, it now seems more likely that this series is replacing the One-Shot in continuity.  Peggy's SSR profile is now too high to make sense of the One-Shot, where she is once again encountering condescending male agents which are ignoring her.

    I think if the MCU progresses anything like the real world then Agent Carter's profile will only be high among those who served with her as seen with the Howling Commandos compared to the postwar SSR agents. To everyone else, all the other SSR units nation or worldwide, she remains a woman maybe still Captain Rogers' girlfriend getting special attention and not working the switchboard because of it.  Until enough other women prove themselves as agents in the field that  fear and prejudice would probably remain.

  6. I find it odd that Cookie got out of jail for testifying against the killer of a Fed from when she was originally arrested.  Did no one offer her a deal before?  If they did, what made her decide that to wait ~20 years instead of 10 or 5?  If they didn't, why 20 years later?


    I was expecting more of a jailhouse snitch situation where she learned something from a cellmate.

    More than that I have an out for Cookie, assuming Philly police doesn't find out about the murder.She needs one of those attorneys out of work since Law & Order went off the air. She did 17 years and the US Attorney did not comply with discovery. How else could a murder of a federal agent being part of a drug case be hidden. Did she confess to save legal fees needed to jump start the empire?

  7. But they haven't shown him develop that ability yet. And a simple doorknob is one thing, it's supposed to be a maximum security prison.

    He does what is needed for the plot. One moment he moves so fast that people can't see a person pass. The next it is a big deal to just to reach the speed of sound.

  8. I would too, although Gabe Jones is still my first choice.

    That would mean that Trip held the bigger secret about Director Carter so he would not be seen as an even more special legacy snowflake SHIELD recruit then agent. Of course that is with the popular theory that Jones is the grandfather. But then with the lack of race in the MCU any Commando or their child  could have been with a Black person.

    • Love 1
  9. I think the intention was for it to serve as a mid season break replacement for Agents Of SHIELD for as long as that stays on the air. The entire set up is as a package and something will have to get crazy expensive to produce or really tank in the ratings for one to go without the other.

  10. I feel like NCIS did a better job characterizing their agents. I never had a problem telling DiNozzo from McGee. I can't differentiate one SSR guy from another, aside from Sousa.

    To be fair the SSR main cast is smaller. There is no DiNozzo, Ducky or Abby. Just the Cheif/Director, Thompson/Gibbs, Carter/Kate and Ziva and Sousa/McGee.

    What the office is tasked to do when local police and the FBI exists is the real similarity that I am seeing.



    Everyone, myself included, have headdesking over Barry's not taking Oliver's advice to heart. Well, Oliver also hasn't taken his own damn advice, so I can't get upset over Barry being hardheaded like Ollie. We will see what kinds of birds come home to roost as the season rolls on, I guess.

    I was telling the wife when The Flash just missed getting shot that was the exact scenario Oliver used on him in the training exercise

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  12. Poor Eddie. He only had one scene in this episode. They at least could have had him around for some of the police stuff.


    Also, now that the Flash has been "outed", they (Joe) need to stop hiding metahuman stuff from the police. ...But then that leads right back to the STAR Labs prison. Yeah, I hope the writers address this by the end of the season.

    Now that the discussion about the jail has started here and other sites I have faith that they will, maybe not this season though. Just as was done after the early days of Arrow when people started saying WTF about an archer going around killing and being our hero.



    Meanwhile, I am not even sure what they accomplished on their mission aside from getting some guys killed. The squee I guess came from meeting the 107th (who I don't know, since I don't follow the comics).


    This show is slow and seems hellbent on putting Carter on a pedestal to the detriment of everyone around her. I'm out.

    I don't know if the 107th are in the comics or just the cinematic universe. In real life the 107th Infantry regiment was one of the New York National Guard Units with the 369th being the "colored", Black and Afro Latino, infantry regiment. Captain America's best friend Bucky Barnes enlisted in the 107th and was captured in Italy when Captain America on a war bond tour he went awol and rescued Sergeant Barnes in his first combat mission. At that point the 107th Regiment seemed more or less assigned to the Strategic Scientific Reserve, an OSS like outfit  and key members of the 107th who were from many nations and outfits before becoming prisoners, with Sergeant Barnes became the special operations team the Howling Commandos lead by Captain Rogers/America.


