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Posts posted by Raja

  1. in the hit and run homicide episode Sergeant MacDonald did the CSI work with the instamatic camera. The Rookies is sometimes bundled with its spin-off SWAT. With fewer episodes SWAT seems to air more often.

  2. Now that I have really thought about, the water shortage was to stupid for me to continue watching this show. There was 1 doctor and two scientist on this ship. A seal team and a few command officers, who should have had advanced survival training. The doctor and scientist should have had been trained in distilling water techniques. 

    It has not gone that far to me but it has fallen to second in its time slot for live viewing to Musketeers after the escape from Gitmo so I haven't seen the episode. Add to your list of survival training the air crew members.


    Has it been said for certain that the Naval Mountain Warfare team are actually SEALS, or are they just sailors who were trained for land combat? I haven't watched close enough to see any unique SEAL insignia beyond the combat uniform. And for a secret weapons test for months overall cover mission doesn't seem to be the sort of thing an actual SEAL would be assigned to and tied up in unavailable for a "real mission"



    With the peril that the crew is in every week (like terrorists firing RPGs at the Americans) I've been wondering what kind of action we'll see next.  Anthrax outbreak?  Category five hurricane?  PIRATES?  The suspense is killing me. 

    Whatever it is part of the solution will be firing a five inch high explosive shell at it.

  4. True, my bad.


    Hmmm, I don't think Mark is aging all that well, so I didn't feel that compelled to see the pecs. Nevertheless, I support equal opportunity ogledom. Because you know the skinny, barely legal girls aren't going anywhere, at least not in this franchise.

    I didn't notice the change of life, his arms are still pumped, jacked, ripped or whatever the present term is.. Then came the trailers for Transformer and I saw Wahlberg  playing the father of the sex symbol and saw more evidence of my advancing age. The thing is the "20 year old" race car driver boyfriend didn't seem the type to get the 14 year old fans to buy the magazines and posters, much less movie tickets either.

  5. Royal Pains and Covert Affairs. It's laughable how bad these shows are. I figured they would be at least decent since USA has a good track record. If it wasn't for the online discussions I would have quit long ago. But it breaks up the day. 

    I haven't given Covert Affairs a second chance even though some were saying it got better like Nikita fans were doing. As for Royal Pains I know why I go back, Divya. One of those weird things I can look at Reshma Shetty and say she looks okay but she is not all that. I can see her body and say she is not fat but it is one of those intangibles I am just drawn towards her.

  6. Out of interest, what are people's thoughts on Alfred Molina playing a Mexican in El Rey's new show Matador? Molina's father is Spanish and his mother's Italian. It feels weird to hear him do the accent though.

    I remember there were comments about his Spanish not matching the biography of his East Los Angeles street kid who grew up to br a homicide detective and Deputy DA character on Law & Order Los Angeles
  7. About other fish in the sea, let's say only the ship's crew are the last humans on Earth, re-populating is going to be hard, it's like 10 women in the whole boat right?

    Maybe they could rescue the scientist's wife from the Russians or something.

    That was the plot of the source novel. Only everybody was proving sterile. So the men were taking turns all trying to impregnate the few women.
  8. Yes, when did the position of President's Daughter and Official Hostess become part of the chain of command?


    I have a real hard time with all the so-called admirals and generals advising the president and none of them appear over 40, if that. Heller and Boudreau are the only 2 guys with any gray hair in the room.



    They called the character played by Philip Winchester (blonde guy who plays Stonebridge on Strike Back) "Colonel". Why would a mere colonel (whether Army or Marines, doesn't matter) be in the inner circle of the President? And why would he be in a position of making decisions? Did all the generals (and I have to believe there are a lot of them) get killed off?


    He was an Army Infantry Colonel. I too wondered what he was doing there. He did not have the distinctive uniform tassels that a general's aide or the nuclear code "football" carrier would have. The way he pressed his case I thought the American coup d'etat was about to began.


    I haven't bothered to learn anyone's names yet, but to the girl and guy having Romantical Problems: he was being a douche and dickhead and I'm glad she wouldn't let him pawn off his bullshit on her. There are other fish in the sea, honey! Surely there's someone else on that ship you could hook up with.

     From an episode thread.


    That finally brought the book back into focus some decades after reading. The major plot seemed to be that the few female sailors were going to be responsible for repopulating the world and saving the human race but everybody seemed to be sterile as all 150 something men got their shot at fatherhood with the twenty something women, for the sake of humanity.

  10. According to wiki Kent MCord would have been around 40, depending on the exact year of the episode and Connie Stevens is just four years older than him. Now mid 40s the age difference is nothing. Back when Adam-12 was in production the ages they gave the characters in the Jack Webb acting troupe seems surreal. When the parents of teenagers were brought in my first thought is they are the grandparents and legal guardians, as many played the parents in the 50s version of Dragnet also.

