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Posts posted by Raja

  1. The ep was entertaining, but it was silly to think that the plan would work as well as it did.   My problems...



    2.  The redshirt that was killed seemed like another wet behind the ears soldier.  Why do they keep letting inexperienced soldiers go on important missions?

    3.  The mission was a success, and yet when they came aboard, everyone acted like everyone had died.  I know the redshirt bit the dust, but it seemed overly dramatic.


    They are sailors by definition they are all wet behind the ears soldiers. But they have had some weapons training and discipline thus all they got. Ships deploy full of young sailors working on a rating in a specialty. With the loses the Naval Mountain Warfare Team had already taken from the Russians Tex alone to reconstitute them as an independent fighting force.

  2. And no one ever walks through the door of that home and think, "Damn, my living room was this messy when I left the house this morning?" TV homes are never messy unless there's a specific reason for it: the precocious teenager has been challenged with managing the household, the lazy dad has been put in charge of housework, the mom "quits," the maid quits, or there's been a tornado/earthquake/robbery.

    Word. Sometimes I sit around and ask myself what attorney I would call if I were ever arrested. I know a retired tax attorney and an assistant D.A. I don't think either one would be helpful.

    I remember one Law &Order episode where the family attorney said to stop until I find you a criminal attorney. And half of the time the suspect is on his third stike. But just the lower middle class guys, would we ask for a Public Defender?

    In my 60+ years it's only worked for 9/11, JFK, RFK, MLK and when the Challenger blew. For my parents it worked (on the radio) for Pearl Harbor. The trope is older than CNN, but those are the only "generational defining moments" times I can think of that it actually worked.

    You must have been on duty when the beatings started on Florence and Normandy
  3. The book was from the same period that gave us Testament in the theatre and The Day After on TV . The cover gave the false impression that ir was a techno thriller in the Clancy mode. The publisher wanting money had a different ideal than the author

  4. I'm pretty sure the Russians didn't bother to lower the rope again. How long can Tex tread water?

    I guess while a private contractor Tex is not an actual Army veteran and never learned to make a field life preserver out of his clothes.


    Also, all of the ships were so cool. Loved the Nova ships and the sorta-Tholian web idea. Loved Quill's ship. Ronin's ship was cool too. And the moment of quiet with the fireflies almost seemed out of place until I realized how right it felt to take a quiet moment and be full of wonder again.


    Well done, everyone (actors, writers, music, costumes, set, design). It was why I love going to the movies.

    My mind went a bit more modern and I was thinking about the frontier in The Last Starfighter

    • Love 2
  6. So let's see if I can get all of NBC must see TV into Tommyverse.

    St Elsewhere docs drank at Cheers.

    Cheers gets you Wings and Frasier.

    Frasier gets you Caroline in the City via Niles which gets you Friends via Chandler.

    Friends gets you Mad About You via Ursula.

    Mad About You gets you Seinfeld via Kramer.

    Kramer also gets you Murphy Brown when he had a bit part as her new secretary.

    Murphy Brown gets you VP Dan Quayle and now the real world is in Tommyverse.

    Well, I didn't get ER but I got us.

    Well if all of NBC is in then the CBS Morning News with Harry Smith being a reoccurring bit on Picket Fences also brings in the real world
  7. I don't know why they keep sending people off to Spain in series based in France. I guess because nobody ever expects The Spanish Inquisition. Duh Duh Duh!

    They touched on it in the previous episode. The other boarding nation's were becoming Protestant and it would also take to long to reach and difficult to cross the borders
  8. I love the Star Trek parallel. Chandler is Picard/Janeway, Slattery is Riker/Chakotay, Whiny Navy Seal guy is Wesley Crusher, Dr. Scott is Dr. Crusher etc. etc. It would be fun if Chandler just starts calling Slattery "Number One" and asking him to come to his ready room for discussions. I really need to learn the names of the crew....I like this show but it's a bit stiff right now. I'm hoping we'll learn more about the characters and their personalities (especially Slattery's..yum!) Glad it's coming back for a second year.

