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Posts posted by Palomar

  1. Quote

    Janelle was the one who suggested they decorate together though. I'm sure Meri would have been happy to just do the decorations alone, but Janelle asked to help.

    True, but most likely only because there was an established story line this season about Meri and Janelle improving their relationship.  It was probably the idea of a producer or Janelle trying to show she was trying.  I'd rather see them go out to a local restaurant/bar and try to have a real conversation and have some fun. Janelle was definitely out of her element.

    • Love 3
  2. Quote

    I agree. I used to think Jenelle was depressed. Now I think she's just lazy and manipulative. She seems unaware of the basic work needed to put on a holiday party for 70-ish people, and she just wanders around, pretending to "help."

    OR the TLC folks are giving her a very bad edit. 

    As someone who is NOT the artsy crafty type myself and who is very bored by the process, I think that Janelle just has no desire to do any of that.  In the past she was the one who was working all day and other sister wives did any necessary decorating so it was also a matter of not having time. I don't see it as being lazy....more like capitalizing on people's strengths and weaknesses. Janelle would much rather work (someone had to). In the past, Meri would probably rather decorate (now she has her catfishing enterprise and fallout going down so maybe she has less time and interest for decorating as well).   

    • Love 2
  3. The way all the family members who were opposed to the marriages all turned up at the last minute (after the tension of "will they show up") makes me really think most of this show was scripted from the beginning.  If so, they sure dragged it on way too long.  Regardless, the brother making the wedding start an hour late (if true) is unforgiveable.

    • Love 2
  4. Very glad to see Eugene's mom actually acting like a grandma and seeing that she does have a relationship with the baby.  I was amazed that his brother has a girlfriend. Good luck to her if she marries him.


    Still no words for Ashlyn.  She actually thinks she can prevent the marriage just because she disapproves?  Of course Briana is the one at fault here.  She should just say, accept the marriage or see you later. 

    • Love 1
  5. Bravo should not bring Porsha back for another season.  Three strikes should equal out.  When some of the cast are reluctant to engage her and the rest are on alert to always be prepared to beat her ass then the work atmosphere has become too toxic with her.  Her responses showed that the anger management is not working.



    Bravo is the one who promotes all the altercations....they are ratings boosters.  The Porsha/Kenya reunion footage was ratings gold.  Not saying it is right to get physical and enough is enough but every one of these ladies is volatile and Bravo loves it.  Porsha acts fine on Dish Nation when someone is not baiting her.  If she is getting help, that is a positive thing.  I think some of the other ladies could join her in Anger Management sessions.

    • Love 9
  6. I guess that I'm in the minority, but to me, Nina is the worst character. I couldn't believe it when she told the daughter to go home, on her bike, barely a teenager, at night... I also couldn't believe that after the fiasco of the arrest and conviction of the neighbor that they would let her anywhere near his assault care-wow is that department setting themselves up for massive lawsuits all because of her. I also can't stand that she can't/doesn't show any emotion or facial inflections. In the preview when she was all "I have a plan...." I can't believe the parents didn't just slam the door in her face as everything she has done as a police officer has been just wrong.



    Exactly!  The ultimate unprofessional.  Everything about this case is a conflict of interest with the affair and getting the original wrongful conviction.  No way in hell would this "detective" still be on this case. 


    All I could think about with their "first time" was the smell of urine. So gross. 

  7. It is kind of amazing how Eugene's parents experienced being shunned because of their religion and know how that feels, but are doing the same thing to Samantha and even their grandchild.  She should only convert if she wants to....I doubt it will make much difference anyway.


    The gay couple:  The one guy gets it (whose parents are against the marriage) that it is ridiculous to go into debt for their wedding. The other guy is living in a fantasy world.  No one is contributing so you have to have the wedding you can afford. You can have a wonderful wedding without all the bells and whistles.  Having an extravagant wedding does not prove anything. Why 150 people...you don't have to invite everyone you know.  Btw, is this show contributing to the weddings? 


    Who cares if your cousin approves of your marriage!  It is her loss if she does not want to come to the wedding or accept her cousin's new husband.  It should not even be an issue.  Why should he have to explain himself. 

