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Posts posted by Raja

  1. Turing is a pretty famous figure, especially in the world of codebreaking. There's a statue to him and a major road named after him in Manchester, where he lived (okay, technically he lived in Wilmslow, now the abode of many premier league footballers). And I don't think you can really talk about Bletchley Park without mentioning Turing, because he was a key figure in the work done there.



    I didn't even think of that. You're right, that was one of the biggest dangers of taking prisoners, on those Pacific islands. They would hide grenades on their person, and wait until they were within range of US soldiers or medics, before pulling the pins. So while I can buy the reasoning a few posts back, about the soldiers in Thompson's story perhaps being Korean or Okinawan citizens pressed into service, I just don't think a seasoned American soldier in that theatre of war would lose a whole lot of sleep over it. Clumsy writing.

    What I got from the movie was that a user like a SSR chief in 1946 would not have been in on the Ultra secret. It was held for decades. While they may have   washed the truth about the computer actually doing the decoding. Just having a NSA Agent of Agent Carter throw out the word one time pad and immediate decoding or translating job by Peggy Carter seemed more odd then Thompson's  story..


    I remember The Big Red One movie where the sergeant killed a German after 11/11 armistice of WWI and almost did it again after the WWII surrender. I am sure that during the war, whenever the bomb got dropped he didn't care about it but after the guilt of falling asleep and immediately going into cover up mode . And now we have a year for PTSD to kick in over the incident.

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    Anyway, I loved the banter with Peggy and the Howling Commandos.  Thompson's backstory made me dislike him a little less, but I still don't want him to end up as Mr. Carter.  Actually, I don't want Souza to be Mr. Carter either.  Geez, betrayed by a beauty mark.  I wonder how she's going to get out of this one.



    I thought the "beauty marks" were scars from combat wounds. We are only about a year since Steve's death. I doubt if anyone we see will be  Mr Carter unless an actor breaks out in the public consciousness.

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    I'm not sure if they ever said where most of the men from the 107th were from. We know Bucky was from Brooklyn and Morita from Fresno. I'm also sure Marvel bent the rules to serve their own storytelling purposes.

    Sgt Bucky Barnes seemed to enlist to the 107th in The First Avenger so I made the National Guard assumption. Also because of Dum Dum Dugan being surprised at being confronted with Morita I am theorizing that the real "Go For Broke" 442 Regimental Combat Team was where he was serving when captured before joining the Howling Commandos instead of going home after being a POW.

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  4. Reading the recap my oh come on with history moment was not the Japanese, surrendering, fan wave that as Korean or other laborers in Japanese service trying to get out but the code breaker coming in to say he used the Turing method and then Agent Carter saying it is Russian and breaking a code. When the typewriter first appeared I said Enigma with the razor being used as an antenna.

    But then I just saw The Imitation Game

  5. For me, it wasn't Skye herself that was the issue. Mostly. The bigger problem was Coulson going on and on about how awesome she was. Now that they've cut that out, she's much more tolerable. So is Coulson for that matter.

    I think as a show they had to hide the big secret, not the inhumans coming in to replace mutants but rather Hydra and the SHIELD civil war. Pushing Skye who was probably thought of as an inhuman by the show runners and not super hacker and the audience stand in to discover the spy world as the end game then makes more sense

  6. ETA: So I've been accepting all along that with just 8 episodes they can't fit in 1940s race relations if the focus is feminism, but come on, writers, you throw in a black guy on the team and work in a single line about the situation?

    Since the beginning with The First Avenger the only mention of anyone's race has been Dum Dum Dugan being surprised by Jim Morita until Director Fury was talking about his grandfather. And that can be considered a social class discussion and not racial . If it wasn't for Samuel L Jackson's twist about cops looking at Fury in an SUV before an assassination attempt you could conclude that there is no race in the MCU.

  7. Thanks for the information about Soviet-US relations. I don't know, I just had this idea that anti-Commie fervour wasn't as big a thing in the popular mind until the mid-Fifties. But I take quarks' point that the show isn't really going for historical verisimilitude.