    One last question: Up thread someone answered my question about Chandler being a Commander, not a Captain. Does that mean he and Slattery are the same rank?

    Unlike Trek and a lot of space operas where there is only one Captain per ship there was rank inflation in the USN a generation ago and the XO who is in line for the next open command is usually the same rank as the Captain
  9. It's not a USMC squad, they are either SEALS or one of the other Navy teams that normally fight and work on land like the explosive ordnance disposal LT in the Godzilla movie or the NatGeo documentary series on Afghanistan. my vote is that the Mountain Warfare unit are not SEALS.

    Quoting myself, however I just saw a promo scene with LT Green in his white uniform and a surface warfare insignia and not the SEAL trident insignia. Even in time of war how does a LT earn five rows of service ribbons and commendations? The top awards looked like a Bronze Star for valor and Purple Heart.

  10. I'm unclear whether he is supposed to be a Marine or not. If he's a Marine, then he would have a different uniform (although the khaki stuff still seems off). If he is Navy, then maybe he dresses according to job? I know that on carriers, people have different uniforms for different jobs... but I could be wrong.

    It's not a USMC squad, they are either SEALS or one of the other Navy teams that normally fight and work on land like the explosive ordnance disposal LT in the Godzilla movie or the NatGeo documentary series on Afghanistan. my vote is that the Mountain Warfare unit are not SEALS.
    • Love 1
  11. I loved the 70s movies. They were the first ones I saw, and I was enthralled from the opening credits and that slow-motion sword fight. Been hooked on sword fights ever since. 

    I remember sitting in the theatre thinking that every sword fight I saw before that one was just dancing with swords and then came the revel that he was just sparring with his father. It was the begging of three enjoyable movies for me and the standard for this genre. More than any other period franchise Musketeers always came off as actual soldiers, even if they were low ranking noblemen. And this TV series goes even further in that regard

    • Love 3
  12. If in fact Ed Gorski saw the light and is giving up his obsession with Vic, I must have really missed whatever point the show was making or missed some nuance about him not being a stalker because that's not how stalking is resolved.

    Stalkers aren't gentlemanly romantics who politely bow out to allow the victim to pursue true love. If Walt is painted as a stalker-whisperer, then UGH, color me disgusted with the terribly facile treatment of a serious issue.

    He didn't see Sean as worthy, Walt however is

    • Love 1
  13. It's official for me:  I hate the doctor lady.


    I know she's vital and everything, but she's so damn arrogant that's she's irritating.

    She has a right to be arrogant. Even if the US just thought her mission was only worthy of a destroyer as transport and one assistant the Russians saw something in her and took one of their nuclear vessels to stalk her. And kidnapped her assistant's family to be an agent against her all before the rest of the world fell apart from the spreading infection. After all naval captains didn't even know of a virus outbreak outside of Egypt when all this happened. And now with all her colleagues presumed dead she is the prize that armies fight over.

  14. . Of course the complete lack of any British response to a shootout on the streets of London was a bit insulting (even without an armed response, we should hear/see sirens approaching PDQ,certainly before a CIA armed response team got there), but I'm getting used to that (I'm half expecting to learn that in 24-verse Britain really did become the 51st State).


    I think they need a CTU in Britain. Obviously MI-5 is not up to the job. Not only was there a mega homegrown terror cell running around there was an army sized Chinese terror cell. Meanwhile the CIA and FSB have armed agents ready to move on a moments notice. And they had  reinforcements after one agency had a team hit by a drone's missile and the other lost a team to Jack Bauer.

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  15. After noticing in the Transformers movie that time was taken to say the Chinese People's Liberation Army was going to help and all the talk of the blockbusters being aimed at the Chinese audience also it occurred to me that at least from The Karate Kid remake forward we have a bunch of single child families. And I can't recall the brother or sister of a movie parent making an appearance.

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