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Posts posted by Raja

  1. I think her plan was to kill them right there away from the other crew, but that plan literally backfired. Let's see how the Master Chief handles the shoulder wound.

    Seeing how the Chief Engineer seems to be completely recovered from a bear trap I expect the old western flesh wound type of recovery for the Master Chief

  2. If this is indeed the case, then great casting by TPTB since his characters are usually the bad guy.


    I thought something was up when Granderson told the captain that everyone in the Presidential bunker was dead and there was no one left.  Dick Cheney spent all that time in an "undisclosed location" to keep the continuity of government, so perhaps there is a Secretary of Agriculture or Education around somewhere.


    Anyway, lots of new storyline possibilities for Season 2.  I actually looking forward to it.

    The Secretary of Education could have been touring the battleship USS Iowa turned into a museum on the west coast when the Captain takes her out to sea to guard the fugitive fleet of cruise ships full of uninfected folks.

    • Love 3
  3. This may be too Inside Baseball, but I hate the trope of two law enforcement agencies and/or DAs (Law and Order mothership, I'm looking at you) fighting over the crime's jurisdiction, and both of them WANT jurisdiction. In real life, cops especially do NOT want jurisdiction if there is a dispute. Not only that, there are normally clearly drawn lines of jurisdiction and no reason for a dispute in the first place.

    The lines are clear, NCIS handles everything.
    • Love 10
  4. You would think that with the first symptom after what the world has gone through mom would not be feeding and poring water but running and hiding and letting grandpa pass the bad news.


    So it seems as if next season we will be sailing off to offer a vaccination and confront the local drug lord/warlord who enforced a quarantine and had a surviving population. We have already done the drug lord keeping sex slaves how many variations can we go through?



    I really wanted to see more of the burial.  Another thirty seconds of that, perhaps the time-honored final commending, would have been better than the never-ending looks at the deteriorating sailors, and the forever furrowing of brows.  

    There was some grumbling about the Master Chief's outward faith in the earlier episodes. And it was the second snip of a memorial shown. They just choose to give more time to the reoccurring characters

  6. Okay but name one single hot girl who married a schlubby guy who was not also rich and/or famous in real life?   On tv, the schlubby guy is just a schlubby guy in a regular job.  He's totally middle class, or even lower middle middle class.   Every single one of the real life examples (ganesh I don't know what you do for a living) is also a rich albeit schlubby guy.

    While fame, power and money might trump physical attractiveness on TV men have that neither. Even Al Bundy had Peggy and not the exception to the rule, Rosanne

  7. I always thought that speaking in tongue came from when Jesus spoke to the masses that not all understood the same language. So when someone stood up and spoke in tongue it was to translate Jesus's word.

    Not Jesus, the Apostles in Acts. Pentecostals and charismatic Catholics also believe that some have the gift of a private prayer language and different churches have rules about how they are used in public. I have no ideal where Mormons fall in this issue. But it seemed to be accepted coming from the Bishop.
  8. It made me flashback to Wiseguy were they spent years establishing Vinny Terrenova's cover. Today a quick net search  with one misspelled name is the extent of a check seems kind of false shortcut.

  9. Before last year I would have said Eugene Young from The Practice, but playing with his real life brother as Roscoe on Justified would be it for Steve Harris.


    For Sean Bean, probably still Richard Sharpe from the Sharpe Rifles series. Or when he "turned" bad Alec Trevelyan from Bond's Goldeneye or the wannabe mercenary Spence in Ronin.


    I recognize Ali Larter, but she was never much more than eye candy and being the handler going in as a stripper doesn't do much to change that image.

    • Love 1
  10. Only on TV was every USMC veteran both a fighter pilot and lead a commando team. Was every ex soldier an "elite" Army Ranger and every ex sailor not only a SEAL but a member of SEAL Team 6, you will only give a slight look when someone ask if you shot Osama Bin Laden. If you were in the Air Force you can fly anything from the oldest helicopter to a Space Shuttle by the seat of your pants. . And by the time you are 30 years old you have earned more medals and commendations than General Patton did in two world wars.

    • Love 11
  11. Yes, and it wasn't just luck. Someone (??) had pointed out that if the virus was on board a fishing boat, then there shouldn't be anyone left. They had reason to believe she might have some kind of immunity.

    It was an Ensign who monitored the radio calls and knew of the significance


    Regarding the sea worthiness of the Russian ship post-explosions, I thought I saw the ship on its side and partially sunk when the Navy rescue boat was motoring away.

    It didn't seem to be capsizing to me. However it did look like the magazines (shells, torpedo and missile storage)were blowing up which would sink a battleship, much less a lighter armored cruiser. In any event the missiles should be gone taking the nukes out of the equation.

  12. Then Sergeant Carver got promoted by being the Deputy Ops spy on the detail. Herc wasn't promoted, pay grade wise at this point. He went on to be like Kima. The go to detective on his new squad as the second season opened as a result on his experiences working a major case.

    • Love 1
  13. I'm sure if this is true in real life or not but I'm always amazed/baffled whenever an LEO on TV says something to the effect of "he's running out the south side of the building" and everyone immediately knows exactly where that is. Even in a buiding they've just entered or haven't studied. No one gets turned around or is like "which side is the south side?" Is it normal for LEO's to be oriented to North/East/South/West at all times?

    That reminds me of Major Colvin on The Wire. He would ask cops where they were so that they were trained in keeping situational awareness. So there would be no repeat of what happened when Detective Kima Griggs got lost before she was shot in an assassination attempt on a state's witness.
    • Love 3
  14. The real world enters. In the press this week the LAPD is being accused of "juking the stats" so that the mayor could say that crime went down on his watch if we looked for it then It wouldn't be too hard to find teachers teaching the test

  15. I think he was some kind of local governor who was more brutal than the King or the Cardinal thought appropriate..  

    I was a bit confused: what exactly did Labarge/Vinnie Jones do?  I mean, I know he was burning those farms, including D'Artagnan's, and that's why everyone was after him.  But, I wasn't quite sure what his occupation was, and it sounded like he and Richelieu might have had some dealings, in the past.  But, I guess it really didn't matter, since he was mainly there for D'Artagnan to defeat him and officially become a Musketeer.  I guess defeating Vinnie Jones is certainly one way to earn your spot!


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