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Posts posted by Raja

  1. I just saw this and liked it. Though I felt I missed a few things since I didn't see Captain America 2.  It had many plot holes but that's okay, still good entertainment. Also random but did the twins have names? My boyfriend and I couldn't figure out what their names were.

    From The Winter Soldier we get the destruction of SHIELD as the overwhelming force headed by Director Fury which fired the nuke at New York City. We have the reemergence of Hydra which Captain America fought in WWII. Some scenes where the Black Widow flirts with Captain America and an explanation of what the Falcon was doing when the Avengers went into battle with Ultron.


    In some ways Whedon also ignored the movies as he ignored the TV series. Such as the War Machine being War Machine again and not dealing with what Tony Stark did at the end of Iron Man III and explaining why he is back in the fight with the Iron Legion.

  2. I'm confused as to why the Avengers would start fighting each other.  Tony, Cap, and Thor bicker, (Banner, BW, and Hawkeye to a lesser extent), but when a real threat shows up, they unite.  The Scarlett Witch and Quicksilver had a problem with Tony, but when they realized what Ultron really was, they switched sides and came through for the Avengers.

    Its playing out in the forefront now on Agents Of SHIELD. Where Tony Stark let his concern over another alien invasion prejudice all his ultimate judgement and decisions others in the MCU are taking the same prejudice for anyone "enhanced" to use the terminology the MCU is using at this point. Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch were merely soldiers for their nation who underwent experimentation for the cause like Captain America did in 1942. Just as Black Widow was sent to the Soviet Red Room spy/assassin school as a young child and their prior military/spy service will not be a cause of the eventual fight among the Avengers


    . So like the X-Men series mutants, the "enhanced", whether  biological or uber-technical based are feared. And there will be two sides of the issue about how much the government should control them and how free they get to be. . Only so far we don't have many secret identities among the known enhanced people where as the focus of the source comic book was unmasking the secret identities., Almost all of the enhanced are celebrities with action figures in their images sold.. There are a few spies and now Dare Devil among the secret identity type.


    But if my speculation is right the number of biologically enhanced, from being alien/human hybrid Inhumans exposed to catalyst, is about to explode that number to an X-Man 3 number of folks for the Avengers to fight for their rights versus the enhanced public's rights over. It is common knowledge that from the source comic book Captain America and Iron Man where the leaders of the two different individual factions. So we all expect that from the upcoming Captain America movie

  3. Yeah, I don't know if the movies have ever really touched on this but Black Widow ages slower than a normal person and also has an enhanced strength.  I think those are results of "The Red Room", the place she was being wheeled into on the gurney in her vision.


    I think another poster may have mentioned this that they covered her experimentation on Agents of Shield, but not in the movies so far.

    It was on  Agent Carter, Dottie's story and a Howling Commandos raid on a Red Room facility.

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  4. I'm going to be ducking tomatoes here, but I can't help it, I like Ward. Yes, he's a messed up psychopath who truly deserves every bad thing the team can throw at him, but I love watching the effect he has on the team. I feel like the snarkiness, the anger, the awkwardness, the intensity is ramped up when he's around and I love that (I also feel like the dialogue gets much better and snappier when he's in scenes). He's a mess, but the actor has done such a good job making Ward truly clueless as to why no one will forgive and forget what he's done. I cracked up when Ward said he was "disappointed" in Jemma when she tried to kill him. I'm never not entertained when Ward is on screen.

    I think a lot of us "like" him, Like Boyd Crowder on Justified, JR Ewing of Dallas......we just don't see him as part of SHIELD anymore and we don't want that much redemption for him.

    • Love 9
  5. I so wish I could be invested in Black Widow but SJ is such distractingly bad actress that I just don't care. Her delivery is consistently flat and unfortunately they saddled her with a story that brought the movie to a screeching halt every time it came on screen.

