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Posts posted by Raja

  1. Because Michael was the one with all the talent. The same can't be said for Kim, in fact, the only one in that family with talent is Bruce.

    Kim made the porno which sparked the franchise, Bruce (who ABC had on exclusive) the world's greatest athlete in 1976, the other potential spokespersons have done what exactly?

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  2. Now that I'm rewatching on Hulu and MeTV....

    I suspect that they cherry picked a disproportionate number of actual rescues where someone was stuck on top of a crane, though.  I think they bought an old crane and figured they had to get their money's worth!  Seriously, it seems like every other one I'm watching they're climbing up on a crane, or scaffolding, or something else horrifying.  

    Also, kids seem to play in abandoned buildings a lot.

    And someday it would be fun to see just how many minutes of each episode is "emergency vehicles driving around to get to a location."  These days there would NOT be anywhere close to that much footage of the journey unless it was significant to the plot for some reason!


    Well since the outdoor model used to stand in for Station 51 was across the street from an oil refinery the crane and industrial  rescue scenes made much more sense then the long real life drives to the mountains the squad often took. It was mostly produced after the 1971 Sylmar earthquake so compared to many eras there were abandoned buildings. And with the current events about police being called in if a kid walks home 2 blocks from a park alone we were all "free range" back then.

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  3. I suppose if Chloe Bennett can learn how to do the stunt choreography in a similar amount of time, I have to accept that it's possible for Skye to have learned to actually handle herself that well in a fight with intensive training from May.

    Since we can't see their human engineering skill a la James Rockford on a short con to get away in the modern action not talk era TV/movie spies can always beat special operations soldiers even if the spy is middle aged or the spy is as skinny as a runway super model in hand to hand fighting.. Their pistols can defeat any body armor. I don't see how Skye is much differ then her sisters and brothers in fictional etertaiment

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  4. That was fun, but not as fun as I hoped. Still, a good episode and I'm always up for more Ward/the team. Their reactions made a lot of sense.


    Has Simmons killed anyone before? Her non-reaction at killing Bakshi surprised me. I mean, he's a bad guy, but still.


    That fight scene with Skye was really well-done, I loved it.


    Hunter accepting Mac's apology was the first time I didn't dislike him. But so not looking forward to him and Bobbi, he just drags her down.


    I don't want to waste money on cinemas (plus I don't live in an English-speaking country and I hate dubs), but I can't imagine waiting for the DVD release. Well, I'll take the third option, I guess.

    My take is that besides the line where Coulson alerts "spoiler alert" Fury to assemble the Avengers the Agents plot will not be as tied in with the movie as The Winter Soldier was. Yes it will clear some things up SHIELD versus Real SHIELD wise but the promos suggest Agents is going 

    harder on the Inhumans story and not dealing with the Ultron thing

  5. Disagree. Theaters are filthy and overpriced for what little they deliver. Rather watch the series and read the reviews of the movies while socializing in more pleasant places.



    Age of Ultron has been in out in Australia/NZ (and Europe/Asia I think?) for nearly a week now.  I haven't had a chance to see it yet (going tomorrow :)) but this episode was a good lead up to it.  Also just re-watched Captain America 2 last night, and the mid-credit tag with Strucker and Dr List (List is the guy in this episode) was another good little refresher.  The lab SHIELD raided in this episode definitely resembled the lab in that CA2 tag.

    Most big franchise these days open overseas first the thinking is that the American audience is more likely to go out with the crowds and increasingly in premium theatres  rather then engage the pirate and watch a free bootleg at home

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  6. Gee... what a subtle way to cross-sell Avengers: Age of Ultron, show. So we have to watch that movie to get the resolution of this episode. For me, it is even worse than the crossover of Chicago Fire, Law & Order: SVU and Chicago PD.

    Since half of the world has had an opportunity to see Avengers II without the Coulson hit I will assume the bit was just a bonus for the TV show. Sort of like the Netflix shows and later Spider-Man having greater MCU interconnections.

    Call the Avengers? I thought Captain America in CA:WS was on a quest to find the Winter Soldier and now suddenly he's working with the Avengers without a second thought? Inconsistent continuity.

    Also I hate the secret code talk with Coulson and Hill, the cloak and dagger and Theta whatever, you know that whatever they reveal is going to be so unsatisfying and anti-climatic.

    There are no Avengers until the assembly order is given. more like national Guardsmen then a ready brigade all together and ready to fly to an emergency.They are just a collection of enhanced beings going about their business but in the SHIELD index thus probably being tracked like Black Widow staying near Stark in Ironman II. Coulson just sent word to Fury that the target has been located assembly the team since he judged it to tough even if they sacrificed another bus in an retrieval attempt. And thus we enter Avengers II with part of the mission going to get that septre and running into people seen in movie trailers

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  8. I am sure I am not alone when I say that I knew that they were all going to be innocent, but I was so hoping for serious consequences for the three douchenozzles.  They were trying to conceal a body.  And they were allowed to leave the island?  I think I heard one of them say they got an obstruction or hindering charge, but shouldn't that have a more serious penalty?  



    It sounded like they plea bargained for three years probation with Captain  Grover promising them they would be imprisoned even if they messed up at home.. The b story was the more interesting to me. I was expecting expected another Sang Min cooperative witness role

  9. Did anyone notice that one of the directions on the packet the chinese teacher put in front of the boys said "寫在西班牙語" (I write in traditional chinese sorry it was in simplified as 写在西班牙语) which is "write [these phrases] in spanish"? That was perplexing and hilarious!

