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Posts posted by Palomar

  1. 15 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

    I'm not saying Jim doesn't cheat on Meghan, I don't know them so I can't know.  I just think it is fairly unlikely that he left his vacation with his kids for the day to go hit on randos in Arizona (1300 miles away) and posted a picture he took of Meghan on a different day as an attempt to fool her (she is Meghan PI, after all), and that Meghan's cousin nanny just watched the kids while Jimmy did this and didn't tell Meghan.  The more obvious answer is that the unsubstantiated story posted anonymously on the internet is not true.


    Someone who was fun, SMART, accomplished, and happy wouldn't film with Vicki, so they'd just have the same problem they had previously. 

    Definitely believe that is a bogus story or someone's fantasy about Jim.  Sounds pretty far fetched that he could be two places at one time.

    Personally I think it should be in the contract that all the ladies are required to film with each other.  Not one of those ladies is better than the other. All of them lie and come up with bogus situations to try to keep relevant for the show.  Not to mention they are encouraged to come up with negative things to say about each other in their individual recaps.  That's why they have them!  Even "nice" Meghan said something snarky about Shannon's marriage. Nice is boring as far as this franchise goes.

    • Love 7
  2. On ‎8‎/‎7‎/‎2017 at 11:24 AM, funky-rat said:

    They weren't very nice to her, and demanded they sleep in separate bedrooms, etc.  But I don't recall them being out and out mean, like calling names, etc.  Just very "cold".  She did come down for breakfast dressed fairly inappropriately for someone who is a guest in someone's home, IMO, but YMMV.  I do recall him introducing her to all of his friends, and they seemed to warm up to her quickly, so her complaints about that seem a bit unfounded.  Ultimately they moved out and got their own apartment before the wedding.  There was the standard "using him for a green card" talk, and some cracks about her not being able to cook his favorite dishes, or something like that.

    Well we have seen from this show that using him/her for a green card is not an unfounded concern.  I wonder if Russ would have brought her back and married her if he knew she would give an ultimatum (and it is) that she was moving to Miami with or without him.   It would be very interesting to see (if they broke up and once the TLC money is gone) how she would support herself in Miami.  She's obviously not willing to go anywhere else even if Russ found a great job making what he did before. 

    • Love 2
  3. 19 hours ago, Jaclyn88 said:

    I understand why the other z list people would do a show like this , but I think karina should have turned it down . She's a D list celeb but this show makes it seem like she doesn't value herself as that and is giving in to Z list for a paycheck 

    Yeah, thought it was strange when the women had the PussyCat Dolls chick showing them how to dance and appear sexy.  I somehow don't think a pro like Karina would need these lessons but to her credit she went along. I'm not sure the other "celebs" there have a clue about what their fellow participants claim to fame is.

  4. 1 hour ago, gonecrackers said:

    Why are Naya & Danny still in the house? They're married supposedly, so they should have to leave.

    They mentioned during the last potential engagement ceremony that married couples would remain in the house for a certain period getting some sort of marriage counseling. I wondered why at first too.

  5. 2 hours ago, diadochokinesis said:

    I just wish Meghan would have specifically brought up the faking cancer and cancer scam bit in front of everybody.  Stop dancing around it and just call it out. Vicki isn't the victim. You faked cancer with your boyfriend, got found out, and went off on everybody.  

    Seriously?  There was already a whole season devoted to this.  We know how everyone feels about it...do we need to dredge it up again and again.  This show needs to move on from this storyline. Talk about beating a dead horse.

    • Love 2
  6. On ‎8‎/‎7‎/‎2017 at 9:38 PM, Misslindsey said:

    Please Tamra and Shannon hold your ground and do not give into Vicki. I may have my issues with both of them, but if the continue to not be friends with Vicki it will be a win in my book.

    I am barely hanging on to watching this season. My lack of anything to watch during the summer is the only reason why I keep tuning in. If they got rid of Kelly and Vicki I might be more interested.

    Seriously, all of these ladies are pretty much the same. Tamra and Shannon are no better than Vicki.  The only thing (besides Aspen) that is remotely entertaining is when the ladies are all together and film together.  The individual stuff is a snoozefest.  It's actually childish and unrealistic to sign up for this show and expect to avoid anyone.  The conflict and drama is promoted by the producers....it is what they want and the only reason why anyone watches.  Shannon needs to get off her high horse...it's getting old.