    • Love 2
  8. Mar 18 2016. 10:41 am


    I am enjoying this show so far.  I don't think Engene is observant at all, but he does want his parents to accept his wife.  I think it is a mistake for the producers to suggest that Eugene is religious at all.  He probably does love his parents, though, and I can buy that he wants their acceptance.    I am deeply troubled by his parents' having apparently completely rejected their grandchild.  And all the talk about marriage being "too soon" seems ridiculous!  The white Southern dad has accepted his black grandchild and is apparently trying hard to be polite and not racist, and the Christian dad is embarrasingly ignorant about Judaism and Christianity, but again, he is trying. But these Ukrainian immigrant Jewish parents are rude...just plain rude.  The father of the one gay man who is having so much difficulty accepting his son's homosexuality and the reality of gay marriage is at least trying to be polite.  I am surprised Eugene's parents even agree to appear on the show.  How have they been persuaded to do so?



    I can't believe that the Jewish parents are not accepting of their grandson.  That alone speaks volumes. You would think they would be happy they are getting married.  The situation does not mean their son is no longer Jewish.  They are so rigid that everything has to be THEIR way and they are so superior to everyone else who doesn't think like them.  Their other son is the WORST.  Good luck with him ever finding any kind of wife with his attitude, Jewish or otherwise.


    And the cousin Adyline (not sure of her name).  Who the hell is she to say who her cousin should marry.  She is the worst racist on this show.


    Despite the awkwardness of the situation, I think there is potential for some of the other family members to come around.

    • Love 2
  9. Maybe they could narrow down the couples and then show them vids of the potential pool and see which they say NO, ok, and YAYYYYY too?

    Much like speed dating where they "list" people they might be interested in - if the other says  no , no match but nothing personal?

    Or maybe have a potential of ? 5 who each "approves" of or likes..and then surprise them at altar with one of the 5?



    Yes, something like this or even showing each finalist pictures of 50 suitors and ask which ones are deal breakers.  That would still not change the premise of marrying a complete stranger. 

    • Love 1

    Biggest fail...the relationship between the father and the cop.  Puhleeze....f*cking in an interrogation room?  Get real.


    Which is why I hate the cop and the father more than the mother even though it looks like she is the one who we are supposed to hate.  Talk about being unprofessional. I thought she wanted to be super detective. If I was the mother and found out I'd have her thrown off the case in a heartbeat and even do everything in my power to get her ass fired.  Oh yeah it was SO stressful I had to F the father because bad wifey wanted a career. 

    • Love 1
  11. I couldn't believe she reverted back to that blank dead fish stare as soon as they got to the house. It's like her face is frozen when she's alone with David.  Glad he wasn't interested in hearing her.



    He made the perfect point that NOW she wants to talk.  I would have much more respect for her if she didn't keep bringing the BS of not being faithful to her as the reason for the failure. She is a horrible actress that she was outraged...she was more likely thrilled that she now had her excuse. She was checked out the second she saw him and he wasn't the Prince Charming she fantasized about.  She did the bare minimum to play out her contract. 

    • Love 6
  12. At this point I think it's time to chuck the previous season finalists and reach back into the hopper for a decent Bachelorette. I think it's time for Clare from Juan Pablo's season to get the lead. She'd be a kick.


    I'm thinking Lauren B or JoJo whoever isn't F1 (assuming they are the final 2 but I'm not spoiled).  Can't see any of the rest captivating 28 men or whatever the number is these days. Caila is too out there and don't think it would be that easy to find enough guys wanting to be an instant dad for Amanda to be the one.  I would love Clare as well but it seems like after you have appeared on BiP or BP that they don't bring you back (in most cases that is a very good thing). Do they ever have F2 as the Bachelorette or do they need to announce the lead while the final rose ceremony is being played out?

  13. There was absolutely no reason for the Ashley I. drama to be included in this special.  The show needs to let this storyline go and most of all Ashley looks pathetic crying for a guy who has always only wanted to be friends.  I wonder if they are keeping Ashley around just in case none of Ben's rejects are Bachelorette-worthy. Let's hope not.

    • Love 3


    It's almost stunning to me to see how much less I enjoy this show now that Juliette is back. She never bothered me as much as others but now I can't stand the sight of her. She's the very definition of "no one was clamoring."



    ITA.  It was very easy to get used to Juliette being killed off.  I didn't realize how annoying she was even before she turned into the evil Juliette.  Was really hoping she would not return but of course that was bound to happen. There is just no redeeming her even as Eve no matter what develops. There are certain things that are unforgivable and Juliette crossed that boundary. 


    I imagine there will be the Nick slowly falling for Eve as he gets to know her post transformation, ala Adalind. 