    Someone remind me: Did Sousa dig up Peggy's file and compare her shoulder to that of the Mysterious Blonde after Thompson threw them together in the locker room? I remember the order of the scenes differently.

    The US did fight against the Soviets in 1920 and all knew that they were frenemies during WWII. Isolationist would have been fine with sending all war efforts to the Pacific and letting Hitler and Stalin fight it out if war was not declared on the US giving President Roosevelt a freer hand in his Germany first strategy. Yes Sousa pulled the file after seeing her scars  and having his memory triggered from the photo.

    • Love 1

    It also seemed like everyone at SSR was relatively cool (with the exception of Thompson) about the death of an agent. (Not nearly as upset as they were when the jackass agent died.)



    Mission top secret destination unknown loss of a red shirt in combat versus a hit on a New York city street of a reoccurring character.

    I loved this episode! The only thing I didn't like (only knowing Captain America through the movies, not the comics) was having Howling Commandos I've never seen before. I'm sure a lot of that is practical (casting) but I feel like the movie told me the Howlers were Cap, Bucky, Dugan, Morita, Jones, Falsworth, and Dernier.



    Edited to add one more thought: It's really a shame the MCU folks never gave Peggy an actual rank. She probably would have been a Lieutenant and might have been equivalent rank to LTJG Thompson. (The internet tells me Army Lt 1st class is equivalent to Navy Lt Junior Grade.)

    They were careful to say the 107th Regiment and not Howling Commandos though. I will fan wave that some of Captain Rogers' special ops team had rotated home like Agent Carter in the post war mop up period. It does seem as if the 107th was Army, perhaps National Guard as they all seemed to come from Brooklyn which was assigned to the SSR as their stick. My guess is that the Strategic Scientific Reserve was set up like the American Office of Strategic Services and the British Special Operations Executive. While they used soldiers like Commander James Bond it was possible to initially serve in the spy branch without military experience and rank like Agent Carter. given the time frame about the only rank Peggy Carter would have had pre war was from the nursing corps. When women were recruited for non combatant roles after the war started she may have had a rank but going in as an Agent was probably more powerful then a rear area commission.


    In the US Army, Air Force and Marine Corps the correct rank is First Lieutenant, not Lieutenant First Class. "First Class" would be part of the ranks of enlisted USAF Airman First Class. US Army and USMC Sergeants First Class and the Navy's Petty Officer First Class

  9. The current controversy over Agent Carter, with fans pitting sexism against racism, is giving me a headache. And I don't even watch the show!


    The worst had to be Tamora Pierce - yes, that Tamora Pierce - who defended the show's lack of racial diversity by saying that it was the 1940s and black people only existed as servants back then anyway, and she was sick of seeing black people as servants, so their absence was okay with her.



    Statements like that is why we still need Black History Month.

    Black History Month on PBS.

    But then the problem becomes that in the Marvel Cinematic Universe beginning with The First Avenger and continuing on Agent Carter first by ignoring the Nazis in favor of Hydra and their prejudice and by having an integrated America from all on screen evidence the racial concerns of that day or of our day does not exist. By the second episode of Agent Carter a Black man was about to openly have sex with a white women in 1945/6 and not a word was said nor an eye batted. All the Army and SSR bases a young Steve Rogers/Captain America was at were fully integrated and the only mention of race so far has been one captured American soldier being shocked to have a Japanese American soldier being a fellow prisoner so I guess Pearl Harbor and the internment of West Coast Japanese Americans did exist while Blacks served with whites, had sex with white women openly and sat next to each other and not in a roped off section in theatres and war bond tour audiences.

  10. Now I was a kid in their heyday, but I don't remember Luther and Freddie being out.

    The pilot gave me the impression that the next ruler of the Empire needs to be much bigger than Frank Ocean. Cookie's playing to win. She seems to think/hope that Jamal can get there.

