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Posts posted by Raja


    That scene with Jennifer Hudson getting between Andre's legs and putting her head on his was super weird.  I wouldn't want to pray with anyone who did that to me, and I am a Christian.



    Making us uncomfortable was the entire point of the scene. So far we have seen may sexual partners for the princes of the Empire Since people naturally move away from the sick  for the emotional impact they played it as the therapist was just going to be one more. .That the world has changed and interracial and inter gender relationships are now out in the open but the open expression of religion caused the character to check the locks first before showing love made it more powerful.

  2. On rewatch, I had an out there idea. What if Backup is Captain America? Both Bobbi and Mack seem to have suffered a lot from the Hydra reveal. Cap was the first one who said SHIELD needed to be destroyed. The fact that there is a small rag tag version of SHIELD might concern him enough he'd recruit Bobbi and Mack to make sure things won't go off the rails. Plus, that kind of maneuver could lay some groundwork for Civil War conflict. Stark funding NuSHIELD, Cap spying on and distrusting it.

    I don't know Mac seems to be all about the alien crap. When General Talbot was talking to the UN it was aliens can you believe it aliens attacked us when we turned to SHIELD only to have Nazis in Hydra form almost take over SHIELD.

    While SHIELD is no longer the first line of defense in the world's eyes I don't see Captain America becoming director General Rogers setting up an intelligence apparatus.

  3. Sif's fight with Kava took place during the day, she came out of the ocean at night, the team found her and investigated her during the day -- so it's been most of a day since people recorded Sif's fight, and SHIELD hasn't come across it yet?

    Well until a Google bot took notice of a critical number of circles clicking on the video and uses it to advertise it first for YouTube eyeballs it is lost in white noise. Any individual video is just a drop of water in The sea if you're not directed to it. Even for a rag tag SHIELD or an intact NSA.
  4. My kneejerk at first was the same thing, but the more it went on, the more it really read as much "smart obnoxious 11 year old who seems too perfect to adults" as it did potentially sketchy portrayal of Jews.

    It actually made me a little more uneasy that they kept consistently referring to Phillip as a "Chinese kid" rather than Jewish kid. I mean, not that he needs to completely shed his identity as Chinese person since he seemed to be well aware of where he was adopted from. But he seemed to more self identify as a devout Jew. I mean, I get that with the principal it was intended to shed light on his racism, but other characters used that phrase as well and still rubbed me the wrong way. Which I guess it was supposed to.

    Well it is America where race is the first social identifier among the people. if it were Northern Ireland, Palestine or the Balkans then religion would be how we first describe each other.
    • Love 1
  5. I think it would be great if Fury let Coulson think he was the Director of Shield, but really Maria Hill is running things with Bobbi and Mac working for her. 

    I am sticking with my theory that they represent S.W.O.R.D. inside of S.H.I.E.L.D. However judging by the Mac and Bobbi scene I think Mac may be the agent in charge among the two and Simmons not Hunter is who they may try to recruit.. Maria Hill does seem the ,most likely senior agent

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  6. For me Flash is pretty much seeing the same episode over and over again, I will not talk about Arrow and Gotham doesn't know what type of show it wants to be. I rate shows on if I'm waiting for the next episode, right now (that Agent Carter's over) AoS is the only super hero show I look forward too. It's the not the best show but it's entertaining and interesting, that's what matters to me.



    That is where i am, it is the only show on at the moment the I will rewatch mid week to see what is going on and to find the hidden Easter eggs.

  7. Is it true that this show is a hit? I found it offensive for some reason.  Offensive because of its stupidity.  



    In general CBS promo's all there shows as the number one (add in the specific demographic group). The third week or so will normally tell. After all a couple of years ago Vegas routinely won its time got an early order for 22 episodes only to meet CBS shifting its time before dropping the order to 21 episodes and cancelling it

  8. I only saw the top of the Hydra chain of command killed. I don't think Hydra's "dead" any more than SHIELD is.  We just don't know who's going to step into the power void next.


    Possibly Bakshi because  Talbot will make a stupid deal or get sloppy or some "convenient" thing.. For right now, yeah, we're probably going to look at the Inhuman stuff for a bit.  Dr. Cal doin' a happy dance is a fun note to see now and again.

