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Posts posted by Raja

  1. I'm hoping they do a Doc Strange movie. C'mon, they mentioned him.  But they really really need a Black Widow movie.  With Green Arrow as her love interest.

    I read that Cobie Smulers has a nine movie commitment.  A Maria Hill movie would be great, too.

    It's too bad that FOX has the X Men movies because they have different actors playing Quicksilver in upcoming movies.

    They supposedly have a master plan of movie roll outs until 2028 and seeing Dr. Strange was mentioned I would assume he will show up as marvel continues their world conquest, In thsat light I doubt that they will take their foot off of DC's neck by doing a crossover and will use Hawkeye and not Green Arrow as an archer love interest for the Black Widow.

  2. I have say that my favorite parts of the show are the cars and the clothes. I have to look at the cars with envy and laugh at the clothes. It is a trip down memory lane.

    Maybe because the show did not run enough years and fashions did not evolve much in that time period but I can remember the cars changing. In contrast on Law & Order you could see all kinds of fashion changes from the basic NYPD uniform to tattoos on the characters but whatever cars they were using before the Ford Crown Victoria didn't make much of an impact.


    Other things come to mind since I know a retired officer from that era and he would tell the stories of ambushes being set up and 6 officers in his 400 man department being killed as in the pilot episode for the SWAT series. Especially when Officers Reed and Malloy are in danger, the s shot revolvers and one handed shooting, no body armor.... but it was a recent CSI episode where it was said a family would not know daddy is not coming home when in real life all the cops would call home as soon as they heard of an officer going down and cellphone would send out text alerts to major breaking news, is that when the officers went to visit a friend they brought a gift so the family would not think it was an official notification.

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    One upside that didn't happen in the movie and last week: somebody did the "Hail, Hydra!" double-armed salute. Come on, that shit is hysterical as hell. It's like the "Heil Hitler" salute wasn't good enough with one arm, and Hydra wanted to supersize it.

    Finally they are dealing with the fact that Hydra was Nazi inspired. From The First Avenger onward the X-Man franchise with especially First Class has done a better job of dealing with real world's nasty history in building the fictional universe then the MCU. And there was Garrett trying to recruit Raina, not just use her with a little trooper throwing out a Nazi salute.

    So at the moment with Agents Hand (known to us) and Sitwell along with Director Fury thought dead. If they don't know our team knows he is Hydra along with Garrett. We are left with Agents Coulson and Blake as the known surviving senior SHIELD leaders. Only Coulson's post death assignment never seemed like a senior position to me. In an organization bigger then the Royal Navy one man with a team of five in one plane is supposed to be as senior as made out to be. With all the supposed specialness of Skye have we stopped to examine the specialness of team Coulson and its leader in total?

  4. I'm hoping I'll figure out who all the characters are pretty soon.  Even with the exposition, I was a little confused.  

    I know that the Redcoats had better resources during the war, but were their uniforms really that bright red and pristine?  I'm no historical scholar, but it just struck me as unlikely that so many officers, while so far from home, would have uniforms in such good shape.  Wigs too.  Anyone have any insight?

    I doubt if they remained TV bright in actual life, more so the white shirts. If I remember Sharpe's Rifles correctly when Sharpe was forced into the Red Coat and when wearing the Green Jacket of the Light Infantry being a poor officer most of the time unable to afford servants and such. The disrepair of his uniforms was part of the reason that other "gentleman" officers shunned him

  5. Zola's got to be The Clairvoyant.  As for Centipede, it could be AIM.  AIM's going to be on the show one way or another, doesn't matter if they're Centipede or Rising Tide, but they've got to be on the show.

    Just about all of Hydra is/was SHIELD as such were suppressing Rising Tide. However now Black Widow has for the immediate time accomplished many of Rising Tide's goals while accomplishing Skye's mission was before she was captured and turned by SHIELD.

