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Posts posted by Raja

  1. And I really, really like the look of Vision. Didn't he and Wanda have a thing in the 80s Avengers cartoon? Or am I just making that up?

    *If they can bring Coulson back to life, they can do the same for Pietro. I stopped watching Agents of Shield after the second episode, because it didn't hold my interest so I don't know if that really is Coulson or not. But my point still stands.

    Over on Agents they figuratively blew up 616, or the main comics fictional universe where Vision and the Scarlett Witch were married.

    I did notice the body wasn't covered on the evacuation shuttle as our culture would do for a fallen comrade.

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  2. Glad Hawkeye lived --- the gang's reactions to his family was priceless --- but it's a pity Quicksilver got killed off so soon.


    After X-MEN Future his was the expendable character for Marvel
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  3. What in the holy hell just happened? My DVR cut off at the shot of the cake on the ground. I came here to see what i missed in the final minute only to learn that I missed two additional hours?? I don't watch those other shows! Grrrr.

    So now I have to on demand Cf & SVU...Can someone tell me in which order they aired?

    On Fire we find a murdered rape victim with an arson by cover. Enter Sgt Benson as they continue on to PD and then the story moves to SVU for the capture and trial as SVU is starting to look more like the classic L&O with the cop and DA portions of the show.

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  4. Would have preferred to see more Black Widow but that is basically always my reaction. It was fun seeing Julie Deply, very briefly, in a comic book movie, and in my dream world Natasha gets her solo pic with Delpy's mysterious instructor as the villain.




    Definitely need to see it again before I can form some coherent thoughts about the movie as a whole. Not as good as the first one, but still a fun time at the cinema. Excited to see Whedon move away from Marvel though.

    I think this is where the shared universe came in with its pleasure multiplying effect stuff like The Red Room didn't feel rushed because we got in from Dottie's story on Agent Carter.


    I am also working on the high of just seeing the movie. But I left just as I left The Winter Soldier already planning on buying the disc as soon as it is avalable

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  5. I'll say I don't agree with part about banner not being able to control himself in romantic situations. He has learned to control himself much better since then. By the end of that movie they showed he could bring on the hulk while being totally calm. He's still afraid of what he could do in general though.

    Still it is like Bixby's TV Hulk after what he did in Africa he can not take the chance, especially with someone he loves being the first potential victim, he is afraid so he walks off to the next town. or in this case fly's a cloaked quinjet to somewhere remote since the other guy won't let him die.

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  6. I am guessing spoilers have been disabled for this thread? If its aired in US its fair game?

    I love the idea that the money and the secret mission Coulson and Maria Hill was basically to set up a permanent Avengers base. I think the Avengers brand has super ceded the SHIELD brand at this point, and making SHIELD an espionage arm is logical. Basically agreeing with all your points. So someone like Jane Foster would now contact Avengers instead.

    I was think more that Avengers base has Tony Stark as its public face and funding source. Stark Tower becoming Avengers tower after the Battle of New York. and a gray Maria Hill being both white open with Stark/Avengers and dark undercover with SHIELD.


    Stark does seem to be the Gonzales side of this. Again his focus, aliens. Humans had been fighting as long as we have lived but an extraterrestrial force was something on an entire different level.


    Unless I missed something the Agents of SHIELD TV show presence on Age of Ultron was actually a Hydra one. Only the TV audience knows that Coulson developed the intel which lead to the opening attack. Which goes further to the theory that Hydra was even further degraded then Coulson's SHIELD has done in the recent past  and in the immediate future they will be like Ward a wild card that pops up and not the big bad that they were around The Winter Soldier and the beginning of season 2 of Agents.



    But for those who watch it, how on earth do they try to pass Voigt off as a viable character? He started out on CF as a dirty cop on the take, he harassed Casey and and his girlfriend to the point of planting a pound of cocaine in their house and calling the DEA on them for search and seizure, and then ultimately, tried to arrange a hit on Casey! I mean, does this guy play Dirty Cop on PD? Or have they totally tried to whitewash his character and sweep all that stuff under the rug? I just can't imagine watching a show with him as a lead after all the shit he pulled on CF. 

    It reminds sort of like the '"origin" episode of The Shield where they show Vic and Shane started off by framing a guilty man before going full criminal and murdering a cop in the first episode. Even though the promo monkey advertises they break the rules not the law they go further then the first year McGarrett on Hawaii 5-0 by illegal battering suspects. I think they did something similar to the corrupt Sgt Cruz in Third Watch in saying he was dirty but working for a higher internal affairs unit forgave his sins

  8. I guess I've been trying to figure this out for a long time, but why is Robert Kardashian the famous one in the OJ defense team? He wasn't even the best lawyer. Was he famous for reasons other than the OJ trial?Were the Kardashians a big name in Hollywood before the tape? I can't think of a reason other than Kris being married to Bruce Jenner... But to be honest, I am 27 and I only know of Bruce because of the show. 