    Also at the local council of war the Hydra leadership made references to Baron Von Strucker suggesting that Hydra was much larger then those seniors

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  9. One of the really annoying things about the show is that they've never really addressed why these people are still working with S.H.I.E.L.D. Some make sense -- Coulson's in charge, May and Coulson are BFF, Skye is really attached to Coulson and has nowhere else to go -- but I don't really get why the others have stuck around. I'd kind of given up on the show ever addressing this, so I was really surprised and pleased that we got the big fight in this episode between Coulson and Mack, and we learned that Bobbi and Mack have their own agenda and are spying on Coulson. It'll be interesting to see how these things play out going forward, and what this means for the team and Coulson's leadership.

    SHIELD as we know it is the only international organization working for us and not nationality based would seem to be the only reason folks stayed with SHIELD following the civil war with the Hydra among them rather then jumping ship like

    Agent 13 did to the CIA at the end of The Winter Soldier

    to organizations like national police forces or Stark Industries. However once the decision was made to stay I would expect the customs and courtesies would be more strickly enforced then when SHIELD was the premier agency.


    I am still waiting for Agent Carter, and maybe Ant Man to explain how an open SSR became a secret SHIELD, that even had a service academy, before becoming an open SHIELD after the Battle of New York


    In terms of speculation on AOS, my guess is that Bobbi and Mack work for whatever organization that Momma May works for. Last season Momma May dropped that at least "her organization" wasn't in trouble.  I would bet that Momma's org is looking to take over SHIELD and has sent her finest in to secure Fury's toolbox because she/they find SHIELD now incompetent.  

    If we go with an allied nation's homegrown version of the international SHIELD. there can be the British STRIKE mixed with the counter extraterrestrial SWORD if I am right. X-Men/FOX may have the rights to the Canadian programs since I can only think of Weapon X and May's mom found her in Canada.

  11. Do you mean at the beginning of the scene where we're reintroduced to Jimmy Buffett's Frank Bama character & he's singing along in character?

    If that's what you mean, it's an old classic, Let's Stay Together by (Reverend) Al Green (who I think is, sadly, no longer with us, as they say). The same song was Tina Turner's *huge* "comeback" hit in the '80s.

    Reverend Al Green is still very much with us. The Kennedy Center just honored him back in December With Usher, Jennifer Hudson, Earth Wind & Fire, and Marvis Stales singing his songs. He has a sister who has been missing for a year and a half  so that story has been updated upon the 18th month anniversary of her going missing with the questions of why Al Green doesn't put himself on the news for interviews so there will be more coverage since he is the celebrity.

  12. The Support Group has nothing to do with Hydra, AIM, Leviathan, 10 Rings or any other known group, although may have been infiltrated by them. Its an anti alien group born out of the Battle of New York.

    Mac being a tech and not a field agent is not able to shield his emotions and is likely gone like Grant Ward when the truth about Skye comes out. Bobbi will either turn double agent ot stay undercover for the Support Group.

    Agent 33 has to be Madam Masque. She seems like a villainous fit for the Netflix series coming up

  13. Skye's mother wasn't experimenting on people. The Inhumans believe their gifts make them special so they want their children to get them. Gordan, Skye and Raina had those gifts inside of them already, the mist just released them. Terrigenesis only works if they have Inhuman blood. They were however experiments of the Kree (from Guardians of the Galaxy) which is why their powers are not fun powers.

    And with Skye being orphaned and Raina talking about her grandmother and not mom they missed the optimal years when inhuman parents put their children in the mist.
    • Love 1
  14. It's possible that this one's been mentioned, but only on tv do people accept a drink when visiting someone, then leave without ever touching it.

    Only on tv can you walk into a crowded room with a communication device in your ear and walk around without people noticing that you are talking to someone who isn't there.

    only on TV would you use a wire in your ear and talk to your wrist when half of the population has a Bluetooth attached to their ear.
  15. How would that work? "How dare you kick me out of my squatters residence and don't mind the dead lady in the plastic"? 



    Most of my legal knowledge comes from Law and Order, but wouldn't this be one of those situations where the body would have been found eventually (because of the smell) so how they found it is irrelevant.  Plus I totally would expect a guy like Mouch to lie in court and say he was doing a legitimate fire inspection.