  11. Raja: LOL saw that, loved when they found the car used in a hit-and-run, and Reed just pulls the bloody scrap of dress out from the headlight--crucial evidence-- and no one thinks to leave it there, and take a picture, or anything.

    A witness is asked for ID...and when she hands over her drivers license---a piece of paper--they ask if it's her correct address and she says no she moved but she wrote her new address, herself, in pen, on the back. And they consider that just fine.

    Actually California still issues a little piece of paper where you write your address in on the back when you report an address change to the DMV. I suppose they can swipe the magnetic strip now if there were a question

  12. Just caught a 1969 episode. How things have changed in the CSI era. There was a homicide hit and run but it was Sunday so no detectives from accident investigations were on duty and homicide passed on the case in a way seen only on The Wire. There was the old chalk outline as the body was covered and moved and no gloves when they found the murder weapon.

    • Love 1
  13. Not the ending I expected.  The good guy with a gun never follows through. 



    I beg to differ, but then I am middle aged and watching Magnum PI in 1982. Did You See The Sunrise, where Magnum and Ric murder the Soviet spy Ivan on his way to deportation


    Now it did work for Fargo also but for a second there after the chest shots I was thinking that Malvo was the Devil himself.

    • Love 1
  14. Between the four characters who spanned the length of the show (Hawkeye, Margaret, Klinger and Mulcahy) the time stretch is most obvious with her: someone's hair will not normally change from dirty blonde to gray to white in two years' time.

    Well to give the benefit of doubt it wasn't just any two years, it was two years in a war zone. And as a Major she would have been older the the other nurses

  15. Add me to the list of "where the heck are the London cops?"  Not that anything ever makes 100% sense in the world of 24, but my understanding is that regular citizens in London don't have hand guns.  Meanwhile Navarro and Jack are running through the streets brandishing weapons, at 8 p.m. to 9 p.m., Navarro clock a cop and takes his gun, and no one even seems to be bothered.  Maybe in the world of 24 Londoners are used to crazy Americans chasing each other with guns?  It just struck me extra silly.  Like the exploding "thumb drive" of yore.


    I was doubtful at first, but Kate has turned out to be my favorite partner in action for Jack (Chloe is the best at what she does, but she's rarely is in the gun battles and whatnot) in all the series.

    Well now we come to 24 being in real time with a clock ticking on screen. From the time Navarro assaulted the cop with the assault rifle and the civilians on that scenes fleeing before he opened fire on Jack to his arrest was like three minutes. Perhaps they should have had sirens as the local police moved in, in the background noise but that would have broken away from Jack attacking alone.

  16. First thing, I am not sure I've ever seen a Tyler Perry movie. "Why did I get married?" may be a Tyler Perry movie, and I saw that one. But only same race couples. Second thing, I didn't expand my statement very well. I meant movies that don't obsess over the fact that the couple is interracial. Because Ashton Kutcher was in a movie with Bernie Mac called "Guess Who?" which has an interracial couple as the lead characters but focuses on their differences the entire time.


    You are right though. The movies are being made, and I'm just not seeing them. 

    Going back to the biracial angle Sharon Leal, who played Tyler Perry's mate in the movie Why Did I Get Married.  almost always plays straight Black characters. She has a Filipino mother. At the moment American TV which does not have to attract a global audience is more likely to have multiracial couples, especially in the background or as girlfriend of the week then the big movies. Sideways is playing on Sundance this weekend and Sandra Oh among other Asian actresses often are cast with no racial angle mentioned especially in the smaller Art House movies which are not expecting billions of dollars worldwide with the different nations cultural sensitivities needing to be accounted for. 

  17. It was more than a single Howling Commando. Look at the scenes of the SSR training camp. The USO War Bond Tours and the smiling intergrated faces. at the forward base that Captain America returned the freed POWs to. And at the end a man from America of 1945 has zero reaction to a Black man clearly in charge not even to notice the improvements over his time.

  18. I put the food question up on another board. it was suggested that Nathan James had loaded out like a submarine would. But nobody could fan wave the fuel issues. Especially in she was maneuvering for the cover story weapons testing.

  19. My pal who served on a carrier says not so much on a smaller ship like that. A carrier would have a contigent of Marines but a smaller ship like that, not so much. Realistically the crew of a ship is never going to ALSO lead ground assaults in a normal Navy situation.

    Maybe they are back with Iraq over and Afganistan winding down but the Marine detachments aboard aircraft carriers were removed. Some sailors would be trained for boarding parties and anti piracy missions. Now Nathan James is carring an artic warfare naval team with a war dog but I am not sure if they are SEALs or not. They have not been portrayed with the cinematic swagger that SEALs normally are on TV/movies.


    As for the contractor, maybe in future episodes the crew will correct this but it seemed wrong for him to be using the sarcastic "Commodore" reference to the Captain. And now that the Captain has recruited him for the crew he needs to be put in line just as the XO was. Even if the President, we were only down to the House Speaker in the line of succession unless I missed something at the end, and the authority she wields is paper only.

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