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  1. When I first read that The Golden Bachelor was a go, I wondered if it was pronounced with the "G" and "en" silent, lol. And I agree with Yogisbooboo64: Kathy looks amazingly like Caitlyn Jenner. Once I saw it, it couldn't be unseen.
  2. This show is rendered almost unwatchable by the actions of Bailey. She is rude, sarcastic, just generally mean and, worst of all, a backtalker. If I had, as a teenager, exhibited any of Bailey's characteristics, my dad would have gotten me in shape in the first 15 minutes. I wonder what the writers' purpose was to make her so salty. Just for an interest point? So she can can redeem herself in the end and become the kind, respectful teenager we knew/hoped she could be? I think this show would have been more palatable had they turned down the snarkiness said and the disrespect shown by Bailey.
  3. I've been watching this show sort of off and on and I haven't read many previous comments on other episodes or the entirety of this episode's comments so if I am writing what has already been stated, I apologize. Is anyone else sympathetic to Kathleen in the loss of her brother Michael, I think it is? Henry took the most kind and forgiving man he had ever known, the best man he had ever known, the leader of his people, and sacrificed him for Henry's own brother. Kathleen loves her brother just as much as Henry loves his. Michael probably could have kept their whole movement going, so, additionally, Henry essentially sacrificed all the people in his movement. Yes, Sam has/had leukemia, and Henry was understandably heartbroken over this. But now Michael, Henry, Sam and Kathleen are dead or infected. Isn't one person killing another innocent person for their own reasons an act that, in normal times, we put people in jail for? I'm team Kathleen all the way. If my beloved brother had been sacrificed to a group that was going to (probably) torture and was going to kill him, I'd be doing what she did. This is an interesting show. A disease that affects the entire population, those who have this disease preying on the population that has not been infected, people trying to survive, good and bad fighting it out, and, wow, even a character that is deaf. I think this show has already been done, and, imho, the first show was done a lot better.
  4. Just started watching but glad smart ass daughter Sarah is out of the picture. That is all.
  5. Gina told Clint she is not attracted to gingers/redheads. He told the group he generally dated women who are slender/athletic. He didn't say he wasn't attracted to Gina. What's the problem? What did I miss? Nicole was so magnanimous! She graciously accepted Clint's apology for the group--after all, if Gina is ok with it, then they will accept it, too. Shut up, Nicole. You're not involved in this marriage--pipe down. Jasmine is attractive but beauty contest winner? How many were in the pageant--2?
  6. I'm confused. This thread is titled for the matchmaking special; today's show is S16, E1 Marry Me in Tennessee. Is there a separate thread for tonight's show or are we piggybacking onto the matchmaking special thread. Am I missing something?
  7. So you think Krysten had a nose job? I can (usually) never tell extensions vs real hair and a God-given nose from one that emerged from under the knife. It does look a bit...unusual at the tip. Honestly, if I were Krysten and paid for a nose job and that was the result, I would sue the mess out of the doctor. (Of course, if it's natural, she probably has her great- grandmother's nose, in which case it's adorable.) Yes, Nate's friend appears to be a weasel. She's cooing to Stacia that Stacia is now part of "their family" and how she can't wait to go hiking with her. I'm thinking this is all under the pretense of being her friend so she can continue to stay close with Nate. For her part, Stacia did not look pleased, probably thinking that she has enough friends and Nate's friend can take a long hike off a short pier. Also, is it that unusual to have been proposed to 3 times, such that you have to keep talking about it ad nauseum?
  8. After seeing Mitch snap at the hairdresser, I think he's going to turn out to be a big whiny baby. Dude, relax--the beard looks fine even if it's not the way you usually wear it. I'm starting to feel a little sorry for Krysten. and I predict that feeling will grow exponentially as the season progresses. Nate is too street for Stacia. Unless there is a match out there whose frugality is on par with Binh's, I can't imagine that a marriage could be successful. I definitely don't think that Morgan is the one for him. (And vice versa.)
  9. Alexis and Justin look like a real life Jack Sprat and his wife. Right off the bat, Alexis criticizes Justin for doing high fives, which she tells him she finds corny. Wow, rein it in, girl. You've got the rest of your life to criticize him. Or actually, the way these weddings go, you probably don't.
  10. If I were one of the guys getting married to either Lindy, Krysten, Morgan or Alexis, I would just go ahead and file for divorce right now. The screaming, the tears, the pressured speech, the over the top reactions---living with that on a constant basis sounds more like a life sentence than the promise of a life filled with happiness. So many emojis--I think having one additional emoji that was added to the previous ones we had that merely means "disagree" would work for me.
  11. Lindsey, FFS, stop keeping score on everything you do for Mark (and anyone, actually.) You're married--you're supposed to look out for and help each other. I can't imagine being married to someone who kept a mental score card of all the ways they took over helped me in different situations and then lorded it over me every time we had an argument. Glad Mark got out--Mark FTW
  12. Dr. Viviana didn't seem to be around a lot this season, with some speculation that she might be leaving the show. She seemed extra happy tonight--wonder if her happiness is because she's exiting this shit show. . .
  13. The only thing that would make this better is if he lived in his van down by the river.
  14. I think Lindsey was either giving him a helping hand or lip service. Yuck! How come there's no emoji here for "gross" ?
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