    Well they are in Florida

  10. Is Coulson bad for keeping advanced technology secret, for conducting a unilateral policy for relations with other forms of life and many other actions of this kind? Overall I'd say yes. Which makes something like the killing of guards collateral damage in a bad cause.


    SHIELD/HYDRA devised a mass preemptive murder scheme, then SHIELD/HYDRA lapsed into an internal conflict over who got to pull the trigger. I'm not impressed with the moral purity of SHIELD/HYDRA. 


    If Ward betrayed SHIELD, then Simmons betrayed HYDRA when she went undercover and let a man die for what she did. The assumption is that Ward owed  one side of SHIELD/HYDRA loyalty even though he was recruited directly to the other side of SHIELD/HYDRA. Agents of SHIELD isn't written with great sophistication, and the show holds that of course he does because latterday SHIELD is the good guy and others aren't. 


    I don't think May feeling remorse is all it takes to make it right. The show set it up so that May had the choice of killing a killer about to commit mass murder, or letting them die, then ultimately dying herself. It would have been irrational, as well as suicidal, to have not killed the girl. Her guilt adds nothing at all to the morality of her action. Many people are prone to guilt just from being accused or simply surviving. Feeling guilty is only relevant as a motive for further action or change. I think the premises of the whole incident are so far fetched though that the morality of it all doesn't relate to real people at all and therefore kind of trite. 


    As to the impact of the HYDRA "betrayal," the real impact I thought was the proof that the day to day operations of SHIELD were for years indistinguishable from those of HYDRA. SHIELD=HYDRA! But Marvel's Agents of SHIELD has been dedicated from day one to ignoring the real consequences of this discovery, which has severely damaged it as a show in my opinion. As for the weirdness of taking into account mind control, I personally feel it is exceedingly weird not to take into account compulsion, whether it's mental illness, severe abuse and unprincipled manipulation, and in general all the circumstances of life that drive us to do certain things and keep us from doing others. It is the assumption that we are all free agents that I find really strange.


    Yes, Ward did unpleasant things indeed to the main cast. But Black Widow and Hawkeye did equally unpleasant things to others yet they were forgiven. 


    In my view, Ward's redemption arc is already underway. As Coulson noted, he's trying to help 33, just as he tried to help Skye. What I question is whether he could be redeemed by becoming a SHIELD agent. Frankly I have no idea why Black Widow or Hawkeye are still regarded as having been successfully redeemed by working for Alexander Pierce! How is is really relevant to Ward's redemption if he helps send Skye to a prison cabin in the woods, or hunts down Inhumans? I think that would be more of the bad stuff, not redemption.

    From The Frenemy of My Enemy episode thread> I agree


    In the end I think that Ward remains gray at best. Besides despite any gentleman's agreement with the US and other governments I doubt if either new SHIELD has the power to offer blanket immunity anymore. On one side of the war if he is hunting down Inhumans for the Real SHIELD side of goodness and right he remains a villain to us since Skye even if she has Magneto like power potential is more of a X-man then the we are superior to humanity thaher mother seems to be pushing. 

  11. Sounds like Weldon is acting like a movie director and forgetting he used to be a show runner and for these types of decisions he's not the man like Martin Scorcse would be in a stand alone film but is working for Kevin Feige like any episode director on Buffy was working for him.

  12. I'm sure everyone in BullSHIELD doesn't hate metahumans. Bobbi still cares about Skye, at least, and Mac is... ambiguous, as usual (sigh), but he doesn't want Skye dead and I'm certain he would still care about Fitz if he developed powers. At the same time, though, Gonzales has repeatedly referred to Skye, a fellow SHIELD agent, as "it," and Calderon went after her with live ammo (it's not clear if his team- bar Bobbi- did too. I hope not). So for at least some of them, and unfortunately some of the ones in power, their issues with metahumans go beyond simple distrust.

    I said since the Winter Soldier something was seriously wrong with SHIELD's agent selection and assessment program. Besides straight out Nazis making up significant parts of their tactical forces even after that comes out you still have folks like Tomas  going out to assassinate a fellow agent.

  13. The reoccurring character Madame Masque/Agent 33. In the comics she is the daughter of a leader in Marvel's version of the Mafia. Although she is linked to Tony Stark in the books the organized crime link and attempted to rediscover herself makes a perfect link up to Hell's Kitchen and the Kingpin of Daredevil

    Well it seems as the MCU Kara is Mexican so there goes my easy link to Daredevils Hell's Kitchen easy link. Not to say she couldn't have cartel linkage and went to SHIELD instead of conventional law enforcement sort of like Black Widow.



    The Inhumans are definitely like Magneto, they only want to protect their own kind. 


    With Hydra back I hope Coulson can get out of his one track thought and help everyone go after the real threat. Especially since Hydra's a threat to the regular people and the powered people. I could see Mike wanting to join the Inhumans, the regular bad people want to experiment on him and the regular good people want to use him for their gain. 

    As a representative for the Real SHIELD I would say Hydra is not the real threat. They are a terrorist group who got knocked down by Captain America While they are a responsibility since half of SHIELD turned out to be secret Nazis it is like General Talbot said, "aliens,,,, aliens" who attacked the earth and there is no other shield to protect us at this point.

  15. Everything in the entire MCU is now all about Skye. If this is an example to the big lead-up to Age of Ultron, prepare to be disappointed.  And if Skye shows up on the big screen in Avengers 2, I think I'll be walking out.



    I wouldn't say everything but as a replacement for mutants most things are about Inhumans as the most hated of the enhanced people and the Skye story is our origin story of the Inhumans

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