    Needed to get that out of the way because other than that I loved it! The only thing is that I wish they'd had more time to invest in establishing Ultron and his worldview, his creation came about very quickly. As did The Vision's. The movie could've used another hour and I wouldn't have minded at all. I think it flew by actually. I want to see the director's cut.

     I wouldn't say bad, but when you buy her you get her. Sort of like Bill Murray who was the star of her breakout film. For her jaded infiltrator assassin role I like how she plays.


    They have leaked the existence of the cutting room floor and know there is money to be made on the blueray for a Director's Cut. I will just have to be patient,.

    • Love 1
  6. I can't wait to see the movie, but for various scheduling reasons I probably have to wait until Tuesday evening.

    Anyway, a question about the rankings above, is there a reason people are including Agents of Shield and Agent Carter but not Daredevil? Just curious. I was confused on that.

    I dropped Netflix years ago so I can't rank it.

    I mentioned this in the Clearance 10 spoilers topic, but SHIELD has so little presence in the movie that it would seem that Whedon decided that SHIELD, like Coulson, needed to remain dead as far as the movies are concerned.   The name SHIELD was only mentioned 2-3 times in the movie, and none of the mentions were particularly significant.  If I were only watching the movies and knew nothing about the show (or that there even was a show), I think I'd assume that SHIELD ceased to exist at the end of CA2, and that Fury brought whatever assets he could salvage as well as some of his loyal personnel to the newly expanded Avengers organization.


    In that light, Agents of SHIELD seems more like an AU fanfiction where everything that dies in the movie universe has a chance to live on in the hearts of the MCU's most obsessed fanbase than it does like a legitimate part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.    

    If I remember right the mention of this is what SHIELD really does as the helicarrier started the evacuation could be seen as a nod to the TV fans

  8. Yeah, I don't get how this hurt Natasha's character at all.    Banner was more her love interest than the other way around.


    Besides, this is the fourth movie the character has been in and isn't ScarJo signed for another five more?  Did they really think that they wouldn't give Natasha a legit love interest in one of them?

    Its a gender politics issue. It is not that she has a love interest, but rather since she is not the star with a Black Widow or other female name plated movie the political thought that she is only good as the lover of a man, or considering her Red Room training a current standards a woman.

    • Love 1
  9. Yeah, I like that the movies affect the show, but it doesn't feel real when nothing from the show affects the movies. I don't think they should do anything that would require people to watch the show to understand, but they could toss a character in here and there. Fitz and Simmons are good examples; they could easily consult on something without needing much of an explanation.

    It just occurred to me that the movie left the impression that the Avengers, not Coulson and SHIELD have been assembling on a regular basis to hit Hydra bases and that scene looked just like a Howling Commando with SSR back up raid by Captain America in The First Avenger. So much so that Captain America notices the "enhanced" on the battlefield and as a well drilled unit they go into immediate action. And in getting Loki's scepter the war was over? So I guess the Avengers ordinary troops  were ex SHIELD and national military veterans or maybe mercenaries like Hunter

  10. Unless you stayed away from all the articles, and teases, you would expect a scene post credits. I think I saw two articles in my Yahoo feed about how there wasn't going to be one, but we'd get one in the middle, which we did, of Thanos.


    Personally, I always stick around for the end credits, because I like to read them.


    What is getting increasingly frustrating and irksome, is the number of previews before the movie actually starts. I counted two commercials and 8 previews before the movie started.  If I hadn't been worried about finding parking and a good seat, I would have shown up at the theatre at the actual time the movie started, which would have left plenty of time for me to buy my popcorn, icee and candy, and not have eaten half of it, before the movie started.

    I was really irked at the plot point the Terminator trailer gave away. It wasn't like I could avoid it or even figure out from the visual. they just straight out threw it out.


    At this point it doesn't seem fair for any Marvel not movie to have the end credit stinger since as a series it has been established. I understand a retiring director didn't care about the future but it seemed like a FU move.

