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Posts posted by Raja

  1. One thing about the quick trigger that networks had before this year. Jamal's turn seemed rushed only four hours into the show. But if you are looking at three weeks and a possible cancellation I can see why. The V reboot and a lot of shows are suffering from the rush to plot points.

  2. Speaking of Grover, does it bother anyone else that they still call him Captain Grover? It doesn't bother me as much that they call McGarrett "Commander" since Steve is still in the Navy Reserve. And they call Chin-Ho Lieutenant, since he is still in the HPD I think. But Grover was fired from the HPD. So why bother calling him Captain, it is not like he can ever get promoted, since there aren't ranks in Five-0?

    Its like General Custer, even though he died as a Regular Army Lieutenant Colonel, once you achieve a higher rank you retain the honorific unless stripped of the rank like Chin Ho was before being restored to HPD.

    Look at all the retired "coach"es who work as expert commentators or Presidents Bush, Clinton and Carter. Even President Nixon until his death who resigned like Captain Grover.

  3. Fox was advertising this as "with limited commercial interruptions"

    It did seem like they passed through natural cut to commercial scenes to me. Much like on oldies stations cutting up old TV shows with a different commercial break schedule.


    I think the featured song was the weakest so far. But putting out original songs week in and out has to be tough, even if using an old Puma song. My wife being a big fan of Cuba Gooding Jr, hopes it gets a reoccurring role. Between his TV and direct to video movies maybe a future love interest for Cookie.

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  4. I don't know who Gabe Jones is. Was he in the first captain America? I saw it but it's been a while..



    He's one of the Howling Commandos in the first Captain America film.

    The Black one played by Derek Luke. Gabe Jones is thought to be the grandfather of Agent Triplett of Agents of SHIELD. But I don't think it was said on screen so another Howling Commando may have had a black spouse

  5. So our guys are genius but everyone else is stupid again. A honey trap spy knows her cover is blown and tries to kidnap and trade what she must think is an FBI agent for a nerve gas component? Like any government on earth would make that trade.

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  6. While not a outright comedy like Jane The Virgin, Empire has a similar vibe with their gags. Having an "Agent Carter" gag got a nod from me but the bib sight gag has got to be the visual bit of the year.

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  7. I'll give them a pass on that homeless kid having such toned arms. They did say he had only been on the street a short time. It's great that he has a job now but where is he going to live? And how many dudes does it take to run a shrimp truck anyway? How many even fit once Kamekona gets in there? But let's suppose last week's shrimp contest has caused a surge in Kamekona's popularity.



    Remember Kamekona is diversified. You can start up on the truck and then transfer to the tourist helicopter flight crew. And if he ever goes back to the confidential informant role there is his weapons stash that has to be maintained and kept hidden.

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  8. When the SSR came to pick up Jarvis, Peggy's purse was in plain sight. I was waiting for one of the SSR guys to mention that; I wonder if this will come up in a later episode.

    When my wife shows her purses my response is its just a bag, Jarvis is married if the 1946 SSR men are like me it was just a bag and I wouldn't know my wife's from my co-workers


    As for Peggy/Gabe, I think the argument against it would be that it would mean the show was taking on even more in terms of 1940s attitude challenging. We've already got women in the workplace and sexism, but throw interracial relationships on top of it? I think the show could become too much of a lecture on how backwards attitudes were, even as recently as the 1940s. It's too big a theme for them to be able to just nibble at. And they'd be accused of really soft soaping it, if they didn't show the racism of the period, which would surely have been at its worst when directed to a black man dating a white woman. I don't think they could do it justice and still keep the show about Peggy's career.

    I have often made the point that in Captain America The First Avenger, Jim Crow did not seem to exist, Captain Rogers did not have to fight against it along with the Nazis/Hydra. The only mention of race has been Dum Dum Dugan being surprised at a Japanese American prisoner of war so maybe the 442nd RCT still existed because of Pearl Harbor. The US Army, war bond tour audiences nor the Strategic Scientific Reserve were segregated. And in Agent Carter we had a Black hood/club owner opening about to have sex with a blond woman without a batting of an eye from his white minions

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  10. I agree with whoever upthread suggests that Thompson is Peggys husband. I don't see CMM signing on for the role as is. Plus Peggy's granddaughter is pretty blond in winter soldier.


    Could be just those recessive genes kicking in.

    Is she her granddaughter? I thought she was her grand-niece or something.


    When did American single mothers of a certain social class stop passing their babies off as sisters or nieces? One of my Filipino aunts did as late as the early 1970s

  11. Bridget Regan is definitely a bad guy. "Dottie from Iowa?" Yeah right.


    Peggy in pants, especially in this time period. HOT.



    I'd love it if Dottie is actually a dancer AND an evil agent. How awesome would that be?

    Still loving the look of the show -- the fashion, hair, makeup, sets. The details are so well done that I sometimes get caught up looking and have to rewind because I missed some dialogue.

    For some reason her cover is as a ballerina. Xena will never be a ballerina, a Las Vegas showgirl which don't exist yet or a Radio City Rockette maybe, but someone from Iowa didn't have her dream knocked out when she outgrew the role



    The music is awesome - I wonder if it's available on iTunes.

    I guess they used the same recording as on the show. Two minute singles, it is like the 50's

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  13. I was actually wondering while watching if he was faking injury so that he could take people by surprise later! I'm suspicious of everyone in any type of spy show, I guess. Plus it seems a waste to have Enver Gjokaj unable to do cool fight scenes.

    I don't think so. It seems as the SSR is the new jid on the block, like the real life CIA grew out of the OSS. So it has a selection of transferring people. Some dumped because of war injuries, others like the Chief because they were poor FBI agents before the war n
  14. Might have been better to postpone a hostage episode, what with the events in Paris today.

    Atrocities are happening somewhere every day now. Might as well drop cop dramas to avoid daily headline ripping.

    That a real life terrorist may have used the same escape and evasion plan that the crooks did was surreal. It stopped me from sniping at the plan.

    What I don't get is criminals sitting on a million dollar product but that isn't enough they will murder and face life imprisonment for more millions.

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  15. Is there a reason why the holding cell is in the middle of the main detectives' office?

    Because that's how it was done on Barney Miller, live before a studio audience. Law and Order SVU doesn't have the sitcom defense.
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  16. If I recall correctly, however, they fired their guns an awful lot.   Or am I misremembering?  Old police shows used to have the most extended shootout scenes!  No bullet proof jackets, no swat gear... just ducking behind a cruiser door and emptying the old revolver.  Repeatedly.


    Again, trying to remember how much of that was in Adam 12 - maybe less than I think?  My mind may be clouded by the Dragnet radio show podcasts I've been listening to -- boy, they shot 'em up every episode!  Didn't matter if it was an armed robbery, grand theft auto, cat in a tree, "Lookout, Ben!" *bang!*

    By the time the color episodes of Dragnet came around things were different. ME TV used to run the promo with a shotgun welding Sergeant Friday threatening to blow a suspects head down the street. When I saw the episode they were after a man who shot a cop with a M-1 carbine, the "assault weapon" of WWII. And going in it was just Friday and Gannon and for the arrest he describes going to property and got a shotgun and four shells. I think it may have been a recycled script from the radio or black and white Dragnet days

  17. I assumed that they just didn't want to disturb a potential crime scene i.e. if a perp had switched the lights off, there could be prints/dna on the switch, so until it's cleared they have to leave everything as it was.

    I remember on Stargate Universe there was a search for a gun and there was the character Eli with his little flashlight instead of lighting up the room. I concluded that he had a flashlight because that is how Grissom searched on CSI

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