    • Love 5
  7. 33 minutes ago, bantering said:

    On another note, I guess  he looked a little depressed, and  perhaps  that  makes people feel sorry for him, but I don't understand why any guy would go on  THIS particular show  if they think  they can  convince a woman not to want to  get engaged. The women who go one  this show go in with the mindset of nabbing a ring. The premise of the show is somewhat  like the idea of going for an arranged marriage....except with, er, sex and televised loud open-mouthed kissing.  Maybe she went for her second-choice,  as people have speculated, but sometimes that happens with arrangements.

    Yeah, Peter seemed almost surprised she wouldn't go for a future of "dating" when all along she said over and over again she was there for marriage.  I always thought Bryan was the one (not being spoiled) and the favorite and it seemed the other men did as well. I would have been shocked if she would have picked Peter.  Maybe part of what went down at the end is the wanting what you can't have  (which might have been something she discussed in therapy...who knows).  She would have "hated" being pegged as the first Bachelorette not to get engaged and having everyone constantly asking "when are you getting engaged". She lived that before (just not in the public eye). 

    Would definitely prefer Dean over Peter as the Bachelor (not knowing what happens with Dean in BIP). Not sure if either are ready for marriage, but when you look at the track record, not too many of the Bachelors have been.

    • Love 2
  8. 10 hours ago, backformore said:

    Bryan: Rachel, will you marry  me?

    Rachel: well, Peter didn't propose, so yeah. 

    That was the unspoken question last night.  IF Peter would have said he was now ready to propose, would she have picked him the next day at the ceremony? 

    Or, would she still have picked Bryan and only wanted/needed to know that F2 was truly into her and "willing" to propose?

    • Love 2
  9. 11 hours ago, b2H said:

    Peter is the only level-headed one in the group for not wanting to rush into something that is a life long commitment after only eight weeks and knowing she slept with at least two other men within the week of proposal.  Think about it.

    Perhaps, but why would he, being so level-headed, even go on a show like this knowing he couldn't propose after 8 weeks......the travel, fame, adventure, possibility of being the next Bachelor?

    • Love 7
  10. As far as the whole 2nd "wedding" for Chantal and Pedro goes, I imagine it was the idea of producers (and being paid for by TLC along with the whole trip).  I can't imagine Pedro's family paying for it or even caring about being part of a wedding at all.  I do however think that Pedro's sister is loving the cameras (and perhaps the mother to a lesser extent) and definitely using her very brief platform. I'm sure the chicken feet thing partly went down because of the cameras too.

    Chantal and Pedro need to agree on a certain amount to send back home and stick with it...an amount they both can live with (even though I don't blame Chantal for not wanting to support his ungrateful sister no matter what the "culture" is.   If it is an unstated amount that is open ended, this will never be resolved.

    • Love 2
  11. 13 hours ago, poeticlicensed said:

    So he basically has to slog through the jungle  for days but his girlfriend has internet? I don't get it. 

    And just like Dani, the woman with the Dutch boy toy says she is doing it for her kids. Yeah right.

    How desperate do you have to be to make that much effort to meet someone who is probably a con artist.  The health risk alone is insane.

    Yeah, Darcey is just as disillusioned at Dani.  And I don't think her daughters "need" a 24 year old step-dad.  Does this guy even know that Darcey is 42 and has 2 kids (and lives with her sister)?  Doesn't she get that IF this guy comes over here (and looks like his picture) that he will have all kinds of opportunities here (besides her) once he gets his green card.  Darcey meet Dani and don't think you have anything on her because you are just as disillusioned.

    And the other dude.  What makes you think your girl is going to dump her sugar daddy for you? She's just adding on.

    • Love 6
  12. 13 hours ago, Dashing Off said:

    Pedro and Chantel's families are both disrespectful. If they don't care about her culture, why should she care about there's? Not that Chantel made anything better. She just made it worse. But Pedro's family didn't even try to listen. Honestly, both are toxic.

    Exactly!  The sister is the worst!  Make no mistake about it, Chantel is the reason your sorry ass is living in that apartment.  Apparently she doesn't understand the saying "don't bite the hand that feeds you". At least be grateful and STFU. Yes it is Pedro sending home money but if it wasn't for Chantel, he would not be able to do that and he would need that money to live on. 

    • Love 14
  13. 14 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

    They are beyond that.  They both need their heads examined.  There is something seriously wrong with them.  Cody is a wuss and Danielle is ..... What?  There are no words.  And the experts think all this is normal?   They are clapping and laughing with happiness.  I just want to rip their heads off.