    I've only started watching the show recently and I find Kim the least interesting character in the family. I don't dislike her but I find the focus on her in the media to be a bit of a mystery. 

    He wasn't the famous one from the defense team that was Johnnie Cochran whose law firm retains the name and advertises as such years after his death. Robert Shapiro would have been a wingman when Cochran took over the lead. Kardashian was a family friend attorney who was first there and got criminal defense attorney Shapiro on the case.


    edit to add:

    And in the years that have followed many suspect using attorney client privilege Kardashain removed material evidence of the murders and that is where his fame or infamy came from.

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  9. is. 


    Did Jesse Spencer's Australian sneak into this episode? When he left the club he told the owner to piss off. That's not exactly something you hear Americans using on a regular basis. Australians or Brits, yes. American guys in Chicago? Not so much. I might even buy it if they were in Boston, but not Chicago. 

    Would the actual word a Chicagoan use be one of George Carlin's seven?

  10. And back to the thread and why always Kim? The same reason why always Michael when the rest of his clan also had major league talent and musical careers while he was a hall of famer. Why Kim when the entire clan are fame whores? Because she was the one who actually showed herself having penetrative sex on film


    Made all the more ridiculous by the fact that his 'worthy nemesis' had to have been a child when she started spanking him and is still bieber-demographic age.  Yet they still give him a smug 'I got the cuffs for you right here' shot like he's Javert .  Jeez, this stupid show.

    Well as a franchise CSI knows what to do to a Bieber, wait for sweeps

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  12. We have time to get a rifle armed SWAT team to attack computer hackers, But then none of them think to cover the back door before bareheaded underarmed agent with a pistol is first in

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  13. My only confusion is that both Jean and Jubilee look the same age and ummm, isn't Jean supposed to be 10 yeas older or something?

    Because the original X-Man director decided upon an all star mutant team with characters from decades apart instead of taking an intake Marvel Comics Universe team you can throw out any isn't someone supposed to be so old argument. At best you can hope that once a character is introduced she remains consistent to the internal logic of the X-Men movies.

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  14. Famewhore-itis is not a talent, there is no skill involved. Now parlaying a sex tape release into a multi-million dollar business may be, but that's due more to Kris than Kim imo.

    But then we again come back to what "talent" does anyone else in the extended clan have which makes them a better candidate to be interviewed by the press when Bruce was locked up in an exclusive? The rest of them have fame whored their way to the reality stardom, minus the porno, just as much as Kim. In the Jackson clan's case Michael may have been the elephant in talent and popularity of his brothers until Janet emerged.but Jermaine was a co lead singer in the Jackson 5 days and had solo funk/pop hits after his marriage and leaving the group. Tito had talent as evidenced by his guitar solo on Hearbreak Hotel, renamed This Place Hotel to appease the Elvis estate, which may be the template Jacksons labeled song which pointed to the Michael Jackson solo albums since Tito was the only brother included on that particular cut.

  15. Randolph Mantooth was also in one or two episodes of "Sons of Anarchy" - either fourth or fifth season. 

    Chief Charlie Horse who made the reservation a safe storage area that was politically less accessible to law enforcement. Fourth season first and third episodes for those not willing to go into the darkness of SAMCRO any further than necessary

  16. Unfortunately, he'll probably be playing Bayard Ellis, the lawyer character he's played while on SVU. 

    I guess that means I don't make a special effort. After a few years of SVU I went back to classic L&O. Even though I rarely watch PD and SVU and never Fire the NBC cinematic Chicagoverse got me to watch both times.

  17. .


    Any SVU fans? Was the flashback of Liv footage from an actual SVU episode? Was it the same case?

    Its been on a looong time and a lot of episodes. In any case I can't recall an unresolved case episode and Mariska Hargitay did seem larger to my memory then she was when she wore the shorter hair cut. But ten years ago was about the time Tamara Tunie became a regular as Dr. Warner


    The Bad:

    It just seemed kinda flat for some reason. Maybe my lack of interest in the Chicago franchise.


    Overall what I found most interesting was how this was sort of Lewis 2.0 with a better actor and better writing. And a better ending too. I guess these crossovers must work because they keep doing them, but they've never made me more interested in the other shows. It just makes me miss the HLOTS/Mothership crossovers

    Well the promo monkey promised Andre Braugher and Dan Florek next week. I know everybody plays multiple parts in the L&O verse but that had better be Frank Pembleton

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  19. So Noah has recovered from the measles enought Benson can jet off to Chicago at the drop of a hat?


    I was thinking how does a NYPD Sergeant have the power to authorize the flying to Chicago for three people on a ten year old cold case?
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  20. Can Mike Petersen get an Iron Patriot suit? Pretty sure Stark Industries can afford it.

    Tony don't roll like that. If Rhodes wasn't his friend that War Machine armored suit would have gone the way all the drones in Ironman II and III did.

    It is a MCU weak point.They seem to forget others have tech beyond Stark and what Hydra got from the SHIELD civil war.

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