    The promos would have said Howling Commandos because of Dum Dum Dugan the bowler wearing Neal McDonough who was also in The First Avenger, the other members seen in this episode where not shown with Captain America in the movie and presumably were replacements for the veterans after the war. The show in Peggy's voice however said 107th


    edit to add in some of the shorts and sequences on Agents of SHIELD we know Agent Carter lead the Howling Commandos on some missions after Sergeant Barnes and Captain Rogers were lost and presumed dead.

  14. I thought Erik did become a part time deputy for a short time. His Twitter handle says deputy sheriff.

    Wiki said they were swore in as reserve officers Muncie Indiana at the end of  a reality show. So something like Steven Segal being a reserve deputy perhaps.

  15. How much did I love this? So, so much. It was great to see Peggy in the field, and learn more about Thompson, although I agree with this review: http://www.avclub.com/tvclub/marvels-agent-carter-iron-ceiling-214761 That CMM is playing a time period archetype rather than a specific character. If I'm going to actually care how he feels about Peggy he needs to become someone specific. But what I really liked about this one is well it fits the historical context. For a comic book show, it fits really well into the actual historical period (apart from the MCU's decision to totally ignore segregation, of course).


    Based on the past episode, it's October 1946 and the Cold War is just beginning. I've seen people wonder whether the show will feature a supervillain behind the theft, but it seems more and more like the enemy here is the real life supervillain known as Josef Stalin. It IS strange that the show never uses the words "Soviet Union" or "Stalin" since things were getting very tense in Eastern Europe about this time. The time period also fits for the theft of superweapons. In the real world, the Soviets were stripping East Germany bare, dismantling whole factories and shipping them back to Russia to help rebuild their war-devastated industrial capacity. This is the era when the US had a legitimate superweapon (the Bomb) and the Soviets didn't. It makes sense for the Russians to go to great lengths for a deterrent. I doubt Leviathan wants an attack on US soil - but whoever Leet Brannis was selling them to definitely did. Why?



    They set the mode in The First Avenger when they set the focus on Hydra and deemphasized the Nazis. Now we have a Strategic Scientific Reserve who had no mission, it was just a new cop agency until the suspicion was thrown on their WWII contractor Howard Stark. Sitting in their New York office and running missions/investigations reminds me of dare I say it the NCIS formula.


    We have SSR trying to find the one bogeyman in Stark in the states. Perhaps with European SSR agents still working with a deployed 107th Regiment to run down Hydra suvivors but as far as I can tell has no ideal that there is a Soviet counterpart out there. Perhaps by a second series or the end of this one the focus will shift from Stark to the Soviets.

  16. I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking about Gitmo when the Pipeline Prison comes on screen.


    And like BkWurm1 says, I'm not opposed to the existence of the prison. Meta-humans clearly cannot be safely held in regular prisons.  I most strongly object to the superhero not recognizing that it's a pretty inhumane solution.  This is the sort of thing one would expect Oliver Queen to be doing (he threw a man in a hole in the ground on a 'deserted' island).  Barry Allen isn't the same as Oliver Queen.  Every time these horrible cells come on screen, all characterization of Barry is damaged. Takes me right out of it when the hero becomes a mustache twirler at the end of every episode. 

    I wouldn't go that far because our folks are a CSI and a detective. Not a jailer or corrections officer who really has to think about the long term care of prisoners. however having a prisoner showing the effects of long term solitary confinement should get the team to awaken to what they are doing and question how much power they have taken upon themselves and with someone like Peek-aboo who would probably have had a few years, not life in supermax

  17. It's Jack Thompson.


    In the pilot, it was stated that Thompson fought in Okinawa (which he acknowledged).  For him to be rescued in that siege in Europe, he would have had to be transferred from there to the Pacific before the Battle of Okinawa (April-June 1945).  How possible would that have been?