    On Law and Order the entire second half of an episode would be the DA looking for a work around due to the clear Forth Amendment violation. That a fifre fighter involved himself also would make all so sweet. Especially with the police and fire department "victim" being one of those code predator attornies

  16. I found it a little too pat that the Air BnB squatter guy murdered his wife. It's a real problem with Air BnB, and the idea that the cops were enlisting firefighters and other agencies to try to harass the guy into leaving made for a pretty promising storyline. Instead, he turned out to be a murderer and the whole thing got tied up in a pretty bow. I was a bit disappointed.

    I keep waiting for a lawyer to show up and have everything from the search excluded with the resulting lawsuits against the police and fire departments. CPD does share a universe with L&O


    It's too far for most helicopters too, so that's likely out as an explanation as well. They'd have to have done a few transfers, car, to plane, to car or copter.

    Probably took one of the BAU's Gulfstreams

    • Love 2
  18. I kind of felt bad for Rayna. She was special to survive the transformation but not special enough to be mutated


    This show would be so much more enjoyable without (or less focus on) Mary-Skye.

    Skye and to a lessor extent Raina are needed for Universe building stand in, we thought we were alone but there are the inhuman among use. Just take everything you saw in the first three X-Men movies and add a catalytic mist instead of puberty into the mix to explain why. It was not a matter of being selected as special. Some like Nightcrawler and now Raina and the man with no eyes come out looking different, others like Magneto, Iceman, Beast or Skye look like us except when the use or loss control of their abilities. So by the time Captain America III roles around Marvel does not have to add origin stories and explain why there will be a civil war. Mac and possibly Simmons will stay on one side  with Tony Stark with Captain America on the other side





    I understand why they killed Tripp, but I wish they had explored his family history first, particularly what happened to his Howling Commando grandfather. It would have been a great excuse to use more Peggy Carter too

    I didn't get a good look but did notice Dum Dum Dugan in the foreground. So I guess Trip's grandfather was from the post war being Happy Sam and not Gabe Jones?

  19. Just finished Season 3. Another great one.


    My love for McNulty grows, although I am a bit perplexed about seeing him back in uniform. Does that mean he (voluntarily) took a demotion? I did love seeing him stop and chat with the residents, as was discussed at the community meeting. And DW looks great in a uniform! Still, going from detective back to patrolman must have monetary consequences as well as hits to his status. Look at poor Bunny and what the demotion did to him and his retirement prospects.




    Major Colvin wanted to pull him from patrol for other duties but McNulty refused. It was suggested that the commissioner had made peace with McNulty as long as it wasn't the criminal investigation with the downtown detectives. Baltimore is not like most departments, as explained here and on Homicide Life On The Street, the money issues are really gotten into in season 5. In any case detectives and patrolmen are the same rank. Homicide because they work overtime when a body is found becomes the premier unit for those in need of money. Everyone else works 40 hours a week at the same rate, probably with seniority getting additional pay.Herc not making Sergeant along with Carver would show in thier respective lifestyles going forward.

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  20. I haven't watched any of the Marvel movies, so am I supposed to know what's in Fury's toolbox or is it just like the magical briefcase in Pulp Fiction?

    it wasn't from the movies but from when Fury came to help defeat Garrett. Magical briefcase is as good of an explanation as any. It gave Coulson access to the sleeper safe houses and the tools to contact agents who still remain SHIELD.

    While Howard Stark may have built SHIELD originally I haven't seen anything to make me think Tony would. However Fury's deputy Maria Hill wasn't arrested and the keys of the kingdom may have to get back to Samuel L. in time for the next Avengers movie

  21. The petite or averaged-sized woman who takes out a larger male suspect (or enemy). The Americans and Sleepy Hollow do this well. (Castle also, but Kate's high heels continue to bug me). Mind you, I'm not advocating violence or violence against women. But I love it when a smart female character has the physical savvy to neutralize her opponent.


    From the love troupe thread this is the one I hate. It is rare that we see any special skill because of her smaller physical stature, after all she is a six foot tall supermodel before getting acting gigs. She just kicks someone in the head, yes the head not the reachable knee. Not only is she able to take on any man in a heads up one on one fight her most deadly opponent is also a model thin deadly assassin in fashion heels.

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