    So at the moment in the MCU we seem to have the Hydra/SHIELD civil war, AIM which Ironman knocked down a few months ago seems to be independent of Hydra. Centipede as a client or illegal subcontractor of Hydra. A few other contractors like Hammer which provided the War Machine upgrades to an old Ironman armored suit. The US Military which besides War Machine/Iron Patriot can go into production with the Falcon individual flying suit. Along with the aliens living among us 

  6. This is confusing me. All of the Hydra agents are real SHIELD agents except the two political leaders shown in the movie. All of the 70 years they were sleepers and doing the stuff Big SHIELD did. Going forward the show has to deal with that

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  7. Katusch, I would guess that the final scenes of the movie are weeks later - it's a Congressional Committee and the wheels of government grind S-L-O-O-O-W-L-Y, particularly when it comes to reorganisation of major government Agencies (I'm still not sure if SHIELD is a US government Agency or - as in the comics - an agency of the UN. In fact, if it's a UN Agency, it would take even longer as you've got all the international politics as well).

    And I'm pretty sure Steve mentions that he likes to go for a "morning run" (as does Falcon - "So why don't you?), but I don't have the script in front of me.

    SHIELD is international. I don't know where the UN stands. Except for the War Machine and now the Falcon combat suits the USA has SHIELD seems to control all of the legal ubertech.
  8. For all of those people saying that the show needed a creative retooling, we basically got that in Episode 17, and it sounds like it was planned from the beginning. If you dropped the show, I strongly recommend watching this one and giving it another chance because they really do change the entire setup. I do wonder about the wisdom of changing the tone so dramatically this late in the season, but I have to give them credit for doing something surprising. However, I wonder what this will do to the fans. It seems like a lot of the fans like the more lighthearted, shippy tone of the beginning, and those fans are probably very upset by how dark and serious the last episode was. Fans who might have preferred the darker tone, on the other hand, might have been turned off in the beginning by how lighthearted and silly the first few episodes were.

    The way Marvel probably see's it is that the fans are there and the TV show is to support the bigger moneymaker, the movies. Now ABC wanted the show in the fall to cash in on The Avengers. I still think even if ABC decides to cost benefit doesn't fit them unless there is some kind of license issue it will work just as well on a USA or a new tent pole for SyFy. In the end it got past the set up phase that Firefly didn't and now with Big SHIELD being half Hydra we have something besides Warehouse 13 marvel style to look forward to.

  9. Also, one major problem with the merged Marvel universes is that they really need to address why the other heroes don't get called in to help. They even name dropped Tony Stark and I found myself repeatedly saying "and you aren't calling Iron Man to help out with the impending genocide because....why exactly?" I mean, they settled for a guy with metal wings and a regular gun instead of calling the guy with the fully armoured weaponized jetpack suit?

    Going to the TV show this is a worldwide civil war and fast in action. As I remember Ironman 3 Stark had blown up all his armor and retired Ironman (until the next crises causes him to reassess of course) by the time Jarvis set up another suit of armor, Captain America as presumably the only person Stark would trust got to some secure communications to contact him without the super NSA in Zola, the Clairvoyant monitoring. The helicarries would have already killed an unarmed or armored Tony Stark.


    edit to add;

    And from The Avengers while they worked together in the  Battle of New York Stark and Rodgers really don't share a similar worldview and given the choice Captain Rogers would probably want Sergeant Wilson/Falcon in his unit. Especially in a civil war situation.

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  10. I went into The Winter Soldier almost completely blind, having only seen the first trailer and reading no spoilers about it. And after the movie finished, I really wanted to watch this show. (Saw the first few episodes, but stopped due to lack of time to set aside and actually watch it) So, I went on Hulu, and well, they only have the most recent episodes (#FirstWorldProblems, I know), so I watched Yes Men through this one.

    My biggest disappointment with this episode is Ward did not say "Hail Hydra" or anything along those lines after killing Hand.

    Based on the very little of this show I've actually seen, I'm much more interested in Ward now that he's revealed as Hydra.