    Well as a Lt JG he was Navy and that makes it more possible then being a soldier.Being in any kind of shore party from underwater demolitions teams, the SEALs of that era to any kind of support be it forward observer be it a beach master on shore, After Normandy suddenly was faced with a long land war and a continuing need for their specialized and tested skills in the Pacific. At least two teams transferred over after Normandy. A pilot who served an early combat tour went into instruction and then came back for a later combat tour may have also been transferred to another theatre. A siege, depends upon where. Something like the Dieppe Raid or in North Africa or Italy makes it more possible then being after Normandy getting in a siege and then transferring theatres.

  18. I am surprised at how much I love this show.  AoS is one of my fallback shows - I like it a lot but if it waits a week or two on the dvr, nbd.  I would sacrifice it without a second thought if I could get Agent Carter in its place.



    Here is where it gets embarrassing.  I have never seen a Marvel super-hero movie or read a Marvel comic book. I'm so frustrated, because I know I'm missing some of the good stuff.  I knew it in AoS, of course but didn't care. Now I care.  Can anyone tell me what movies to watch before the finale? 

    For just Agent Carter alone I think everything you need has been in the show. If you are a fan of the MCU in general then you may have to see them all. However Thor and Guardians of the Galaxy

    with their alien focus are only now coming into must see category as we are watching how Marvel is using aliens to deal with having no X-Men or mutants to fill out their super powered stable.

    • Love 1


    Ditto with finding Thompson's angst unbelievable. Vets of the pacific theatre saw just about every guerrilla tactic in the book, his COs would have written it off as a potential suicide run and still would have given him the medal. Wasn't there some story of a Japanese vet still camping in the woods because he didn't believe the war was over, and some hiker stumbled over him? And had to literally go find the man's old CO to hobble out there and tell him the war was over and to go home? They were committed. And I'd think anyone truly surrendering would make a racket on approach, precisely because they might get mowed down before they could wave the flag. 



    Unless someone else showed up it was Lieutenant Hiroo Onoda who died last year was still fighting Filipino police in 1974 after losing his last two men in combat in 1972. The last known holdout was Private Teruo Nakamura who was also captured in 1974 but he was not actively still fighting just hiding in Indonesia.


    I should add he was ordered not to make a suicide run but to remain a guerrilla fighter

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    As for the Barry/Snow ship, I would like it either way I feel the friendship should come first. Barry/Iris though just bores me. They don't have chemistry and it always seems forced when they are together. Not to mention that once again we have a so called journalist with no actually experience suddenly getting all her scoops handed to her.It's a cop out.


    Cisco, color me surprised that he actually had some moves. I didn't expect that. But of course the writers have to inlcude plot induced stupidity to make the story go forward and make poor Cisco look dumb. Those plot bunnies need to scramble away.


    I'm with  a lot of others here, that jail cell at the lab is just cruel. Peek a Boo didn't deserve that and I felt could have been let go with a warning not to commit crime again. I think she would have agreed. Only problem is that may have gone and tried to find her boyfriend. Still the metahumans don't deserve this treatment. Only the most dangerous should be locked up there.

    Only vaguely remembering a Flash cartoon series the entire thing with Iris meant nothing to me except it looks like Greg Brady lusting after Marcia


    I was surprised either of them had moves. Okay lets say Cisco was a high school wrestler and a true renaissance man. Or will they go the bad neighborhood and family route? I agree about the solitary confinement thing. Sure it is not capitol punishment but I don't know how we get around  five people determining the sentence of folks.

  21. There's a complex split, in my opinion.  The people who watch network TV to the exclusion of all else likely will hate period dramas.  The people who watch basic cable, probably ditto.  The ones who watch PREMIUM cable may like them, but only with a big budget.  The people who watch public broadcasting (PBS) will love them.

    I think you are on to something about the budget. New York looks surprisingly empty. If they were outside of Manhattan like the late Breakout Kings were then it may have worked better.

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