  15. He's a controlling, petty asshole. Tara should've went to Thanksgiving with her family and leave Rob to have his "All-American" Thanksgiving.



    The thing is she is an adult...she could have done both.  Have her "traditional" Thanksgiving with her husband and then gone to her parent's Thanksgiving.  It's not about the food...even if she didn't eat much at her parents place, she could still visit with the family.  Obviously she doesn't want to piss him off.  It is pretty telling that he is pretty much saying there is no chance in hell that he will ever forgive them for any slights they threw his way and most of all for any money they owe him.  No wonder this is his 3rd marriage when there is no room for him ever to compromise.  There's got to be more than great sex for a marriage to work.  And who is to say she wouldn't cheat again since she did it so easily the first time after only a few months.

    • Love 2
  16. I don't know what to think about David asking out another girl. I need to hear the explanation first. Like if he was just frustrated & fed up & made a mistake, that's one thing. All David has been saying is how much he wants his marriage to work & how hard he's been trying. For him to then go outside the marriage is really slimy- especially when this process is 6 weeks long. He couldn't wait till after that if/when they decide to get divorced? I know Ashley hasn't shown any interest in David & she did just tell him she's not attracted to him. BUT she has been committed to this process even if the effort hasn't been there 100%.



    Yeah, so far we have no idea if this was a tease or what.  It could be something as innocent as the woman being someone David works with or a female friend he is commiserating with about his doomed marriage with drinks after work while Ashley is at school.  It doesn't mean he is cheating.  Plus Ashley doesn't exactly tell David what she is up to (for example when she took her exam and didn't come home for hours).  If it was a real marriage and Ashley didn't know about it....it might be a red flag, but as Ashley keeps bringing up..."they are strangers". I could be wrong of course.


    Not sure I agree Ashley has been committed to the process....it is more like she has "shown up" and that is all she thinks is required.

    • Love 6

    Ashley says "I'm trying to make this work, I'm wearing my ring and I'm here everyday" but she hardly speaks to the guy.


    She's saying this so she can point out she is fulfilling her 6 week contract when she gets criticized for not trying. I truly think that David was stunned about her comments and thought she was having a good time talking to his friends while he cooked.  Has she never hosted a party before? Why didn't she check on him to see if he needed any help since he was doing all the cooking?  If he would have followed her around and hung around her the whole party she would have been crying about needing her space.  Talk about mixed messages.  Really, David can't win here.

    • Love 11
  18. However, on Bachelor Live, he -didn't- show the good manners and kindness we've come to expect. When the caller asked if Olivia "really has bad breath like everyone says" instead of answering, "No", he accepted CHs invitation to go to commercial and then never returned to the topic.



    Or, he could have felt the question didn't deserve an answer. He still kisses her so it doesn't appear to be an issue for him whether it is true or not.

    • Love 3
  19. I think people matched with nightmares, like Davina, Jaclyn, Neil and David, should be given a date with their runners-up as a consolation prize :)


    Or, all the divorcees and runners up could meet up as a group....something like MAFS in Paradise.  Hey, there have been several match ups from Bachelor/ettes "alumni".

    • Love 7
  20. There seems to be something off to me about Ashley.



    I think it is just as she was walking down the aisle she expected this handsome prince to be at the alter and it was regular guy David.  She wanted to run but felt she couldn't and she has just been checked out ever since and going through the motions during her 6 week imprisonment.

    • Love 6
  21. I think the reason that Ashley wouldn't say any nice things about David is she is afraid that would encourage him again and he might actually touch her. OMG!  She shows more affection for David's friends and any strangers she encounters than him.  I sure hope the experts call her out on the giving 100% BS she is spouting.  I don't even mean sex...she can't even give him a hug when he does something nice or they share a moment? 


    Sam is just strange period.  Unless she acts different without the cameras, she has so many red flags you could see her coming a mile away. No wonder her parents are hoping this works.


    Free David and Neil.  They deserve better even though their egos are probably bruised by the experience. There is only so much trying you can do. Casting fail.


    Definitely rooting for Vanessa and Tres.  They make a cute couple.  Hope it isn't too good to be true.

    • Love 8
  22. The discussion about David texting another woman is from the previews that were shown at the end of the wedding episode.  We don't know why they chose to show previews that far in advance.  However, the episode synopsis for next week mentions it


    Thanks very much for the explanation.  I did not see the previews and thought I might be in a spoiler thread!

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