    Only we don't actually know Ward actually is HYDRA. What TV has that the movies don't is time. It could just be another misdirect. As spies they still have to root out HYDRA from SHIELD as best they can. Congressional committees from the movie can't do that it will be the teams lead by Coulson's and Hand's who have to do the daily slogging work.

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  11. The way they've set everything up, I have to acknowledge the possibility that anyone on the Bus could be Hydra. Even Simmons, as much as I like the character. But I have a hard time imagining a Hydra agent sacrificing themselves to save anyone, even other Hydra agents. She threw herself out of the plane to save everyone else and that doesn't quite fit with me. Now Ward, who IS Hydra, also jumped out of the plane but he did it to save (or pretend to save) Simmons to maintain his cover. He also wasn't risking his life, he had a parachute and obviously knew how to skydive.

    Besides Garrett who jumped to the strong side why wouldn't a Hydra be as dedicated as a SHIELD, an American soldier, Nazi, Soviet or any other fighting for the cause.

    Entire generation's of Hydra had to be sacrificing themselves since they were also SHIELD agents before the civil war began.

    • Love 2
  12. I know in the first season or so they shot the show on the studio lot you can almost see the cityscape of Universal's generic city scene lot. Later though it seemed odd for the wide open spaces seeing as I think they were in downtown LA's Central Division nominally which the "1" in 1 Adam-12 stood for.

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  13. Yes, there were alot of head-shaking moments in Season 1.

    Like the Tosk episode. And any early Jadzia-centric episodes. Just terrible.

    But, the good certainly outweighs the bad, even in Season 1.

    In my opinion there are a few seasons in the franchise where the bad outnumbered the good but as a franchise they had built of enough good will with the multiple TNG seasons  for me to come back every week when I was rewarded with an episode like Duet. I made it through the entre run of Miami Vice just waiting for a repeat of a great first year for an example

  14. The best moment, to this day when I hear the first bar of Time by Chantal Kreviazuk I flash back to that moment. The halfway point of season one which potentially would have been the series finale. The Rube Goldberg device inspired by God to give Joan a perfect setting for her first kiss with Adam


    The worst, music related was changing the music for the seasons DVD sets because of the evil greedy music industry

    • Love 2
  15. During the Miami Vice pilot as Sonny and Rico rode in the Ferrari to confront Calderon to the strains of Phil Collins singing In The Air Tonight was THE game changing moment. There was TV before that scene with the studio pro musicians playing generic groove number 5 and there was TV afterwards with the music industry holding the TV and movie industries hostage as if people would buy a DVD just to get a clean copy of their single.


    Honorable mention. Joan Of Arcadia Jump episode. It was the halfway point of the season and the perfect place to end the series if it had an early cancellation when Time by Chantal Kreviazuk came on as a God inspired Rube Goldberg device cause the perfect setting for Joan and Adam's first kiss. just hearing the intro brings a big smile to my face.

    • Love 5
  16. . The absolute best part is the crossovers with Dragnet or Emergency!

    I don't see them as crossovers as much as a shared universe like Marvel Comics are doing. Most crossovers in today's usage means a two part episode with the cast or key members crossing over to each other. Of course famously on Emergency after the pilot Station 51 was watching Adam-12 on TV when they got a call and Johnny was furiously trying to find someone to tell him the outcome. The time warp back in action as he would have had to wait for a possible summer re-run to find out what happened. Wiki tells of another show in the universe The D.A. of which I have no memory of, though I do remember a back door pilot on Adam-12 with Sharon Gless and Frank Sinatra Jr as DA investigators.

  17. Not a specific scene but the dancers of FAME turned up every awards show during the series run. Debbie Allen's style was dance on TV.

    For just dancing I have had friends on Soul Train from the late 70s up into the 90s. I was wondering how long they could keep going before being retired. The most noticeable was Jody Watley before Shalamar with her signature move of whipping out a Japanese hand fan, Japanese Americans were the largest minority group to the Black majority at our school a decade after White flight. She was two years ahead of me in school and nice despite her celebrity status.

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