    • Love 1
  11. Yes, that was him. When I first saw Winter Soldier, I remember thinking that I was pretty sure he was on Joan of Arcadia back in the day, and he was - I think he played either a friend, or a boyfriend, of Joan.

    He (Aaron Himelstein) played Friedman the best friend of, Joan's little brother Luke.

    • Love 1
  12. The best, in my opinion.


    Which makes me think about Cap 3 way earlier than I should. The set up for Civil War was clear in this movie but I really have to wonder, with Cap seemingly so popular and well liked, who'd be on Iron Man's side? War Machine, obviously. Maybe Hulk, Vision and Maria Hill? Everyone else is on Cap's orbit: Widow, Falcon, Sharon Carter, Scarlet Witch (it'd be weird for her to swing to Iron Man's side, talk about whiplash). Hawkeye and Thor are toss ups. Further out in the MCU beyond this movie: Daredevil (and the rest of the Defenders?) and Spider Man would be on Cap's side too. Quake's treatment by SHIELD would move her to Cap's side as well. The way it's set up, it won't be much of a civil war if one side has so few players.


    Disclaimer: I have not read any comics and base this purely on the movies and tv shows, so I could be way off.

    You're way off ;)

  13. I liked that the last episode set up nicely the beginning of AoU, Coulson's intel allowed the Avengers to attack the Hydra base. And I bet the next few episodes will tell us what happened next to von Strucker and List. But what annoys me a bit is that clearly the tv show changes shape to accommodate the movies but the movies don't seem ready to accommodate the changes the tv show has made. Wouldn't it be awesome to see Simmons or Fitz helping out Banner or Stark? Not in this movie obviously, but in future it shouldn't be hard to incorporate some tv characters purely as easter eggs. At the moment, the relationship is too one-way.

    Von Strucker was the movie character, List the TV show. They made a point of Ultron's taking out von Strucker with List moving on.. Right after we were told there were only two senior Hydra leaders left. I figure Hydra goes underground again. Perhaps someone pops up on occasion as a wild card.

  14. I can't believe the plot twist they gave away on the trailer shown during The Avengers Age of Ultron. It was more of a detriment to buying knowing yes they are going there. That my explosions bigger than there's is all that is left to get me into the theatre, and that didn't work from Christian Bales Terminator

  15. My MCU best to worst before Ant Man is released:


    Captain AmericaThe Winter Soldier

    Iron Man

    Avengers Age Of Ultron (it is still too soon to lock this in place)

    Guardians Of The Galaxy

    The Avengers

    Agents of SHIELD

    Iron Man II

    Agent Carter

    Iron Man III


    The First Avenger

    The Incredible Hulk

    Thor The Dark World

  16. So is the consensus here that Winter Soldier is required reading for this movie?

    Even as a stand alone movie that SHIELD bombed us so we, the twins volunteered like Steve Rogers did in The First Avenger is enough. It is little extras like The reference about this is what SHIELD really is can be seen by The Winter Soldier audiences as it was similar  to Nazi Hydra's taking over SHIELD and doing the same thing on a smaller level that Ultron was going to attempt. It also introduces who this Black guy at the party who shows up as a new Avenger in the epilogue is. Ironman II gives us The War Machine.



    And like I've said before, I wasn't a comic reader, just watched a lot of 'toons, and then some graphic novels, so isn't Quicksilver an Avenger--and should belong to Marvel, since I don't ever recall him being an X-Man?

    It wasn't that he was an X-Man but originally it was thought his father was Magneto before different Marvel writers took a different direction. Thus related to X-Men and into their ownership like a gallery of villains being assigned to Spiderman or the Fantastic Four that can't be used in the MCU

  18. So is the consensus here that Winter Soldier is required reading for this movie?

    No its a stand alone movie. And there has to be drift from the comic book source as characters are drifting from dates and motivations in their MCU guise.Just knowledge that the Avengers have existed and are known to the world is necessary here I think. When I rewatch I have to see how much Hydra was emphasized on the first attack but that became more of an Agent of SHIELD'S tie in then the general Winter Soldier one. In any case Ultron almost finished the work Coulson has been doing on TV in the first acts


    Captain America seems to be working relatively well with everyone, even Tony Stark as Captain of the Avengers ans such he had a friendship with Widow, even with the tease that the two had shared things other than what she shared with Hawkeye and his family. but Winter Soldier wouldn't lead in anymore than what you get from watching the entire MCU and not just the movies or just this particular movie in my opinion.