    Danielle says she isn't "in love" yet as her reason for not having sex.  Seriously?  It's not like she is a virgin. Was she in love before having sex with her other boyfriends? The population would be cut in half if being in love was a prerequisite for sex!   Is she even attracted to him? Do, they have foreplay or kiss or is it just completely platonic? Hey Danielle, maybe you will fall in love by having sex.  It's the natural progression if you are having "any" kind of a physical relationship.  This isn't a show to find the perfect roommate.  Free Cody if this is never going to happen. 

    • Love 4
  14. On ‎8‎/‎1‎/‎2017 at 10:23 PM, Vicky8675309 said:

    I'm not sure where to put this (here or in The Bachelorette) but Chad (meat loving douchebag guy) is on the current season of Celebrity Big Brother UK. I'm just catching up on it via streaming and I'm still on launch night (1st episode) but his entrance video (they call these things a VT) is funny. I wonder he will "play" this and how long before he is nominated and evicted.....This season may actually end up being interesting.

    edit: Mods, please move this post to the appropriate place if this is not where it belongs. Thanks

    He's also currently on Famously Single which is still running.  Looks like he is making the reality show circuit.

    • Love 2
  15. On ‎8‎/‎1‎/‎2017 at 6:32 PM, lettsjetts said:

    Thanks for the info!  Do you have a link showing she claimed the Cuban man was her father as far back as 2011?

    I am following this because I know Josh's family.  When I compare Aleksandra to Vlad and this Cuban man, well, it seems so obvious to me! Ah well, what do I know?! ;) 

    I can understand how Josh's parents would be disappointed that the baby is not his.   It's not a great way to start out a marriage that your son's new wife cheated on him already and got pregnant by someone other than their son..  I don't think that the baby being half black is even the problem....it's more a disappointment that the baby is not biologically their sons more than being a racial thing.  This said not knowing the parents at all or their views.  Just saying it is understandable that they would be disappointed.  I'm sure the whole family will eventually accept the baby if they haven't already.  Still doesn't mean they don't wish the baby was Josh's.

    • Love 8
  16. 2 hours ago, slade3 said:

    Dean says he isn't ready to be the next bachelor. I liked what Dean had to say about his father's religion and tolerance. I could see him being the next bachelor.

    While I think Kenny had many of the right ingredients to be the next bachelor, his downfall could be his inability to pull back on the cursing when he's feeling emotional. They kept bleeping him last night when he was addressing Lee. While I doubt he'd have a reason to curse as the bachelor, I think it would be seen as a strike against him by ABC execs. 

    Thanks for the link SLADE3.  I noticed that even though Dean said he wasn't ready, he left the door open a bit for the possibility.

    • Love 1
  17. 9 hours ago, ChristmasJones said:

    Danny and Yesnaya have grown on me-  I know this is reality TV, but I'm rooting for them. Her son is so cute. It would be great if things actually work out between them, they seem like a good match.

    Naya did make a beautiful bride and it was nice how she tried to include his parents and tried to reassure them that it was a real relationship (as real as a 2 week relationship can be!)  Hope it works out for the son's sake as well.

    • Love 2
  18. 10 hours ago, yorklee2 said:

    Oh well I guess we won't get to see his handsome face as Bach and what he said makes a lot of sense. Actually makes me like him that much more for being perceptive enough to realize that. But still..would have been nice to see him as lead. Maybe he will reconsider if next season's bachelors are all duds and he's not seriously involved with someone. We can always hope.

    When was that interview?  Maybe after his experience on BIP he feels differently now.  I am assuming that the filming is already over.  Of course have no idea if he finds a gf on BIP.  I kind of see them going with Dean (if he changes his mind) or possibly Kenny and playing up the single father thing ala the Jason season.

    • Love 2
  19. 2 hours ago, Granny58 said:

    Not sure that is America hubris as much as it is practicality.   I 100% understand helping family members who are struggling.  When my dad was a young, single military man he sent money home every month to his parents - a coal miner and a housewife.  It certainly was never enough for luxury items (of the day) but would have gone for actual living expenses.  Who would begrudge that?  Nobody.   He did stop when he got married as he then had a spouse to support...and his parents expected that.  My family isn't of Caribbean or Hispanic heritage so I realize cultures vary, and it does seem Pedro is "the man of the house," but when you have the responsibility of a spouse (and possibly children), then making sure mom and family have essentials is okay.  Making sure they have luxuries is acceptable only when there is plenty of money in the first place.  