    They weren't. On TV One Unsung episode on Freddie Jackson he is still not out
  11. Does anyone know how much the MCU will ultimately reference the television shows like AoS or Agent Carter.   I was watching Agent Carter and it looks like they are touching on something that utlimately HAS to effect Black Widow/Natasha.   I am familiar with Natasha's comic book lore but the Movie version has remained approriately ambiguous.   We will supposedly get some points of reference in AoU but will it be independant of whatever comes from Agent Carter or in Synch.   Marvel is overseeing both so I would assume they want cohesive.


    Speaking of, I have enjoyed some parts of Sharon Carter in the Comics but I'm thinking the Captain America Franchise may want to find another love interest for Steve Rogers, at least in the MCU.   I think WAY to much has been done with the Peggy Carter character and to my eyes Sharon is going to have an uphill battle measuring up.

    The TV shows are supposed to be intimately intertwined with the theatre MCU. Besides Agents Coulson and Carter, you have had Director Fury, Agent Sitwell, Lady Sif, Agent Hill and Howard Stark all appear on TV and on screen. maybe more if I had to google it. The entire ideal is to mix just as a comics fan would buy Avengers and know the same world was in effect when he bought Ironman comic. They didn't want every director deciding say something like Spiderman producing his webs organically and then have a next director think that was hokey and have it be done by chemistry,


    Yes it does seem as what is going on with Agent Carter will lay the ground work for Black Widow's Soviet experiences. And once something definable airs it is suppose to be fixed with no more reboots and future film directors on MCU films will lose their ultimate power that other producers give them will just have to live with the previous decisions or make way for another director who will play ball with the universe runner as TV directors must play ball with the show runners world.

  12. So, the experts showed on their map that this fatal contamination would spread to THE ENTIRE POPULATION OF THE WORLD...and the fate of the planet rested on six cops sneaking through the bushes?

    And one woman wearing HEELS. And no backup?

    I was saying your on an island with massive military capabilities if there was any place in the world to contain an outbreak that was it
  13. . I'm also not sure how I feel about the Musketeers being translated as some early version of Special Forces/CIA-type stuff, but I guess the producers need to keep up with the times.

    On Spike TV's Deadliest Warrior series they pretty much said that the Musketeers were the US Army Rangers of their era. being a TV series they also serve as a gendarme force to bring in conflict with civilians so they also have the SWAT responsibilities. The undercover CIA stuff, well 10 hours need to be filled and identification and cover stories would be easier to pass in their era.

  14. Even with the only witnesses being his Musketeers and a few of the Red Guard after showing the King Louis not to be a total ass the years before having him renege on clemency just seemed very wrong

    Another episode with too many ingredients.


    I would never claim to be an historical expert on this time period ... but, did it seem to anyone else like there were a lot of guns? One of the things I liked about the first season was they showed how ineffectual guns were, because you had to stop and reload after every shot. Tonight, it seemed like they had revolvers. I counted a lot of shots and no one reloaded. Even if they had extra guns in their pockets, there were a lot of gunshots.


    I want swords. Musketeers are synonymous with swords.

    And the pistol muskets are as accurate as a scoped sniper rifle. 

  15. It's the same time slot as last season - 9pm - but airing on a different night, Friday instead of Sunday. Last season they weren't expecting to air after the watershed, though, so pitched the content slightly younger; this season they know when and where they are airing, so can pitch accordingly - we'll find out soon enough what difference it makes!

    Does BBC schedule like American networks by putting shows on Friday to either die or do just good enough to not worry about replacing?

  16. TNT still shows blocks every Saturday and Sunday. Granted, they often start in the wee-hours but for night owls or DVR folks, it might be worth it for mini-rewatches. Traditionally the episodes are aired in order.

    TNT recently went through the cycle and went back, not to the beginning but to ADA McCoy's first year. Has Michael Moriarity been blacklisted?

  17. After Peggy Carter hid Steve's blood in her wall on Agent Carter, I'm hoping it gets dug up on AoS to give someone some kind of power. Maybe even bring Trip back to life, given how even the actor complained about the role getting cut short.