  19. I'm going to guess the way her dialogue knowingly kept referencing her as the girl of the group and how her dark place was tied to her reproductive system. Yeah, you're not alone on that one. I don't begrudge all of the love that's been bestowed on Whedon for his status as a feminist champion, I do think he deserves props for creating multifaceted, interesting female characters who aren't defined solely by their gender but who embrace their gender as well. But his attempts at actually addressing big women's issues can be pretty cringe-inducing. Yes, forced sterilization is a horrible, real thing. But an Avengers movie probably isn't the place to bring it up, and don't have your sole female team member be the only one whose nightmare is about the choices others made for her instead of the results of her own agency. It was squicky, indeed.


    And you're right, AoS has done a much better job. The closest we've come is the Cavalry origin story, and that was about how May's own actions changed and defined her. Unhealthy attitudes towards women *cough*Ward*cough* have all been presented as unhealthy and not romantic. And best of all, in my opinion, has been the Fitz/Simmons fallout after the end of last season. She's never felt guilty about not reciprocating his feelings or felt that she owes him that. And Fitz hasn't tried to guilt her about it -- he did address with Mack and Hunter some hurt feelings about it, which is understandable, but it was the abandonment he felt that caused his issues with her, not her rejection. And he hasn't gone the "I'm going to break you down" route, instead accepting that she doesn't feel the same way. Honestly, most shows could learn something from how they've handled this.


    So, yeah, you definitely weren't the only one who had some issues with how Natasha was handled. I mean, I think Whedon does mean well with this type of misstep, cause like I said, forced sterilization is bad. But totally tone-deaf, and way to victimize the female lead. She has a dark enough past with her own deeds to mine for a brain melt, which would have been thematically much more appropriate and much less squicky.

    But like he said he ignored the TV for the movie audience. We, or most of us, had the Red Room story advantage by knowing Dottie's story from Agent Carter where in the movie we see a dream sequence so we filled in more gaps where as in Age of Ultron he had to go for the throat to get the Widow back story in play.

  20. Not gonna lie, after all the stuff about "shared custody" of the twins, I half-wonder if Marvel and Fox didn't come to some quiet gentleman's agreement whereby Marvel doesn't use Pietro if Fox doesn't use Wanda.

    I was thinking it was more like who played the Doc Holiday character in Wyatt Earp after Val Kilmer's role in Tombstone . If a character was going away for dramatic purposes it was going to be Quicksilver no matter how much Hawkeye buying the paid off farm he teased.

  21. You'd think the Inhumans would be better at briefing their new inductees - introductory guy kept assuming Skye knew her history even after she clearly didn't. How about sitting her down and find out what she does & doesn't know?

    The Inhumans seem to resemble a small religious sect that you are born into. You are raised with it or you are not. That doesn't fit with the multi racial community coming together but in this age you can't have that as a group. Somehow Raina was separated so only knew part of the community lore but everyone else was born into it and hoped to prove worthy of going through the mist.
  22. I think the point is that in a household with teens, the parents aren't getting up and making a big breakfast every day only to have the kids come in and sit down and have to leave for school in 5 minutes.

    I was never late either. I got up early took the dog out, sometimes plowed the driveway, and still ate breakfast.

    On TV High School, the cheerleaders wear their cheer uniforms actually in school. This never happened in my HS.

    Every Friday in football season our varsity cheerleaders came dressed. The lower level cheerleaders only for home games. In our usage of the term they were more songgirl dancers than Bring It On gymnasts
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