    That's the thing.  Helping is very understandable but "supporting" is another thing.  When you are paying someone's rent every month, it sounds more like supporting than helping out. Do we even know if Pedro contributes anything to his own household?  Is he forking over his entire paycheck to his family?  Not knowing the details makes it harder to judge.

    Also, what gets me the most is the entitlement that Pedro's mother and (worst of all) sister are throwing out there.  They should be thankful for any help they are getting but not expect it and bitch about the pre-nup..  Sorry sista, you might want to think about finding a job yourself and helping your mother out like Pedro is doing. 

    • Love 2
  20. 11 minutes ago, Madding crowd said:

    Cody really wanted Danielle to say she wanted a divorce-he just didn't want to be the bad guy. No way is this marriage lasting. I think Danielle just didn't want to look like the bad guy here, so she is going to ride it out a bit and them quietly leave off camera. These two were very mismatched. 

    Cody was going to go the same way as whatever Danielle decided. I'm sure he had rehearsed in his mind what he was going to say for both scenarios.

    It's pretty basic, one of the experts mentioned that Danielle wanted a manly-man and that is why she was paired with Cody.  Cody is a decent guy but not what most of us would consider a manly-man! Just because you own a gym and are fit, that does not make you one.  But who knows, if Danielle really wants to be married, she may give it a shot with Cody now that the cameras are gone and the pressure as well. 

    Nate and Sheila will always have a roller coaster marriage but some people make that work.  It's kind of like the Elizabeth Taylor/Richard Burton type of relationship (for those who remember).

    • Love 7
  21. 2 hours ago, MrSmith said:

    I don't understand why she isn't prioritizing a bigger apartment if that's such a big deal to her. She doesn't need the ring, the new car, or the party. I would argue the second wedding ceremony is more for his family than it is something she desperately wants.

    Have they mentioned who is paying for the wedding?  I am assuming Pedro from the money he has been sending?  During their initial season, I thought they were in love but just made stupid decisions.   I can't see this working now.  It is fine for Pedro to send "some" money home but he should also be contributing to his and Chantel's household.  Plus, since she is going to school, I imagine most of her income is from TLC which is temporary (unless there is enough drama to last another season). 

    Let's not forget the "filming" aspect of what went down.  Pedro's mom and sister were definitely driving home their point (to the cameras as well) that the chicken wing disrespect was because of the pre-nup.  Both the mom and sister made mention of being upset about the pre-nup during filming before the family even arrived. It was pretty much the first thing they mentioned.

    I would not have been able to bring myself to eat any meat after the chicken feet episode either, but Chantel's family should have at least gotten out of the van to meet the grandmother and the other relatives.  They could have just made a pretense of eating some of the food (or said they were on a strict diet). There was a crew there so I doubt any voo doo was going down!

    Best rule on traveling and arriving in any city, go to the hotel first and unwind before meeting up with any family/friends. It's always best to meet up the next day even if possible.  Why would they have gone on this long journey to the grandma's so late at night?  Wait until the next day when you can see the scenery!

    • Love 5
  22. With all the Chantel/Pedro family drama forgot to mention my growing disdain for Pao.  I didn't see the original season that showed the Russ and Pao story so maybe she was not always so selfish.  Just have to say....Pao, you do NOT have a career and you are NOT a model. You have to actually have a gig first before you can claim that. Not to mention it has taken Pao two months to realize that she is not even on her agent's radar or more importantly on her computer.   Maybe someday, but you are asking your husband to give up a house and his schooling to support something that doesn't even exist except in your own mind.  Maybe face a little reality before dishing out ultimatums. The TLC money supporting your party lifestyle will not be there forever.

    Wish that Alexi and Loren could get his family out here.  Of course they have problems too, but at least there seems to be real love there.  It just seems that all the other couples have their own agendas.  Of course Danielle and Mohammed aren't even a couple.

    • Love 3
  23. 16 minutes ago, MrSmith said:

    I would have eaten them or at least tried them. It's rude to reject food someone else has offered you. It's the one universal truth about humanity: we come together over our meals.

    Under normal conditions I would agree.  But not when they won't even sit with you and eat them too.  Not when they are smirking and laughing "waiting" to see if you are going to try them.  Something was up there....especially when they admitted they never eat this kind of food (Pedro either).  It was definitely pre-nup revenge time.

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