    I put in the Agent Carter episode thread that I think the probable Levitation agent Dottie will get the blood and it will become part of the Winter Soldier project.
  18. With a measles outbreak bioterrorism episodes of 5-0 and NCISLA turn up on the schedule, what are the odds?

    What was up with the Star Trek zero incubation period for a bio weapon, what good would that do a terrorist? He could just make a chemical weapon without waiting for patient zero.

    did anyone catch how 5-0 came to the conclusion that bees would be the weapons delivery system?

  19. On re-watch I realized that it was Dottie whom Howard was making out with during the dumbwaiter scene - and she recognized him. So whatever her mission is, it doesn't involve assassinating Stark because she passed up a perfect opportunity. What's the mission? Leviathan only wanted one thing from Stark's safe. Was it the implosive? Was it Captain America's blood? Pretty sure it wasn't the overpowered back scratcher.

    My speculation given the unsecured hiding place Agent Carter is using is that Dottie will get the blood and Leviathan will use it to create The Winter Soldier.
    • Love 5
  20. I think Cap's wartime activities were known to the public once he actually became involved in the fight. Probably not the specifics, but I think the public came to realize that he was actual out on the battlefield.

    I think Captain America was shown in the news reels much like ace fighter pilots and the better known Generals. We saw SSR brass watching them presumably movie nights on ships, bases and theatres back home also played the news
  21. I like the trailer, and think Kingsman: The Secret Service might be a fun movie, but it really annoys me when Colin Firth says that they are an international organization and every one of them is white.


    But hey, they have Sam Jackson, so yay diversity?

    What got me was what "king" was an "international" organization working for. Seemed too PC, Bond works for a Queen, yet by extension most of the other movie ticket buyers

  22. So it looks like Marvel Comics is basically killing off their entire main universe and the Ultimate Universe, and starting over with something new. This is pure speculation, and I haven't read anything new from Marvel in years, but I would almost bet money that the new comics universe would be much more inline with what the cinematic universe is like. I can totally see them either phasing out or killing off any characters/concepts that Disney doesn't have the film rights too. My understanding is that they were already planning on cancelling Fantastic Four and kind of phasing out mutants. So just from a corporate synergy angle I can totally see them wanting things to be at least similar (making comics Tony like movie Tony and comics Cap like movie Cap) so that if someone sees Avengers 2 and goes into a comic store, there is an Avengers comic that is a lot like the movie.


    Plus the number of people who buy comics is pretty tiny so it kind of dwarfs in comparison to how many people saw Guardians of the Galaxy for example. I mean the top selling comics maybe crack 100,000 issues sold. The number of viewers for Agents of Shield even is around 10 times that.  

    So if I am following this right like old cell phones no longer being supported and updated Marvel will let go of titles which they can not use in movies and TV, since it cost more to print and ship without a big payoff from TV advertisers, Netflix and movie audiences. Thus leaving mutants, spider bite victims and the Fantastic with no new comic input and letting the guys who own the old titles go their own way as the comic nerd increasingly sees them as irrelevant and just another movie?

  23. Rank structures in US police departments differ from force to force. In LAPD a Commander is in between Captain and Deputy Chief where as in naval ranks Commander's are between Lieutenants and Captains. I know of no Lieutenants which out rank Captains except in situations where Lieutenant Commander is called Lieutenant and not Commander when using an abbreviated title.

  24. 5-0 is a special task force which by all evidence has Detective who wears a Sergeant's uniform, it was Newark New Jersey Police in a first season episode, Danny Williams as second in command. As first instituted also had Officer Kono straight from an ungraduated police academy class and a disgraced ex cop who the governor of the state called an inspector before his being cleared of his crime and reinstated as a Lieutenant in the Honolulu Police. They have since temporarily added another US Navy veteran and now a retired HPD police Captain.


    I would guess that back at HPD it would be Lieutenant Chin Ho, Detective Williams and Officer Kono as the chain of command. On the task force it seems to be Steve, Danny but then someone else may take lead under Gibbs' rules of NCIS. And since H50 exist in the same fictional universe with NCIS and JAG i guess a special task force can change its chain of command organization depending upon the mission.

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